You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1968 lines
52 KiB

/* This file is part of KCachegrind.
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Josef Weidendorfer <>
KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Classes holding profiling data for
* multiple tracefiles for one command.
* See class TraceData first.
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qptrvector.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include "subcost.h"
#include "utils.h"
class QFile;
* All cost items are classes prefixed with "Trace".
* "TraceCost" holds basic cost metrics for the simplest, smallest
* trace entity: These are events counted for an instruction at
* a specific memory address of the traced program.
* All other cost items are derived from TraceCost, and add needed
* cost metrics, e.g. for a call the number of calls that happened.
* Abstract, i.e. never instantiated cost items are
* - TraceCost: Basic cost metrics (instr/read/write access + cache events)
* - TraceCallCost: Additional call count cost metric.
* - TraceInclusiveCost: Additional TraceCost aggregated.
* - TraceListCost: Adds dependency to a list of TraceCost's
* - TraceCallListCost: same for list of TraceCallCost's
* - TraceInclusiveListCost: same for list of TraceInclusiveCost's
* - TraceCostItem: Base for cost items for "interesting" costs:
* TraceFunction, TraceClass, TraceFile, TraceObject
* The smallest Cachegrind output is trace data indexed by a source
* line number, a TracePartLine. Another one is a call from one
* source line of a function to another function, a TracePartLineCall.
* All other cost items derive the value by summation of cost metrics
* from TraceLineItem and TracePartLineCall costs; their cost is
* calculated lazy on demand and cached afterwards.
* For cost items, which are sums over all trace files read in, the
* summed cost metrics change when e.g. a new trace file is read.
* Thus, their cached costs are invalidated, and again recalculated
* only on demand. In the following list, theses cost items are called
* "dynamic", the other "fixed" (but neverless calculated lazy).
* Cost Item Type Summation of ...
* TracePartLineCall fixed Read from trace file
* TracePartLine fixed Read from trace file
* TracePartCall fixed TracePartLineCall's
* TraceLineCall dynamic TracePartLineCall's
* TraceCall dynamic TraceLineCall's
* TraceLine dynamic TracePartLine's and TraceLineCall's
* TracePartFunction fixed TracePartLine's / TracePartCall's
* TraceFunction dynamic TraceLine's / TraceCall's (called from)
* TracePartClass fixed TracePartFunction's
* TraceClass dynamic TraceFunction's
* TracePartFile fixed TracePartFunction's
* TraceFile dynamic TraceFunction's
* TracePartObject fixed TracePartFunction's
* TraceObject dynamic TraceFunction's
* TracePart fixed TracePartLine's
* TraceData dynamic TracePart's
* As there exists only one TraceData object for a traced program, its the
* owner of some "high level" cost items. The following shows the owner
* relationship of the cost item classes, together with references.
* Cost Item Owner (& back ref) Other References to
* TracePartLineCall TraceLineCall
* TracePartCall TraceCall TracePartLineCall's
* TracePartLine TraceLine TracePartLineCall's
* TracePartFunction TraceFunction
* TracePartClass TraceClass TracePart
* TracePartFile TraceFile TracePart
* TracePartObject TraceObject TracePart
* TraceLineCall TraceCall TracePartLineCall's
* TraceCall TraceFunction TracePartCall's
* TraceLine TraceData TraceLineCall's
* TraceFunction TraceData TraceCall's (calling)
* TraceClass TraceData
* TraceFile TraceData
* TraceObject TraceData
* TracePart TraceData
* TraceData Main Application
* Convention:
* - The owner has a factory method for owned objects,
* and calls addXXX() to install references in other objects
* - The owner is first arg in a constructor.
class FixString;
class FixCost;
class FixCallCost;
class FixJump;
class FixPool;
class DynPool;
class TopLevel;
class TraceCost;
class TraceCostType;
class TraceCostMapping;
class TraceSubMapping;
class TraceJumpCost;
class TraceCallCost;
class TraceInclusiveCost;
class TracePartInstr;
class TracePartInstrCall;
class TracePartLine;
class TracePartLineCall;
class TracePartCall;
class TracePartLineRegion;
class TracePartFunction;
class TracePartClass;
class TracePartObject;
class TracePartFile;
class TraceInstr;
class TraceInstrJump;
class TraceInstrCall;
class TraceLine;
class TraceLineJump;
class TraceLineCall;
class TraceCall;
class TraceLineRegion;
class TraceFunctionSource;
class TraceFunction;
class TraceFunctionCycle;
class TraceClass;
class TraceObject;
class TraceFile;
class TracePart;
class TraceData;
typedef QPtrList<TraceCost> TraceCostList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceJumpCost> TraceJumpCostList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceCallCost> TraceCallCostList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceInclusiveCost> TraceInclusiveCostList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartCall> TracePartCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartInstr> TracePartInstrList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartLine> TracePartLineList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartLineRegion> TracePartLineRegionList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartFunction> TracePartFunctionList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartInstrCall> TracePartInstrCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TracePartLineCall> TracePartLineCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceInstr> TraceInstrList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceLine> TraceLineList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceInstrCall> TraceInstrCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceLineCall> TraceLineCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceCall> TraceCallList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceFile> TraceFileList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceLineRegion> TraceLineRegionList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceFunctionSource> TraceFunctionSourceList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceFunction> TraceFunctionList;
typedef QPtrList<TraceFunctionCycle> TraceFunctionCycleList;
typedef QMap<QString, TraceObject> TraceObjectMap;
typedef QMap<QString, TraceClass> TraceClassMap;
typedef QMap<QString, TraceFile> TraceFileMap;
typedef QMap<QString, TraceFunction> TraceFunctionMap;
typedef QMap<uint, TraceLine> TraceLineMap;
* Addresses are 64bit values like costs to be able
* to always load profile data produced on 64bit
* architectures.
class Addr
Addr() { _v=0; }
Addr(uint64 v) { _v = v; }
// Interpretes char data at s as hex (without "0x" prefix)
// and return number of interpreted chars.
int set(const char *s);
bool set(FixString& s);
QString toString() const;
// similar to toString(), but adds a space every 4 digits
QString pretty() const;
// returns true if this address is in [a-distance;a+distance]
bool isInRange(Addr a, int distance);
bool operator==(const Addr& a) const { return (_v == a._v); }
bool operator!=(const Addr& a) const { return (_v != a._v); }
bool operator>(const Addr& a) const { return _v > a._v; }
bool operator>=(const Addr& a) const { return _v >= a._v; }
bool operator<(const Addr& a) const { return _v < a._v; }
bool operator<=(const Addr& a) const { return _v <= a._v; }
Addr operator+(int d) const { return Addr(_v + d); }
Addr operator-(int d) const { return Addr(_v - d); }
uint64 _v;
typedef QMap<Addr, TraceInstr> TraceInstrMap;
* Base class for cost items.
class TraceItem
// RTTI for trace item classes, using type() method
enum CostType { Item, Cost,
PartInstr, Instr,
PartLine, Line,
PartInstrJump, InstrJump,
PartLineJump, LineJump,
PartInstrCall, InstrCall,
PartLineCall, LineCall,
PartCall, Call,
PartLineRegion, LineRegion,
PartFunction, FunctionSource, Function, FunctionCycle,
PartClass, Class, ClassCycle,
PartFile, File, FileCycle,
PartObject, Object, ObjectCycle,
Part, Data,
MaxCostType, NoCostType };
virtual ~TraceItem();
virtual CostType type() const { return Item; }
// conversion of item type to locale independent string (e.g. for config)
static QString typeName(CostType);
static CostType costType(QString);
// the versions below should be used for user visible strings, as
// these use localisation settings
static QString i18nTypeName(CostType);
static CostType i18nCostType(QString);
// clean up some static data
static void cleanup();
* Returns dynamic name info (without type)
virtual QString name() const;
* Same as name, but sometimes nicer for humans :-)
virtual QString prettyName() const;
* Returns text of all cost metrics
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping*);
* Returns type name + dynamic name
QString fullName() const;
* Returns full name + cost text
QString toString();
* Set all cost counters to zero
virtual void clear();
/** Invalidate the cost attributes.
* An invalidated object needs to be recalculated when a cost
* attribute is requested (e.g. by subCost()).
* Has to be overwritten by subclasses when the cost influences costs of
* other cost items. If only one item depends on the cost of this item,
* it can by set with setDependant() without a need for overwriting.
virtual void invalidate();
* Sets a dependant to be invalidated when this cost is invalidated.
* Call this function directly after the constructor.
void setDependant(TraceItem* d) { _dep = d; }
TraceItem* dependant() { return _dep; }
* If this item is from a single profile data file, position
* points to a TracePart, otherwise to a TraceData object.
void setPosition(TraceItem* p) { _position = p; }
// getters for specific positions, to be overwritten
virtual TracePart* part();
virtual const TracePart* part() const;
virtual TraceData* data();
virtual const TraceData* data() const;
/** Updates cost attributes.
* This has to be called by subclasses that access cost attributes
* directly
virtual void update();
bool _dirty;
TraceItem* _position;
TraceItem* _dep;
static QString *_typeName, *_i18nTypeName;
* An array of basic cost metrics for a trace item.
* The semantic of specific indexes is stored in the
* TraceCostMapping of the TraceData object holding this TraceCost.
class TraceCost: public TraceItem
* The maximal number of subcosts a TraceCost can have.
static const int MaxRealIndex;
#define MaxRealIndexValue 13
static const int InvalidIndex;
virtual ~TraceCost();
virtual CostType type() const { return Cost; }
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping*);
virtual void clear();
// set the cost according to a submapping and a list of ASCII numbers
void set(TraceSubMapping*, const char*);
void set(TraceSubMapping*, FixString&);
// add a cost according to a submapping and a list of ASCII numbers
void addCost(TraceSubMapping*, const char*);
void addCost(TraceSubMapping*, FixString&);
// add the cost of another item
void addCost(TraceCost* item);
void addCost(int index, SubCost value);
// maximal cost
void maxCost(TraceSubMapping*, FixString&);
void maxCost(TraceCost* item);
void maxCost(int index, SubCost value);
TraceCost diff(TraceCost* item);
virtual void invalidate();
/** Returns a sub cost. This automatically triggers
* a call to update() if needed.
SubCost subCost(TraceCostType*);
* Same as above, but only for real types
SubCost subCost(int);
/** Returns a cost attribute converted to a string
* (with space after every 3 digits)
QString prettySubCost(TraceCostType*);
virtual void update();
SubCost _cost[MaxRealIndexValue];
int _count; // only _count first indexes of _cost are used
// cache last virtual subcost for faster access
SubCost _cachedCost;
TraceCostType* _cachedType;
* A cost type, e.g. "L1 Read Miss", short "l1rm".
* We distinguish "real" cost types, where the values come
* from the trace file, and "virtual" cost types, which
* are calculated from the real ones.
* For a virtual cost type, set a formula to calculate it:
* e.g. for "Read Misses" : "l1rm + l2rm".
* To allow for parsing, you must specify a TraceCostMapping
* with according cost types (e.g. "l1rm" and "l2rm" for above formula).
* The cost type with empty name is the "const" cost type.
class TraceCostType
* <name> is a short (non-localized) identifier for the cost type,
* e.g. "l1rm".
* <longName> is a long localized string, e.g. "L1 Read Miss"
* <formula> uses short names to reference other types
TraceCostType(QString name,
QString longName = QString::null,
QString formula = QString::null);
void setName(QString n) { _name = n; }
void setLongName(QString n) { _longName = n; }
void setMapping(TraceCostMapping* m);
void setFormula(QString);
// default arg is for specifying a real type, but index unknown
void setRealIndex(int r = TraceCost::MaxRealIndex);
const QString& name() { return _name; }
const QString& longName() { return _longName; }
const QString& formula() { return _formula; }
TraceCostMapping* mapping() { return _mapping; }
int realIndex() { return _realIndex; }
bool isReal() { return _formula.isEmpty(); }
QColor color();
* returns true if all cost type names can be resolved in formula
bool parseFormula();
QString parsedFormula();
SubCost subCost(TraceCost*);
* For virtual costs, returns a histogram for use with
* partitionPixmap().
* Returns maximal real index.
int histCost(TraceCost* c, double total, double* hist);
// application wide known types, referenced by short name
// next 2 functions return a new type object instance
static TraceCostType* knownRealType(QString);
static TraceCostType* knownVirtualType(QString);
static void add(TraceCostType*);
static bool remove(QString);
static int knownTypeCount();
static TraceCostType* knownType(int);
QString _name, _longName, _formula;
TraceCostMapping* _mapping;
bool _parsed, _inParsing;
// index MaxRealIndex is for constant addition
int _coefficient[MaxRealIndexValue];
int _realIndex;
static QPtrList<TraceCostType>* _knownTypes;
* A class for managing a set of cost types.
* Each cost type has an index:
* - Real costs are in range [0 .. TraceCost:MaxRealIndex[
* - Virtual costs are in range [MaxRealIndex, ...]
class TraceCostMapping
* Defines a sub mapping with a list of real types
* If <create> is false, checks if this is a existing sub mapping.
TraceSubMapping* subMapping(QString types, bool create = true);
// "knows" about some real types
int addReal(QString);
int add(TraceCostType*);
bool remove(TraceCostType*);
int realCount() { return _realCount; }
int virtualCount() { return _virtualCount; }
int minVirtualIndex() { return TraceCost::MaxRealIndex; }
TraceCostType* type(int);
TraceCostType* realType(int);
TraceCostType* virtualType(int);
TraceCostType* type(QString);
TraceCostType* typeForLong(QString);
int realIndex(QString);
int index(QString);
QColor* realColors() { return _realColor; }
* Adds all known virtual types that can be parsed
int addKnownVirtualTypes();
// we support only a fixed number of real and virtual types
TraceCostType* _real[MaxRealIndexValue];
QColor _realColor[MaxRealIndexValue];
TraceCostType* _virtual[MaxRealIndexValue];
int _realCount, _virtualCount;
* A submapping of a TraceCostMapping
* This is a fixed ordered list of indexes for real cost types
* in a mapping.
* You can define a mapping by requesting submappings. Undefined cost
* types will get a new real type index.
* TraceCostMapping m;
* sm1 = m.subMapping("Event1 Cost1 Cost2"); // returns submap [0,1,2]
* sm2 = m.subMapping("Event2 Cost3 Event1"); // returns submap [3,4,0]
* Real types of m will be:
* (0:Event1, 1:Cost1, 2:Cost2, 3:Event2, 4:Cost3)
class TraceSubMapping
bool append(QString, bool create=true);
bool append(int);
void clear();
* Get number of used indexes
int count() { return _count; }
* Is this submapping the identity( i.e. realIndex(i)=i ) ?
* This often allows for optimizations.
bool isIdentity() { return _isIdentity; }
int realIndex(int i)
{ return (i<0 || i>=_count) ? TraceCost::InvalidIndex : _realIndex[i]; }
* Allows an iteration over the sorted list of all real indexes not used in
* this submapping, up to topIndex (use TraceCost::MaxRealIndex for all).
* Usage: for(i = firstUnused(); i < topIndex; i = nextUnused(i)) { LOOP }
int firstUnused() { return _firstUnused; }
int nextUnused(int i) {
if (i<0 || i>=TraceCost::MaxRealIndex) return TraceCost::InvalidIndex;
return _nextUnused[i]; }
TraceCostMapping* _mapping;
int _count, _firstUnused;
bool _isIdentity;
int _realIndex[MaxRealIndexValue];
int _nextUnused[MaxRealIndexValue];
* Cost of a (conditional) jump.
class TraceJumpCost: public TraceItem
virtual ~TraceJumpCost();
// reimplementations for cost addition
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping* m);
virtual void clear();
void addCost(TraceJumpCost*);
// additional cost metrics
SubCost followedCount();
SubCost executedCount();
void addFollowedCount(SubCost c) { _followedCount += c; }
void addExecutedCount(SubCost c) { _executedCount += c; }
SubCost _executedCount, _followedCount;
* Cost item with additional call count metric.
class TraceCallCost: public TraceCost
virtual ~TraceCallCost();
// reimplementations for cost addition
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping* m);
virtual void clear();
// additional cost metric
SubCost callCount();
QString prettyCallCount();
void addCallCount(SubCost c);
SubCost _callCount;
* Cost item with additional inclusive metric
class TraceInclusiveCost: public TraceCost
virtual ~TraceInclusiveCost();
// reimplementations for cost addition
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping* m);
virtual void clear();
// additional cost metric
TraceCost* inclusive();
void addInclusive(TraceCost*);
TraceCost _inclusive;
* Cost Item
* dependend on a list of cost items.
class TraceListCost: public TraceCost
virtual ~TraceListCost();
// reimplementation for dependency list
virtual void update();
TraceCostList& deps() { return _deps; }
void addDep(TraceCost*);
TraceCost* findDepFromPart(TracePart*);
// overwrite in subclass to change update behaviour
virtual bool onlyActiveParts() { return false; }
TraceCostList _deps;
// very temporary: cached
TraceCost* _lastDep;
* Jump Cost Item
* dependend on a list of Jump cost items.
class TraceJumpListCost: public TraceJumpCost
virtual ~TraceJumpListCost();
// reimplementation for dependency list
virtual void update();
TraceJumpCostList deps() { return _deps; }
void addDep(TraceJumpCost*);
TraceJumpCost* findDepFromPart(TracePart*);
// overwrite in subclass to change update behaviour
virtual bool onlyActiveParts() { return false; }
TraceJumpCostList _deps;
// very temporary: cached
TraceJumpCost* _lastDep;
* Call Cost Item
* dependend on a list of Call cost items.
class TraceCallListCost: public TraceCallCost
virtual ~TraceCallListCost();
// reimplementation for dependency list
virtual void update();
TraceCallCostList deps() { return _deps; }
void addDep(TraceCallCost*);
TraceCallCost* findDepFromPart(TracePart*);
// overwrite in subclass to change update behaviour
virtual bool onlyActiveParts() { return false; }
TraceCallCostList _deps;
// very temporary: cached
TraceCallCost* _lastDep;
* Inclusive Cost Item dependend on a list of inclusive cost items.
class TraceInclusiveListCost: public TraceInclusiveCost
virtual ~TraceInclusiveListCost();
// reimplementation for dependency
virtual void update();
TraceInclusiveCostList deps() { return _deps; }
void addDep(TraceInclusiveCost*);
TraceInclusiveCost* findDepFromPart(TracePart*);
// overwrite in subclass to change update behaviour
virtual bool onlyActiveParts() { return false; }
TraceInclusiveCostList _deps;
// very temporary: cached
TraceInclusiveCost* _lastDep;
* Classes for cost items of one trace file, i.e. a "trace part"
* Cost of jump at a instruction code address from a trace file.
class TracePartInstrJump: public TraceJumpCost
TracePartInstrJump(TraceInstrJump*, TracePartInstrJump*);
virtual ~TracePartInstrJump();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartInstrJump; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceInstrJump* instrJump() const { return (TraceInstrJump*) _dep; }
TracePartInstrJump* next() const { return _next; }
// chaining all parts for InstrJump
TracePartInstrJump* _next;
* Cost of a call at a instruction code address from a trace file.
* Cost is always up to date, no lazy update needed.
class TracePartInstrCall: public TraceCallCost
virtual ~TracePartInstrCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartInstrCall; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceInstrCall* instrCall() const { return (TraceInstrCall*) _dep; }
* Cost of a code instruction address from a trace file.
* Cost is always up to date, no lazy update needed.
class TracePartInstr: public TraceCost
virtual ~TracePartInstr();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartInstr; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceInstr* instr() const { return (TraceInstr*)_dep; }
* Cost of jump at a source line from a trace file.
class TracePartLineJump: public TraceJumpCost
virtual ~TracePartLineJump();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartLineJump; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceLineJump* lineJump() const { return (TraceLineJump*) _dep; }
* Cost of a call at a line from a trace file.
* Cost is always up to date, no lazy update needed.
class TracePartLineCall: public TraceCallCost
virtual ~TracePartLineCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartLineCall; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceLineCall* lineCall() const { return (TraceLineCall*) _dep; }
* Cost of a line from a trace file.
* Cost is always up to date, no lazy update needed.
class TracePartLine: public TraceCost
virtual ~TracePartLine();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartLine; }
// fix cost item
virtual void update() {}
TraceLine* line() const { return (TraceLine*)_dep; }
* Cost of a source region.
class TracePartLineRegion: public TraceInclusiveCost
virtual ~TracePartLineRegion();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartLineRegion; }
virtual void update();
TraceLineRegion* region() const { return (TraceLineRegion*)_dep; }
* Cost of a call at a function to another function,
* from a single trace file.
class TracePartCall: public TraceCallListCost
TracePartCall(TraceCall* call);
virtual ~TracePartCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartCall; }
// calls a function itself?
bool isRecursion();
// reimplementation for dependency list
virtual void update();
TraceCall* call() const { return (TraceCall*)_dep; }
FixCallCost* setFirstFixCallCost(FixCallCost* fc)
{ FixCallCost* t = _firstFixCallCost; _firstFixCallCost = fc; return t; }
FixCallCost* firstFixCallCost() const { return _firstFixCallCost; }
FixCallCost* _firstFixCallCost;
* Cost of a function,
* from a single trace file.
class TracePartFunction: public TraceInclusiveCost
TracePartObject*, TracePartFile*);
virtual ~TracePartFunction();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartFunction; }
virtual void update();
virtual QString costString(TraceCostMapping* m);
void addPartInstr(TracePartInstr*);
void addPartLine(TracePartLine*);
void addPartCaller(TracePartCall*);
void addPartCalling(TracePartCall*);
TraceFunction* function() { return (TraceFunction*) _dep; }
TracePartObject* partObject() { return _partObject; }
TracePartClass* partClass() { return _partClass; }
TracePartFile* partFile() { return _partFile; }
const TracePartCallList& partCallers() { return _partCallers; }
const TracePartCallList& partCallings() { return _partCallings; }
void setPartObject(TracePartObject* o) { _partObject = o; }
void setPartClass(TracePartClass* c) { _partClass = c; }
void setPartFile(TracePartFile* f) { _partFile = f; }
/* for linked list of FixXXX objects */
FixCost* setFirstFixCost(FixCost* fc)
{ FixCost* t = _firstFixCost; _firstFixCost = fc; return t; }
FixCost* firstFixCost() const { return _firstFixCost; }
FixJump* setFirstFixJump(FixJump* fj)
{ FixJump* t = _firstFixJump; _firstFixJump = fj; return t; }
FixJump* firstFixJump() const { return _firstFixJump; }
// additional cost metrics
SubCost calledCount();
SubCost callingCount();
QString prettyCalledCount();
QString prettyCallingCount();
int calledContexts();
int callingContexts();
TracePartObject* _partObject;
TracePartClass* _partClass;
TracePartFile* _partFile;
TracePartCallList _partCallings;
TracePartCallList _partCallers;
TracePartInstrList _partInstr;
TracePartLineList _partLines;
// cached
SubCost _calledCount, _callingCount;
int _calledContexts, _callingContexts;
FixCost* _firstFixCost;
FixJump* _firstFixJump;
* Cost of a class,
* from a single trace file.
class TracePartClass: public TraceInclusiveListCost
virtual ~TracePartClass();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartClass; }
QString prettyName() const;
TraceClass* cls() { return (TraceClass*)_dep; }
void addPartFunction(TracePartFunction* f) { addDep(f); }
* Cost of a source file,
* from a single trace file.
class TracePartFile: public TraceInclusiveListCost
virtual ~TracePartFile();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartFile; }
TraceFile* file() { return (TraceFile*)_dep; }
void addPartFunction(TracePartFunction* f) { addDep(f); }
* Cost of a object,
* from a single trace file.
class TracePartObject: public TraceInclusiveListCost
virtual ~TracePartObject();
virtual CostType type() const { return PartObject; }
TraceObject* object() const { return (TraceObject*)_dep; }
void addPartFunction(TracePartFunction* f) { addDep(f); }
* A Trace Part: All data read from a trace file, containing all costs
* that happened in a specified time interval of the executed command.
class TracePart: public TraceListCost
TracePart(TraceData*, QFile* file);
virtual ~TracePart();
virtual CostType type() const { return Part; }
virtual TracePart* part() { return this; }
virtual const TracePart* part() const { return this; }
QString shortName() const;
QString prettyName() const;
QFile* file() const { return _file; }
QString name() const { return _name; }
QString description() const { return _descr; }
QString trigger() const { return _trigger; }
QString timeframe() const { return _timeframe; }
QString version() const { return _version; }
int partNumber() { return _number; }
int threadID() { return _tid; }
int processID() { return _pid; }
void setDescription(const QString& d) { _descr = d; }
void setTrigger(const QString& t) { _trigger = t; }
void setTimeframe(const QString& t) { _timeframe = t; }
void setVersion(const QString& v) { _version = v; }
void setPartNumber(int n);
void setThreadID(int t);
void setProcessID(int p);
TraceCost* totals() { return &_totals; }
/* we get owner of the submapping */
void setFixSubMapping(TraceSubMapping* sm) { _fixSubMapping = sm; }
TraceSubMapping* fixSubMapping() { return _fixSubMapping; }
// returns true if something changed
bool activate(bool);
bool isActive() { return _active; }
QFile* _file;
QString _name;
QString _descr;
QString _trigger;
QString _timeframe;
QString _version;
int _number, _tid, _pid;
bool _active;
// the totals line
TraceCost _totals;
// submapping for all fix costs of this part
TraceSubMapping* _fixSubMapping;
class TracePartList: public QPtrList<TracePart>
QString names() const;
int compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 );
* Classes for cost items summed up from multiple trace parts
* A jump from an instruction to another inside of a function
class TraceInstrJump: public TraceJumpCost
TraceInstrJump(TraceInstr* instrFrom, TraceInstr* instrTo,
bool isCondJump);
virtual ~TraceInstrJump();
virtual CostType type() const { return InstrJump; }
virtual QString name() const;
virtual void update();
TraceInstr* instrFrom() const { return _instrFrom; }
TraceInstr* instrTo() const { return _instrTo; }
bool isCondJump() const { return _isCondJump; }
// part factory
TracePartInstrJump* partInstrJump(TracePart*);
TraceInstr *_instrFrom, *_instrTo;
bool _isCondJump;
// list of parts for this InstrJump
TracePartInstrJump* _first;
class TraceInstrJumpList: public QPtrList<TraceInstrJump>
TraceInstrJumpList() { _sortLow = true; }
void setSortLow(bool s) { _sortLow = s; }
int compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 );
bool _sortLow;
* A jump from one line to another inside of a function.
class TraceLineJump: public TraceJumpListCost
TraceLineJump(TraceLine* lineFrom, TraceLine* lineTo,
bool isCondJump);
virtual ~TraceLineJump();
virtual CostType type() const { return LineJump; }
virtual QString name() const;
TraceLine* lineFrom() const { return _lineFrom; }
TraceLine* lineTo() const { return _lineTo; }
bool isCondJump() { return _isCondJump; }
// part factory
TracePartLineJump* partLineJump(TracePart*);
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
TraceLine *_lineFrom, *_lineTo;
bool _isCondJump;
class TraceLineJumpList: public QPtrList<TraceLineJump>
TraceLineJumpList() { _sortLow = true; }
void setSortLow(bool s) { _sortLow = s; }
int compareItems ( Item item1, Item item2 );
bool _sortLow;
* A call from an instruction of one function to another function
class TraceInstrCall: public TraceCallListCost
TraceInstrCall(TraceCall* call, TraceInstr* instr);
virtual ~TraceInstrCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return InstrCall; }
virtual QString name() const;
TraceInstr* instr() const { return _instr; }
TraceCall* call() const { return _call; }
// part factory
TracePartInstrCall* partInstrCall(TracePart*, TracePartCall*);
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
TraceInstr* _instr;
TraceCall* _call;
* A call from a line of one function to another function.
class TraceLineCall: public TraceCallListCost
TraceLineCall(TraceCall* call, TraceLine* line);
virtual ~TraceLineCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return LineCall; }
virtual QString name() const;
TraceLine* line() const { return _line; }
TraceCall* call() const { return _call; }
// part factory
TracePartLineCall* partLineCall(TracePart*, TracePartCall*);
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
TraceLine* _line;
TraceCall* _call;
* A call from one to another function.
* Consists of a list a TraceLineCalls
class TraceCall: public TraceCallListCost
TraceCall(TraceFunction* caller, TraceFunction* called);
virtual ~TraceCall();
virtual CostType type() const { return Call; }
virtual QString name() const;
// calls a function itself?
bool isRecursion() { return _caller == _called; }
// return cycle number >0 if call is inside of a cycle
int inCycle();
// we need some special handling for cycle calls
void update();
void invalidateDynamicCost();
// factories
TracePartCall* partCall(TracePart*,
TracePartFunction*, TracePartFunction*);
TraceLineCall* lineCall(TraceLine*);
TraceInstrCall* instrCall(TraceInstr*);
TraceFunction* caller(bool skipCycle=false) const;
TraceFunction* called(bool skipCycle=false) const;
QString callerName(bool skipCycle=false) const;
QString calledName(bool skipCycle=false) const;
const TraceLineCallList& lineCalls() const { return _lineCalls; }
const TraceInstrCallList& instrCalls() const { return _instrCalls; }
FixCallCost* setFirstFixCost(FixCallCost* fc)
{ FixCallCost* t = _firstFixCost; _firstFixCost = fc; return t; }
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
TraceInstrCallList _instrCalls;
TraceLineCallList _lineCalls;
TraceFunction* _caller;
TraceFunction* _called;
FixCallCost* _firstFixCost;
* A code instruction address of the program.
* Consists of a list a TracePartInstr from different trace files
* and a list of TraceInstrCalls if there are calls from this address.
class TraceInstr: public TraceListCost
virtual ~TraceInstr();
virtual CostType type() const { return Instr; }
virtual QString name() const;
QString prettyName() const;
bool isValid() { return _addr != Addr(0); }
// factories
TracePartInstr* partInstr(TracePart* part,
TracePartFunction* partFunction);
TraceInstrJump* instrJump(TraceInstr* to, bool isCondJump);
void addInstrCall(TraceInstrCall*);
Addr addr() const { return _addr; }
TraceFunction* function() const { return _function; }
TraceLine* line() const { return _line; }
const TraceInstrJumpList& instrJumps() const { return _instrJumps; }
const TraceInstrCallList& instrCalls() const { return _instrCalls; }
bool hasCost(TraceCostType*);
// only to be called after default constructor
void setAddr(const Addr addr) { _addr = addr; }
void setFunction(TraceFunction* f) { _function = f; }
void setLine(TraceLine* l) { _line = l; }
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
Addr _addr;
TraceFunction* _function;
TraceLine* _line;
TraceInstrJumpList _instrJumps;
TraceInstrCallList _instrCalls;
* A source line of the program.
* Consists of a list a TracePartLines from different trace files
* and a list of TraceLineCalls if there are calls from this line.
class TraceLine: public TraceListCost
virtual ~TraceLine();
virtual CostType type() const { return Line; }
virtual QString name() const;
QString prettyName() const;
// factories
TracePartLine* partLine(TracePart* part,
TracePartFunction* partFunction);
TraceLineJump* lineJump(TraceLine* to, bool isCondJump);
void addLineCall(TraceLineCall*);
bool isValid() { return _sourceFile != 0; }
bool hasCost(TraceCostType*);
TraceFunctionSource* functionSource() const { return _sourceFile; }
uint lineno() const { return _lineno; }
const TraceLineCallList& lineCalls() const { return _lineCalls; }
const TraceLineJumpList& lineJumps() const { return _lineJumps; }
// only to be called after default constructor
void setSourceFile(TraceFunctionSource* sf) { _sourceFile = sf; }
void setLineno(uint lineno) { _lineno = lineno; }
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
TraceFunctionSource* _sourceFile;
uint _lineno;
TraceLineJumpList _lineJumps;
TraceLineCallList _lineCalls;
* Base class for all costs which
* represent "interesting" items or group of items
* with settable name and inclusive cost
class TraceCostItem: public TraceInclusiveListCost
virtual ~TraceCostItem();
virtual QString name() const { return _name; }
virtual void setName(const QString& name) { _name = name; }
bool onlyActiveParts() { return true; }
QString _name;
* Cost of a source region.
class TraceLineRegion: public TraceInclusiveListCost
TraceLineRegion(uint from, uint to, QString name);
virtual ~TraceLineRegion();
virtual CostType type() const { return LineRegion; }
virtual void update();
uint from() const { return _from; }
uint to() const { return _to; }
QString name() const { return _name; }
// factories
TracePartLine* partLineRegion(TracePart* part,
TracePartFunction* partFunction);
uint _from, _to;
QString _name;
* A container helper class for TraceFunction for source lines
* where a function is implemented in.
* With inlining, lines of the same function can come from
* different source files.
* An instance of this class holds all lines of one source file
* for a function in a map
class TraceFunctionSource: public TraceCost
TraceFunctionSource(TraceFunction*, TraceFile*);
virtual ~TraceFunctionSource();
virtual CostType type() const { return FunctionSource; }
virtual QString name() const;
// reimplementation for dependency map
virtual void update();
TraceFile* file() const { return _file; }
TraceFunction* function() const { return _function; }
uint firstLineno();
uint lastLineno();
TraceLineMap* lineMap();
void invalidateDynamicCost();
/* factories */
TraceLine* line(uint lineno, bool createNew = true);
TraceLineRegion* region(uint from, uint to, QString name,
bool createNew = true);
TraceFile* _file;
TraceFunction* _function;
TraceLineMap* _lineMap;
TraceLine* _line0;
TraceLineRegionList* _regions;
bool _lineMapFilled;
* For temporary assoziation of objects with TraceFunctions.
* Used in coverage analysis and TreeMap drawing.
class TraceAssoziation
* Creates an invalid assoziation.
virtual ~TraceAssoziation();
// for runtime detection
virtual int rtti() { return 0; }
* Could we set the function assoziation to ourself?
* This only can return false if this is a unique assoziation.
bool isAssoziated();
* reset function to assoziate this object to.
* returns true if assoziation could be established
bool setFunction(TraceFunction*);
TraceFunction* function() { return _function; }
void invalidate() { _valid = false; }
bool isValid() { return _valid; }
* Delete all assoziations in TraceFunctions of data with
* rtti runtime info. rtti = 0: delete ALL assoziations.
static void clear(TraceData* data, int rtti);
* Invalidate all assoziations in TraceFunctions of data with
* rtti runtime info. rtti = 0: Invalidate ALL assoziations.
static void invalidate(TraceData* data, int rtti);
TraceFunction* _function;
bool _valid;
typedef QPtrList<TraceAssoziation> TraceAssoziationList;
typedef QMap<TraceFunction*, TraceCall*> TraceCallMap;
* A traced function
* References to functions are stored in
* (1) a function map in TraceData (by value)
* (2) a TraceClass
class TraceFunction: public TraceCostItem
TraceFunction(TraceData* data, const QString& name,
TraceClass* cls, TraceFile* file, TraceObject* object);
virtual ~TraceFunction();
virtual CostType type() const { return Function; }
virtual void update();
// this invalidate all subcosts of function depending on
// active status of parts
void invalidateDynamicCost();
void addCaller(TraceCall*);
// factories
TraceCall* calling(TraceFunction* called);
TraceLine* line(TraceFile*, uint lineno, bool createNew = true);
TraceInstr* instr(Addr addr, bool createNew = true);
TracePartFunction* partFunction(TracePart*,
TracePartFile*, TracePartObject*);
* Returns empty string if location is fully unknown.
* Use prettyLocation for single user-visible string.
* A function can have a lot of code from different sources (inlined);
* maxItems limits this list. Default is full list
QString location(int maxFiles = 0) const;
QString prettyName() const;
QString prettyLocation(int maxFiles = 0) const;
QString prettyNameWithLocation(int maxFiles = 1) const;
void addPrettyLocation(QString&, int maxFiles = 1) const;
// type + name + location
QString info() const;
TraceClass* cls() const { return _cls; }
TraceFile* file() const { return _file; }
TraceObject* object() const { return _object; }
// get the source file with lines from function declaration (not inlined)
TraceFunctionSource* sourceFile(TraceFile* file = 0,
bool createNew = false);
const TraceFunctionSourceList& sourceFiles() const
{ return _sourceFiles; }
TraceCallList callers(bool skipCycle=false) const;
const TraceCallList& callings(bool skipCycle=false) const;
Addr firstAddress() const;
Addr lastAddress() const;
TraceInstrMap* instrMap();
// cost metrics
SubCost calledCount();
SubCost callingCount();
QString prettyCalledCount();
QString prettyCallingCount();
int calledContexts();
int callingContexts();
// only to be called after default constructor
void setFile(TraceFile* file) { _file = file; }
void setObject(TraceObject* object) { _object = object; }
void setClass(TraceClass* cls) { _cls = cls; }
void setMapIterator(TraceFunctionMap::Iterator it) { _myMapIterator = it; }
// see TraceFunctionAssoziation
void addAssoziation(TraceAssoziation* a);
void removeAssoziation(TraceAssoziation* a);
void removeAssoziation(int rtti, bool reallyDelete = true);
void invalidateAssoziation(int rtti);
TraceAssoziation* assoziation(int rtti);
// cycles
void setCycle(TraceFunctionCycle* c) { _cycle = c; }
TraceFunctionCycle* cycle() { return _cycle; }
bool isCycle();
bool isCycleMember();
void cycleReset();
void cycleDFS(int d, int& pNo, TraceFunction** pTop);
TraceCallList _callers; // list of calls we are called from
TraceCallList _callings; // list of calls we are calling (we are owner)
TraceCallMap _callingMap; // contains the same as _callings in a map
TraceFunctionCycle* _cycle;
bool isUniquePrefix(QString) const;
TraceFunctionMap::Iterator _myMapIterator;
TraceClass* _cls;
TraceObject* _object;
TraceFile* _file;
TraceFunctionSourceList _sourceFiles; // we are owner
TraceInstrMap* _instrMap; // we are owner
bool _instrMapFilled;
// see TraceAssoziation
TraceAssoziationList _assoziations;
// for cycle detection
int _cycleLow;
TraceFunction* _cycleStackDown;
// cached
SubCost _calledCount, _callingCount;
int _calledContexts, _callingContexts;
typedef QMap<TraceFunction*,int> TraceFunctionSet;
* A cycle of recursive calling functions.
* This is itself shown as a function
class TraceFunctionCycle: public TraceFunction
TraceFunctionCycle(TraceFunction*, int n);
virtual CostType type() const { return FunctionCycle; }
// this removes all members from this cycle
void init();
void add(TraceFunction*);
// this sets up the cycle once members are added
void setup();
TraceFunction* base() const { return _base; }
int cycleNo() const { return _cycleNo; }
const TraceFunctionList& members() const { return _members; }
TraceFunction* _base;
int _cycleNo;
TraceFunctionList _members;
TraceFunctionSet _memberSet;
* A C++ Class / Namespace
* If a function symbol has a prefix ending in "::",
* the prefix is supposed to be a class/namespace specifier.
* Without such a prefix, we put a symbol in the "(global)" namespace.
class TraceClass: public TraceCostItem
virtual ~TraceClass();
virtual CostType type() const { return Class; }
virtual QString prettyName() const;
void addFunction(TraceFunction*);
const TraceFunctionList& functions() const { return _functions; }
// part factory
TracePartClass* partClass(TracePart*);
TraceFunctionList _functions;
* A source file containing function definitions
class TraceFile: public TraceCostItem
virtual ~TraceFile();
virtual CostType type() const { return File; }
void setDirectory(const QString& dir);
void resetDirectory() { _dir = QString::null; }
QString directory();
void addFunction(TraceFunction*);
void addSourceFile(TraceFunctionSource*);
// without path
QString shortName() const;
QString prettyName() const;
QString prettyLongName() const;
const TraceFunctionList& functions() const { return _functions; }
const TraceFunctionSourceList& sourceFiles() const
{ return _sourceFiles; }
// part factory
TracePartFile* partFile(TracePart*);
TraceFunctionList _functions;
TraceFunctionSourceList _sourceFiles;
QString _dir;
* A object containing a text segment (shared lib/executable)
* with defined functions
class TraceObject: public TraceCostItem
virtual ~TraceObject();
virtual CostType type() const { return Object; }
void addFunction(TraceFunction*);
virtual void setName(const QString& name);
QString shortName() const { return _shortName; }
QString prettyName() const;
const TraceFunctionList& functions() const { return _functions; }
// part factory
TracePartObject* partObject(TracePart*);
TraceFunctionList _functions;
QString _shortName;
* This class holds profiling data of multiple tracefiles
* generated with cachegrind on one command.
class TraceData: public TraceCost
TraceData(TopLevel* top = 0);
TraceData(const QString& base);
virtual ~TraceData();
virtual CostType type() const { return Data; }
virtual TraceData* data() { return this; }
virtual const TraceData* data() const { return this; }
* Loads a trace file.
* This adjusts the TraceCostMapping according to given cost types
void load(const QString&);
/** returns true if something changed. These do NOT
* invalidate the dynamic costs on a activation change,
* i.e. all cost items dependend on active parts.
* This has to be done by the caller when true is returned by
* calling invalidateDynamicCost().
bool activateParts(const TracePartList&);
bool activateParts(TracePartList, bool active);
bool activatePart(TracePart*, bool active);
bool activateAll(bool active=true);
TracePartList parts() const { return _parts; }
TracePart* part(QString& name);
// with path
QString traceName() const { return _traceName; }
// without path
QString shortTraceName() const;
QString activePartRange();
TraceCostMapping* mapping() { return &_mapping; }
// memory pools
FixPool* fixPool();
DynPool* dynPool();
// factories for object/file/class/function/line instances
TraceObject* object(const QString& name);
TraceFile* file(const QString& name);
TraceClass* cls(const QString& fnName, QString& shortName);
// function creation involves class creation if needed
TraceFunction* function(const QString& name, TraceFile*, TraceObject*);
// factory for function cycles
TraceFunctionCycle* functionCycle(TraceFunction*);
* Search for item with given name and highest subcost of given cost type.
* For some items, they will only be found if the parent cost is given:
* Instr, Line, Call => need parent of type Function
* For Function, a parent of type Obj/File/Class can be given, but
* isn't needed.
TraceCost* search(TraceItem::CostType, QString,
TraceCostType* ct = 0, TraceCost* parent = 0);
// for pretty function names without signature if unique...
TraceFunctionMap::Iterator functionIterator(TraceFunction*);
TraceFunctionMap::ConstIterator functionBeginIterator() const;
TraceFunctionMap::ConstIterator functionEndIterator() const;
TraceObjectMap& objectMap() { return _objectMap; }
TraceFileMap& fileMap() { return _fileMap; }
TraceClassMap& classMap() { return _classMap; }
TraceFunctionMap& functionMap() { return _functionMap; }
const TraceFunctionCycleList& functionCycles() { return _functionCycles; }
TraceCost* callMax() { return &_callMax; }
void setCommand(const QString& command) { _command = command; }
QString command() const { return _command; }
TraceCost* totals() { return &_totals; }
void setMaxThreadID(int tid) { _maxThreadID = tid; }
int maxThreadID() const { return _maxThreadID; }
void setMaxPartNumber(int n) { _maxPartNumber = n; }
int maxPartNumber() const { return _maxPartNumber; }
// reset all manually set directories for source files
void resetSourceDirs();
virtual void update();
// invalidates all cost items dependant on active state of parts
void invalidateDynamicCost();
// cycle detection
void updateFunctionCycles();
void updateObjectCycles();
void updateClassCycles();
void updateFileCycles();
bool inFunctionCycleUpdate() { return _inFunctionCycleUpdate; }
void init();
// add trace part: events from one trace file
TracePart* addPart(const QString& dir, const QString& file);
// for progress bar callbacks
TopLevel* _topLevel;
TracePartList _parts;
// The mapping for all costs
TraceCostMapping _mapping;
FixPool* _fixPool;
DynPool* _dynPool;
// always the trace totals (not dependent on active parts)
TraceCost _totals;
int _maxThreadID;
int _maxPartNumber;
TraceObjectMap _objectMap;
TraceClassMap _classMap;
TraceFileMap _fileMap;
TraceFunctionMap _functionMap;
QString _command;
QString _traceName;
// Max of all costs of calls: This allows to see if the incl. cost can
// be hidden for a cost type, as it's always the same as self cost
TraceCost _callMax;
// cycles
TraceFunctionCycleList _functionCycles;
int _functionCycleCount;
bool _inFunctionCycleUpdate;