/* * loader.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Frerich Raabe * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For licensing and distribution details, check the * accompanying file 'COPYING'. */ #include "loader.h" #include "document.h" #include "feeddetector.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RSS; DataRetriever::DataRetriever() { } DataRetriever::~DataRetriever() { } class FileRetriever::Private { public: Private() : buffer(NULL), lastError(0), job(NULL) { } ~Private() { delete buffer; } TQBuffer *buffer; int lastError; TDEIO::Job *job; static KStaticDeleter userAgentsd; static TQString* userAgent; }; KStaticDeleter FileRetriever::Private::userAgentsd; TQString* FileRetriever::Private::userAgent = 0L; FileRetriever::FileRetriever() : d(new Private) { } FileRetriever::~FileRetriever() { delete d; } bool FileRetriever::m_useCache = true; TQString FileRetriever::userAgent() { if (Private::userAgent == 0L) FileRetriever::Private::userAgentsd.setObject(Private::userAgent, new TQString); return *Private::userAgent; } void FileRetriever::setUserAgent(const TQString &ua) { if (Private::userAgent == 0L) FileRetriever::Private::userAgentsd.setObject(Private::userAgent, new TQString); (*Private::userAgent) = ua; } void FileRetriever::setUseCache(bool enabled) { m_useCache = enabled; } void FileRetriever::retrieveData(const KURL &url) { if (d->buffer) return; d->buffer = new TQBuffer; d->buffer->open(IO_WriteOnly); KURL u=url; if (u.protocol()=="feed") u.setProtocol("http"); d->job = TDEIO::get(u, false, false); d->job->addMetaData("cache", m_useCache ? "refresh" : "reload"); TQString ua = userAgent(); if (!ua.isEmpty()) d->job->addMetaData("UserAgent", ua); TQTimer::singleShot(1000*90, this, TQT_SLOT(slotTimeout())); connect(d->job, TQT_SIGNAL(data(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &)), TQT_SLOT(slotData(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &))); connect(d->job, TQT_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job *)), TQT_SLOT(slotResult(TDEIO::Job *))); connect(d->job, TQT_SIGNAL(permanentRedirection(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &)), TQT_SLOT(slotPermanentRedirection(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &))); } void FileRetriever::slotTimeout() { abort(); delete d->buffer; d->buffer = NULL; d->lastError = TDEIO::ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT; emit dataRetrieved(TQByteArray(), false); } int FileRetriever::errorCode() const { return d->lastError; } void FileRetriever::slotData(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &data) { d->buffer->writeBlock(data.data(), data.size()); } void FileRetriever::slotResult(TDEIO::Job *job) { TQByteArray data = d->buffer->buffer(); data.detach(); delete d->buffer; d->buffer = NULL; d->lastError = job->error(); emit dataRetrieved(data, d->lastError == 0); } void FileRetriever::slotPermanentRedirection(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &newUrl) { emit permanentRedirection(newUrl); } void FileRetriever::abort() { if (d->job) { d->job->kill(true); d->job = NULL; } } struct OutputRetriever::Private { Private() : process(NULL), buffer(NULL), lastError(0) { } ~Private() { delete process; delete buffer; } KShellProcess *process; TQBuffer *buffer; int lastError; }; OutputRetriever::OutputRetriever() : d(new Private) { } OutputRetriever::~OutputRetriever() { delete d; } void OutputRetriever::retrieveData(const KURL &url) { // Ignore subsequent calls if we didn't finish the previous job yet. if (d->buffer || d->process) return; d->buffer = new TQBuffer; d->buffer->open(IO_WriteOnly); d->process = new KShellProcess(); connect(d->process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), TQT_SLOT(slotExited(TDEProcess *))); connect(d->process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess *, char *, int)), TQT_SLOT(slotOutput(TDEProcess *, char *, int))); *d->process << url.path(); d->process->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::Stdout); } int OutputRetriever::errorCode() const { return d->lastError; } void OutputRetriever::slotOutput(TDEProcess *, char *data, int length) { d->buffer->writeBlock(data, length); } void OutputRetriever::slotExited(TDEProcess *p) { if (!p->normalExit()) d->lastError = p->exitStatus(); TQByteArray data = d->buffer->buffer(); data.detach(); delete d->buffer; d->buffer = NULL; delete d->process; d->process = NULL; emit dataRetrieved(data, p->normalExit() && p->exitStatus() == 0); } struct Loader::Private { Private() : retriever(NULL), lastError(0) { } ~Private() { delete retriever; } DataRetriever *retriever; int lastError; KURL discoveredFeedURL; KURL url; }; Loader *Loader::create() { return new Loader; } Loader *Loader::create(TQObject *object, const char *slot) { Loader *loader = create(); connect(loader, TQT_SIGNAL(loadingComplete(Loader *, Document, Status)), object, slot); return loader; } Loader::Loader() : d(new Private) { } Loader::~Loader() { delete d; } void Loader::loadFrom(const KURL &url, DataRetriever *retriever) { if (d->retriever != NULL) return; d->url=url; d->retriever = retriever; connect(d->retriever, TQT_SIGNAL(dataRetrieved(const TQByteArray &, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRetrieverDone(const TQByteArray &, bool))); d->retriever->retrieveData(url); } int Loader::errorCode() const { return d->lastError; } void Loader::abort() { if (d && d->retriever) { d->retriever->abort(); delete d->retriever; d->retriever=NULL; } emit loadingComplete(this, TQDomDocument(), Aborted); delete this; } const KURL &Loader::discoveredFeedURL() const { return d->discoveredFeedURL; } void Loader::slotRetrieverDone(const TQByteArray &data, bool success) { d->lastError = d->retriever->errorCode(); delete d->retriever; d->retriever = NULL; Document rssDoc; Status status = Success; if (success) { TQDomDocument doc; /* Some servers insert whitespace before the declaration. * TQDom doesn't tolerate that (and it's right, that's invalid XML), * so we strip that. */ const char *charData = data.data(); int len = data.count(); while (len && TQChar(*charData).isSpace()) { --len; ++charData; } if ( len > 3 && TQChar(*charData) == TQChar(0357) ) { // 0357 0273 0277 len -= 3; charData += 3; } TQByteArray tmpData; tmpData.setRawData(charData, len); if (doc.setContent(tmpData)) { rssDoc = Document(doc); if (!rssDoc.isValid()) { discoverFeeds(tmpData); status = ParseError; } } else { discoverFeeds(tmpData); status = ParseError; } tmpData.resetRawData(charData, len); } else status = RetrieveError; emit loadingComplete(this, rssDoc, status); delete this; } void Loader::discoverFeeds(const TQByteArray &data) { TQString str = TQString(data).simplifyWhiteSpace(); TQStringList feeds; FeedDetectorEntryList list = FeedDetector::extractFromLinkTags(str); for (FeedDetectorEntryList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { feeds += (*it).url(); } if (list.isEmpty()) feeds = FeedDetector::extractBruteForce(str); TQString feed = feeds.first(); TQString host = d->url.host(); KURL testURL; // loop through, prefer feeds on same host TQStringList::Iterator end( feeds.end() ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = feeds.begin(); it != end; ++it) { testURL=*it; if (testURL.host() == host) { feed = *it; break; } } d->discoveredFeedURL = feed.isNull() ? TQString() : FeedDetector::fixRelativeURL(feed, d->url); } #include "loader.moc" // vim:noet:ts=4