/* This file is part of libkcal. Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Cornelius Schumacher Copyright (c) 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KCAL_ALARM_H #define KCAL_ALARM_H #include #include #include #include "customproperties.h" #include "duration.h" #include "person.h" #include "listbase.h" #include "libkcal_export.h" #include namespace KCal { class Incidence; /** This class represents an alarm notification. */ class LIBKCAL_EXPORT Alarm : public CustomProperties { public: enum Type { Invalid, Display, Procedure, Email, Audio }; typedef ListBase List; /** Construct a new alarm with variables initialized to "sane" values. */ explicit Alarm( Incidence *tqparent ); /** Destruct Alarm object. */ ~Alarm(); /** Returns an exact copy of this alarm. The returned object is owned by the caller. @since 4.5 */ Alarm *clone(); /** Copy operator. @since 4.5 */ Alarm &operator=( const Alarm & ); /** Compare this alarm with another one. */ bool operator==( const Alarm & ) const; bool operator!=( const Alarm &a ) const { return !operator==( a ); } /** Set the type of the alarm. If the specified type is different from the current type of the alarm, the alarm's type-specific properties are initialised to null. @param type type of alarm. */ void setType( Type type ); /** Return the type of the alarm. */ Type type() const; /** Set the alarm to be a display alarm. @param text text to display when the alarm is triggered. */ void setDisplayAlarm( const TQString &text = TQString() ); /** Set the text to be displayed when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not a display alarm. */ void setText( const TQString &text ); /** Return the text string that displays when the alarm is triggered. */ TQString text() const; /** Set the alarm to be an audio alarm. @param audioFile optional file to play when the alarm is triggered. */ void setAudioAlarm( const TQString &audioFile = TQString() ); /** Set the file to play when the audio alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not an audio alarm. */ void setAudioFile( const TQString &audioFile ); /** Return the name of the audio file for the alarm. @return The audio file for the alarm, or TQString() if not an audio alarm. */ TQString audioFile() const; /** Set the alarm to be a procedure alarm. @param programFile program to execute when the alarm is triggered. @param arguments arguments to supply to programFile. */ void setProcedureAlarm( const TQString &programFile, const TQString &arguments = TQString() ); /** Set the program file to execute when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not a procedure alarm. */ void setProgramFile( const TQString &programFile ); /** Return the name of the program file to execute when the alarm is triggered. @return the program file name, or TQString() if not a procedure alarm. */ TQString programFile() const; /** Set the arguments to the program to execute when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not a procedure alarm. */ void setProgramArguments( const TQString &arguments ); /** Return the arguments to the program to run when the alarm is triggered. @return the program arguments, or TQString() if not a procedure alarm. */ TQString programArguments() const; /** Set the alarm to be an email alarm. @param subject subject line of email. @param text body of email. @param addressees email addresses of recipient(s). @param attachments optional names of files to attach to the email. */ void setEmailAlarm( const TQString &subject, const TQString &text, const TQValueList &addressees, const TQStringList &attachments = TQStringList() ); /** Send mail to this address when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailAddress( const Person &mailAlarmAddress ); /** Send mail to these addresses when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailAddresses( const TQValueList &mailAlarmAddresses ); /** Add this address to the list of addresses to send mail to when the alarm is triggered. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void addMailAddress( const Person &mailAlarmAddress ); /** Return the addresses to send mail to when an alarm goes off. */ TQValueList mailAddresses() const; /** Set the subject line of the mail. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailSubject( const TQString &mailAlarmSubject ); /** Return the subject line of the mail. */ TQString mailSubject() const; /** Attach this filename to the email. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailAttachment( const TQString &mailAttachFile ); /** Attach these filenames to the email. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailAttachments( const TQStringList &mailAttachFiles ); /** Add this filename to the list of files to attach to the email. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void addMailAttachment( const TQString &mailAttachFile ); /** Return the filenames to attach to the email. */ TQStringList mailAttachments() const; /** Set the email body text. Ignored if the alarm is not an email alarm. */ void setMailText( const TQString &text ); /** Return the email body text. @return the body text, or TQString() if not an email alarm. */ TQString mailText() const; /** Set the time to trigger an alarm. */ void setTime( const TQDateTime &alarmTime ); /** Return the date/time when an alarm goes off. */ TQDateTime time() const; /** Return the date/time when the last repetition of the alarm goes off. If the alarm does not repeat, this is equivalent to calling time(). */ TQDateTime endTime() const; /** Return true, if the alarm has an explicit date/time. */ bool hasTime() const; /** Set offset of alarm in time relative to the start of the event. */ void setStartOffset( const Duration & ); /** Return offset of alarm in time relative to the start of the event. If the alarm's time is not defined in terms of an offset relative to the start of the event, returns zero. */ Duration startOffset() const; /** Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative to the start of the event. */ bool hasStartOffset() const; /** Set offset of alarm in time relative to the end of the event. */ void setEndOffset( const Duration & ); /** Return offset of alarm in time relative to the end of the event. If the alarm's time is not defined in terms of an offset relative to the end of the event, returns zero. */ Duration endOffset() const; /** Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative to the end of the event. */ bool hasEndOffset() const; /** Set the interval between snoozes for the alarm. @param alarmSnoozeTime the time in minutes between snoozes. */ void setSnoozeTime( const Duration &alarmSnoozeTime ); /** Get how long the alarm snooze interval is. @return the number of minutes between snoozes. */ Duration snoozeTime() const; /** Set how many times an alarm is to repeat itself after its initial occurrence (w/snoozes). */ void setRepeatCount( int alarmRepeatCount ); /** Get how many times an alarm repeats, after its initial occurrence. */ int repeatCount() const; /** Get the time of the alarm's initial occurrence or its next repetition, after a given time. @param preTime the date and time after which to find the next repetition. @return the date and time of the next repetition, or an invalid date/time if the specified time is at or after the alarm's last repetition. */ TQDateTime nextRepetition(const TQDateTime& preTime) const; /** Get the time of the alarm's latest repetition, or its initial occurrence if none, before a given time. @param afterTime the date and time before which to find the latest repetition. @return the date and time of the latest repetition, or an invalid date/time if the specified time is at or before the alarm's initial occurrence. */ TQDateTime previousRepetition(const TQDateTime& afterTime) const; /** Get how long between the alarm's initial occurrence and its final repetition. @return the number of seconds between the initial occurrence and final repetition. */ Duration duration() const; /** Toggles the value of alarm to be either on or off. Set's the alarm time to be x minutes before dtStart time. */ void toggleAlarm(); /** Set the alarm enabled status. */ void setEnabled(bool enable); /** Get the alarm enabled status. */ bool enabled() const; /** Set the alarm's tqparent incidence. */ void setParent( Incidence * ); /** Get the alarm's tqparent incidence. */ Incidence *tqparent() const { return mParent; } protected: /** @copydoc CustomProperties::customPropertyUpdated() */ virtual void customPropertyUpdated(); private: Incidence *mParent; // the incidence which this alarm belongs to Type mType; // type of alarm TQString mDescription; // text to display/email body/procedure arguments TQString mFile; // procedure program to run/optional audio file to play TQStringList mMailAttachFiles; // filenames to attach to email TQValueList mMailAddresses; // who to mail for reminder TQString mMailSubject; // subject of email Duration mAlarmSnoozeTime; // how long after alarm to snooze before // triggering again int mAlarmRepeatCount; // number of times for alarm to repeat // after the initial time TQDateTime mAlarmTime; // time at which to trigger the alarm Duration mOffset; // time relative to incidence DTSTART to trigger the alarm bool mEndOffset; // if true, mOffset relates to DTEND, not DTSTART bool mHasTime; // use mAlarmTime, not mOffset bool mAlarmEnabled; class Private; Private *d; }; } #endif