/* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2003 Reinhold Kainhofer Copyright (c) 2003 Cornelius Schumacher Copyright (c) 2008 Ron Goodheart This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "calprintdefaultplugins.h" #include "calprintincidenceconfig_base.h" #include "calprintdayconfig_base.h" #include "calprintweekconfig_base.h" #include "calprintmonthconfig_base.h" #include "calprinttodoconfig_base.h" static TQString cleanString( const TQString &instr ) { TQString ret = instr; return ret.replace( '\n', ' ' ); } /************************************************************** * Print Incidence **************************************************************/ CalPrintIncidence::CalPrintIncidence() : CalPrintPluginBase() { } CalPrintIncidence::~CalPrintIncidence() { } TQWidget *CalPrintIncidence::createConfigWidget( TQWidget *w ) { return new CalPrintIncidenceConfig_Base( w ); } void CalPrintIncidence::readSettingsWidget() { CalPrintIncidenceConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { mUseColors = cfg->mColors->isChecked(); mShowOptions = cfg->mShowDetails->isChecked(); mShowSubitemsNotes = cfg->mShowSubitemsNotes->isChecked(); mShowAttendees = cfg->mShowAttendees->isChecked(); mShowAttachments = cfg->mShowAttachments->isChecked(); } } void CalPrintIncidence::setSettingsWidget() { CalPrintIncidenceConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mColors->setChecked( mUseColors ); cfg->mShowDetails->setChecked(mShowOptions); cfg->mShowSubitemsNotes->setChecked(mShowSubitemsNotes); cfg->mShowAttendees->setChecked(mShowAttendees); cfg->mShowAttachments->setChecked(mShowAttachments); } } void CalPrintIncidence::loadConfig() { if ( mConfig ) { mUseColors = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Use Colors", false ); mShowOptions = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Options", false ); mShowSubitemsNotes = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Subitems and Notes", false ); mShowAttendees = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Use Attendees", false ); mShowAttachments = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Use Attachments", false ); } setSettingsWidget(); } void CalPrintIncidence::saveConfig() { readSettingsWidget(); if ( mConfig ) { mConfig->writeEntry( "Use Colors", mUseColors ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Show Options", mShowOptions ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Show Subitems and Notes", mShowSubitemsNotes ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Use Attendees", mShowAttendees ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Use Attachments", mShowAttachments ); } } class TimePrintStringsVisitor : public IncidenceBase::Visitor { public: TimePrintStringsVisitor() {} bool act( IncidenceBase *incidence ) { return incidence->accept( *this ); } TQString mStartCaption, mStartString; TQString mEndCaption, mEndString; TQString mDurationCaption, mDurationString; protected: bool visit( Event *event ) { if ( event->dtStart().isValid() ) { mStartCaption = i18n( "Start date: " ); mStartString = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString( event->dtStart(), event->doesFloat(), false ); } else { mStartCaption = i18n( "No start date" ); mStartString = TQString::null; } if ( event->hasEndDate() ) { mEndCaption = i18n( "End date: " ); mEndString = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString( event->dtEnd(), event->doesFloat(), false ); } else if ( event->hasDuration() ) { mEndCaption = i18n("Duration: "); int mins = event->duration() / 60; if ( mins >= 60 ) { mEndString += i18n( "1 hour ", "%n hours ", mins/60 ); } if ( mins%60 > 0 ) { mEndString += i18n( "1 minute ", "%n minutes ", mins%60 ); } } else { mEndCaption = i18n("No end date"); mEndString = TQString::null; } return true; } bool visit( Todo *todo ) { if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) { mStartCaption = i18n( "Start date: " ); mStartString = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString( todo->dtStart(), todo->doesFloat(), false ); } else { mStartCaption = i18n( "No start date" ); mStartString = TQString::null; } if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { mEndCaption = i18n( "Due date: " ); mEndString = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString( todo->dtDue(), todo->doesFloat(), false ); } else { mEndCaption = i18n("No due date"); mEndString = TQString::null; } return true; } bool visit( Journal *journal ) { mStartCaption = i18n( "Start date: " ); mStartString = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString( journal->dtStart(), journal->doesFloat(), false ); mEndCaption = TQString::null; mEndString = TQString::null; return true; } }; int CalPrintIncidence::printCaptionAndText( TQPainter &p, const TQRect &box, const TQString &caption, const TQString &text, TQFont captionFont, TQFont textFont ) { TQFontMetrics captionFM( captionFont ); int textWd = captionFM.width( caption ); TQRect textRect( box ); TQFont oldFont( p.font() ); p.setFont( captionFont ); p.drawText( box, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop|Qt::SingleLine, caption ); if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { textRect.setLeft( textRect.left() + textWd ); p.setFont( textFont ); p.drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop|Qt::SingleLine, text ); } p.setFont( oldFont ); return textRect.bottom(); } #include void CalPrintIncidence::print( TQPainter &p, int width, int height ) { TQFont oldFont(p.font()); TQFont textFont( "sans-serif", 11, TQFont::Normal ); TQFont captionFont( "sans-serif", 11, TQFont::Bold ); p.setFont( textFont ); int lineHeight = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); TQString cap, txt; Incidence::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it=mSelectedIncidences.begin(); it!=mSelectedIncidences.end(); ++it ) { // don't do anything on a 0-pointer! if ( !(*it) ) continue; if ( it != mSelectedIncidences.begin() ) mPrinter->newPage(); // PAGE Layout (same for landscape and portrait! astonishingly, it looks good with both!): // +-----------------------------------+ // | Header: Summary | // +===================================+ // | start: ______ end: _________ | // | repeats: ___________________ | // | reminder: __________________ | // +-----------------------------------+ // | Location: ______________________ | // +------------------------+----------+ // | Description: | Notes or | // | | Subitems | // | | | // | | | // | | | // | | | // | | | // | | | // | | | // | | | // +------------------------+----------+ // | Attachments: | Settings | // | | | // +------------------------+----------+ // | Attendees: | // | | // +-----------------------------------+ // | Categories: _____________________ | // +-----------------------------------+ TQRect box( 0, 0, width, height ); TQRect titleBox( box ); titleBox.setHeight( headerHeight() ); // Draw summary as header, no small calendars in title bar, expand height if needed int titleBottom = drawHeader( p, (*it)->summary(), TQDate(), TQDate(), titleBox, true ); titleBox.setBottom( titleBottom ); TQRect timesBox( titleBox ); timesBox.setTop( titleBox.bottom() + padding() ); timesBox.setHeight( height / 8 ); TimePrintStringsVisitor stringVis; int h = timesBox.top(); if ( stringVis.act(*it) ) { TQRect textRect( timesBox.left()+padding(), timesBox.top()+padding(), 0, lineHeight ); textRect.setRight( timesBox.center().x() ); h = printCaptionAndText( p, textRect, stringVis.mStartCaption, stringVis.mStartString, captionFont, textFont ); textRect.setLeft( textRect.right() ); textRect.setRight( timesBox.right() - padding() ); h = QMAX( printCaptionAndText( p, textRect, stringVis.mEndCaption, stringVis.mEndString, captionFont, textFont ), h ); } // Convert recurrence to a string if ( (*it)->doesRecur() ) { TQRect recurBox( timesBox.left()+padding(), h+padding(), timesBox.right()-padding(), lineHeight ); KCal::Recurrence *recurs = (*it)->recurrence(); TQString displayString = IncidenceFormatter::recurrenceString((*it)); // exception dates TQString exceptString; if ( !recurs->exDates().isEmpty() ) { exceptString = i18n("except for listed dates", " except"); for ( uint i = 0; i < recurs->exDates().size(); i++ ) { exceptString.append(" "); exceptString.append( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(recurs->exDates()[i], true) ); } } displayString.append(exceptString); h = QMAX( printCaptionAndText( p, recurBox, i18n( "Repeats: "), displayString, captionFont, textFont ), h ); } // Alarms Printing TQRect alarmBox( timesBox.left()+padding(), h+padding(), timesBox.right()-padding(), lineHeight ); Alarm::List alarms = (*it)->alarms(); if ( alarms.count() == 0 ) { cap = i18n("No reminders"); txt = TQString(); } else { cap = i18n("Reminder: ", "%n reminders: ", alarms.count() ); TQStringList alarmStrings; KCal::Alarm::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = alarms.begin(); it != alarms.end(); ++it ) { Alarm *alarm = *it; // Alarm offset, copied from koeditoralarms.cpp: TQString offsetstr; int offset = 0; if ( alarm->hasStartOffset() ) { offset = alarm->startOffset().asSeconds(); if ( offset < 0 ) { offsetstr = i18n("N days/hours/minutes before/after the start/end", "%1 before the start"); offset = -offset; } else { offsetstr = i18n("N days/hours/minutes before/after the start/end", "%1 after the start"); } } else if ( alarm->hasEndOffset() ) { offset = alarm->endOffset().asSeconds(); if ( offset < 0 ) { offsetstr = i18n("N days/hours/minutes before/after the start/end", "%1 before the end"); offset = -offset; } else { offsetstr = i18n("N days/hours/minutes before/after the start/end", "%1 after the end"); } } offset = offset / 60; // make minutes int useoffset = offset; if ( offset % (24*60) == 0 && offset>0 ) { // divides evenly into days? useoffset = offset / (24*60); offsetstr = offsetstr.arg( i18n("1 day", "%n days", useoffset ) ); } else if (offset % 60 == 0 && offset>0 ) { // divides evenly into hours? useoffset = offset / 60; offsetstr = offsetstr.arg( i18n("1 hour", "%n hours", useoffset ) ); } else { useoffset = offset; offsetstr = offsetstr.arg( i18n("1 minute", "%n minutes", useoffset ) ); } alarmStrings << offsetstr; } txt = alarmStrings.join( i18n("Spacer for the joined list of categories", ", ") ); } h = QMAX( printCaptionAndText( p, alarmBox, cap, txt, captionFont, textFont ), h ); TQRect organizerBox( timesBox.left()+padding(), h+padding(), timesBox.right()-padding(), lineHeight ); h = QMAX( printCaptionAndText( p, organizerBox, i18n("Organizer: "), (*it)->organizer().fullName(), captionFont, textFont ), h ); // Finally, draw the frame around the time information... timesBox.setBottom( QMAX( timesBox.bottom(), h+padding() ) ); drawBox( p, BOX_BORDER_WIDTH, timesBox ); TQRect locationBox( timesBox ); locationBox.setTop( timesBox.bottom() + padding() ); locationBox.setHeight( 0 ); int locationBottom = drawBoxWithCaption( p, locationBox, i18n("Location: "), (*it)->location(), /*sameLine=*/true, /*expand=*/true, captionFont, textFont ); locationBox.setBottom( locationBottom ); // Now start constructing the boxes from the bottom: TQRect footerBox( locationBox ); footerBox.setBottom( box.bottom() ); footerBox.setTop( footerBox.bottom() - lineHeight - 2*padding() ); TQRect categoriesBox( footerBox ); categoriesBox.setBottom( footerBox.top() ); categoriesBox.setTop( categoriesBox.bottom() - lineHeight - 2*padding() ); TQRect attendeesBox( box.left(), categoriesBox.top()-padding()-box.height()/9, box.width(), box.height()/9 ); TQRect attachmentsBox( box.left(), attendeesBox.top()-padding()-box.height()/9, box.width()*3/4 - padding(), box.height()/9 ); TQRect optionsBox( attachmentsBox.right() + padding(), attachmentsBox.top(), 0, 0 ); optionsBox.setRight( box.right() ); optionsBox.setBottom( attachmentsBox.bottom() ); TQRect notesBox( optionsBox.left(), locationBox.bottom() + padding(), optionsBox.width(), 0 ); notesBox.setBottom( optionsBox.top() - padding() ); TQRect descriptionBox( notesBox ); descriptionBox.setLeft( box.left() ); descriptionBox.setRight( attachmentsBox.right() ); // Adjust boxes depending on the show options... if (!mShowSubitemsNotes) { descriptionBox.setRight( box.right() ); } if (!mShowAttachments || !mShowAttendees) { descriptionBox.setBottom( attachmentsBox.bottom() ); optionsBox.setTop( attendeesBox.top() ); optionsBox.setBottom( attendeesBox.bottom() ); notesBox.setBottom( attachmentsBox.bottom() ); if (mShowOptions) { attendeesBox.setRight( attachmentsBox.right() ); } if (!mShowAttachments && !mShowAttendees) { if (mShowSubitemsNotes) { descriptionBox.setBottom( attendeesBox.bottom() ); } if (!mShowOptions) { descriptionBox.setBottom( attendeesBox.bottom() ); notesBox.setBottom( attendeesBox.bottom() ); } } } if (mShowAttachments) { if (!mShowOptions) { attachmentsBox.setRight( box.right() ); attachmentsBox.setRight( box.right() ); } if (!mShowAttendees) { attachmentsBox.setTop( attendeesBox.top() ); attachmentsBox.setBottom( attendeesBox.bottom() ); } } drawBoxWithCaption( p, descriptionBox, i18n("Description:"), (*it)->description(), /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); if ( mShowSubitemsNotes ) { if ( (*it)->relations().isEmpty() || (*it)->type() != "Todo" ) { int notesPosition = drawBoxWithCaption( p, notesBox, i18n("Notes:"), TQString::null, /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); TQPen oldPen( p.pen() ); p.setPen( Qt::DotLine ); while ( (notesPosition += int(1.5*lineHeight)) < notesBox.bottom() ) { p.drawLine( notesBox.left()+padding(), notesPosition, notesBox.right()-padding(), notesPosition ); } p.setPen( oldPen ); } else { Incidence::List relations = (*it)->relations(); TQString subitemCaption; if ( relations.count() == 0 ) { subitemCaption = i18n( "No Subitems" ); txt == ""; } else { subitemCaption = i18n( "1 Subitem:", "%1 Subitems:", relations.count() ); } Incidence::List::ConstIterator rit; TQString subitemString; TQString statusString; TQString datesString; int count = 0; for ( rit = relations.begin(); rit != relations.end(); ++rit ) { ++count; if ( !(*rit) ) { // defensive, skip any zero pointers continue; } // format the status statusString = (*rit)->statusStr(); if ( statusString.isEmpty() ) { if ( (*rit)->status() == Incidence::StatusNone ) { statusString = i18n( "no status", "none" ); } else { statusString = i18n( "unknown status", "unknown" ); } } // format the dates if provided datesString = ""; if ( (*rit)->dtStart().isValid() ) { datesString += i18n( "Start Date: %1\n").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( (*rit)->dtStart().date(), true ) ); if ( !(*rit)->doesFloat() ) { datesString += i18n( "Start Time: %1\n").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((*rit)->dtStart().time(), false, false) ); } } if ( (*rit)->dtEnd().isValid() ) { subitemString += i18n( "Due Date: %1\n").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( (*rit)->dtEnd().date(), true ) ); if ( !(*rit)->doesFloat() ) { subitemString += i18n( "subitem due time", "Due Time: %1\n").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatTime((*rit)->dtEnd().time(), false, false) ); } } subitemString += i18n("subitem counter", "%1: ", count); subitemString += (*rit)->summary(); subitemString += "\n"; if ( !datesString.isEmpty() ) { subitemString += datesString; subitemString += "\n"; } subitemString += i18n( "subitem Status: statusString", "Status: %1\n").arg( statusString ); subitemString += IncidenceFormatter::recurrenceString((*rit)) + "\n"; subitemString += i18n( "subitem Priority: N", "Priority: %1\n").arg( (*rit)->priority() ); subitemString += i18n( "subitem Secrecy: secrecyString", "Secrecy: %1\n").arg( (*rit)->secrecyStr() ); subitemString += "\n"; } drawBoxWithCaption( p, notesBox, i18n("Subitems:"), (*it)->description(), /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); } } if ( mShowAttachments ) { Attachment::List attachments = (*it)->attachments(); TQString attachmentCaption; if ( attachments.count() == 0 ) { attachmentCaption = i18n( "No Attachments" ); txt = TQString(); } else { attachmentCaption = i18n( "1 Attachment:", "%1 Attachments:", attachments.count() ); } TQString attachmentString; Attachment::List::ConstIterator ait = attachments.begin(); for ( ; ait != attachments.end(); ++ait ) { if (!attachmentString.isEmpty()) { attachmentString += i18n( "Spacer for list of attachments", " " ); } attachmentString.append((*ait)->label()); } drawBoxWithCaption( p, attachmentsBox, attachmentCaption, attachmentString, /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); } if ( mShowAttendees ) { Attendee::List attendees = (*it)->attendees(); TQString attendeeCaption; if ( attendees.count() == 0 ) attendeeCaption = i18n("No Attendees"); else attendeeCaption = i18n("1 Attendee:", "%n Attendees:", attendees.count() ); TQString attendeeString; for ( Attendee::List::ConstIterator ait = attendees.begin(); ait != attendees.end(); ++ait ) { if ( !attendeeString.isEmpty() ) attendeeString += "\n"; attendeeString += i18n("Formatting of an attendee: " "'Name (Role): Status', e.g. 'Reinhold Kainhofer " " (Participant): Awaiting Response'", "%1 (%2): %3") .arg( (*ait)->fullName() ) .arg( (*ait)->roleStr() ).arg( (*ait)->statusStr() ); } drawBoxWithCaption( p, attendeesBox, i18n("Attendees:"), attendeeString, /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); } if ( mShowOptions ) { TQString optionsString; if ( !(*it)->statusStr().isEmpty() ) { optionsString += i18n("Status: %1").arg( (*it)->statusStr() ); optionsString += "\n"; } if ( !(*it)->secrecyStr().isEmpty() ) { optionsString += i18n("Secrecy: %1").arg( (*it)->secrecyStr() ); optionsString += "\n"; } if ( (*it)->type() == "Event" ) { Event *e = static_cast(*it); if ( e->transparency() == Event::Opaque ) { optionsString += i18n("Show as: Busy"); } else { optionsString += i18n("Show as: Free"); } optionsString += "\n"; } else if ( (*it)->type() == "Todo" ) { Todo *t = static_cast(*it); if ( t->isOverdue() ) { optionsString += i18n("This task is overdue!"); optionsString += "\n"; } } else if ( (*it)->type() == "Journal" ) { //TODO: Anything Journal-specific? } drawBoxWithCaption( p, optionsBox, i18n("Settings: "), optionsString, /*sameLine=*/false, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); } drawBoxWithCaption( p, categoriesBox, i18n("Categories: "), (*it)->categories().join( i18n("Spacer for the joined list of categories", ", ") ), /*sameLine=*/true, /*expand=*/false, captionFont, textFont ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); } p.setFont( oldFont ); } /************************************************************** * Print Day **************************************************************/ CalPrintDay::CalPrintDay() : CalPrintPluginBase() { } CalPrintDay::~CalPrintDay() { } TQWidget *CalPrintDay::createConfigWidget( TQWidget *w ) { return new CalPrintDayConfig_Base( w ); } void CalPrintDay::readSettingsWidget() { CalPrintDayConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { mFromDate = cfg->mFromDate->date(); mToDate = cfg->mToDate->date(); mStartTime = cfg->mFromTime->time(); mEndTime = cfg->mToTime->time(); mIncludeAllEvents = cfg->mIncludeAllEvents->isChecked(); mIncludeTodos = cfg->mIncludeTodos->isChecked(); mUseColors = cfg->mColors->isChecked(); } } void CalPrintDay::setSettingsWidget() { CalPrintDayConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mFromDate->setDate( mFromDate ); cfg->mToDate->setDate( mToDate ); cfg->mFromTime->setTime( mStartTime ); cfg->mToTime->setTime( mEndTime ); cfg->mIncludeAllEvents->setChecked( mIncludeAllEvents ); cfg->mIncludeTodos->setChecked( mIncludeTodos ); cfg->mColors->setChecked( mUseColors ); } } void CalPrintDay::loadConfig() { if ( mConfig ) { TQDate dt; TQTime tm1( dayStart() ); TQDateTime startTm( dt, tm1 ); TQDateTime endTm( dt, tm1.addSecs( 12 * 60 * 60 ) ); mStartTime = mConfig->readDateTimeEntry( "Start time", &startTm ).time(); mEndTime = mConfig->readDateTimeEntry( "End time", &endTm ).time(); mIncludeTodos = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include todos", false ); mIncludeAllEvents = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include all events", false ); } setSettingsWidget(); } void CalPrintDay::saveConfig() { readSettingsWidget(); if ( mConfig ) { mConfig->writeEntry( "Start time", TQDateTime( TQDate(), mStartTime ) ); mConfig->writeEntry( "End time", TQDateTime( TQDate(), mEndTime ) ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include todos", mIncludeTodos ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include all events", mIncludeAllEvents ); } } void CalPrintDay::setDateRange( const TQDate& from, const TQDate& to ) { CalPrintPluginBase::setDateRange( from, to ); CalPrintDayConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mFromDate->setDate( from ); cfg->mToDate->setDate( to ); } } void CalPrintDay::print( TQPainter &p, int width, int height ) { TQDate curDay( mFromDate ); TQRect headerBox( 0, 0, width, headerHeight() ); TQRect footerBox( 0, height - footerHeight(), width, footerHeight() ); height -= footerHeight(); KLocale *local = KGlobal::locale(); do { TQTime curStartTime( mStartTime ); TQTime curEndTime( mEndTime ); // For an invalid time range, simply show one hour, starting at the hour // before the given start time if ( curEndTime <= curStartTime ) { curStartTime = TQTime( curStartTime.hour(), 0, 0 ); curEndTime = curStartTime.addSecs( 3600 ); } drawHeader( p, local->formatDate( curDay ), curDay, TQDate(), headerBox ); Event::List eventList = mCalendar->events( curDay, EventSortStartDate, SortDirectionAscending ); // split out the all day events as they will be printed in a separate box Event::List alldayEvents, timedEvents; Event::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = eventList.begin(); it != eventList.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->doesFloat() ) { alldayEvents.append( *it ); } else { timedEvents.append( *it ); } } int fontSize = 11; TQFont textFont( "sans-serif", fontSize, TQFont::Normal ); p.setFont( textFont ); uint lineSpacing = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); uint maxAllDayEvents = 8; // the max we allow to be printed, sorry. uint allDayHeight = QMIN( alldayEvents.count(), maxAllDayEvents ) * lineSpacing; allDayHeight = QMAX( allDayHeight, ( 5 * lineSpacing ) ) + ( 2 * padding() ); TQRect allDayBox( TIMELINE_WIDTH + padding(), headerBox.bottom() + padding(), width - TIMELINE_WIDTH - padding(), allDayHeight ); if ( alldayEvents.count() > 0 ) { // draw the side bar for all-day events TQFont oldFont( p.font() ); p.setFont( TQFont( "sans-serif", 9, TQFont::Normal ) ); drawVerticalBox( p, BOX_BORDER_WIDTH, TQRect( 0, headerBox.bottom() + padding(), TIMELINE_WIDTH, allDayHeight ), i18n( "Today's Events" ), TQt::AlignHCenter | TQt::AlignVCenter | TQt::WordBreak ); p.setFont( oldFont ); // now draw at most maxAllDayEvents in the all-day box drawBox( p, BOX_BORDER_WIDTH, allDayBox ); Event::List::ConstIterator it; TQRect eventBox( allDayBox ); eventBox.setLeft( TIMELINE_WIDTH + ( 2 * padding() ) ); eventBox.setTop( eventBox.top() + padding() ); eventBox.setBottom( eventBox.top() + lineSpacing ); uint count = 0; for ( it = alldayEvents.begin(); it != alldayEvents.end(); ++it ) { if ( count == maxAllDayEvents ) { break; } count++; TQString str; if ( (*it)->location().isEmpty() ) { str = cleanString( (*it)->summary() ); } else { str = i18n( "summary, location", "%1, %2" ). arg( cleanString( (*it)->summary() ), cleanString( (*it)->location() ) ); } printEventString( p, eventBox, str ); eventBox.setTop( eventBox.bottom() ); eventBox.setBottom( eventBox.top() + lineSpacing ); } } else { allDayBox.setBottom( headerBox.bottom() ); } TQRect dayBox( allDayBox ); dayBox.setTop( allDayBox.bottom() + padding() ); dayBox.setBottom( height ); drawAgendaDayBox( p, timedEvents, curDay, mIncludeAllEvents, curStartTime, curEndTime, dayBox ); TQRect tlBox( dayBox ); tlBox.setLeft( 0 ); tlBox.setWidth( TIMELINE_WIDTH ); drawTimeLine( p, curStartTime, curEndTime, tlBox ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); curDay = curDay.addDays( 1 ); if ( curDay <= mToDate ) { mPrinter->newPage(); } } while ( curDay <= mToDate ); } /************************************************************** * Print Week **************************************************************/ CalPrintWeek::CalPrintWeek() : CalPrintPluginBase() { } CalPrintWeek::~CalPrintWeek() { } TQWidget *CalPrintWeek::createConfigWidget( TQWidget *w ) { return new CalPrintWeekConfig_Base( w ); } void CalPrintWeek::readSettingsWidget() { CalPrintWeekConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { mFromDate = cfg->mFromDate->date(); mToDate = cfg->mToDate->date(); mWeekPrintType = (eWeekPrintType)( cfg->mPrintType->id( cfg->mPrintType->selected() ) ); mStartTime = cfg->mFromTime->time(); mEndTime = cfg->mToTime->time(); mIncludeTodos = cfg->mIncludeTodos->isChecked(); mUseColors = cfg->mColors->isChecked(); } } void CalPrintWeek::setSettingsWidget() { CalPrintWeekConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mFromDate->setDate( mFromDate ); cfg->mToDate->setDate( mToDate ); cfg->mPrintType->setButton( mWeekPrintType ); cfg->mFromTime->setTime( mStartTime ); cfg->mToTime->setTime( mEndTime ); cfg->mIncludeTodos->setChecked( mIncludeTodos ); cfg->mColors->setChecked( mUseColors ); } } void CalPrintWeek::loadConfig() { if ( mConfig ) { TQDate dt; TQTime tm1( dayStart() ); TQDateTime startTm( dt, tm1 ); TQDateTime endTm( dt, tm1.addSecs( 43200 ) ); mStartTime = mConfig->readDateTimeEntry( "Start time", &startTm ).time(); mEndTime = mConfig->readDateTimeEntry( "End time", &endTm ).time(); mIncludeTodos = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include todos", false ); mWeekPrintType =(eWeekPrintType)( mConfig->readNumEntry( "Print type", (int)Filofax ) ); } setSettingsWidget(); } void CalPrintWeek::saveConfig() { readSettingsWidget(); if ( mConfig ) { mConfig->writeEntry( "Start time", TQDateTime( TQDate(), mStartTime ) ); mConfig->writeEntry( "End time", TQDateTime( TQDate(), mEndTime ) ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include todos", mIncludeTodos ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Print type", int( mWeekPrintType ) ); } } KPrinter::Orientation CalPrintWeek::defaultOrientation() { if ( mWeekPrintType == Filofax ) return KPrinter::Portrait; else if ( mWeekPrintType == SplitWeek ) return KPrinter::Portrait; else return KPrinter::Landscape; } void CalPrintWeek::setDateRange( const TQDate &from, const TQDate &to ) { CalPrintPluginBase::setDateRange( from, to ); CalPrintWeekConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mFromDate->setDate( from ); cfg->mToDate->setDate( to ); } } void CalPrintWeek::print( TQPainter &p, int width, int height ) { TQDate curWeek, fromWeek, toWeek; // correct begin and end to first and last day of week int weekdayCol = weekdayColumn( mFromDate.dayOfWeek() ); fromWeek = mFromDate.addDays( -weekdayCol ); weekdayCol = weekdayColumn( mFromDate.dayOfWeek() ); toWeek = mToDate.addDays( 6 - weekdayCol ); curWeek = fromWeek.addDays( 6 ); KLocale *local = KGlobal::locale(); TQString line1, line2, title; TQRect headerBox( 0, 0, width, headerHeight() ); TQRect footerBox( 0, height - footerHeight(), width, footerHeight() ); height -= footerHeight(); TQRect weekBox( headerBox ); weekBox.setTop( headerBox.bottom() + padding() ); weekBox.setBottom( height ); switch ( mWeekPrintType ) { case Filofax: do { line1 = local->formatDate( curWeek.addDays( -6 ) ); line2 = local->formatDate( curWeek ); if ( orientation() == KPrinter::Landscape ) { title = i18n("date from-to", "%1 - %2"); } else { title = i18n("date from-\nto", "%1 -\n%2");; } title = title.arg( line1 ).arg( line2 ); drawHeader( p, title, curWeek.addDays( -6 ), TQDate(), headerBox ); drawWeek( p, curWeek, weekBox ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); curWeek = curWeek.addDays( 7 ); if ( curWeek <= toWeek ) mPrinter->newPage(); } while ( curWeek <= toWeek ); break; case Timetable: default: do { line1 = local->formatDate( curWeek.addDays( -6 ) ); line2 = local->formatDate( curWeek ); if ( orientation() == KPrinter::Landscape ) { title = i18n("date from - to (week number)", "%1 - %2 (Week %3)"); } else { title = i18n("date from -\nto (week number)", "%1 -\n%2 (Week %3)"); } title = title.arg( line1 ).arg( line2 ).arg( curWeek.weekNumber() ); drawHeader( p, title, curWeek, TQDate(), headerBox ); TQRect weekBox( headerBox ); weekBox.setTop( headerBox.bottom() + padding() ); weekBox.setBottom( height ); drawTimeTable( p, fromWeek, curWeek, mStartTime, mEndTime, weekBox ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); fromWeek = fromWeek.addDays( 7 ); curWeek = fromWeek.addDays( 6 ); if ( curWeek <= toWeek ) mPrinter->newPage(); } while ( curWeek <= toWeek ); break; case SplitWeek: { TQRect weekBox1( weekBox ); // On the left side there are four days (mo-th) plus the timeline, // on the right there are only three days (fr-su) plus the timeline. Don't // use the whole width, but rather give them the same width as on the left. weekBox1.setRight( int( ( width - TIMELINE_WIDTH ) * 3. / 4. + TIMELINE_WIDTH ) ); do { TQDate endLeft( fromWeek.addDays( 3 ) ); int hh = headerHeight(); drawTimeTable( p, fromWeek, endLeft, mStartTime, mEndTime, weekBox ); mPrinter->newPage(); drawSplitHeaderRight( p, fromWeek, curWeek, TQDate(), width, hh ); drawTimeTable( p, endLeft.addDays( 1 ), curWeek, mStartTime, mEndTime, weekBox1 ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); fromWeek = fromWeek.addDays( 7 ); curWeek = fromWeek.addDays( 6 ); if ( curWeek <= toWeek ) mPrinter->newPage(); } while ( curWeek <= toWeek ); } break; } } /************************************************************** * Print Month **************************************************************/ CalPrintMonth::CalPrintMonth() : CalPrintPluginBase() { } CalPrintMonth::~CalPrintMonth() { } TQWidget *CalPrintMonth::createConfigWidget( TQWidget *w ) { return new CalPrintMonthConfig_Base( w ); } void CalPrintMonth::readSettingsWidget() { CalPrintMonthConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { mFromDate = TQDate( cfg->mFromYear->value(), cfg->mFromMonth->currentItem()+1, 1 ); mToDate = TQDate( cfg->mToYear->value(), cfg->mToMonth->currentItem()+1, 1 ); mWeekNumbers = cfg->mWeekNumbers->isChecked(); mRecurDaily = cfg->mRecurDaily->isChecked(); mRecurWeekly = cfg->mRecurWeekly->isChecked(); mIncludeTodos = cfg->mIncludeTodos->isChecked(); // mUseColors = cfg->mColors->isChecked(); } } void CalPrintMonth::setSettingsWidget() { CalPrintMonthConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); setDateRange( mFromDate, mToDate ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mWeekNumbers->setChecked( mWeekNumbers ); cfg->mRecurDaily->setChecked( mRecurDaily ); cfg->mRecurWeekly->setChecked( mRecurWeekly ); cfg->mIncludeTodos->setChecked( mIncludeTodos ); // cfg->mColors->setChecked( mUseColors ); } } void CalPrintMonth::loadConfig() { if ( mConfig ) { mWeekNumbers = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Print week numbers", true ); mRecurDaily = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Print daily incidences", true ); mRecurWeekly = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Print weekly incidences", true ); mIncludeTodos = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include todos", false ); } setSettingsWidget(); } void CalPrintMonth::saveConfig() { readSettingsWidget(); if ( mConfig ) { mConfig->writeEntry( "Print week numbers", mWeekNumbers ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Print daily incidences", mRecurDaily ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Print weekly incidences", mRecurWeekly ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include todos", mIncludeTodos ); } } void CalPrintMonth::setDateRange( const TQDate &from, const TQDate &to ) { CalPrintPluginBase::setDateRange( from, to ); CalPrintMonthConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); const KCalendarSystem *calSys = calendarSystem(); if ( cfg && calSys ) { cfg->mFromMonth->clear(); for ( int i=0; imonthsInYear( mFromDate ); ++i ) { cfg->mFromMonth->insertItem( calSys->monthName( i+1, mFromDate.year() ) ); } cfg->mToMonth->clear(); for ( int i=0; imonthsInYear( mToDate ); ++i ) { cfg->mToMonth->insertItem( calSys->monthName( i+1, mToDate.year() ) ); } } if ( cfg ) { cfg->mFromMonth->setCurrentItem( from.month()-1 ); cfg->mFromYear->setValue( to.year() ); cfg->mToMonth->setCurrentItem( mToDate.month()-1 ); cfg->mToYear->setValue( mToDate.year() ); } } void CalPrintMonth::print( TQPainter &p, int width, int height ) { TQDate curMonth, fromMonth, toMonth; fromMonth = mFromDate.addDays( -( mFromDate.day() - 1 ) ); toMonth = mToDate.addDays( mToDate.daysInMonth() - mToDate.day() ); curMonth = fromMonth; const KCalendarSystem *calSys = calendarSystem(); if ( !calSys ) return; TQRect headerBox( 0, 0, width, headerHeight() ); TQRect footerBox( 0, height - footerHeight(), width, footerHeight() ); height -= footerHeight(); TQRect monthBox( 0, 0, width, height ); monthBox.setTop( headerBox.bottom() + padding() ); do { TQString title( i18n("monthname year", "%1 %2") ); title = title.arg( calSys->monthName( curMonth ) ) .arg( curMonth.year() ); TQDate tmp( fromMonth ); int weekdayCol = weekdayColumn( tmp.dayOfWeek() ); tmp = tmp.addDays( -weekdayCol ); drawHeader( p, title, curMonth.addMonths( -1 ), curMonth.addMonths( 1 ), headerBox ); drawMonthTable( p, curMonth, mWeekNumbers, mRecurDaily, mRecurWeekly, monthBox ); drawFooter( p, footerBox ); curMonth = curMonth.addDays( curMonth.daysInMonth() ); if ( curMonth <= toMonth ) mPrinter->newPage(); } while ( curMonth <= toMonth ); } /************************************************************** * Print Todos **************************************************************/ CalPrintTodos::CalPrintTodos() : CalPrintPluginBase() { mTodoSortField = TodoFieldUnset; mTodoSortDirection = TodoDirectionUnset; } CalPrintTodos::~CalPrintTodos() { } TQWidget *CalPrintTodos::createConfigWidget( TQWidget *w ) { return new CalPrintTodoConfig_Base( w ); } void CalPrintTodos::readSettingsWidget() { CalPrintTodoConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { mPageTitle = cfg->mTitle->text(); mTodoPrintType = (eTodoPrintType)( cfg->mPrintType->id( cfg->mPrintType->selected() ) ); mFromDate = cfg->mFromDate->date(); mToDate = cfg->mToDate->date(); mIncludeDescription = cfg->mDescription->isChecked(); mIncludePriority = cfg->mPriority->isChecked(); mIncludeDueDate = cfg->mDueDate->isChecked(); mIncludePercentComplete = cfg->mPercentComplete->isChecked(); mConnectSubTodos = cfg->mConnectSubTodos->isChecked(); mStrikeOutCompleted = cfg->mStrikeOutCompleted->isChecked(); mTodoSortField = (eTodoSortField)cfg->mSortField->currentItem(); mTodoSortDirection = (eTodoSortDirection)cfg->mSortDirection->currentItem(); } } void CalPrintTodos::setSettingsWidget() { // kdDebug(5850) << "CalPrintTodos::setSettingsWidget" << endl; CalPrintTodoConfig_Base *cfg = dynamic_cast( mConfigWidget ); if ( cfg ) { cfg->mTitle->setText( mPageTitle ); cfg->mPrintType->setButton( mTodoPrintType ); cfg->mFromDate->setDate( mFromDate ); cfg->mToDate->setDate( mToDate ); cfg->mDescription->setChecked( mIncludeDescription ); cfg->mPriority->setChecked( mIncludePriority ); cfg->mDueDate->setChecked( mIncludeDueDate ); cfg->mPercentComplete->setChecked( mIncludePercentComplete ); cfg->mConnectSubTodos->setChecked( mConnectSubTodos ); cfg->mStrikeOutCompleted->setChecked( mStrikeOutCompleted ); if ( mTodoSortField != TodoFieldUnset ) { // do not insert if already done so. cfg->mSortField->insertItem( i18n("Summary") ); cfg->mSortField->insertItem( i18n("Start Date") ); cfg->mSortField->insertItem( i18n("Due Date") ); cfg->mSortField->insertItem( i18n("Priority") ); cfg->mSortField->insertItem( i18n("Percent Complete") ); cfg->mSortField->setCurrentItem( (int)mTodoSortField ); } if ( mTodoSortDirection != TodoDirectionUnset ) { // do not insert if already done so. cfg->mSortDirection->insertItem( i18n("Ascending") ); cfg->mSortDirection->insertItem( i18n("Descending") ); cfg->mSortDirection->setCurrentItem( (int)mTodoSortDirection ); } } } void CalPrintTodos::loadConfig() { if ( mConfig ) { mPageTitle = mConfig->readEntry( "Page title", i18n("To-do list") ); mTodoPrintType = (eTodoPrintType)mConfig->readNumEntry( "Print type", (int)TodosAll ); mIncludeDescription = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include description", true ); mIncludePriority = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include priority", true ); mIncludeDueDate = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include due date", true ); mIncludePercentComplete = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Include percentage completed", true ); mConnectSubTodos = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Connect subtodos", true ); mStrikeOutCompleted = mConfig->readBoolEntry( "Strike out completed summaries", true ); mTodoSortField = (eTodoSortField)mConfig->readNumEntry( "Sort field", (int)TodoFieldSummary ); mTodoSortDirection = (eTodoSortDirection)mConfig->readNumEntry( "Sort direction", (int)TodoDirectionAscending ); } setSettingsWidget(); } void CalPrintTodos::saveConfig() { readSettingsWidget(); if ( mConfig ) { mConfig->writeEntry( "Page title", mPageTitle ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Print type", int( mTodoPrintType ) ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include description", mIncludeDescription ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include priority", mIncludePriority ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include due date", mIncludeDueDate ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Include percentage completed", mIncludePercentComplete ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Connect subtodos", mConnectSubTodos ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Strike out completed summaries", mStrikeOutCompleted ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Sort field", mTodoSortField ); mConfig->writeEntry( "Sort direction", mTodoSortDirection ); } } void CalPrintTodos::print( TQPainter &p, int width, int height ) { // TODO: Find a good way to guarantee a nicely designed output int pospriority = 0; int possummary = 100; int posdue = width - 65; int poscomplete = posdue - 70; //Complete column is to right of the Due column int lineSpacing = 15; int fontHeight = 10; TQRect headerBox( 0, 0, width, headerHeight() ); TQRect footerBox( 0, height - footerHeight(), width, footerHeight() ); height -= footerHeight(); // Draw the First Page Header drawHeader( p, mPageTitle, mFromDate, TQDate(), headerBox ); // Draw the Column Headers int mCurrentLinePos = headerHeight() + 5; TQString outStr; TQFont oldFont( p.font() ); p.setFont( TQFont( "sans-serif", 9, TQFont::Bold ) ); lineSpacing = p.fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); mCurrentLinePos += lineSpacing; if ( mIncludePriority ) { outStr += i18n( "Priority" ); p.drawText( pospriority, mCurrentLinePos - 2, outStr ); } else { pospriority = -1; } outStr.truncate( 0 ); outStr += i18n( "Summary" ); p.drawText( possummary, mCurrentLinePos - 2, outStr ); if ( mIncludePercentComplete ) { if ( !mIncludeDueDate ) //move Complete column to the right poscomplete = posdue; //if not print the Due Date column outStr.truncate( 0 ); outStr += i18n( "Complete" ); p.drawText( poscomplete, mCurrentLinePos - 2, outStr ); } else { poscomplete = -1; } if ( mIncludeDueDate ) { outStr.truncate( 0 ); outStr += i18n( "Due" ); p.drawText( posdue, mCurrentLinePos - 2, outStr ); } else { posdue = -1; } p.setFont( TQFont( "sans-serif", 10 ) ); fontHeight = p.fontMetrics().height(); Todo::List todoList; Todo::List tempList; Todo::List::ConstIterator it; // Convert sort options to the corresponding enums TodoSortField sortField = TodoSortSummary; switch( mTodoSortField ) { case TodoFieldSummary: sortField = TodoSortSummary; break; case TodoFieldStartDate: sortField = TodoSortStartDate; break; case TodoFieldDueDate: sortField = TodoSortDueDate; break; case TodoFieldPriority: sortField = TodoSortPriority; break; case TodoFieldPercentComplete: sortField = TodoSortPercentComplete; break; case TodoFieldUnset: break; } SortDirection sortDirection; switch( mTodoSortDirection ) { case TodoDirectionAscending: sortDirection = SortDirectionAscending; break; case TodoDirectionDescending: sortDirection = SortDirectionDescending; break; case TodoDirectionUnset: break; } // Create list of to-dos which will be printed todoList = mCalendar->todos( sortField, sortDirection ); switch( mTodoPrintType ) { case TodosAll: break; case TodosUnfinished: for( it = todoList.begin(); it!= todoList.end(); ++it ) { if ( !(*it)->isCompleted() ) tempList.append( *it ); } todoList = tempList; break; case TodosDueRange: for( it = todoList.begin(); it!= todoList.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->hasDueDate() ) { if ( (*it)->dtDue().date() >= mFromDate && (*it)->dtDue().date() <= mToDate ) tempList.append( *it ); } else { tempList.append( *it ); } } todoList = tempList; break; } // Print to-dos int count = 0; for ( it=todoList.begin(); it!=todoList.end(); ++it ) { Todo *currEvent = *it; // Skip sub-to-dos. They will be printed recursively in drawTodo() if ( !currEvent->relatedTo() ) { count++; drawTodo( count, currEvent, p, sortField, sortDirection, mConnectSubTodos, mStrikeOutCompleted, mIncludeDescription, pospriority, possummary, posdue, poscomplete, 0, 0, mCurrentLinePos, width, height, todoList ); } } drawFooter( p, footerBox ); p.setFont( oldFont ); } #endif