/* This file is part of Akregator. Copyright (C) 2004 Stanislav Karchebny 2005 Frank Osterfeld This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef AKREGATORFEED_H #define AKREGATORFEED_H #include "treenode.h" #include "librss/librss.h" class TQDomElement; class TQPixmap; class TQString; class TQStringList; class KURL; namespace KPIM { class ProgressItem; } // needed for slot fetchCompleted() using RSS::Document; using RSS::Loader; using RSS::Status; namespace Akregator { class Article; class FetchQueue; class Folder; class TreeNodeVisitor; namespace Backend { class FeedStorage; } /** represents a feed */ class Feed : public TreeNode { friend class Article; TQ_OBJECT public: /** the archiving modes: - globalDefault: use default from Settings (default) - keepAllArticles: Don't delete any articles - disableArchiving: Don't save any articles except articles with keep flag set (equal to maxArticleNumber() == 0) - limitArticleNumber: Save maxArticleNumber() articles, plus the ones with keep flag set - limitArticleAge: Save articles not older than maxArticleAge() (or keep flag set) */ enum ArchiveMode { globalDefault, keepAllArticles, disableArchiving, limitArticleNumber, limitArticleAge }; // class methods /** converts strings to ArchiveMode value if parsing fails, it returns ArchiveMode::globalDefault */ static ArchiveMode stringToArchiveMode(const TQString& str); /** converts ArchiveMode values to corresponding strings */ static TQString archiveModeToString(ArchiveMode mode); /** creates a Feed object from a description in OPML format */ static Feed* fromOPML(TQDomElement e); /** default constructor */ Feed(); virtual ~Feed(); virtual bool accept(TreeNodeVisitor* visitor); /** exports the feed settings to OPML */ virtual TQDomElement toOPML( TQDomElement parent, TQDomDocument document ) const; /** returns whether this feed uses its own fetch interval or the global setting @return @c true iff this feed has a custom fetch interval */ bool useCustomFetchInterval() const; /** set if the feed has its custom fetch interval or uses the global setting @param enabled @c true: use custom interval, @c false: use global default */ void setCustomFetchIntervalEnabled(bool enabled); // FIXME is it -1 or 0 to disable interval fetching? /** Returns custom auto fetch interval of this feed. @return custom fetch interval in minutes, 0 if disabled */ int fetchInterval() const; /** Sets custom auto fetch interval. @param interval interval in minutes, -1 for disabling auto fetching */ void setFetchInterval(int interval); /** returns the archiving mode which is used for this feed */ ArchiveMode archiveMode() const; /** sets the archiving mode for this feed */ void setArchiveMode(ArchiveMode archiveMode); /** returns the maximum age of articles used for expiration by age (used in @c limitArticleAge archive mode) @return expiry age in days */ int maxArticleAge() const; /** sets the maximum age of articles used for expiration by age (used in @c limitArticleAge archive mode) @param maxArticleAge expiry age in days */ void setMaxArticleAge(int maxArticleAge); /** returns the article count limit used in @c limitArticleNumber archive mode **/ int maxArticleNumber() const; /** sets the article count limit used in @c limitArticleNumber archive mode **/ void setMaxArticleNumber(int maxArticleNumber); /** if @c true, new articles are marked immediately as read instead of new/unread. Useful for high-traffic feeds. */ bool markImmediatelyAsRead() const; void setMarkImmediatelyAsRead(bool enabled); void setUseNotification(bool enabled); bool useNotification() const; /** if true, the linked URL is loaded directly in the article viewer instead of showing the description */ void setLoadLinkedWebsite(bool enabled); bool loadLinkedWebsite() const; /** returns the favicon */ const TQPixmap& favicon() const; /** sets the favicon (used in the tree view) */ void setFavicon(const TQPixmap& p); /** returns the feed image */ const TQPixmap& image() const; /** returns the url of the actual feed source (rss/rdf/atom file) */ const TQString& xmlUrl() const; /** sets the url of the actual feed source (rss/rdf/atom file) */ void setXmlUrl(const TQString& s); /** returns the URL of the HTML page of this feed */ const TQString& htmlUrl() const; /** sets the URL of the HTML page of this feed */ void setHtmlUrl(const TQString& s); /** returns the description of this feed */ const TQString& description() const; /** sets the description of this feed */ void setDescription(const TQString& s); virtual TQValueList
articles(const TQString& tag=TQString()); /** returns the article with the given @c guid, or a null article if it not exists */ virtual Article findArticle(const TQString& guid) const; virtual TQStringList tags() const; /** returns whether a fetch error has occurred */ bool fetchErrorOccurred(); /** returns the unread count for this feed */ virtual int unread() const; /** returns the number of total articles in this feed @return number of articles */ virtual int totalCount() const; /** returns if the article archive of this feed is loaded */ bool isArticlesLoaded() const; /** returns if this node is a feed group (@c false here) */ virtual bool isGroup() const { return false; } /** returns the next node in the tree. Calling next() unless it returns 0 iterates through the tree in pre-order */ virtual TreeNode* next(); /** downloads the favicon */ void loadFavicon(); /** load the image from the cache if it is in there */ void loadImage(); public slots: /** starts fetching */ void fetch(bool followDiscovery=false); void slotAbortFetch(); /** deletes expired articles */ virtual void slotDeleteExpiredArticles(); /** mark all articles in this feed as read */ virtual void slotMarkAllArticlesAsRead(); /** add this feed to the fetch queue @c queue */ virtual void slotAddToFetchQueue(FetchQueue* queue, bool intervalFetchOnly=false); signals: /** emitted when fetching started */ void fetchStarted(Feed*); /** emitted when feed finished fetching */ void fetched(Feed *); /** emitted when a fetch error occurred */ void fetchError(Feed *); /** emitted when a feed URL was found by auto discovery */ void fetchDiscovery(Feed *); /** emitted when a fetch is aborted */ void fetchAborted(Feed *); protected: /** loads articles from archive **/ void loadArticles(); void recalcUnreadCount(); virtual void doArticleNotification(); /** sets the unread count for this feed */ void setUnread(int unread); private slots: void fetchCompleted(Loader *loader, Document doc, Status status); void slotImageFetched(const TQPixmap& image); private: /** notifies that article @c mya was set to "deleted". To be called by @ref Article */ void setArticleDeleted(Article& a); /** notifies that article @c mya was changed @param oldStatus if the status was changed, it contains the old status, -1 otherwise To be called by @ref Article */ void setArticleChanged(Article& a, int oldStatus=-1); void enforceLimitArticleNumber(); void appendArticles(const RSS::Document &d); /** appends article @c a to the article list */ void appendArticle(const Article& a); /** checks whether article @c a is expired (considering custom and global archive mode settings) */ bool isExpired(const Article& a) const; /** returns @c true if either this article uses @c limitArticleAge as custom setting or uses the global default, which is @c limitArticleAge */ bool usesExpiryByAge() const; /** executes the actual fetch action */ void tryFetch(); class FeedPrivate; FeedPrivate* d; }; } #endif