/*************************************************************************** recording.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Mi Aug 27 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Martin Witte email : witte@kawo1.rwth-aachen.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "../../src/include/radiostation.h" #include "../../src/include/errorlog-interfaces.h" #include "../../src/include/aboutwidget.h" #include "../../src/include/fileringbuffer.h" #include "../../src/include/utils.h" #include "recording.h" #include "recording-configuration.h" #include "soundstreamevent.h" #include "recording-monitor.h" #include "encoder_mp3.h" #include "encoder_ogg.h" #include "encoder_pcm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plugin library functions PLUGIN_LIBRARY_FUNCTIONS2( Recording, "kradio-recording", i18n("KRadio Recording Plugin"), RecordingMonitor, i18n("KRadio Recording Monitor") ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Recording::Recording(const TQString &name) : TQObject(NULL, NULL), PluginBase(name, i18n("KRadio Recording Plugin")), m_config() { } Recording::~Recording() { TQMapIterator it = m_EncodingThreads.begin(); TQMapIterator end = m_EncodingThreads.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { sendStopRecording(it.key()); } } bool Recording::connectI(Interface *i) { bool a = IRecCfg::connectI(i); bool b = PluginBase::connectI(i); bool c = ISoundStreamClient::connectI(i); return a || b || c; } bool Recording::disconnectI(Interface *i) { bool a = IRecCfg::disconnectI(i); bool b = PluginBase::disconnectI(i); bool c = ISoundStreamClient::disconnectI(i); return a || b || c; } void Recording::noticeConnectedI (ISoundStreamServer *s, bool pointer_valid) { ISoundStreamClient::noticeConnectedI(s, pointer_valid); if (s && pointer_valid) { s->register4_sendStartPlayback(this); s->register4_sendStopPlayback(this); s->register4_sendStartRecording(this); s->register4_sendStartRecordingWithFormat(this); s->register4_notifySoundStreamData(this); s->register4_sendStopRecording(this); s->register4_queryIsRecordingRunning(this); s->register4_querySoundStreamDescription(this); s->register4_querySoundStreamRadioStation(this); s->register4_queryEnumerateSoundStreams(this); s->register4_notifySoundStreamChanged(this); s->register4_notifySoundStreamClosed(this); } } // PluginBase void Recording::saveState (KConfig *c) const { c->setGroup(TQString("recording-") + PluginBase::name()); m_config.saveConfig(c); } void Recording::restoreState (KConfig *c) { c->setGroup(TQString("recording-") + PluginBase::name()); RecordingConfig cfg; cfg.restoreConfig(c); setRecordingConfig(cfg); //notifyRecordingConfigChanged(m_config); } ConfigPageInfo Recording::createConfigurationPage() { RecordingConfiguration *c = new RecordingConfiguration(NULL); connectI(c); return ConfigPageInfo(c, i18n("Recording"), i18n("Recording"), "kradio_record"); } AboutPageInfo Recording::createAboutPage() { /* KAboutData aboutData("kradio", NULL, NULL, I18N_NOOP("Recording Monitor for KRadio"), KAboutData::License_GPL, "(c) 2002-2005 Martin Witte", 0, "http://sourceforge.net/projects/kradio", 0); aboutData.addAuthor("Martin Witte", "", "witte@kawo1.rwth-aachen.de"); return AboutPageInfo( new KRadioAboutWidget(aboutData, KRadioAboutWidget::AbtTabbed), i18n("Recording"), i18n("Recording Plugin"), "kradio_record" );*/ return AboutPageInfo(); } // IRecCfg bool Recording::setEncoderBuffer (size_t BufferSize, size_t BufferCount) { if (m_config.m_EncodeBufferSize != BufferSize || m_config.m_EncodeBufferCount != BufferCount) { m_config.m_EncodeBufferSize = BufferSize; m_config.m_EncodeBufferCount = BufferCount; notifyEncoderBufferChanged(BufferSize, BufferCount); } return true; } bool Recording::setSoundFormat (const SoundFormat &sf) { if (m_config.m_SoundFormat != sf) { m_config.m_SoundFormat = sf; notifySoundFormatChanged(sf); } return true; } bool Recording::setMP3Quality (int q) { if (m_config.m_mp3Quality != q) { m_config.m_mp3Quality = q; notifyMP3QualityChanged(q); } return true; } bool Recording::setOggQuality (float q) { if (m_config.m_oggQuality != q) { m_config.m_oggQuality = q; notifyOggQualityChanged(q); } return true; } bool Recording::setRecordingDirectory(const TQString &dir) { if (m_config.m_Directory != dir) { m_config.m_Directory = dir; notifyRecordingDirectoryChanged(dir); } return true; } bool Recording::setOutputFormat (RecordingConfig::OutputFormat of) { if (m_config.m_OutputFormat != of) { m_config.m_OutputFormat = of; notifyOutputFormatChanged(of); } return true; } bool Recording::setPreRecording (bool enable, int seconds) { if (m_config.m_PreRecordingEnable != enable || m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds != seconds) { m_config.m_PreRecordingEnable = enable; m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds = seconds; if (enable) { for (TQMapIterator it = m_PreRecordingBuffers.begin(); it != m_PreRecordingBuffers.end(); ++it) { if (*it != NULL) { delete *it; } *it = new FileRingBuffer(m_config.m_Directory + "/kradio-prerecord-"+TQString::number(it.key().getID()), m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds * m_config.m_SoundFormat.m_SampleRate * m_config.m_SoundFormat.frameSize()); SoundFormat sf = m_config.m_SoundFormat; sendStartCaptureWithFormat(it.key(), sf, sf, false); } } else { for (TQMapIterator it = m_PreRecordingBuffers.begin(); it != m_PreRecordingBuffers.end(); ++it) { if (*it != NULL) { sendStopCapture(it.key()); delete *it; } } m_PreRecordingBuffers.clear(); } notifyPreRecordingChanged(enable, seconds); } return true; } void Recording::getEncoderBuffer(size_t &BufferSize, size_t &BufferCount) const { BufferSize = m_config.m_EncodeBufferSize; BufferCount = m_config.m_EncodeBufferCount; } const SoundFormat &Recording::getSoundFormat () const { return m_config.m_SoundFormat; } int Recording::getMP3Quality () const { return m_config.m_mp3Quality; } float Recording::getOggQuality () const { return m_config.m_oggQuality; } const TQString &Recording::getRecordingDirectory() const { return m_config.m_Directory; } RecordingConfig::OutputFormat Recording::getOutputFormat() const { return m_config.m_OutputFormat; } bool Recording::getPreRecording(int &seconds) const { seconds = m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds; return m_config.m_PreRecordingEnable; } const RecordingConfig &Recording::getRecordingConfig() const { return m_config; } bool Recording::setRecordingConfig(const RecordingConfig &c) { setEncoderBuffer (c.m_EncodeBufferSize, c.m_EncodeBufferCount); setSoundFormat (c.m_SoundFormat); setMP3Quality (c.m_mp3Quality); setOggQuality (c.m_oggQuality); setRecordingDirectory(c.m_Directory); setOutputFormat (c.m_OutputFormat); setPreRecording (c.m_PreRecordingEnable, c.m_PreRecordingSeconds); m_config = c; notifyRecordingConfigChanged(m_config); return true; } // ISoundStreamClient bool Recording::startPlayback(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers.contains(id)) delete m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] = NULL; if (m_config.m_PreRecordingEnable) { m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] = new FileRingBuffer(m_config.m_Directory + "/kradio-prerecord-"+TQString::number(id.getID()), m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds * m_config.m_SoundFormat.m_SampleRate * m_config.m_SoundFormat.frameSize()); SoundFormat sf = m_config.m_SoundFormat; sendStartCaptureWithFormat(id, sf, sf, false); } return false; } bool Recording::stopPlayback(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers.contains(id)) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]) delete m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; m_PreRecordingBuffers.remove(id); sendStopCapture(id); } return false; } bool Recording::startRecording(SoundStreamID id) { /* FileRingBuffer *test = new FileRingBuffer("/tmp/ringbuffertest", 2048); char buffer1[1024]; char buffer2[1024]; char buffer3[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { buffer1[i] = 'a'; buffer2[i] = 'b'; buffer3[i] = 'c'; } test->addData(buffer1, 1024); test->addData(buffer2, 1024); test->removeData(1024); test->addData(buffer3, 1024); */ SoundFormat realFormat = m_config.m_SoundFormat; return sendStartRecordingWithFormat(id, realFormat, realFormat); } bool Recording::startRecordingWithFormat(SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &sf, SoundFormat &real_format) { if (!sendStartCaptureWithFormat(id, sf, real_format, /* force_format = */ true)) { logError(i18n("start capture not handled")); return false; } RecordingConfig cfg = m_config; cfg.m_SoundFormat = real_format; logInfo(i18n("Recording starting")); if (!startEncoder(id, cfg)) { logError(i18n("starting encoding thread failed")); sendStopCapture(id); return false; } return true; } bool Recording::stopRecording(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { sendStopCapture(id); if (m_config.m_PreRecordingEnable) { if (!m_PreRecordingBuffers.contains(id)) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] != NULL) { delete m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; } bool b = false; queryIsPlaybackRunning(id, b); if (b) { m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] = new FileRingBuffer(m_config.m_Directory + "/kradio-prerecord-"+TQString::number(id.getID()), m_config.m_PreRecordingSeconds * m_config.m_SoundFormat.m_SampleRate * m_config.m_SoundFormat.frameSize()); } else { m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] = NULL; } } } stopEncoder(id); return true; } return false; } bool Recording::noticeSoundStreamData(SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &/*sf*/, const char *data, size_t size, size_t &consumed_size, const SoundMetaData &md ) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers.contains(id) && m_PreRecordingBuffers[id] != NULL) { FileRingBuffer &fbuf = *m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; if (fbuf.getFreeSize() < size) { fbuf.removeData(size - fbuf.getFreeSize()); } size_t n = fbuf.addData(data, size); consumed_size = (consumed_size == SIZE_T_DONT_CARE) ? n : min(consumed_size, n); // if (n != size) { // logDebug("recording packet: was not written completely to tmp buf"); // } // //BEGIN DEBUG // char tmp[4096]; // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tmp); ++i) { tmp[i] = 0; } // if (fbuf.getFreeSize() < sizeof(tmp)) { // fbuf.removeData(sizeof(tmp) - fbuf.getFreeSize()); // } // fbuf.addData((char*)tmp, sizeof(tmp)); // //END DEBUG if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { //logDebug("recording packet: " + TQString::number(size)); RecordingEncoding *thread = m_EncodingThreads[id]; //logDebug("noticeSoundStreamData thread = " + TQString::number((long long)thread, 16)); size_t remSize = fbuf.getFillSize(); while (remSize > 0) { size_t bufferSize = remSize; char *buf = thread->lockInputBuffer(bufferSize); if (!buf) { // Encoder buffer is full and bigger than remaining data break; } if (bufferSize > remSize) { bufferSize = remSize; } if (fbuf.takeData(buf, bufferSize) != bufferSize) { logError(i18n("could not read suffient data")); } thread->unlockInputBuffer(bufferSize, md); remSize -= bufferSize; } if (remSize == 0) { delete m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; m_PreRecordingBuffers.remove(id); } } return true; } else if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { //logDebug("recording packet: " + TQString::number(size)); RecordingEncoding *thread = m_EncodingThreads[id]; //logDebug("noticeSoundStreamData thread = " + TQString::number((long long)thread, 16)); size_t remSize = size; const char *remData = data; while (remSize > 0) { size_t bufferSize = remSize; char *buf = thread->lockInputBuffer(bufferSize); if (!buf) { logWarning(i18n("Encoder input buffer overflow (buffer configuration problem?). Skipped %1 input bytes").arg(TQString::number(remSize))); break; } if (bufferSize > remSize) { bufferSize = remSize; } memcpy(buf, remData, bufferSize); thread->unlockInputBuffer(bufferSize, md); remSize -= bufferSize; remData += bufferSize; } consumed_size = (consumed_size == SIZE_T_DONT_CARE) ? size - remSize : min(consumed_size, size - remSize); return true; } return false; } bool Recording::startEncoder(SoundStreamID ssid, const RecordingConfig &cfg) { if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(ssid)) return false; SoundStreamID encID = createNewSoundStream(ssid, false); m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams[ssid] = encID; m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams[encID] = ssid; TQString ext = ".wav"; switch (m_config.m_OutputFormat) { case RecordingConfig::outputWAV: ext = ".wav"; break; case RecordingConfig::outputAIFF: ext = ".aiff"; break; case RecordingConfig::outputAU: ext = ".au"; break; #ifdef HAVE_LAME case RecordingConfig::outputMP3: ext = ".mp3"; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LAME case RecordingConfig::outputOGG: ext = ".ogg"; break; #endif case RecordingConfig::outputRAW: ext = ".raw"; break; default: ext = ".wav"; break; } const RadioStation *rs = NULL; querySoundStreamRadioStation(ssid, rs); TQString station = rs ? rs->name() + "-" : ""; station.replace(TQRegExp("[/*?]"), "_"); TQDate date = TQDate::currentDate(); TQTime time = TQTime::currentTime(); TQString sdate; sdate.sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d.%d",date.year(),date.month(),date.day(),time.hour(),time.minute()); TQString output = m_config.m_Directory + "/kradio-recording-" + station + sdate + ext; logInfo(i18n("Recording::outputFile: ") + output); RecordingEncoding *thread = NULL; switch (m_config.m_OutputFormat) { #ifdef HAVE_LAME case RecordingConfig::outputMP3: thread = new RecordingEncodingMP3(this, ssid, cfg, rs, output); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_OGG case RecordingConfig::outputOGG: thread = new RecordingEncodingOgg(this, ssid, cfg, rs, output); break; #endif default: thread = new RecordingEncodingPCM(this, ssid, cfg, rs, output); } //m_encodingThread->openOutput(output, rs); if (thread->error()) { //m_context.setError(); logError(thread->errorString()); } else { thread->start(); } // store thread even if it has indicated an error m_EncodingThreads[ssid] = thread; //logDebug("startEncoder thread = " + TQString::number((long long)thread, 16)); notifySoundStreamCreated(encID); return !thread->error(); } void Recording::stopEncoder(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { RecordingEncoding *thread = m_EncodingThreads[id]; thread->setDone(); //logDebug("stopEncoder thread = " + TQString::number((long long)thread, 16)); //logDebug("stopEncoder thread error = " + TQString::number(thread->error(), 16)); // FIXME: set a timer and do waiting "in background" if (!thread->wait(5000)) { //m_context.setError(); logError(i18n("The encoding thread did not finish. It will be killed now.")); thread->terminate(); thread->wait(); } else { if (thread->error()) { //m_context.setError(); logError(thread->errorString()); } else { //TQ_UINT64 size = thread->encodedSize(); //m_context.setEncodedSize(low, high); //notifyRecordingContextChanged(m_context); } } delete thread; m_EncodingThreads.remove(id); SoundStreamID encID = m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams[id]; m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams.remove(encID); m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams.remove(id); sendStopPlayback(encID); closeSoundStream(encID); logInfo(i18n("Recording stopped")); } } bool Recording::event(TQEvent *_e) { if (SoundStreamEvent::isSoundStreamEvent(_e)) { SoundStreamEvent *e = static_cast(_e); SoundStreamID id = e->getSoundStreamID(); if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { RecordingEncoding *thread = m_EncodingThreads[id]; //logDebug("Recording::event: thread = " + TQString::number((long long)thread, 16)); if (thread->error()) { logError(thread->errorString()); //m_context.setError(); stopEncoder(id); } else { //TQ_UINT64 size = thread->encodedSize(); //m_context.setEncodedSize(low, high); //notifyRecordingContextChanged(m_context); if (e->type() == EncodingTerminated) { stopEncoder(id); } else if (e->type() == EncodingStep) { SoundStreamEncodingStepEvent *step = static_cast(e); size_t consumed_size = SIZE_T_DONT_CARE; notifySoundStreamData(m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams[id], thread->config().m_SoundFormat, step->data(), step->size(), consumed_size, step->metaData()); if (consumed_size != SIZE_T_DONT_CARE && consumed_size < step->size()) { logError(i18n("Recording::notifySoundStreamData(encoded data): Receivers skipped %1 Bytes").arg(step->size() - consumed_size)); } } } } return true; } else { return TQObject::event(_e); } } bool Recording::getSoundStreamDescription(SoundStreamID id, TQString &descr) const { if (m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams.contains(id)) { if (querySoundStreamDescription(m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams[id], descr)) { descr = name() + " - " + descr; return true; } } return false; } bool Recording::getSoundStreamRadioStation(SoundStreamID id, const RadioStation *&rs) const { if (m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams.contains(id)) { if (querySoundStreamRadioStation(m_EncodedStreams2RawStreams[id], rs)) { return true; } } return false; } bool Recording::enumerateSoundStreams(TQMap &list) const { TQMapConstIterator end = m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams.end(); for (TQMapConstIterator it = m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams.begin(); it != end; ++it) { TQString tmp = TQString(); getSoundStreamDescription(*it, tmp); list[tmp] = *it; } return m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams.count() > 0; } bool Recording::noticeSoundStreamChanged(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams.contains(id)) { notifySoundStreamChanged(m_RawStreams2EncodedStreams[id]); return true; } return false; } bool Recording::isRecordingRunning(SoundStreamID id, bool &b, SoundFormat &sf) const { if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { b = m_EncodingThreads[id]->running(); sf = getSoundFormat(); return true; } return false; } bool Recording::noticeSoundStreamClosed(SoundStreamID id) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers.contains(id)) { if (m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]) delete m_PreRecordingBuffers[id]; m_PreRecordingBuffers.remove(id); } if (m_EncodingThreads.contains(id)) { sendStopRecording(id); return true; } return false; } #include "recording.moc"