KompareSaveOptionsBase KompareSaveOptionsBase 0 0 558 399 unnamed 0 6 GroupBox2 1 1 0 0 Panel Run Diff In unnamed 11 6 m_directoryRequester 7 5 0 0 m_CommandLineGB 3 3 0 0 Panel Command Line AlignVCenter|AlignLeft unnamed 11 6 m_CommandLineLabel cd dir && diff -udHprNa -- source destination m_OptionsGB Options unnamed 11 6 m_SmallerChangesCB Look for smaller changes true m_LargeFilesCB Optimize for large files true m_IgnoreCaseCB Ignore changes in case m_ExpandTabsCB Expand tabs to spaces m_IgnoreEmptyLinesCB Ignore added or removed empty lines m_IgnoreWhiteSpaceCB Ignore changes in whitespace m_FunctionNamesCB Show function names true m_RecursiveCB Compare folders recursively true m_NewFilesCB Treat new files as empty true false m_FormatBG Format unnamed 11 6 m_ContextRB Context m_EdRB Ed m_NormalRB Normal m_RCSRB RCS m_UnifiedRB Unified true m_SideBySideRB Side-by-side false m_ContextLinesLayout unnamed 0 6 m_ContextLinesLabel Number of context lines: m_ContextLinesSB true 65535 3 kurlrequester.h