#this import statement allows access to the karamba functions import karamba #import os import string import math import re import xcursor linkePupille = "" rechtePupille = "" init = 0 #old curser pos x_old = -1 y_old = -1 #widget size w_width = 167 w_height = 111 #widget pos w_x = 10 w_y = 850 #eye center lx, ly = 39, 55 rx, ry = 126, 55 #eye size la, lb = 25, 38 ra, rb = 25, 38 #pupille size lp_width, lp_height = 11, 17 rp_width, rp_height = 11, 17 def pupille(mouse_x, mouse_y, eye_center_x, eye_center_y, eye_a, eye_b, widget_x, widget_y): x = mouse_x - eye_center_x - widget_x y = mouse_y - eye_center_y - widget_y #print x, y r = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) phi = math.atan2(y, x) #print phi * math.pi eye_x = eye_a * math.cos(phi) eye_y = eye_b * math.sin(phi) eye_r = math.sqrt(eye_x * eye_x + eye_y * eye_y) if eye_r < r: return int(eye_x + eye_center_x), int(eye_y + eye_center_y) return int(x + eye_center_x), int(y + eye_center_y) #this is called when you widget is initialized def initWidget(widget): pass #this is called everytime your widget is updated #the update inverval is specified in the .theme file def widgetUpdated(widget): global init global linkePupille global rechtePupille global w_width global w_height global w_x global w_y global lx global ly global la global lb global lp_width global lp_height global rx global ry global ra global rb global rp_width global rp_height global x_old global y_old if init == 0: theme_path = karamba.getThemePath(widget) + "/" # read widget coordinates from eyes.theme # f = open(theme_path + "eyes.theme") # karamba_line = "" #while re.compile('KARAMBA').search(karamba_line) == None: # karamba_line = f.readline() #w_x = int(re.compile('X=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #w_y = int(re.compile('Y=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #f.close() #karamba.createWidgetMask(widget, theme_path + "pics/tqmask.png") linkePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 15, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") rechtePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 100, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") init = 1 karamba.redrawWidget(widget) # query mouse-cursor position x, y = xcursor.position() #fp = os.popen("./xpos") #output = fp.read() #x, y = output.split() #print x, y if x != x_old or y != y_old: x_old, y_old = x, y # Get Widget Position w_x, w_y = karamba.getWidgetPosition(widget) # Calc left pupille xp, yp = pupille (int(x), int(y), lx, ly, la, lb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - lp_width / 2 yp = yp - lp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, linkePupille, xp, yp) # Calc right pupille xp, yp = pupille (int(x), int(y), rx, ry, ra, rb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - rp_width / 2 yp = yp - rp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, rechtePupille, xp, yp) karamba.redrawWidget(widget) #This gets called everytime our widget is clicked. #Notes: # widget = reference to our widget # x = x position (relative to our widget) # y = y position (relative to our widget) # botton = button clicked: # 1 = Left Mouse Button # 2 = Middle Mouse Button # 3 = Right Mouse Button, but this will never happen # because the right mouse button brings up the # Karamba menu. # 4,5 = Scroll wheel up and down def widgetClicked(widget, x, y, button): pass #This gets called everytime our widget is clicked. #Notes # widget = reference to our widget # x = x position (relative to our widget) # y = y position (relative to our widget) # botton = button being held: # 0 = No Mouse Button # 1 = Left Mouse Button # 2 = Middle Mouse Button # 3 = Right Mouse Button, but this will never happen # because the right mouse button brings up the # Karamba menu. def widgetMouseMoved(widget, x, y, button): #Warning: Don't do anything too intensive here #You don't want to run some complex piece of code everytime the mouse moves pass #global linkePupille #karamba.moveImage(widget, linkePupille, x, y) #karamba.redrawWidget(widget) # This will be printed when the widget loads. print "Loaded Karamba Eyes"