Command ReferenceThe File Menu&Ctrl;QFileQuitQuit &kcalc;.The Edit Menu&Ctrl;ZEditUndoGo back in the result
stack.&Ctrl;&Shift;ZEditRedoGo forward in the result
stack.&Ctrl;XEditCutDelete the displayed result and copy it to the
clipboard.&Ctrl;CEditCopyCopy the displayed result to the
clipboard.&Ctrl;VEditPasteInsert the cut or copied result in the
display.The Constants MenuConstantsMathematicsDisplay Pi, Euler Number or Golder Ratio.ConstantsElectromagnetismDisplay Light Speed, Elementary Charge,
Impedance of Vacuum, Permeability of Vacuum or Permittivity of Vacuum.ConstantsAtomic & NuclearDisplay Planck's Constant, Elementary Charge or
Fine-Structure Constant.ConstantsThermodynamicsDisplay Boltzmann Constant, Atomic Mass Unit, Molar Gas
Constant, Stefan-Boltzmann Constant or Avogadro's Number.ConstantsGravitationDisplay Constant of Gravitation or Earth Acceleration.
The Settings MenuSettingsScience/Engineering ButtonsDisplay science and engineering buttons.SettingsStatistic ButtonsDisplay statistic
buttons.SettingsLogic ButtonsDisplay logic
buttons.SettingsConstants ButtonsDisplay constants buttons.SettingsShow AllDisplay all buttons available.SettingsHide AllHide all extra buttons and display only
standard default buttons.SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...Configure the keyboard shortcuts used by &kcalc;.
SettingsConfigure &kcalc;...Display the &kcalc; settings dialog.
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