// // // C++ Implementation: $MODULE$ // // Description: // // // Author: Gav Wood , (C) 2003 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include "iraction.h" #include "profileserver.h" #include "remoteserver.h" IRAction::IRAction(const TQString &newProgram, const TQString &newObject, const TQString &newMethod, const Arguments &newArguments, const TQString &newRemote, const TQString &newMode, const TQString &newButton, const bool newRepeat, const bool newAutoStart, const bool newDoBefore, const bool newDoAfter, const bool newUnique, const IfMulti newIfMulti) { theProgram = newProgram; theObject = newObject; theMethod = newMethod; theArguments = newArguments; theRemote = newRemote; theMode = newMode; theButton = newButton; theRepeat = newRepeat; theDoAfter = newDoAfter; theDoBefore = newDoBefore; theAutoStart = newAutoStart; theUnique = newUnique; theIfMulti = newIfMulti; } const IRAction &IRAction::loadFromConfig(KConfig &theConfig, int index) { TQString Binding = "Binding" + TQString().setNum(index); int numArguments = theConfig.readNumEntry(Binding + "Arguments"); theArguments.clear(); for(int j = 0; j < numArguments; j++) { TQVariant::Type theType = (TQVariant::Type)theConfig.readNumEntry(Binding + "ArgumentType" + TQString().setNum(j), TQVariant::String); theArguments += theConfig.readPropertyEntry(Binding + "Argument" + TQString().setNum(j), theType == TQVariant::CString ? TQVariant::String : theType); theArguments.last().cast(theType); } theProgram = theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Program"); theObject = theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Object"); theMethod.setPrototype(theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Method")); theRemote = theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Remote"); theMode = theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Mode"); theButton = theConfig.readEntry(Binding + "Button"); theRepeat = theConfig.readBoolEntry(Binding + "Repeat"); theDoBefore = theConfig.readBoolEntry(Binding + "DoBefore"); theDoAfter = theConfig.readBoolEntry(Binding + "DoAfter"); theAutoStart = theConfig.readBoolEntry(Binding + "AutoStart"); theUnique = theConfig.readBoolEntry(Binding + "Unique", true); theIfMulti = (IfMulti)theConfig.readNumEntry(Binding + "IfMulti", IM_DONTSEND); return *this; } void IRAction::saveToConfig(KConfig &theConfig, int index) const { TQString Binding = "Binding" + TQString().setNum(index); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Arguments", theArguments.count()); for(unsigned j = 0; j < theArguments.count(); j++) { TQVariant arg = theArguments[j]; TQVariant::Type preType = arg.type(); if(preType == TQVariant::CString) arg.cast(TQVariant::String); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Argument" + TQString().setNum(j), arg); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "ArgumentType" + TQString().setNum(j), preType); } theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Program", theProgram); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Object", theObject); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Method", theMethod.prototype()); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Remote", theRemote); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Mode", theMode); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Button", theButton); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Repeat", theRepeat); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "DoBefore", theDoBefore); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "DoAfter", theDoAfter); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "AutoStart", theAutoStart); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "Unique", theUnique); theConfig.writeEntry(Binding + "IfMulti", theIfMulti); } const TQString IRAction::function() const { ProfileServer *theServer = ProfileServer::profileServer(); if(theProgram.isEmpty()) if(theObject.isEmpty()) return i18n("Exit mode"); else return i18n("Switch to %1").arg(theObject); else if(theObject.isEmpty()) return i18n("Just start"); else { const ProfileAction *a = theServer->getAction(theProgram, theObject, theMethod.prototype()); if(a) return a->name(); else return theObject + "::" + theMethod.name(); } } const TQString IRAction::notes() const { if(isModeChange()) return TQString(theDoBefore ? i18n("Do actions before. ") : "") + TQString(theDoAfter ? i18n("Do actions after. ") : ""); else if(isJustStart()) return ""; else return TQString(theAutoStart ? i18n("Auto-start. ") : "") + TQString(theRepeat ? i18n("Repeatable. ") : "") + TQString(!theUnique ? (theIfMulti == IM_DONTSEND ? i18n("Do nothing if many instances. ") : theIfMulti == IM_SENDTOTOP ? i18n("Send to top instance. ") : theIfMulti == IM_SENDTOBOTTOM ? i18n("Send to bottom instance. ") : i18n("Send to all instances. ")) : ""); } const TQString IRAction::application() const { ProfileServer *theServer = ProfileServer::profileServer(); if(theProgram.isEmpty()) return ""; else { const Profile *a = theServer->profiles()[theProgram]; if(a) return a->name(); else return theProgram; } } const TQString IRAction::remoteName() const { return RemoteServer::remoteServer()->getRemoteName(theRemote); } const TQString IRAction::buttonName() const { return RemoteServer::remoteServer()->getButtonName(theRemote, theButton); }