/******************************************************************* KNotes -- Notes for the KDE project Copyright (c) 1997-2006, The KNotes Developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "knotesapp.h" #include "knote.h" #include "knotesalarm.h" #include "knoteconfigdlg.h" #include "knotesglobalconfig.h" #include "knoteslegacy.h" #include "knotesnetrecv.h" #include "knotes/resourcemanager.h" using namespace KNetwork; class KNotesKeyDialog : public KDialogBase { public: KNotesKeyDialog( KGlobalAccel *globals, QWidget *parent, const char* name = 0 ) : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n("Configure Shortcuts"), Default|Ok|Cancel, Ok ) { m_keyChooser = new KKeyChooser( globals, this ); setMainWidget( m_keyChooser ); connect( this, SIGNAL(defaultClicked()), m_keyChooser, SLOT(allDefault()) ); } void insert( KActionCollection *actions ) { m_keyChooser->insert( actions, i18n("Note Actions") ); } void configure() { if ( exec() == Accepted ) m_keyChooser->save(); } private: KKeyChooser *m_keyChooser; }; int KNotesApp::KNoteActionList::compareItems( QPtrCollection::Item s1, QPtrCollection::Item s2 ) { if ( ((KAction*)s1)->text() == ((KAction*)s2)->text() ) return 0; return ( ((KAction*)s1)->text() < ((KAction*)s2)->text() ? -1 : 1 ); } KNotesApp::KNotesApp() : DCOPObject("KNotesIface"), QLabel( 0, 0, WType_TopLevel ), m_alarm( 0 ), m_listener( 0 ), m_find( 0 ), m_findPos( 0 ) { connect( kapp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), kapp, SLOT(quit()) ); m_noteList.setAutoDelete( true ); m_noteActions.setAutoDelete( true ); // create the dock widget... KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( winId(), qt_xrootwin() ); QToolTip::add( this, i18n( "KNotes: Sticky notes for KDE" ) ); setBackgroundMode( X11ParentRelative ); setPixmap( KSystemTray::loadSizedIcon( "knotes", QWidget::width() ) ); // set the initial style KNote::setStyle( KNotesGlobalConfig::style() ); // create the GUI... new KAction( i18n("New Note"), "filenew", 0, this, SLOT(newNote()), actionCollection(), "new_note" ); new KAction( i18n("New Note From Clipboard"), "editpaste", 0, this, SLOT(newNoteFromClipboard()), actionCollection(), "new_note_clipboard" ); new KAction( i18n("Show All Notes"), "knotes", 0, this, SLOT(showAllNotes()), actionCollection(), "show_all_notes" ); new KAction( i18n("Hide All Notes"), "fileclose", 0, this, SLOT(hideAllNotes()), actionCollection(), "hide_all_notes" ); new KHelpMenu( this, kapp->aboutData(), false, actionCollection() ); KStdAction::find( this, SLOT(slotOpenFindDialog()), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::preferences( this, SLOT(slotPreferences()), actionCollection() ); KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT(slotConfigureAccels()), actionCollection() ); //FIXME: no shortcut removing!? KStdAction::quit( this, SLOT(slotQuit()), actionCollection() )->setShortcut( 0 ); setXMLFile( instance()->instanceName() + "appui.rc" ); m_guiBuilder = new KXMLGUIBuilder( this ); m_guiFactory = new KXMLGUIFactory( m_guiBuilder, this ); m_guiFactory->addClient( this ); m_context_menu = static_cast(m_guiFactory->container( "knotes_context", this )); m_note_menu = static_cast(m_guiFactory->container( "notes_menu", this )); // get the most recent XML UI file QString xmlFileName = instance()->instanceName() + "ui.rc"; QString filter = QString::fromLatin1( instance()->instanceName() + '/' ) + xmlFileName; QStringList fileList = instance()->dirs()->findAllResources( "data", filter ) + instance()->dirs()->findAllResources( "data", xmlFileName ); QString doc; KXMLGUIClient::findMostRecentXMLFile( fileList, doc ); m_noteGUI.setContent( doc ); // create accels for global shortcuts m_globalAccel = new KGlobalAccel( this, "global accel" ); m_globalAccel->insert( "global_new_note", i18n("New Note"), "", ALT+SHIFT+Key_N, ALT+SHIFT+Key_N , this, SLOT(newNote()), true, true ); m_globalAccel->insert( "global_new_note_clipboard", i18n("New Note From Clipboard"), "", ALT+SHIFT+Key_C, ALT+SHIFT+Key_C, this, SLOT(newNoteFromClipboard()), true, true ); m_globalAccel->insert( "global_hide_all_notes", i18n("Hide All Notes"), "", ALT+SHIFT+Key_H, ALT+SHIFT+Key_H , this, SLOT(hideAllNotes()), true, true ); m_globalAccel->insert( "global_show_all_notes", i18n("Show All Notes"), "", ALT+SHIFT+Key_S, ALT+SHIFT+Key_S, this, SLOT(showAllNotes()), true, true ); m_globalAccel->readSettings(); KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup( "Global Keybindings" ); m_globalAccel->setEnabled( config->readBoolEntry( "Enabled", true ) ); updateGlobalAccels(); // clean up old config files KNotesLegacy::cleanUp(); // create the resource manager m_manager = new KNotesResourceManager(); connect( m_manager, SIGNAL(sigRegisteredNote( KCal::Journal * )), this, SLOT(createNote( KCal::Journal * )) ); connect( m_manager, SIGNAL(sigDeregisteredNote( KCal::Journal * )), this, SLOT(killNote( KCal::Journal * )) ); // read the notes m_manager->load(); // read the old config files, convert and add them KCal::CalendarLocal calendar( QString::fromLatin1( "UTC" ) ); if ( KNotesLegacy::convert( &calendar ) ) { KCal::Journal::List notes = calendar.journals(); KCal::Journal::List::ConstIterator it; for ( it = notes.begin(); it != notes.end(); ++it ) m_manager->addNewNote( *it ); m_manager->save(); } // set up the alarm reminder - do it after loading the notes because this // is used as a check if updateNoteActions has to be called for a new note m_alarm = new KNotesAlarm( m_manager, this ); // create the socket and possibly start listening for connections m_listener = new KServerSocket(); m_listener->setResolutionEnabled( true ); connect( m_listener, SIGNAL(readyAccept()), SLOT(acceptConnection()) ); updateNetworkListener(); if ( m_noteList.count() == 0 && !kapp->isRestored() ) newNote(); updateNoteActions(); } void KNotesApp::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ) { // Honor Free Desktop specifications that allow for arbitrary system tray icon sizes QPixmap origpixmap; QPixmap scaledpixmap; QImage newIcon; origpixmap = KSystemTray::loadSizedIcon( "knotes", QWidget::width() ); newIcon = origpixmap; newIcon = newIcon.smoothScale(QWidget::width(), QWidget::height()); scaledpixmap = newIcon; setPixmap(scaledpixmap); } KNotesApp::~KNotesApp() { saveNotes(); blockSignals( true ); m_noteList.clear(); blockSignals( false ); delete m_listener; delete m_manager; delete m_guiBuilder; } bool KNotesApp::commitData( QSessionManager& ) { saveConfigs(); return true; } // -------------------- public DCOP interface -------------------- // QString KNotesApp::newNote( const QString& name, const QString& text ) { // create the new note KCal::Journal *journal = new KCal::Journal(); // new notes have the current date/time as title if none was given if ( !name.isEmpty() ) journal->setSummary( name ); else journal->setSummary( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) ); // the body of the note journal->setDescription( text ); m_manager->addNewNote( journal ); showNote( journal->uid() ); return journal->uid(); } QString KNotesApp::newNoteFromClipboard( const QString& name ) { const QString& text = KApplication::clipboard()->text(); return newNote( name, text ); } void KNotesApp::hideAllNotes() const { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) (*it)->close(); } void KNotesApp::showAllNotes() const { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) { (*it)->show(); (*it)->setFocus(); } } void KNotesApp::showNote( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) showNote( note ); else kdWarning(5500) << "showNote: no note with id: " << id << endl; } void KNotesApp::hideNote( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) note->hide(); else kdWarning(5500) << "hideNote: no note with id: " << id << endl; } void KNotesApp::killNote( const QString& id, bool force ) { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) note->slotKill( force ); else kdWarning(5500) << "killNote: no note with id: " << id << endl; } // "bool force = false" doesn't work with dcop void KNotesApp::killNote( const QString& id ) { killNote( id, false ); } QMap KNotesApp::notes() const { QMap notes; QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) notes.insert( it.current()->noteId(), it.current()->name() ); return notes; } QString KNotesApp::name( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->name(); else return QString::null; } QString KNotesApp::text( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->text(); else return QString::null; } void KNotesApp::setName( const QString& id, const QString& newName ) { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) note->setName( newName ); else kdWarning(5500) << "setName: no note with id: " << id << endl; } void KNotesApp::setText( const QString& id, const QString& newText ) { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) note->setText( newText ); else kdWarning(5500) << "setText: no note with id: " << id << endl; } QString KNotesApp::fgColor( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->fgColor().name(); else return QString::null; } QString KNotesApp::bgColor( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->bgColor().name(); else return QString::null; } void KNotesApp::setColor( const QString& id, const QString& fgColor, const QString& bgColor ) { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) note->setColor( QColor( fgColor ), QColor( bgColor ) ); else kdWarning(5500) << "setColor: no note with id: " << id << endl; } int KNotesApp::width( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->width(); else return 0; } int KNotesApp::height( const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->height(); else return 0; } void KNotesApp::move( const QString& id, int x, int y ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->move( x, y ); else kdWarning(5500) << "move: no note with id: " << id << endl; } void KNotesApp::resize( const QString& id, int width, int height ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->resize( width, height ); else kdWarning(5500) << "resize: no note with id: " << id << endl; } void KNotesApp::sync( const QString& app ) { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->sync( app ); } bool KNotesApp::isNew( const QString& app, const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->isNew( app ); else return false; } bool KNotesApp::isModified( const QString& app, const QString& id ) const { KNote* note = m_noteList[id]; if ( note ) return note->isModified( app ); else return false; } // ------------------- protected methods ------------------- // void KNotesApp::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { if ( !rect().contains( e->pos() ) ) return; switch ( e->button() ) { case LeftButton: if ( m_noteList.count() == 1 ) { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); showNote( it.toFirst() ); } else if ( m_note_menu->count() > 0 ) m_note_menu->popup( e->globalPos() ); break; case MidButton: newNote(); break; case RightButton: m_context_menu->popup( e->globalPos() ); default: break; } } // -------------------- protected slots -------------------- // void KNotesApp::slotShowNote() { // tell the WM to give this note focus showNote( QString::fromUtf8( sender()->name() ) ); } void KNotesApp::slotWalkThroughNotes() { // show next note QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); KNote *first = it.toFirst(); for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( (*it)->hasFocus() ) { if ( ++it ) showNote( *it ); else showNote( first ); break; } } void KNotesApp::slotOpenFindDialog() { KFindDialog findDia( this, "find_dialog" ); findDia.setHasSelection( false ); findDia.setHasCursor( false ); findDia.setSupportsBackwardsFind( false ); if ( findDia.exec() != QDialog::Accepted ) return; delete m_findPos; m_findPos = new QDictIterator( m_noteList ); // this could be in an own method if searching without a dialog should be possible delete m_find; m_find = new KFind( findDia.pattern(), findDia.options(), this ); slotFindNext(); } void KNotesApp::slotFindNext() { if ( **m_findPos ) { KNote *note = **m_findPos; ++*m_findPos; note->find( m_find->pattern(), m_find->options() ); } else { m_find->displayFinalDialog(); delete m_find; m_find = 0; delete m_findPos; m_findPos = 0; } } void KNotesApp::slotPreferences() { // reuse the dialog if possible if ( KNoteConfigDlg::showDialog( "KNotes Default Settings" ) ) return; // create a new preferences dialog... KNoteConfigDlg *dialog = new KNoteConfigDlg( 0, i18n("Settings"), this, "KNotes Settings" ); connect( dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateNetworkListener()) ); connect( dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateStyle()) ); dialog->show(); } void KNotesApp::slotConfigureAccels() { KNotesKeyDialog keys( m_globalAccel, this ); QDictIterator notes( m_noteList ); if ( !m_noteList.isEmpty() ) keys.insert( (*notes)->actionCollection() ); keys.configure(); m_globalAccel->writeSettings(); updateGlobalAccels(); // update GUI doc for new notes m_noteGUI.setContent( KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile( instance()->instanceName() + "ui.rc", instance() ) ); if ( m_noteList.isEmpty() ) return; notes.toFirst(); QValueList list = (*notes)->actionCollection()->actions(); for ( QValueList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { notes.toFirst(); for ( ++notes; *notes; ++notes ) { KAction *toChange = (*notes)->actionCollection()->action( (*it)->name() ); if ( toChange->shortcut() != (*it)->shortcut() ) toChange->setShortcut( (*it)->shortcut() ); } } } void KNotesApp::slotNoteKilled( KCal::Journal *journal ) { m_manager->deleteNote( journal ); saveNotes(); } void KNotesApp::slotQuit() { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; *it; ++it ) if ( (*it)->isModified() ) (*it)->saveData(); saveConfigs(); kapp->quit(); } // -------------------- private methods -------------------- // void KNotesApp::showNote( KNote* note ) const { note->show(); KWin::setCurrentDesktop( KWin::windowInfo( note->winId() ).desktop() ); KWin::forceActiveWindow( note->winId() ); note->setFocus(); } void KNotesApp::createNote( KCal::Journal *journal ) { KNote *newNote = new KNote( m_noteGUI, journal, 0, journal->uid().utf8() ); m_noteList.insert( newNote->noteId(), newNote ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigRequestNewNote()), SLOT(newNote()) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigShowNextNote()), SLOT(slotWalkThroughNotes()) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigKillNote( KCal::Journal* )), SLOT(slotNoteKilled( KCal::Journal* )) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigNameChanged()), SLOT(updateNoteActions()) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigDataChanged()), SLOT(saveNotes()) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigColorChanged()), SLOT(updateNoteActions()) ); connect( newNote, SIGNAL(sigFindFinished()), SLOT(slotFindNext()) ); // don't call this during startup for each and every loaded note if ( m_alarm ) updateNoteActions(); } void KNotesApp::killNote( KCal::Journal *journal ) { // this kills the KNote object m_noteList.remove( journal->uid() ); updateNoteActions(); } void KNotesApp::acceptConnection() { // Accept the connection and make KNotesNetworkReceiver do the job KBufferedSocket *s = static_cast(m_listener->accept()); if ( s ) { KNotesNetworkReceiver *recv = new KNotesNetworkReceiver( s ); connect( recv, SIGNAL(sigNoteReceived( const QString &, const QString & )), this, SLOT(newNote( const QString &, const QString & )) ); } } void KNotesApp::saveNotes() { KNotesGlobalConfig::writeConfig(); m_manager->save(); } void KNotesApp::saveConfigs() { QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->saveConfig(); } void KNotesApp::updateNoteActions() { unplugActionList( "notes" ); m_noteActions.clear(); for ( QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); it.current(); ++it ) { KAction *action = new KAction( it.current()->name().replace("&", "&&"), KShortcut(), this, SLOT(slotShowNote()), (QObject *)0, it.current()->noteId().utf8() ); KIconEffect effect; QPixmap icon = effect.apply( kapp->miniIcon(), KIconEffect::Colorize, 1, it.current()->paletteBackgroundColor(), false ); action->setIconSet( icon ); m_noteActions.append( action ); } m_noteActions.sort(); if ( m_noteActions.isEmpty() ) { KAction *action = new KAction( i18n("No Notes") ); m_noteActions.append( action ); } plugActionList( "notes", m_noteActions ); } void KNotesApp::updateGlobalAccels() { if ( m_globalAccel->isEnabled() ) { KAction *action = actionCollection()->action( "new_note" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut( "global_new_note" ) ); action = actionCollection()->action( "new_note_clipboard" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut( "global_new_note_clipboard" ) ); action = actionCollection()->action( "hide_all_notes" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut( "global_hide_all_notes" ) ); action = actionCollection()->action( "show_all_notes" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( m_globalAccel->shortcut( "global_show_all_notes" ) ); m_globalAccel->updateConnections(); } else { KAction *action = actionCollection()->action( "new_note" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( 0 ); action = actionCollection()->action( "new_note_clipboard" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( 0 ); action = actionCollection()->action( "hide_all_notes" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( 0 ); action = actionCollection()->action( "show_all_notes" ); if ( action ) action->setShortcut( 0 ); } } void KNotesApp::updateNetworkListener() { m_listener->close(); if ( KNotesGlobalConfig::receiveNotes() ) { m_listener->setAddress( QString::number( KNotesGlobalConfig::port() ) ); m_listener->bind(); m_listener->listen(); } } void KNotesApp::updateStyle() { KNote::setStyle( KNotesGlobalConfig::style() ); QDictIterator it( m_noteList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) QApplication::postEvent( *it, new QEvent( QEvent::LayoutHint ) ); } #include "knotesapp.moc"