SMimeConfiguration SMimeConfiguration 0 0 557 586 unnamed CRLRB Validate certificates using CRLs true If this option is selected, S/MIME certificates are validated using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). OCSPRB Validate certificates online (OCSP) If this option is selected, S/MIME certificates are validated online using the Online Certificates Status Protocol (OCSP). Fill in the URL of the OCSP responder below. OCSPGroupBox Online Certificate Validation unnamed tqlayout4 unnamed textLabel1 OCSP responder URL: OCSPResponderURL Enter here the address of the server for online validation of certificates (OCSP responder). The URL is usually starting with http://. tqlayout5 unnamed textLabel2 OCSP responder signature: OCSPResponderSignature spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 150 20 ignoreServiceURLCB Ignore service URL of certificates doNotCheckCertPolicyCB Do not check certificate policies By default GnuPG uses the file ~/.gnupg/policies.txt to check if a certificate policy is allowed. If this option is selected, policies are not checked. neverConsultCB Never consult a CRL If this option is checked, Certificate Revocation Lists are never used to validate S/MIME certificates. fetchMissingCB Fetch missing issuer certificates If this option is checked, missing issuer certificates are fetched when necessary (this applies to both validation methods, CRLs and OCSP) HTTPGroupBox HTTP Requests unnamed disableHTTPCB Do not perform any HTTP requests Entirely disables the use of HTTP for S/MIME. frameHTTP NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 tqlayout5 unnamed systemHTTPProxy no proxy useCustomHTTPProxyRB Use this proxy for HTTP requests: honorHTTPProxyRB Use system HTTP proxy: If this option is selected, the value of the HTTP proxy shown on the right (which comes from the environment variable http_proxy) will be used for any HTTP request. customHTTPProxy Enter here the location of your HTTP Proxy, which will be used for all HTTP requests relating to S/MIME. The syntax is host:port, for instance ignoreHTTPDPCB Ignore HTTP CRL distribution point of certificates When looking for the location of a CRL, the to-be-tested certificate usually contains what are known as "CRL Distribution Point" (DP) entries, which are URLs describing the way to access the URL. The first found DP entry is used. With this option all entries using the HTTP scheme are ignored when looking for a suitable DP. LDAPGroupBox LDAP Requests unnamed disableLDAPCB Do not perform any LDAP requests Entirely disables the use of LDAP for S/MIME. frameLDAP NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 ignoreLDAPDPCB Ignore LDAP CRL distribution point of certificates When looking for the location of a CRL, the to-be-tested certificate usually contains what are known as "CRL Distribution Point" (DP) entries, which are URLs describing the way to access the URL. The first found DP entry is used. With this option all entries using the LDAP scheme are ignored when looking for a suitable DP. tqlayout5 unnamed customLDAPLabel Primary host for LDAP requests: customLDAPProxy Entering a LDAP server here will make all LDAP requests go to that server first. More precisely, this setting overrides any specified host and port part in a LDAP URL and will also be used if host and port have been omitted from the URL. Other LDAP servers will be used only if the connection to the "proxy" failed. The syntax is "HOST" or "HOST:PORT". If PORT is omitted, port 389 (standard LDAP port) is used. spacer23 Vertical Expanding 20 73 Kleo::KeyRequester
-1 -1 0 5 5 0 0
CRLRB toggled(bool) OCSPGroupBox setDisabled(bool) OCSPRB toggled(bool) OCSPGroupBox setEnabled(bool) useCustomHTTPProxyRB toggled(bool) customHTTPProxy setEnabled(bool) honorHTTPProxyRB toggled(bool) customHTTPProxy setDisabled(bool) disableLDAPCB toggled(bool) frameLDAP setDisabled(bool)