KCachegrind =========== What is all this about ? ------------------------- Profiling, i.e. determinating most time consuming execution parts, is an important last step when developing applications. KCachegrind visualizes traces, generated by profiling, in various ways; most notable is the TreeMap visualization of the calls happening and a condensed version of it, the Coverage analysis. KCachegrind is designed to allow fast browsing and to provide a quick overview of very large programs, such as KDE applications (but not limited to!). At the moment, it uses Cachegrind as profiling backend, which is using the excellent CPU simulator in Valgrind. Thus, profiling does not need any preparation, can cope with shared libraries and plugin architectures, and allows for profile runs to not influence the measuring by the profile itself (all in contrast to e.g. GProf). Disadvantage is slower profile runs, unfortunately. For Cachegrind to provide call tree information, a patch is provided. This enables the most interesting visualization features of KCachegrind. Requirements ------------ A call-tree version of Cachegrind: - X86 Linux - Valgrind 1.0.x with call-tree patch from KCachegrind Website - Valgrind 2.0.x with call-tree skin installed Cachegrind runs on x86 platforms, KCachegrind on all KDE enabled platforms (KDE 3.0.x). Compilation and Installation ---------------------------- Simple do the command sequence ./configure --prefix= make make install KCachegrind features -------------------- Most important: TreeMap calltree visualisation. For the rest, see the detailed "What's this?" help for each part of KCachegrind and the quick starter on the WWW page ( http://kcachegrind.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/show.cgi ) Happy Profiling, Josef Weidendorfer