/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright (C) 2002-2007 * * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors * ***************************************************************************/ // own header #include "umllistviewitem.h" // system includes #include // qt/kde includes #include #include #include #include #include #include // app includes #include "folder.h" #include "classifier.h" #include "template.h" #include "attribute.h" #include "operation.h" #include "umldoc.h" #include "umllistview.h" #include "umlobjectlist.h" #include "umlview.h" #include "model_utils.h" #include "uniqueid.h" #include "uml.h" UMLListView* UMLListViewItem::s_pListView = 0; UMLListViewItem::UMLListViewItem( UMLListView * parent, const TQString &name, Uml::ListView_Type t, UMLObject* o) : TQListViewItem(parent, name) { init(parent); m_Type = t; m_pObject = o; if (o) m_nId = o->getID(); setIcon(Uml::it_Home); setText( name ); setRenameEnabled( 0, false ); } UMLListViewItem::UMLListViewItem(UMLListView * parent) : TQListViewItem(parent) { init(parent); if (parent == NULL) kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem constructor called with a NULL listview parent" << endl; } UMLListViewItem::UMLListViewItem(UMLListViewItem * parent) : TQListViewItem(parent) { init(); } UMLListViewItem::UMLListViewItem(UMLListViewItem * parent, const TQString &name, Uml::ListView_Type t,UMLObject*o) : TQListViewItem(parent, name) { init(); m_Type = t; m_pObject = o; if( !o ) { m_nId = Uml::id_None; updateFolder(); } else { UMLClassifierListItem *umlchild = dynamic_cast(o); if (umlchild) parent->addClassifierListItem(umlchild, this); updateObject(); m_nId = o->getID(); } setRenameEnabled( 0, !Model_Utils::typeIsRootView(t) ); setText( name ); } UMLListViewItem::UMLListViewItem(UMLListViewItem * parent, const TQString &name, Uml::ListView_Type t,Uml::IDType id) : TQListViewItem(parent, name) { init(); m_Type = t; m_nId = id; switch (m_Type) { case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Collaboration); break; case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Class); break; case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_State); break; case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Activity); break; case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Sequence); break; case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Component); break; case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Deployment); break; case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram_Usecase); break; default: setIcon(Uml::it_Diagram); } /* Constructor also used by folder so just make sure we don't need to to set pixmap to folder. doesn't hurt diagrams. */ updateFolder(); setText( name ); setRenameEnabled( 0, true ); } UMLListViewItem::~UMLListViewItem() {} void UMLListViewItem::init(UMLListView * parent) { m_Type = Uml::lvt_Unknown; m_bCreating = false; m_pObject = NULL; m_nId = Uml::id_None; m_nChildren = 0; if (s_pListView == NULL && parent != NULL) { kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem::init: s_pListView still NULL, setting it now " << endl; s_pListView = parent; } } Uml::ListView_Type UMLListViewItem::getType() const { return m_Type; } void UMLListViewItem::addClassifierListItem(UMLClassifierListItem *child, UMLListViewItem *childItem) { m_comap[child] = childItem; } void UMLListViewItem::deleteChildItem(UMLClassifierListItem *child) { UMLListViewItem *childItem = findChildObject(child); if (childItem == NULL) { kError() << "UMLListViewItem::deleteChildItem(" << child->getName() << "): child listview item not found" << endl; return; } m_comap.remove(child); delete childItem; } Uml::IDType UMLListViewItem::getID() const { if (m_pObject) return m_pObject->getID(); return m_nId; } void UMLListViewItem::setID(Uml::IDType id) { if (m_pObject) { Uml::IDType oid = m_pObject->getID(); if (id != Uml::id_None && oid != id) kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem::setID: new id " << ID2STR(id) << " does not agree with object id " << ID2STR(oid) << endl; } m_nId = id; } bool UMLListViewItem::isOwnParent(Uml::IDType listViewItemID) { TQListViewItem *lvi = (TQListViewItem*)s_pListView->findItem(listViewItemID); if (lvi == NULL) { kError() << "UMLListViewItem::isOwnParent: ListView->findItem(" << ID2STR(listViewItemID) << ") returns NULL" << endl; return true; } for (TQListViewItem *self = (TQListViewItem*)this; self; self = self->parent()) { if (lvi == self) return true; } return false; } void UMLListViewItem::updateObject() { if( m_pObject == NULL ) return; Uml::Visibility scope = m_pObject->getVisibility(); Uml::Object_Type ot = m_pObject->getBaseType(); TQString modelObjText = m_pObject->getName(); if (Model_Utils::isClassifierListitem(ot)) { UMLClassifierListItem *pNarrowed = static_cast(m_pObject); modelObjText = pNarrowed->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis); } setText(modelObjText); Uml::Icon_Type icon = Uml::it_Home; switch (ot) { case Uml::ot_Package: if (m_pObject->getStereotype() == "subsystem") icon = Uml::it_Subsystem; else icon = Uml::it_Package; break; /* case Uml::ot_Folder: { Uml::ListView_Type lvt = Model_Utils::convert_OT_LVT(m_pObject); icon = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_IT(lvt); } break; */ case Uml::ot_Operation: if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Public) icon = Uml::it_Public_Method; else if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Private) icon = Uml::it_Private_Method; else if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Implementation) icon = Uml::it_Private_Method; else icon = Uml::it_Protected_Method; break; case Uml::ot_Attribute: case Uml::ot_EntityAttribute: if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Public) icon = Uml::it_Public_Attribute; else if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Private) icon = Uml::it_Private_Attribute; else if (scope == Uml::Visibility::Implementation) icon = Uml::it_Private_Attribute; else icon = Uml::it_Protected_Attribute; break; default: icon = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_IT(m_Type); break; }//end switch if (icon) setIcon(icon); } void UMLListViewItem::updateFolder() { Uml::Icon_Type icon = Model_Utils::convert_LVT_IT(m_Type); if (icon) { if (Model_Utils::typeIsFolder(m_Type)) icon = (Uml::Icon_Type)((int)icon + (int)isOpen()); setIcon(icon); } } void UMLListViewItem::setOpen( bool open ) { TQListViewItem::setOpen( open ); updateFolder(); } void UMLListViewItem::setText(const TQString &newText) { m_Label = newText; TQListViewItem::setText(0, newText); } TQString UMLListViewItem::getText() const { return m_Label; } void UMLListViewItem::setIcon(Uml::Icon_Type iconType) { setPixmap(0, s_pListView->getPixmap(iconType)); } void UMLListViewItem::okRename( int col ) { TQListViewItem::okRename( col ); UMLDoc* doc = s_pListView->getDocument(); if (m_bCreating) { m_bCreating = false; TQString savedLabel = m_Label; m_Label = text(col); if ( s_pListView->itemRenamed( this, col ) ) { s_pListView->ensureItemVisible(this); doc->setModified(true); } else { delete this; } return; } TQString newText = text( col ); if ( newText == m_Label ) { return; } if( newText.isEmpty() ) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } switch( m_Type ) { case Uml::lvt_UseCase: case Uml::lvt_Actor: case Uml::lvt_Class: case Uml::lvt_Package: case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Folder: case Uml::lvt_Logical_Folder: case Uml::lvt_Component_Folder: case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Folder: case Uml::lvt_EntityRelationship_Folder: case Uml::lvt_Interface: case Uml::lvt_Datatype: case Uml::lvt_Enum: case Uml::lvt_EnumLiteral: case Uml::lvt_Subsystem: case Uml::lvt_Component: case Uml::lvt_Node: if (m_pObject == NULL || !doc->isUnique(newText)) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } m_pObject -> setName( newText ); doc->setModified(true); m_Label = newText; break; case Uml::lvt_Operation: { if (m_pObject == NULL) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLOperation *op = static_cast(m_pObject); UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast( op -> parent() ); Model_Utils::OpDescriptor od; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseOperation(newText, od, parent); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { // TODO: Check that no operation with the exact same profile exists. op->setName( od.m_name ); op->setType( od.m_pReturnType ); UMLAttributeList parmList = op->getParmList(); const unsigned newParmListCount = parmList.count(); if (newParmListCount > od.m_args.count()) { // Remove parameters at end of of list that no longer exist. for (unsigned i = od.m_args.count(); i < newParmListCount; i++) { UMLAttribute *a = parmList.at(i); op->removeParm(a, false); } } Model_Utils::NameAndType_ListIt lit = od.m_args.begin(); for (unsigned i = 0; lit != od.m_args.end(); ++lit, ++i) { const Model_Utils::NameAndType& nm_tp = *lit; UMLAttribute *a; if (i < newParmListCount) { a = parmList.at(i); } else { a = new UMLAttribute(op); a->setID( UniqueID::gen() ); } a->setName(nm_tp.m_name); a->setType(nm_tp.m_type); a->setParmKind(nm_tp.m_direction); a->setInitialValue(nm_tp.m_initialValue); if (i >= newParmListCount) { op->addParm(a); } } m_Label = op->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(), Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled") ); } TQListViewItem::setText(0, m_Label); break; } case Uml::lvt_Attribute: case Uml::lvt_EntityAttribute: { if (m_pObject == NULL) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast(m_pObject->parent()); Model_Utils::NameAndType nt; Uml::Visibility vis; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st; st = Model_Utils::parseAttribute(newText, nt, parent, &vis); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { UMLObject *exists = parent->findChildObject(newText); if (exists) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } m_pObject->setName(nt.m_name); UMLAttribute *pAtt = static_cast(m_pObject); pAtt->setType(nt.m_type); pAtt->setVisibility(vis); pAtt->setParmKind(nt.m_direction); pAtt->setInitialValue(nt.m_initialValue); m_Label = pAtt->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(), Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled") ); } TQListViewItem::setText(0, m_Label); break; } case Uml::lvt_Template: { if (m_pObject == NULL) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLClassifier *parent = static_cast(m_pObject->parent()); Model_Utils::NameAndType nt; Model_Utils::Parse_Status st = Model_Utils::parseTemplate(newText, nt, parent); if (st == Model_Utils::PS_OK) { UMLObject *exists = parent->findChildObject(newText); if (exists) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } m_pObject->setName(nt.m_name); UMLTemplate *tmpl = static_cast(m_pObject); tmpl->setType(nt.m_type); m_Label = tmpl->toString(Uml::st_SigNoVis); } else { KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget(), Model_Utils::psText(st), i18n("Rename canceled") ); } TQListViewItem::setText(0, m_Label); break; } case Uml::lvt_UseCase_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Class_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Sequence_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Collaboration_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_State_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Activity_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Component_Diagram: case Uml::lvt_Deployment_Diagram: { UMLView *view = doc -> findView( getID() ); if (view == NULL) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } UMLView *anotherView = doc -> findView( view->getType(), newText ); if( anotherView && anotherView -> getID() == getID() ) anotherView = 0; if (anotherView) { cancelRenameWithMsg(); return; } view->setName( newText ); setText(newText); doc->signalDiagramRenamed(view); break; } default: KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget() , i18n("Renaming an item of listview type %1 is not yet implemented.").tqarg(m_Type), i18n("Function Not Implemented") ); TQListViewItem::setText(0, m_Label); break; } doc->setModified(true); } void UMLListViewItem::cancelRenameWithMsg() { KMessageBox::error( kapp->mainWidget() , i18n("The name you entered was invalid.\nRenaming process has been canceled."), i18n("Name Not Valid") ); TQListViewItem::setText(0, m_Label); } void UMLListViewItem::cancelRename(int col) { TQListViewItem::cancelRename(col); if (m_bCreating) { s_pListView->cancelRename(this); } } // Sort the listview items by type and position within the corresponding list // of UMLObjects. If the item does not have an UMLObject then place it last. int UMLListViewItem::compare(TQListViewItem *other, int col, bool ascending) const { UMLListViewItem *ulvi = static_cast(other); Uml::ListView_Type ourType = getType(); Uml::ListView_Type otherType = ulvi->getType(); if ( ourType < otherType ) return -1; if ( ourType > otherType ) return 1; // ourType == otherType const bool subItem = Model_Utils::typeIsClassifierList(ourType); const int alphaOrder = key(col, ascending).compare(other->key(col, ascending)); int retval = 0; TQString dbgPfx = "compare(type=" + TQString::number((int)ourType) + ", self=" + getText() + ", other=" + ulvi->getText() + "): return "; UMLObject *otherObj = ulvi->getUMLObject(); if (m_pObject == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? 1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (m_pObject==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } if (otherObj == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? -1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (otherObj==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } UMLClassifier *ourParent = dynamic_cast(m_pObject->parent()); UMLClassifier *otherParent = dynamic_cast(otherObj->parent()); if (ourParent == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? 1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (ourParent==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } if (otherParent == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? -1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (otherParent==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } if (ourParent != otherParent) { retval = (subItem ? 0 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (ourParent != otherParent)" << endl; #endif return retval; } UMLClassifierListItem *thisUmlItem = dynamic_cast(m_pObject); UMLClassifierListItem *otherUmlItem = dynamic_cast(otherObj); if (thisUmlItem == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? 1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (thisUmlItem==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } if (otherUmlItem == NULL) { retval = (subItem ? -1 : alphaOrder); #ifdef DEBUG_LVITEM_INSERTION_ORDER kDebug() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (otherUmlItem==NULL)" << endl; #endif return retval; } UMLClassifierListItemList items = ourParent->getFilteredList(thisUmlItem->getBaseType()); int myIndex = items.findRef(thisUmlItem); int otherIndex = items.findRef(otherUmlItem); if (myIndex < 0) { retval = (subItem ? -1 : alphaOrder); kError() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (myIndex < 0)" << endl; return retval; } if (otherIndex < 0) { retval = (subItem ? 1 : alphaOrder); kError() << dbgPfx << retval << " because (otherIndex < 0)" << endl; return retval; } return (myIndex < otherIndex ? -1 : myIndex > otherIndex ? 1 : 0); } UMLListViewItem* UMLListViewItem::deepCopy(UMLListViewItem *newParent) { TQString nm = getText(); Uml::ListView_Type t = getType(); UMLObject *o = getUMLObject(); UMLListViewItem* newItem; if (o) newItem = new UMLListViewItem(newParent, nm, t, o); else newItem = new UMLListViewItem(newParent, nm, t, m_nId); UMLListViewItem *childItem = static_cast(firstChild()); while (childItem) { childItem->deepCopy(newItem); childItem = static_cast(childItem->nextSibling()); } return newItem; } UMLListViewItem* UMLListViewItem::findUMLObject(const UMLObject *o) { if (m_pObject == o) return this; UMLListViewItem *childItem = static_cast(firstChild()); while (childItem) { UMLListViewItem *inner = childItem->findUMLObject(o); if (inner) return inner; childItem = static_cast(childItem->nextSibling()); } return NULL; } UMLListViewItem* UMLListViewItem::findChildObject(UMLClassifierListItem *cli) { ChildObjectMap::iterator it = m_comap.find(cli); if (it != m_comap.end()) { return *it; } return NULL; } UMLListViewItem * UMLListViewItem::findItem(Uml::IDType id) { if (getID() == id) return this; UMLListViewItem *childItem = static_cast(firstChild()); while (childItem) { UMLListViewItem *inner = childItem->findItem(id); if (inner) return inner; childItem = static_cast(childItem->nextSibling()); } return NULL; } void UMLListViewItem::saveToXMI( TQDomDocument & qDoc, TQDomElement & qElement) { TQDomElement itemElement = qDoc.createElement( "listitem" ); Uml::IDType id = getID(); TQString idStr = ID2STR(id); //kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem::saveToXMI: id = " << idStr // << ", type = " << m_Type << endl; if (id != Uml::id_None) itemElement.setAttribute( "id", idStr ); itemElement.setAttribute( "type", m_Type ); UMLFolder *extFolder = NULL; if (m_pObject == NULL) { if (! Model_Utils::typeIsDiagram(m_Type) && m_Type != Uml::lvt_View) kError() << "UMLListViewItem::saveToXMI(" << m_Label << "): m_pObject is NULL" << endl; itemElement.setAttribute( "label", m_Label ); } else if (m_pObject->getID() == Uml::id_None) { if (m_Label.isEmpty()) { kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem::saveToXMI(): Skipping empty item" << endl; return; } kDebug() << "UMLListViewItem::saveToXMI(): saving local label " << m_Label << " because umlobject ID is not set" << endl; itemElement.setAttribute( "label", m_Label ); } else if (m_pObject->getBaseType() == Uml::ot_Folder) { extFolder = static_cast(m_pObject); if (!extFolder->getFolderFile().isEmpty()) { itemElement.setAttribute("open", "0"); qElement.appendChild(itemElement); return; } } itemElement.setAttribute("open", isOpen()); TQDomElement folderRoot; UMLListViewItem *childItem = static_cast( firstChild() ); while (childItem) { childItem->saveToXMI(qDoc, itemElement); childItem = dynamic_cast ( childItem->nextSibling() ); } qElement.appendChild( itemElement ); } bool UMLListViewItem::loadFromXMI(TQDomElement& qElement) { TQString id = qElement.attribute( "id", "-1" ); TQString type = qElement.attribute( "type", "-1" ); TQString label = qElement.attribute( "label", "" ); TQString open = qElement.attribute( "open", "1" ); if (!label.isEmpty()) setText( label ); else if (id == "-1") { kError() << "UMLListViewItem::loadFromXMI: Item of type " << type << " has neither ID nor label" << endl; return false; } m_nChildren = qElement.childNodes().count(); m_nId = STR2ID(id); if (m_nId != Uml::id_None) m_pObject = s_pListView->getDocument()->findObjectById( m_nId ); m_Type = (Uml::ListView_Type)(type.toInt()); if (m_pObject) updateObject(); setOpen( (bool)open.toInt() ); return true; }