Return the sent items id if this returnSentItemsId is true. The returnSentItemsId will be the first id returned in the list. This is the id of the item that is created in the sent items (a.k.a. outbox, itemSource=sent) folder. The deltaInfo structure contains pointers or sequence numbers into a dynamic list. count: Input: The desired number of items to be returned in one read. A count of "-1" means to return all the items in the list. If omitted, all the items are returned. Output: The actual number of items returned. firstSequence: Input: The sequence or position to start the read. Output: The first valid sequence in the list. lastSequence: Input: N/A Output: The last sequence number successfully read. lastTimePORebuild: The last time the administrator rebuilt the post office. A post office rebuild resets all the sequence numbers. If a rebuild occurs, a resync is required before new deltas can be applied to a local list. FilterGroup comprises FilterOp "and", "or" or "not" The number of seconds from GMT (UTC) Currently there is only one MessageBody part. The MessageBody part is the text plain message body. The HTML message body will be an attachment with a name "text.htm". The HTML message body can have related part attachments. They are related if they come immediatelly after the "text.htm" attachment and they have a "contentId" element. This is the same logic as iCalendar (RFC 2445). A calendar item will have opened, accepted and decliened (not deleted) A box entry item will have opened and deleted The unique identifier is a application defined string to uniquely identify an item. The string can optionally consist of two parts. The first part identifies a unique existence of an item. The second part of the string optionally specifies instance information. The first and second part of the ID are separated by an '@'. For this reason neither the first nor second part can contain an '@' symbol. To determine whether or not two items are the same item, the consumer of this API should compare the first part of the ids of the two items (i.e. all of the id up to the @ symbol). The UUID is the unique user ID on a given email system. This is used in various places to indicate that a sender or recipient is an user internal to the collaboration system instead of an external user (i.e. internet address).