/* * Copyright (c) 2004 Carsten Burghardt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of this program with any edition of * the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions * of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked * combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to * your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If * you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from * your version. */ #include "renamejob.h" #include "copyfolderjob.h" #include "kmfolderimap.h" #include "kmfoldercachedimap.h" #include "folderstorage.h" #include "kmfolder.h" #include "kmfolderdir.h" #include "kmfoldermgr.h" #include "imapaccountbase.h" #include "kmacctimap.h" #include "kmacctcachedimap.h" #include "kmmsgbase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KMail; template static TQStringList imapPaths( FolderStorage* storage ) { TQStringList rv; rv.append( static_cast( storage )->imapPath() ); KMFolderDir* dir = storage->folder()->child(); if ( dir ) { KMFolderNode *node = dir->first(); while ( node ) { if ( !node->isDir() ) { rv += imapPaths( static_cast( node )->storage() ); } node = dir->next(); } } return rv; } RenameJob::RenameJob( FolderStorage* storage, const TQString& newName, KMFolderDir* newParent ) : FolderJob( 0, tOther, (storage ? storage->folder() : 0) ), mStorage( storage ), mNewParent( newParent ), mNewName( newName ), mNewFolder( 0 ), mCopyFolderJob( 0 ) { mStorageTempOpened = 0; if ( storage ) { mOldName = storage->name(); if ( storage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) { mOldImapPath = static_cast(storage)->imapPath(); // mOldImapPaths = imapPaths( storage ); } else if ( storage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { mOldImapPath = static_cast(storage)->imapPath(); mOldImapPaths = imapPaths( storage ); } } } RenameJob::~RenameJob() { } // FIXME: move on the server for online imap given source and target are on the same server void RenameJob::execute() { if ( mNewParent ) { // move the folder to a different parent KMFolderType type = mStorage->folderType(); if ( ( type == KMFolderTypeMbox || type == KMFolderTypeMaildir ) && mNewParent->type() == KMStandardDir && mStorage->folderType() != KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { // local folders can handle this on their own mStorage->rename( mNewName, mNewParent ); emit renameDone( mNewName, true ); deleteLater(); return; } // copy to the new folder mCopyFolderJob = new CopyFolderJob( mStorage, mNewParent ); connect( mCopyFolderJob, TQ_SIGNAL(folderCopyComplete(bool)), TQ_SLOT(folderCopyComplete(bool)) ); mCopyFolderJob->execute(); } else { // only rename the folder if ( mStorage->folderType() != KMFolderTypeImap ) { // local and dimap folder handle this directly mStorage->rename( mNewName ); emit renameDone( mNewName, true ); deleteLater(); return; } if ( mOldImapPath.isEmpty() ) { // sanity emit renameDone( mNewName, false ); deleteLater(); return; } else if ( mOldName == mNewName || mOldImapPath == "/INBOX/" ) { emit renameDone( mNewName, true ); // noop deleteLater(); return; } ImapAccountBase* account = static_cast(mStorage)->account(); // first rename it on the server mNewImapPath = mOldImapPath; mNewImapPath = mNewImapPath.replace( mOldName, mNewName ); KURL src( account->getUrl() ); src.setPath( mOldImapPath ); KURL dst( account->getUrl() ); dst.setPath( mNewImapPath ); TDEIO::SimpleJob *job = TDEIO::rename( src, dst, true ); kdDebug(5006)<< "RenameJob::rename - " << src.prettyURL() << " |=> " << dst.prettyURL() << endl; ImapAccountBase::jobData jd( src.url() ); account->insertJob( job, jd ); TDEIO::Scheduler::assignJobToSlave( account->slave(), job ); connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job*)), TQ_SLOT(slotRenameResult(TDEIO::Job*)) ); } } void RenameJob::slotRenameResult( TDEIO::Job *job ) { ImapAccountBase* account = static_cast(mStorage)->account(); ImapAccountBase::JobIterator it = account->findJob(job); if ( it == account->jobsEnd() ) { emit renameDone( mNewName, false ); deleteLater(); return; } if ( job->error() ) { account->handleJobError( job, i18n("Error while renaming a folder.") ); emit renameDone( mNewName, false ); deleteLater(); return; } account->removeJob(it); // set the new path if ( mStorage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) static_cast(mStorage)->setImapPath( mNewImapPath ); // unsubscribe old (we don't want ghosts) account->changeSubscription( false, mOldImapPath ); // subscribe new account->changeSubscription( true, mNewImapPath ); // local part (will set the new name) mStorage->rename( mNewName ); emit renameDone( mNewName, true ); deleteLater(); } void RenameJob::folderCopyComplete(bool success) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << success << endl; if ( !success ) { kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo << "could not copy folder" << endl; emit renameDone( mNewName, false ); deleteLater(); return; } mNewFolder = mCopyFolderJob->targetFolder(); mCopyFolderJob = 0; if ( mStorageTempOpened ) { mStorageTempOpened->close( "renamejob" ); mStorageTempOpened = 0; } kdDebug(5006) << "deleting old folder" << endl; // move complete or not necessary // save our settings TQString oldconfig = "Folder-" + mStorage->folder()->idString(); TDEConfig* config = KMKernel::config(); TQMap entries = config->entryMap( oldconfig ); TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "Folder-" + mNewFolder->idString()); for ( TQMap::Iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it ) { if ( it.key() == "Id" || it.key() == "ImapPath" || it.key() == "UidValidity" ) continue; config->writeEntry( it.key(), it.data() ); } mNewFolder->readConfig( config ); // make sure the children state is correct if ( mNewFolder->child() && ( mNewFolder->storage()->hasChildren() == FolderStorage::HasNoChildren ) ) mNewFolder->storage()->updateChildrenState(); // delete the old folder mStorage->blockSignals( false ); if ( mStorage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) { kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->remove( mStorage->folder() ); } else if ( mStorage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) { // tell the account (see KMFolderCachedImap::listDirectory2) KMAcctCachedImap* acct = static_cast(mStorage)->account(); if ( acct ) { for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = mOldImapPaths.constBegin(); it != mOldImapPaths.constEnd(); ++it ) acct->addDeletedFolder( *it ); } kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->remove( mStorage->folder() ); } else if ( mStorage->folderType() == KMFolderTypeSearch ) { // invalid kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo << "cannot remove a search folder" << endl; } else { kmkernel->folderMgr()->remove( mStorage->folder() ); } emit renameDone( mNewName, true ); } #include "renamejob.moc"