/*************************************************************************** kcolumnsview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Mit Mai 21 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau email : Friedrich.W.H@Kossebau.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ //#include // qt specific #include // lib specific #include "kcolumn.h" #include "kcolumnsview.h" using namespace KHE; static bool DefaultHorizontalGrid = false; KColumnsView::KColumnsView( /*bool R,*/ QWidget *Parent, const char *Name, WFlags Flags ) : QScrollView( Parent, Name, Flags | WRepaintNoErase /*| WStaticContents*/ ), NoOfLines( 0 ), LineHeight( 0 ), TotalWidth( 0 ), HorizontalGrid( DefaultHorizontalGrid ), // Reversed( R ), d( 0 ) { viewport()->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground, PaletteBase ); viewport()->setFocusProxy( this ); Columns.setAutoDelete( true ); } KColumnsView::~KColumnsView() { } void KColumnsView::setNoOfLines( int NewNoOfLines ) { NoOfLines = NewNoOfLines; } void KColumnsView::setLineHeight( KPixelY LH ) { LineHeight = LH; for( KColumn *C=Columns.first(); C; C=Columns.next() ) C->setLineHeight( LineHeight ); verticalScrollBar()->setLineStep( LineHeight ); updateLineBufferSize(); } void KColumnsView::updateWidths() { TotalWidth = 0; for( KColumn *C=Columns.first(); C; C=Columns.next() ) { C->setX( TotalWidth ); TotalWidth += C->visibleWidth(); } updateLineBufferSize(); } void KColumnsView::updateLineBufferSize() { int w = totalWidth(); int h = LineHeight; if( w != LineBuffer.width() || h != LineBuffer.height() ) LineBuffer.resize( w, h ); } int KColumnsView::noOfLinesPerPage() const { if( !viewport() || LineHeight == 0 ) return 1; // int NoOfLinesPerPage = (visibleHeight()-1) / LineHeight; // -1 ensures to get always the last visible line int NoOfLinesPerPage = (viewport()->height()-1) / LineHeight; // -1 ensures to get always the last visible line if( NoOfLinesPerPage == 0 ) // ensure to move down at least one line NoOfLinesPerPage = 1; return NoOfLinesPerPage; } void KColumnsView::addColumn( KColumn *C ) { // if( Reversed ) // Columns.prepend( C ); // else Columns.append( C ); updateWidths(); } void KColumnsView::removeColumn( KColumn *C ) { Columns.remove( C ); updateWidths(); } void KColumnsView::updateView() { resizeContents( totalWidth(), totalHeight() ); updateContents(); } void KColumnsView::repaintView() { resizeContents( totalWidth(), totalHeight() ); repaintContents( false ); } void KColumnsView::paintEmptyArea( QPainter *P, int cx ,int cy, int cw, int ch) { P->fillRect( cx, cy, cw, ch, backgroundBrush() ); } void KColumnsView::drawContents( QPainter *P, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) { //kdDebug(1501) << "drawContents(" << cx<<","< RedrawColumns; for( KColumn *C=Columns.first(); C; C=Columns.next() ) if( C->isVisible() && C->overlaps(AffectedXs) ) RedrawColumns.append( C ); // any lines to be drawn? if( NoOfLines > 0 ) { // calculate affected lines KSection AffectedLines = visibleLines( AffectedYs ); AffectedLines.restrictEndTo( NoOfLines - 1 ); if( AffectedLines.isValid() ) { QPainter Paint; Paint.begin( &LineBuffer, this ); // starting painting with the first line KColumn *C = RedrawColumns.first(); Paint.translate( C->x(), 0 ); for( ; C; C=RedrawColumns.next() ) { C->paintFirstLine( &Paint, AffectedXs, AffectedLines.start() ); Paint.translate( C->width(), 0 ); } // Go through the other lines KPixelY y = AffectedLines.start() * LineHeight; int l = AffectedLines.start(); while( true ) { Paint.end(); P->drawPixmap( cx, y, LineBuffer, cx, 0, cw, LineHeight ); // bitBlt directly impossible: lack of real coord // copy to screen // bitBlt( viewport(), cx - contentsX(), y - contentsY(), // &LineBuffer, cx, 0, cw, LineHeight ); ++l; y += LineHeight; if( l > AffectedLines.end() ) break; // to avoid flickers we first paint to the linebuffer Paint.begin( &LineBuffer, this ); KColumn *C = RedrawColumns.first(); Paint.translate( C->x(), 0 ); for( ; C; C=RedrawColumns.next() ) { C->paintNextLine( &Paint ); Paint.translate( C->width(), 0 ); } if( HorizontalGrid && cx < TotalWidth ) Paint.drawLine( cx, LineHeight-1, TotalWidth-1, LineHeight-1 ); // TODO: use a additional TotalHeight? } } } // draw empty columns? AffectedYs.setStart( totalHeight() ); if( AffectedYs.isValid() ) { for( KColumn *C = RedrawColumns.first(); C; C=RedrawColumns.next() ) C->paintEmptyColumn( P, AffectedXs, AffectedYs ); } } // Paint empty rects AffectedXs.setStart( TotalWidth ); if( AffectedXs.isValid() ) paintEmptyArea( P, AffectedXs.start(), cy, AffectedXs.width(), ch ); } // Implemented to get rid of a compiler warning void KColumnsView::drawContents( QPainter * ) {} #include "kcolumnsview.moc"