You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

329 lines
11 KiB

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2004-2006 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include "umlnamespace.h"
#include "umlobjectlist.h"
* General purpose model utilities.
* @author Oliver Kellogg
* Bugs and comments to or
// forward declarations
class UMLClassifier;
class UMLPackage;
namespace Model_Utils {
* Determines whether the given widget type is cloneable.
* @param type The input Widget_Type.
* @return True if the given type is cloneable.
bool isCloneable(Uml::Widget_Type type);
* Seek the given id in the given list of objects.
* Each list element may itself contain other objects
* and the search is done recursively.
* @param id The unique ID to seek.
* @param inList The UMLObjectList in which to search.
* @return Pointer to the UMLObject that matches the ID
* (NULL if none matches.)
UMLObject * findObjectInList(Uml::IDType id, const UMLObjectList& inList);
* Find the UML object of the given type and name in the passed-in list.
* @param inList List in which to seek the object.
* @param name Name of the object to find.
* @param type Object_Type of the object to find (optional.)
* When the given type is ot_UMLObject the type is
* disregarded, i.e. the given name is the only
* search criterion.
* @param currentObj Object relative to which to search (optional.)
* If given then the enclosing scope(s) of this
* object are searched before the global scope.
* @return Pointer to the UMLObject found, or NULL if not found.
UMLObject* findUMLObject( const UMLObjectList& inList,
const TQString& name,
Uml::Object_Type type = Uml::ot_UMLObject,
UMLObject *currentObj = NULL);
* Returns a name for the new object, appended with a number
* if the default name is taken e.g. new_actor, new_actor_1
* etc.
* @param type The object type.
* @param parentPkg The package in which to compare the name.
* @param prefix The prefix to use (optional.)
* If no prefix is given then a type related
* prefix will be chosen internally.
TQString uniqObjectName(Uml::Object_Type type,
UMLPackage *parentPkg,
TQString prefix = TQString::null);
* Return true if the given tag is a one of the common XMI
* attributes, such as:
* "name" | "visibility" | "isRoot" | "isLeaf" | "isAbstract" |
* "isActive" | "ownerScope"
bool isCommonXMIAttribute(const TQString &tag);
* Return true if the given type is common among the majority
* of programming languages, such as "bool" or "boolean".
* TODO: Make this depend on the active programming language.
bool isCommonDataType(TQString type);
* Return true if the given object type is a classifier list item type.
bool isClassifierListitem(Uml::Object_Type ot);
* Return true if the listview type also has a widget representation in diagrams.
bool typeIsCanvasWidget(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return true if the listview type is one of the predefined root views
* (root, logical, usecase, component, deployment, datatype, or entity-
* relationship view.)
bool typeIsRootView(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return true if the listview type is a logical, usecase or component folder.
bool typeIsFolder(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return true if the listview type may act as a container for other objects,
* i.e. if it is a folder, package, subsystem, or component.
bool typeIsContainer(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return true if the listview type is a diagram.
bool typeIsDiagram(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return true if the listview type is an attribute, operation, or template.
bool typeIsClassifierList(Uml::ListView_Type type);
* Return the Model_Type which corresponds to the given Diagram_Type.
Uml::Model_Type convert_DT_MT(Uml::Diagram_Type dt);
* Return the ListView_Type which corresponds to the given Model_Type.
Uml::ListView_Type convert_MT_LVT(Uml::Model_Type mt);
* Return the Model_Type which corresponds to the given ListView_Type.
* Returns Uml::N_MODELTYPES if the list view type given does not map
* to a Model_Type.
Uml::Model_Type convert_LVT_MT(Uml::ListView_Type lvt);
* Convert a diagram type enum to the equivalent list view type.
Uml::ListView_Type convert_DT_LVT(Uml::Diagram_Type dt);
* Converts a list view type enum to the equivalent object type.
* @param lvt The ListView_Type to convert.
* @return The converted Object_Type if the listview type
* has a Uml::Object_Type representation, else 0.
Uml::Object_Type convert_LVT_OT(Uml::ListView_Type lvt);
* Convert an object's type to the equivalent list view type
* @param o Pointer to the UMLObject whose type shall be converted
* to the equivalent Uml::ListView_Type. We cannot just
* pass in a Uml::Object_Type because a UMLFolder is mapped
* to different Uml::ListView_Type values, depending on its
* location in one of the predefined modelviews (Logical/
* UseCase/etc.)
* @return The equivalent Uml::ListView_Type.
Uml::ListView_Type convert_OT_LVT(UMLObject *o);
* Return the Icon_Type which corresponds to the given listview type.
* @param lvt ListView_Type to convert.
* @return The Uml::Icon_Type corresponding to the lvt.
* Returns it_Home in case no mapping to Uml::Icon_Type exists.
Uml::Icon_Type convert_LVT_IT(Uml::ListView_Type lvt);
* Return the Diagram_Type which corresponds to the given listview type.
* @param lvt ListView_Type to convert.
* @return The Uml::Diagram_Type corresponding to the lvt.
* Returns dt_Undefined in case no mapping to Diagram_Type exists.
Uml::Diagram_Type convert_LVT_DT(Uml::ListView_Type lvt);
* Return the Model_Type which corresponds to the given Object_Type.
Uml::Model_Type convert_OT_MT(Uml::Object_Type ot);
* Try to guess the correct container folder type of an UMLObject.
* Object types that can't be guessed are mapped to Uml::mt_Logical.
* NOTE: This function exists mainly for handling pre-1.5.5 files
* and should not be used for new code.
Uml::Model_Type guessContainer(UMLObject *o);
* Parse a direction string into the Uml::Parameter_Direction.
* @param input The string to parse: "in", "out", or "inout"
* optionally followed by whitespace.
* @param result The corresponding Uml::Parameter_Direction.
* @return Length of the string matched, excluding the optional
* whitespace.
int stringToDirection(TQString input, Uml::Parameter_Direction & result);
* Return string corresponding to the given Uml::Programming_Language.
TQString progLangToString(Uml::Programming_Language pl);
* Return Uml::Programming_Language corresponding to the given string.
Uml::Programming_Language stringToProgLang(TQString str);
* Return type of parseOperation()
enum Parse_Status {
PS_OK, PS_Empty, PS_Malformed_Arg, PS_Unknown_ArgType,
PS_Illegal_MethodName, PS_Unknown_ReturnType, PS_Unspecified_Error
* Data structure filled by parseAttribute()
struct NameAndType {
TQString m_name;
UMLObject *m_type;
Uml::Parameter_Direction m_direction;
TQString m_initialValue;
NameAndType() : m_type(0), m_direction(Uml::pd_In) {
NameAndType(TQString name, UMLObject *type,
Uml::Parameter_Direction direction = Uml::pd_In,
TQString initialValue = TQString::null)
: m_name(name), m_type(type),
m_direction(direction), m_initialValue(initialValue) {
* Auxiliary type for OpDescriptor
typedef TQValueList<NameAndType> NameAndType_List;
typedef TQValueListIterator<NameAndType> NameAndType_ListIt;
* Data structure filled by parseOperation()
struct OpDescriptor {
TQString m_name;
NameAndType_List m_args;
UMLObject *m_pReturnType;
* Parses a template parameter given in UML syntax.
* @param t Input text of the template parameter.
* Example: parname : partype
* or just: parname (for class type)
* @param nmTp NameAndType returned by this method.
* @param owningScope Pointer to the owning scope of the template param.
* @return Error status of the parse, PS_OK for success.
Parse_Status parseTemplate(TQString t, NameAndType& nmTp, UMLClassifier *owningScope);
* Parses an attribute given in UML syntax.
* @param a Input text of the attribute in UML syntax.
* Example: argname : argtype
* @param nmTp NameAndType returned by this method.
* @param owningScope Pointer to the owning scope of the attribute.
* @param vis Optional pointer to visibility (return value.)
* The visibility may be given at the beginning of the
* attribute text in mnemonic form as follows:
* "+" stands for public
* "#" stands for protected
* "-" stands for private
* "~" stands for implementation level visibility
* @return Error status of the parse, PS_OK for success.
Parse_Status parseAttribute(TQString a, NameAndType& nmTp, UMLClassifier *owningScope,
Uml::Visibility *vis = 0);
* Parses an operation given in UML syntax.
* @param m Input text of the operation in UML syntax.
* Example of a two-argument operation returning "void":
* methodname (arg1name : arg1type, arg2name : arg2type) : void
* @param desc OpDescriptor returned by this method.
* @param owningScope Pointer to the owning scope of the operation.
* @return Error status of the parse, PS_OK for success.
Parse_Status parseOperation(TQString m, OpDescriptor& desc, UMLClassifier *owningScope);
* Returns the Parse_Status as a text.
TQString psText(Parse_Status value);