/* **************************************************************************** This file is part of KBabel Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Marco Wegner Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Nicolas GOUTTE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. **************************************************************************** */ // System include files #include #include #include // Qt include files #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE include files #include #include #include #include // project specific include files #include "cvshandler.h" CVSHandler::CVSHandler( const QString& poBaseDir, const QString& potBaseDir ) { setPOBaseDir( poBaseDir ); setPOTBaseDir( potBaseDir ); _autoUpdateTemplates = false; } void CVSHandler::setPOBaseDir( const QString& dir ) { // check if 'CVS/Entries' exists in the PO base directory if ( QFileInfo( dir + "/CVS/Entries" ).exists( ) ) { _isPORepository = true; _poBaseDir = dir; } else _isPORepository = false; emit signalIsPORepository( _isPORepository ); } void CVSHandler::setPOTBaseDir( const QString& dir ) { // check if 'CVS/Entries' exists in the POT base directory if ( QFileInfo( dir + "/CVS/Entries" ).exists( ) ) { _isPOTRepository = true; _potBaseDir = dir; } else _isPOTRepository = false; emit signalIsPOTRepository( _isPOTRepository ); } QString CVSHandler::fileStatus( const FileStatus status ) const { switch ( status ) { case NO_REPOSITORY: return i18n( "No CVS repository" ); break; case NOT_IN_CVS: return i18n( "Not in CVS" ); break; case LOCALLY_ADDED: return i18n( "Locally added" ); break; case LOCALLY_REMOVED: return i18n( "Locally removed" ); break; case LOCALLY_MODIFIED: return i18n( "Locally modified" ); break; case UP_TO_DATE: return i18n( "Up-to-date" ); break; case CONFLICT: return i18n( "Conflict" ); break; default: return i18n( "Unknown" ); break; } } CVSHandler::FileStatus CVSHandler::fstatus( const QString& filename ) const { // no valid repository if ( !_isPORepository ) return NO_REPOSITORY; QString fn( filename ); fn = fn.remove( QRegExp( "/$" ) ); QFileInfo info( fn ); // check if 'CVS/Entries' exists and can be read QFile entries( info.dir( true ).path( ) + "/CVS/Entries" ); if ( !entries.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return NOT_IN_CVS; // we already know that it's a repository // ### FIXME: it does not take care of CVS/Entries.Log // a line in CVS/Entries has the following format: // [D]/NAME/REVISION/[CONFLICT+]TIMESTAMP/OPTIONS/TAGDATE QRegExp rx( QString( "^D?/%1/" ).arg( info.fileName( ) ) ); QString temp; QTextStream stream( &entries ); bool isInRepository = false; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { temp = stream.readLine( ); if ( temp.find( rx ) == 0 ) { isInRepository = true; break; } } entries.close( ); // no entry found if ( !isInRepository ) return NOT_IN_CVS; const QStringList fields = QStringList::split( '/', temp, true ); // bool isDir = ( fields[0] == "D" ); const QString cvsname( fields[1] ); const QString revision( fields[2] ); const QString timestamp( fields[3] ); // ignore the other fields for now if ( revision == "0" && timestamp == "dummy timestamp" ) return LOCALLY_ADDED; if ( revision.startsWith( "-" ) && timestamp == "dummy timestamp" ) return LOCALLY_REMOVED; // check for conflicts if ( timestamp.find( '+' ) >= 0 ) return CONFLICT; // calculate the UTC time from the file's last modified date struct stat st; lstat( QFile::encodeName(fn), &st ); struct tm * tm_p = gmtime( &st.st_mtime ); QString ftime = QString( asctime( tm_p ) ); ftime.truncate( ftime.length( ) - 1 ); if ( ftime != timestamp ) return LOCALLY_MODIFIED; return UP_TO_DATE; } QString CVSHandler::cvsStatus( const QString& filename ) const { return map[filename]; } void CVSHandler::execCVSCommand( QWidget* parent, CVS::Command cmd, const QString& filename, bool templates, KSharedConfig* config ) { if ( !_isPORepository ) { // This message box should never be visible but who knows... ;-) KMessageBox::sorry( parent, i18n( "This is not a valid CVS repository. " "The CVS commands cannot be executed." ) ); return; } QFileInfo info( filename ); if ( !info.isDir( ) ) { execCVSCommand( parent, cmd, QStringList( filename ), templates, config ); return; } // ### FIXME: instead of making a QString, use KProcess directly, so that it cares about quoting. // ### FIXME: use KProcess::setWorkingDirectory instead of using "cd" (therefore allowing to use KProcess without a shell.) // it's a dir QString command( "cd " + filename + " && cvs " ); switch ( cmd ) { case CVS::Update: command += "update -dP"; break; case CVS::Commit: // The cvs client does not care about the encoding, so we cannot set anything here command += "commit -F @LOG@FILE@"; checkToAdd( QStringList( filename ) ); break; case CVS::Status: command += "status"; break; case CVS::Diff: command += "diff"; break; } showDialog( parent, cmd, QStringList( filename ), command, config ); } void CVSHandler::execCVSCommand( QWidget* parent, CVS::Command cmd, const QStringList& files, bool templates, KSharedConfig* config ) { if ( !_isPORepository ) { // This message box should never be visible but who knows... ;-) KMessageBox::sorry( parent, i18n( "This is not a valid CVS repository. " "The CVS commands cannot be executed." ) ); return; } // ### FIXME: instead of making a QString, use KProcess directly, so that it cares about quoting. // ### FIXME: use KProcess::setWorkingDirectory instead of using "cd" (therefore allowing to use KProcess without a shell.) QString command("cd " + (templates ? _potBaseDir : _poBaseDir) + " && cvs "); switch ( cmd ) { case CVS::Update: command += "update -dP"; break; case CVS::Commit: command += "commit -F @LOG@FILE@"; checkToAdd( files ); break; case CVS::Status: command += "status"; break; case CVS::Diff: command += "diff"; break; } QRegExp rx; if (templates) rx.setPattern(_potBaseDir + "/?"); else rx.setPattern(_poBaseDir + "/?"); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = files.begin( ); it != files.end( ); ++it ) { QString temp = *it; temp.remove(rx); command += " \'" + temp + "\'"; } showDialog( parent, cmd, files, command, config ); } void CVSHandler::setAutoUpdateTemplates( bool update ) { _autoUpdateTemplates = update; } void CVSHandler::showDialog( QWidget* parent, CVS::Command cmd, const QStringList& files, const QString& commandLine, KSharedConfig* config ) { CVSDialog * dia = new CVSDialog( cmd, parent, config ); dia->setFiles( files ); dia->setCommandLine( commandLine ); if ( cmd == CVS::Commit ) { dia->setAddCommand( _addCommand ); } if ( dia->exec( ) == KDialog::Accepted ) { if ( cmd == CVS::Status ) processStatusOutput( dia->statusOutput( ) ); if ( cmd == CVS::Diff ) processDiff( dia->statusOutput( ) ); } delete dia; // file status display update necessary in Catalog Manager if ( cmd == CVS::Commit ) emit signalFilesCommitted( files ); } void CVSHandler::checkToAdd( const QStringList& files ) { if ( files.isEmpty( ) ) return; QStringList toBeAdded; QStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( it = files.begin( ); it != files.end( ); ++it ) { // check for every entry if it needs to be added if ( fstatus( *it ) == NOT_IN_CVS ) { QFileInfo info( *it ); QString temp; // will hold the dir path if ( info.isDir( ) ) { toBeAdded << *it; temp = *it; } else { toBeAdded << *it; temp = QFileInfo( *it ).dirPath( true ); } // check recursivlely if parent dirs have to be added as well while ( fstatus( temp ) == NOT_IN_CVS && toBeAdded.findIndex( temp ) == -1 ) { toBeAdded << temp; temp = QFileInfo( temp ).dirPath( true ); } } } // remove an old command _addCommand.setLength( 0 ); // make sure the diectories are added before the files toBeAdded.sort( ); // create a command line for adding the files and dirs for ( it = toBeAdded.begin( ); it != toBeAdded.end( ); ++it ) { QFileInfo info( *it ); _addCommand += "cd " + info.dirPath( true ) + " && cvs add " + info.fileName( ) + "; "; } } void CVSHandler::processStatusOutput( const QString& status ) { if ( !_isPORepository ) return; // at first we need to extract the name of the base directory on the server QFile f( _poBaseDir + "/CVS/Root" ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; QTextStream stream( &f ); // extract the string after the last colon in the first line QString basedir = stream.readLine( ).section( ':', -1 ); f.close( ); // divide the complete status output in little chunks for every file QStringList entries = QStringList::split( QRegExp( "={67,67}" ), status ); QStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = entries.begin( ); it != entries.end( ); ++it ) { QString entr = *it; // translate the filename from repository to local QRegExp rx( basedir + ".*,v" ); int pos = entr.find( rx ); QString file = _poBaseDir + entr.mid( pos + basedir.length( ), rx.matchedLength( ) - basedir.length( ) - 2 ); entr = "" + entr + ""; // TODO: do some markup map.replace( file, entr ); } } void CVSHandler::processDiff( QString output ) { output.remove( QRegExp( "\\[ .* \\]$" )); output.remove( QRegExp( "^" + i18n("[ Starting command ]" ).replace("[","\\[").replace("]","\\]"))); KTempFile tmpFile; *(tmpFile.textStream()) << output; tmpFile.close(); QString error; if ( KApplication::startServiceByName( "Kompare", tmpFile.name(), &error ) ) KMessageBox::error( 0, error ); } bool CVSHandler::isConsideredModified( const FileStatus status ) const { /* * A file is modified if it is either: * - locally modified for CVS * - directory under CVS control but not the file */ return status == LOCALLY_MODIFIED || status == NOT_IN_CVS; } #include "cvshandler.moc"