/* This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client. Copyright (c) 2000 Don Sanders KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "kmstartup.h" #include "kmkernel.h" //control center #include "kcursorsaver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef Status // stupid X headers extern "C" { // Crash recovery signal handler void kmsignalHandler(int sigId) { kmsetSignalHandler(SIG_DFL); fprintf(stderr, "*** KMail got signal %d (Exiting)\n", sigId); // try to cleanup all windows if (kmkernel) kmkernel->dumpDeadLetters(); ::exit(-1); // } // Crash recovery signal handler void kmcrashHandler(int sigId) { kmsetSignalHandler(SIG_DFL); fprintf(stderr, "*** KMail got signal %d (Crashing)\n", sigId); // try to cleanup all windows if (kmkernel) kmkernel->dumpDeadLetters(); // Return to DrKonqi. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void kmsetSignalHandler(void (*handler)(int)) { signal(SIGKILL, handler); signal(SIGTERM, handler); signal(SIGHUP, handler); KCrash::setEmergencySaveFunction(kmcrashHandler); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { TQString getMyHostName() { char hostNameC[256]; // null terminate this C string hostNameC[255] = 0; // set the string to 0 length if gethostname fails if(gethostname(hostNameC, 255)) hostNameC[0] = 0; return TQString::fromLocal8Bit(hostNameC); } } // anon namespace namespace KMail { void checkConfigUpdates() { static const char * const updates[] = { "9", "3.1-update-identities", "3.1-use-identity-uoids", "3.1-new-mail-notification", "3.2-update-loop-on-goto-unread-settings", "3.1.4-dont-use-UOID-0-for-any-identity", "3.2-misc", "3.2-moves", "3.3-use-ID-for-accounts", "3.3-update-filter-rules", "3.3-move-identities-to-own-file", "3.3-aegypten-kpgprc-to-kmailrc", "3.3-aegypten-kpgprc-to-libkleopatrarc", "3.3-aegypten-emailidentities-split-sign-encr-keys", "3.3-misc", "3.3b1-misc", "3.4-misc", "3.4a", "3.4b", "3.4.1", "3.5-filter-icons", "3.5.4", "3.5.7-imap-flag-migration" }; static const int numUpdates = sizeof updates / sizeof *updates; // Warning: do not remove entries in the above array, or the update-level check below will break KConfig * config = KMKernel::config(); KConfigGroup startup( config, "Startup" ); const int configUpdateLevel = startup.readNumEntry( "update-level", 0 ); if ( configUpdateLevel == numUpdates ) // Optimize for the common case that everything is OK return; for ( int i = configUpdateLevel ; i < numUpdates ; ++i ) { config->checkUpdate( updates[i], "kmail.upd" ); } startup.writeEntry( "update-level", numUpdates ); } void lockOrDie() { // Check and create a lock file to prevent concurrent access to kmail files TQString appName = kapp->instanceName(); if ( appName.isEmpty() ) appName = "kmail"; TQString programName; const KAboutData *about = kapp->aboutData(); if ( about ) programName = about->programName(); if ( programName.isEmpty() ) programName = i18n("KMail"); TQString lockLocation = locateLocal("data", "kmail/lock"); KSimpleConfig config(lockLocation); int oldPid = config.readNumEntry("pid", -1); const TQString oldHostName = config.readEntry("hostname"); const TQString oldAppName = config.readEntry( "appName", appName ); const TQString oldProgramName = config.readEntry( "programName", programName ); const TQString hostName = getMyHostName(); bool first_instance = false; if ( oldPid == -1 ) first_instance = true; else if (hostName == oldHostName && oldPid != getpid()) { // check if the lock file is stale #ifdef TQ_OS_LINUX if ( ::access("/proc", X_OK ) == 0 ) { // On linux with /proc we can even check that it's really kmail and not something else char path_buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; path_buffer[MAXPATHLEN] = 0; const TQString procPath = TQString("/proc/%1/exe").tqarg(oldPid); const int length = readlink (procPath.latin1(), path_buffer, MAXPATHLEN); if ( length == -1 ) // not such pid first_instance = true; else { path_buffer[length] = '\0'; const TQString path = TQFile::decodeName(path_buffer); kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << path << endl; const int pos = path.findRev('/'); const TQString fileName = path.mid(pos+1); kdDebug() << "Found process " << oldPid << " running. It's: " << fileName << endl; first_instance = fileName != "kmail" && fileName != "kontact"; } } else #endif { // Otherwise we just check if the other pid is currently running. // Not 100% correct but better safe than sorry. if ( kill(oldPid, 0) == -1 ) first_instance = ( errno == ESRCH ); } } if ( !first_instance ) { TQString msg; if ( oldHostName == hostName ) { // this can only happen if the user is running this application on // different displays on the same machine. All other cases will be // taken care of by KUniqueApplication() if ( oldAppName == appName ) msg = i18n("%1 already seems to be running on another display on " "this machine. Running %2 more than once " "can cause the loss of mail. You should not start %1 " "unless you are sure that it is not already running.") .tqarg( programName, programName ); // TQString::arg( st ) only replaces the first occurrence of %1 // with st while TQString::arg( s1, s2 ) replacess all occurrences // of %1 with s1 and all occurrences of %2 with s2. So don't // even think about changing the above to .tqarg( programName ). else msg = i18n("%1 seems to be running on another display on this " "machine. Running %1 and %2 at the same " "time can cause the loss of mail. You should not start %2 " "unless you are sure that %1 is not running.") .tqarg( oldProgramName, programName ); } else { if ( oldAppName == appName ) msg = i18n("%1 already seems to be running on %2. Running %1 more " "than once can cause the loss of mail. You should not " "start %1 on this computer unless you are sure that it is " "not already running on %2.") .tqarg( programName, oldHostName ); else msg = i18n("%1 seems to be running on %3. Running %1 and %2 at the " "same time can cause the loss of mail. You should not " "start %2 on this computer unless you are sure that %1 is " "not running on %3.") .tqarg( oldProgramName, programName, oldHostName ); } KCursorSaver idle( KBusyPtr::idle() ); if ( KMessageBox::No == KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, msg, TQString(), i18n("Start %1").tqarg( programName ), i18n("Exit") ) ) { exit(1); } } config.writeEntry("pid", getpid()); config.writeEntry("hostname", hostName); config.writeEntry( "appName", appName ); config.writeEntry( "programName", programName ); config.sync(); } void insertLibraryCataloguesAndIcons() { static const char * const catalogues[] = { "libkdepim", "libksieve", "libkleopatra", "libkmime" }; KLocale * l = KGlobal::locale(); KIconLoader * il = KGlobal::iconLoader(); for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sizeof catalogues / sizeof *catalogues ; ++i ) { l->insertCatalogue( catalogues[i] ); il->addAppDir( catalogues[i] ); } } void cleanup() { const TQString lockLocation = locateLocal("data", "kmail/lock"); KSimpleConfig config(lockLocation); config.writeEntry("pid", -1); config.sync(); } }