CodeGenerationOptionsBase CodeGenerationOptionsBase 0 0 581 525 3 3 0 0 Code Generation Options unnamed tabWidget true 5 5 0 0 tab General unnamed layout1 unnamed m_SelectLanguageGroup Language unnamed 11 6 m_SelectLanguageBox GroupBox1 Folders unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2 Write all generated files to folder: m_browseOutput Bro&wse... m_browseHeadings B&rowse... m_includeHeadings &Include heading files from folder: true m_outputDir Files generated by Code Generator will be written to this folder m_headingsDir Files in this folder will be used as heading files in the generated code Spacer1 Horizontal Fixed 30 20 Spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 30 20 m_overwriteGroup Overwrite Policy unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1 If a file with the same name as the name code generator wants to use as output file already exists: m_overwrite O&verwrite Overwrite existing files if they exist in the destination folder m_ask As&k true If a file with the same name already exists, ask what to do m_changeName &Use a different name If a file already exists in the destination folder, select a different name to use by adding a suffix to the file name tab Formatting unnamed layout8 unnamed groupBox5 Lines unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 16 30 spacer3_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 16 30 spacer3_2 Horizontal Expanding 16 30 textLabel3 Line ending style: textLabel1 Indentation type: textLabel2 Indentation amount: *NIX ("\n") Windows ("\r\n") Mac ("\r") m_SelectEndLineCharsBox No Indentation Tab Space m_SelectIndentationTypeBox m_SelectIndentationNumber GroupBox3 Comment Verbosity m_forceSections 10 60 446 52 Write comments &for sections even if section is empty Writes comments to indicate the different sections (public, private etc) in a class, even if the sections are empty m_forceDoc 11 29 446 28 &Write documentation comments even if empty Write comments &for class and method documentation even if empty tab Language Options unnamed languageOptionsFrame StyledPanel Raised m_includeHeadings toggled(bool) m_browseHeadings setEnabled(bool) m_includeHeadings toggled(bool) m_headingsDir setEnabled(bool) m_browseOutput clicked() CodeGenerationOptionsBase browseClicked() m_browseHeadings clicked() CodeGenerationOptionsBase browseClicked() m_SelectLanguageBox activated(int) CodeGenerationOptionsBase activeLanguageChanged(int) browseClicked() activeLanguageChanged(int id) knuminput.h