AddActionBase Gav Wood AddActionBase 0 0 723 593 Add Action page Select Action to Carry Out on Button Press unnamed buttonGroup1 5 5 0 1 NoFrame unnamed 0 theUseProfile I wish to select an &application below for usage: true layout14 unnamed spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 81 31 Applications true true theProfiles 7 7 3 0 true spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 101 31 spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 311 20 theUseDCOP I wish to manually select a &function from a running program spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 321 21 theChangeMode I wish to change the remote control's &mode spacer4 Vertical Expanding 21 20 page Select Button to Configure unnamed theButtonText You are attempting to configure an action for a button on [remote] (in mode [mode]). Press a button on this remote control or select from the list. WordBreak|AlignVCenter layout6 unnamed spacer12_2 Horizontal Expanding 110 41 Button true true theButtons 7 7 2 0 true spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 110 31 page Select Program Function unnamed splitter8 Horizontal Program true true IR Kick Xine kicker kicker noatun Marquis Noatun noatun theObjects 7 7 0 1 true false layout13 unnamed 0 Function true true Parameter true true Prototype true true theFunctions 3 7 0 0 page Select Program Function unnamed buttonGroup4 NoFrame unnamed theNotJustStart &Perform a function in the application: true layout37 unnamed spacer39 Horizontal Expanding 61 21 Function true true Options true true Description true true theProfileFunctions 7 7 7 0 true theJustStart &Just start the application. Do not do anything else. spacer40 Vertical Expanding 21 81 page Populate Parameters unnamed Option Description true true Value true true Type true true Place true true theParameters layout35 unnamed layout34 unnamed spacer32 Vertical Expanding 21 111 theCurParameter false 3 5 0 0 Parameter: spacer27 Horizontal Expanding 146 21 theValue true 7 5 0 0 page 0 unnamed 0 spacer28 Vertical Expanding 21 61 theValueLineEdit true page 1 unnamed 0 spacer29 Vertical Expanding 21 61 theValueCheckBox true page 2 unnamed 0 spacer30 Vertical Expanding 20 61 theValueIntNumInput page 3 unnamed 0 spacer31 Vertical Expanding 21 51 theValueDoubleNumInput page 4 unnamed 0 theValueEditListBox spacer26 Horizontal Expanding 147 21 page Finishing Up unnamed textLabel1 1 Miscellaneous Options line1_2 HLine Sunken Horizontal theRepeat This action is &repeatable if the button is held down theAutoStart This action causes the application to &start if not already running true spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 670 20 theIMTop false 1 Multiple Instances theIMLine false HLine Sunken Horizontal theIMLabel false This application may have multiple instances. In the case of having multiple instances at once when this action should be executed, choose a course of action: WordBreak|AlignVCenter theIMGroup false NoFrame 0 unnamed 0 theDontSend false &Ignore the action true theSendToTop false Send the action to the instance hi&ghest in the window stacking order theSendToBottom false Send the action to the instance &lowest in window stacking order theSendToAll false Send the action to &all instances spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 170 page Select Required Mode Change unnamed buttonGroup3 NoFrame unnamed 0 theSwitchMode &Switch to mode: layout13 unnamed spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 131 31 Mode true true theModes 7 7 3 0 true spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 131 31 theExitMode &Exit current mode true spacer15_2 Horizontal Expanding 551 20 textLabel1_2 <b>Options</b> line2 HLine Sunken Horizontal theDoBefore E&xecute all other actions before mode change (in original mode) true theDoAfter Exec&ute all actions after mode change (in new mode) spacer10 Vertical Expanding 21 30 theObjects currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateFunctions() theParameters currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateParameter() theFunctions currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theSwitchMode stateChanged(int) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theExitMode stateChanged(int) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theChangeMode stateChanged(int) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theUseDCOP stateChanged(int) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theUseProfile stateChanged(int) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theProfiles currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theModes currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateButtonStates() theModes clicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase slotModeSelected() theUseProfile toggled(bool) theProfiles setEnabled(bool) theValueDoubleNumInput valueChanged(double) AddActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueIntNumInput valueChanged(int) AddActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueLineEdit textChanged(const TQString&) AddActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueCheckBox toggled(bool) AddActionBase slotParameterChanged() theProfileFunctions currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateParameters() theFunctions currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateParameters() theProfiles currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateProfileFunctions() theValueEditListBox changed() AddActionBase slotParameterChanged() theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theProfileFunctions setEnabled(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theAutoStart setEnabled(bool) theJustStart toggled(bool) theAutoStart setChecked(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theRepeat setEnabled(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theRepeat setChecked(bool) theProfileFunctions currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateOptions() theFunctions currentChanged(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase updateOptions() theProfiles doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase next() theButtons doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase next() theFunctions doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase next() theProfileFunctions doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase next() theModes doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) AddActionBase accept() updateFunctions() updateParameter() updateParameters() updateButtonStates() updateCurrentParam(const TQString &) slotNextParam() slotCorrectPage() slotModeSelected() updateProfileFunctions() updateForPageChange() slotParameterChanged() updateOptions() klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h klineedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h keditlistbox.h klineedit.h klistview.h