/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about TQt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "ui2uib.h" #include "uib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* The .uib file format is the binary counterpart of the .ui file format. It is generated by the ui2uib converter and understood by TQWidgetFactory; in a future version, it might also be understood by a uib2ui converter. Experiments show that .uib files are about 2.5 times faster to load and 6 times smaller than .ui files. The .uib format, unlike the .ui format, is internal to Trolltech and is not officially documented; it is assumed that anybody who needs to understand the file format can read the ui2uib and TQWidgetFactory source code, with some guidance. And here's some guidance. A .uib file starts with a 32-bit magic number that allows TQWidgetFactory to determine the file type. The magic number is followed by '\n' (0x0a) and '\r' (0x0d), which ensure that the file wasn't corrupted during transfer between different platforms. For example, transferring a .ui file from Windows to Unix using FTP with type ASCII will produce a file with '\r\n\r' in place of '\n\r'. This is followed by the TQDataStream format version number used. The rest of the file is made up of blocks, each of which starts with a block type (Block_XXX) and a block length. Block_Intro and Block_Widget are mandatory; the others are optional. TQWidgetFactory makes certain assumptions about the order of the blocks; for example, it expects Block_String before any other block that refers to a string and Block_Images before Block_Widget. The order generated by ui2uib is one of the orders that make sense. Just after the last block, a Block_End marker indicates the end of the file. The division of .uib files into blocks corresponds grossly to the division of .ui files in top-level XML elements. Thus, Block_Widget corresponds to and Block_Toolbars to . The internal organization of each block also mimics the organization of the corresponding XML elements. These are the major differences, all of which contribute to making .uib files more compact: 1. The strings are gathered in Block_Strings, a string-table. When a string is needed later, it is referenced by a 32-bit index into that table. The UicStringTable class makes the whole process of inserting and looking up strings very simple. The advantage of this scheme is that if a string is used more than once, it is stored only once. Also, the string-table is preinitialized with very common strings, so that these need not be stored along with .uib files. 2. TQObjects are referred to by index in a table rather than by name. The table itself is not stored in the .uib file; it is rather build dynamically by ui2uib and TQWidgetFactory as new objects are specified. In ui2uib, the table is represented by a UibIndexMap object; in TQWidgetFactory, a plain array of TQObject pointers suffices. 3. The data is packed to take as little place as possible, without slowing down TQLayoutFactory too much. For example, an index into the string-table is a 32-bit integer, but in practice it is rarely above 65534, so only 16 bits are used for them; when an index above 65534 is met, the index is saved as 65535 followed by the 32-bit index, for a total of 48 bits. 4. The name of a signal or slot and its signature are saved separately. That way, if a signal 'foo(const TQString&)' is connected to a slot 'bar(const TQString&)', the string-table will only contain 'foo', 'bar', and '(const TQString&)', instead of the longer 'foo(const TQString&)' and 'bar(const TQString&)'. The signatures are normalized beforehand to ensure that trivial spacing problems don't result in multiple string-table entries. 5. In a signal-to-slot connection, a sender, signal, receiver, or slot is not repeated if it's the same as for the previous connection. Bit flags indicate what is repeated and what is specified. 6. Some of the information stored in a .ui file is useful only by uic, not to TQLayoutFactory. That information is, for now, not taken along in the .uib file. Likewise, needless TQLayoutWidget objects are not taken along. The arbitrary constants related to the .uib file formats are defined in uib.h. Constants such as Block_Actions and Object_SubWidget are given values such as 'A' and 'W' to make .uib files easier to read in a hexadecimal editor. The file format isn't designed to be extensible. Any extension that prevents an older version of TQLayoutWidget of reading the file correctly must have a different magic number. The plan is to use UibMagic + 1 for version 2, UibMagic + 2 for version 3, etc. */ static TQCString layoutForTag( const TQString& tag ) { if ( tag == "grid" ) { return TQGRIDLAYOUT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } else if ( tag == "hbox" ) { return TQHBOXLAYOUT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } else if ( tag == "vbox" ) { return TQVBOXLAYOUT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } else { return TQLAYOUT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } } class UibHack : public TQObject { public: static TQString normalize( const TQString& member ) { return TQString::fromUtf8( TQObject::normalizeSignalSlot(member.utf8()) ); } }; class UibIndexMap { public: UibIndexMap() : next( 0 ) { } void insert( const TQString& name ) { setName( insert(), name ); } int insert() { return next++; } void setName( int no, const TQString& name ); int find( const TQString& name, int deflt = -1 ) const; int count() const { return next; } private: TQMap nameMap; TQMap conflicts; int next; }; void UibIndexMap::setName( int no, const TQString& name ) { if ( !name.isEmpty() ) { if ( *nameMap.insert(name, no, FALSE) != no ) conflicts.insert( name, 0 ); } } int UibIndexMap::find( const TQString& name, int deflt ) const { TQMap::ConstIterator no = nameMap.find( name ); if ( no == nameMap.end() || conflicts.contains(name) ) { return deflt; } else { return *no; } } static void packUInt16( TQDataStream& out, TQ_UINT16 n ) { if ( n < 255 ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) n; } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) 255; out << n; } } static void packUInt32( TQDataStream& out, TQ_UINT32 n ) { if ( n < 65535 ) { out << (TQ_UINT16) n; } else { out << (TQ_UINT16) 65535; out << n; } } static void packByteArray( TQDataStream& out, const TQByteArray& array ) { packUInt32( out, array.size() ); out.writeRawBytes( array.data(), array.size() ); } static void packCString( UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, const char *cstr ) { packUInt32( out, strings.insertCString(cstr) ); } static void packString( UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, const TQString& str ) { packUInt32( out, strings.insertString(str) ); } static void packStringSplit( UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, const TQString& str, TQChar sep ) { int pos = str.find( sep ); if ( pos == -1 ) pos = str.length(); packString( strings, out, str.left(pos) ); packString( strings, out, str.mid(pos) ); } static void packVariant( UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, TQVariant value, TQString tag = "" ) { TQStringList::ConstIterator s; TQ_UINT8 type = value.type(); if ( tag == "pixmap" ) { type = TQVariant::Pixmap; } else if ( tag == "image" ) { type = TQVariant::Image; } else if ( tag == "iconset" ) { type = TQVariant::IconSet; } out << type; switch ( type ) { case TQVariant::String: case TQVariant::Pixmap: case TQVariant::Image: case TQVariant::IconSet: packString( strings, out, value.asString() ); break; case TQVariant::StringList: packUInt16( out, value.asStringList().count() ); s = value.asStringList().begin(); while ( s != value.asStringList().end() ) { packString( strings, out, *s ); ++s; } break; case TQVariant::Font: out << value.asFont(); break; case TQVariant::Rect: packUInt16( out, value.asRect().x() ); packUInt16( out, value.asRect().y() ); packUInt16( out, value.asRect().width() ); packUInt16( out, value.asRect().height() ); break; case TQVariant::Size: packUInt16( out, value.asSize().width() ); packUInt16( out, value.asSize().height() ); break; case TQVariant::Color: out << value.asColor(); break; case TQVariant::Point: packUInt16( out, value.asPoint().x() ); packUInt16( out, value.asPoint().y() ); break; case TQVariant::Int: packUInt32( out, value.asInt() ); break; case TQVariant::Bool: out << (TQ_UINT8) value.asBool(); break; case TQVariant::Double: out << value.asDouble(); break; case TQVariant::CString: packCString( strings, out, value.asCString() ); break; case TQVariant::Cursor: out << value.asCursor(); break; case TQVariant::Date: out << value.asDate(); break; case TQVariant::Time: out << value.asTime(); break; case TQVariant::DateTime: out << value.asDateTime(); break; default: out << value; } } static void outputProperty( TQMap& buddies, int objectNo, UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, TQDomElement elem ) { TQCString name = elem.attribute( "name" ).latin1(); TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); TQString tag = f.tagName(); TQString comment; TQVariant value; if ( name == "resizeable" ) name = "resizable"; if ( tag == "font" ) { TQString family; TQ_UINT16 pointSize = 65535; TQ_UINT8 fontFlags = 0; TQDomElement g = f.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !g.isNull() ) { TQString text = g.firstChild().toText().data(); if ( g.tagName() == "family" ) { fontFlags |= Font_Family; family = text; } else if ( g.tagName() == "pointsize" ) { fontFlags |= Font_PointSize; pointSize = (TQ_UINT16) text.toUInt(); } else { if ( g.firstChild().toText().data().toInt() != 0 ) { if ( g.tagName() == "bold" ) { fontFlags |= Font_Bold; } else if ( g.tagName() == "italic" ) { fontFlags |= Font_Italic; } else if ( g.tagName() == "underline" ) { fontFlags |= Font_Underline; } else if ( g.tagName() == "strikeout" ) { fontFlags |= Font_StrikeOut; } } } g = g.nextSibling().toElement(); } out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_FontProperty; packCString( strings, out, name ); out << fontFlags; if ( fontFlags & Font_Family ) packString( strings, out, family ); if ( fontFlags & Font_PointSize ) packUInt16( out, pointSize ); } else if ( tag == "palette" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_PaletteProperty; packCString( strings, out, name ); TQDomElement g = f.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !g.isNull() ) { TQDomElement h = g.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !h.isNull() ) { value = DomTool::elementToVariant( h, TQt::gray ); if ( h.tagName() == "color" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_Color; out << value.asColor(); } else if ( h.tagName() == "pixmap" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_Pixmap; packVariant( strings, out, value, "pixmap" ); } h = h.nextSibling().toElement(); } if ( g.tagName() == "active" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_Active; } else if ( g.tagName() == "inactive" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_Inactive; } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_Disabled; } g = g.nextSibling().toElement(); } out << (TQ_UINT8) Palette_End; } else { value = DomTool::elementToVariant( f, value, comment ); if ( value.isValid() ) { if ( name == "buddy" ) { buddies[objectNo] += value.asString(); } else { if ( tag == "string" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_TextProperty; packCString( strings, out, name ); packCString( strings, out, value.asString().utf8() ); packCString( strings, out, comment.utf8() ); } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_VariantProperty; packCString( strings, out, name ); packVariant( strings, out, value, tag ); } } } } } static void outputGridCell( TQDataStream& out, TQDomElement elem ) { int column = elem.attribute( "column", "0" ).toInt(); int row = elem.attribute( "row", "0" ).toInt(); int colspan = elem.attribute( "colspan", "1" ).toInt(); int rowspan = elem.attribute( "rowspan", "1" ).toInt(); if ( colspan < 1 ) colspan = 1; if ( rowspan < 1 ) rowspan = 1; if ( column != 0 || row != 0 || colspan != 1 || rowspan != 1 ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_GridCell; packUInt16( out, column ); packUInt16( out, row ); packUInt16( out, colspan ); packUInt16( out, rowspan ); } } static int outputObject( TQMap& buddies, UibIndexMap& objects, UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, TQDomElement elem, TQCString className = "" ); static void outputLayoutWidgetsSubLayout( TQMap& buddies, UibIndexMap& objects, UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, TQDomElement elem ) { int subLayoutNo = -1; TQCString name; TQDomElement nameElem; TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { TQString tag = f.tagName(); if ( tag == "grid" || tag == "hbox" || tag == "vbox" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_SubLayout; subLayoutNo = outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f, layoutForTag(tag) ); } else if ( tag == "property" ) { if ( f.attribute("name") == "name" ) { name = DomTool::elementToVariant( f, name ).asCString(); nameElem = f; } } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } if ( subLayoutNo != -1 ) { /* Remove the sub-tqlayout's Object_End marker, append the grid cell and the correct name property, and put the Object_End marker back. */ out.device()->at( out.device()->at() - 1 ); outputGridCell( out, elem ); outputProperty( buddies, subLayoutNo, strings, out, nameElem ); out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_End; objects.setName( subLayoutNo, name ); } } static int outputObject( TQMap& buddies, UibIndexMap& objects, UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& out, TQDomElement elem, TQCString className ) { bool isTQObject = !className.isEmpty(); if ( className == TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) out << (TQ_UINT8) elem.attribute( "dock", "0" ).toInt(); if ( className == TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) className = elem.attribute( "class", className ).latin1(); int objectNo = -1; if ( isTQObject ) { packCString( strings, out, className ); objectNo = objects.insert(); } outputGridCell( out, elem ); // optimization: insert '&Foo' into string-table before 'Foo' if ( className == TQACTION_OBJECT_NAME_STRING || className == TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) { TQVariant value = DomTool::readProperty( elem, "menuText", TQVariant() ); if ( value.asString().startsWith("&") ) strings.insertString( value.asString() ); } TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { TQString tag = f.tagName(); if ( tag == "action" ) { if ( elem.tagName() == "item" || elem.tagName() == "toolbar" ) { TQString actionName = f.attribute( "name" ); int no = objects.find( actionName ); if ( no != -1 ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_ActionRef; packUInt16( out, no ); } } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_SubAction; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f, TQACTION_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } } else if ( tag == "actiongroup" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_SubAction; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f, TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } else if ( tag == "attribute" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Attribute; outputProperty( buddies, objectNo, strings, out, f ); } else if ( tag == "column" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Column; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } else if ( tag == "event" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Event; packCString( strings, out, f.attribute("name").latin1() ); packVariant( strings, out, TQStringList::split(',', f.attribute("functions")) ); } else if ( tag == "grid" || tag == "hbox" || tag == "vbox" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_SubLayout; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f, layoutForTag(tag) ); } else if ( tag == "item" ) { if ( elem.tagName() == "menubar" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_MenuItem; packCString( strings, out, f.attribute("name").latin1() ); packCString( strings, out, f.attribute("text").utf8() ); outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Item; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } } else if ( tag == "property" ) { outputProperty( buddies, objectNo, strings, out, f ); } else if ( tag == "row" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Row; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } else if ( tag == "separator" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Separator; } else if ( tag == "spacer" ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_Spacer; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } else if ( tag == "widget" ) { if ( f.attribute("class") == TQLAYOUTWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING && elem.tagName() != "widget" ) { outputLayoutWidgetsSubLayout( buddies, objects, strings, out, f ); } else { out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_SubWidget; outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out, f, TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } out << (TQ_UINT8) Object_End; if ( isTQObject ) objects.setName( objectNo, DomTool::readProperty(elem, "name", "").asString() ); return objectNo; } static void outputBlock( TQDataStream& out, BlockTag tag, const TQByteArray& data ) { if ( !data.isEmpty() ) { out << (TQ_UINT8) tag; packByteArray( out, data ); } } void convertUiToUib( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDataStream& out ) { TQByteArray introBlock; TQByteArray actionsBlock; TQByteArray buddiesBlock; TQByteArray connectionsBlock; TQByteArray functionsBlock; TQByteArray imagesBlock; TQByteArray menubarBlock; TQByteArray slotsBlock; TQByteArray tabstopsBlock; TQByteArray toolbarsBlock; TQByteArray variablesBlock; TQByteArray widgetBlock; TQDomElement actionsElem; TQDomElement connectionsElem; TQDomElement imagesElem; TQDomElement menubarElem; TQDomElement tabstopsElem; TQDomElement toolbarsElem; TQDomElement widgetElem; TQMap buddies; UibStrTable strings; UibIndexMap objects; int widgetNo = -1; TQCString className; TQ_INT16 defaultMargin = -32768; TQ_INT16 defaultSpacing = -32768; TQ_UINT8 introFlags = 0; TQDomElement elem = doc.firstChild().toElement().firstChild().toElement(); while ( !elem.isNull() ) { TQString tag = elem.tagName(); switch ( tag[0].latin1() ) { case 'a': if ( tag == "actions" ) actionsElem = elem; break; case 'c': if ( tag == "class" ) { className = elem.firstChild().toText().data().latin1(); } else if ( tag == "connections" ) { connectionsElem = elem; } break; case 'f': if ( tag == "functions" ) { TQDataStream out2( functionsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "function" ) { packStringSplit( strings, out2, f.attribute("name").latin1(), '(' ); packString( strings, out2, f.firstChild().toText().data() ); } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } break; case 'i': if ( tag == "images" ) { TQDataStream out2( imagesBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "image" ) { TQString name = f.attribute( "name" ); TQDomElement g = f.firstChild().toElement(); if ( g.tagName() == "data" ) { TQString format = g.attribute( "format", "PNG" ); TQString hex = g.firstChild().toText().data(); int n = hex.length() / 2; TQByteArray data( n ); for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) data[i] = (char) hex.mid( 2 * i, 2 ) .toUInt( 0, 16 ); packString( strings, out2, name ); packString( strings, out2, format ); packUInt32( out2, g.attribute("length").toInt() ); packByteArray( out2, data ); } } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } break; case 'l': if ( tag == "layoutdefaults" ) { TQString margin = elem.attribute( "margin" ); if ( !margin.isEmpty() ) defaultMargin = margin.toInt(); TQString spacing = elem.attribute( "spacing" ); if ( !spacing.isEmpty() ) defaultSpacing = spacing.toInt(); } break; case 'm': if ( tag == "menubar" ) menubarElem = elem; break; case 'p': if ( tag == "pixmapinproject" ) introFlags |= Intro_Pixmapinproject; break; case 's': if ( tag == "slots" ) { TQDataStream out2( slotsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "slot" ) { TQString language = f.attribute( "language", "C++" ); TQString slot = UibHack::normalize( f.firstChild().toText().data() ); packString( strings, out2, language ); packStringSplit( strings, out2, slot, '(' ); } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } break; case 't': if ( tag == "tabstops" ) { tabstopsElem = elem; } else if ( tag == "toolbars" ) { toolbarsElem = elem; } break; case 'v': if ( tag == "variable" ) { TQDataStream out2( variablesBlock, IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append ); packString( strings, out2, elem.firstChild().toText().data() ); } else if ( tag == "variables" ) { TQDataStream out2( variablesBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = elem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "variable" ) packString( strings, out2, f.firstChild().toText().data() ); f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } break; case 'w': if ( tag == "widget" ) widgetElem = elem; } elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement(); } { TQDataStream out2( widgetBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); widgetNo = outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out2, widgetElem, TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } if ( !tabstopsElem.isNull() ) { TQDataStream out2( tabstopsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = tabstopsElem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "tabstop" ) { TQString widgetName = f.firstChild().toText().data(); int no = objects.find( widgetName ); if ( no != -1 ) packUInt16( out2, no ); } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } if ( !actionsElem.isNull() ) { TQDataStream out2( actionsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out2, actionsElem ); } if ( !menubarElem.isNull() ) { TQDataStream out2( menubarBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out2, menubarElem, TQMENUBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } if ( !toolbarsElem.isNull() ) { TQDataStream out2( toolbarsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = toolbarsElem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "toolbar" ) outputObject( buddies, objects, strings, out2, f, TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } if ( !buddies.isEmpty() ) { TQDataStream out2( buddiesBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQMap::ConstIterator a = buddies.begin(); while ( a != buddies.end() ) { TQStringList::ConstIterator b = (*a).begin(); while ( b != (*a).end() ) { int no = objects.find( *b ); if ( no != -1 ) { packUInt16( out2, a.key() ); packUInt16( out2, no ); } ++b; } ++a; } } if ( !connectionsElem.isNull() ) { TQString prevLanguage = "C++"; int prevSenderNo = 0; TQString prevSignal = "clicked()"; int prevReceiverNo = 0; TQString prevSlot = "accept()"; TQDataStream out2( connectionsBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); TQDomElement f = connectionsElem.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !f.isNull() ) { if ( f.tagName() == "connection" ) { TQMap argMap; TQDomElement g = f.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !g.isNull() ) { argMap[g.tagName()] = g.firstChild().toText().data(); g = g.nextSibling().toElement(); } TQString language = f.attribute( "language", "C++" ); int senderNo = objects.find( argMap["sender"], widgetNo ); int receiverNo = objects.find( argMap["receiver"], widgetNo ); TQString signal = UibHack::normalize( argMap["signal"] ); TQString slot = UibHack::normalize( argMap["slot"] ); TQ_UINT8 connectionFlags = 0; if ( language != prevLanguage ) connectionFlags |= Connection_Language; if ( senderNo != prevSenderNo ) connectionFlags |= Connection_Sender; if ( signal != prevSignal ) connectionFlags |= Connection_Signal; if ( receiverNo != prevReceiverNo ) connectionFlags |= Connection_Receiver; if ( slot != prevSlot ) connectionFlags |= Connection_Slot; out2 << connectionFlags; if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Language ) packString( strings, out2, language ); if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Sender ) packUInt16( out2, senderNo ); if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Signal ) packStringSplit( strings, out2, signal, '(' ); if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Receiver ) packUInt16( out2, receiverNo ); if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Slot ) packStringSplit( strings, out2, slot, '(' ); prevLanguage = language; prevSenderNo = senderNo; prevSignal = signal; prevReceiverNo = receiverNo; prevSlot = slot; } else if ( f.tagName() == "slot" ) { // ### } f = f.nextSibling().toElement(); } } { TQDataStream out2( introBlock, IO_WriteOnly ); out2 << introFlags; out2 << defaultMargin; out2 << defaultSpacing; packUInt16( out2, objects.count() ); packCString( strings, out2, className ); } out << UibMagic; out << (TQ_UINT8) '\n'; out << (TQ_UINT8) '\r'; out << (TQ_UINT8) out.version(); outputBlock( out, Block_Strings, strings.block() ); outputBlock( out, Block_Intro, introBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Images, imagesBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Widget, widgetBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Slots, slotsBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Tabstops, tabstopsBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Actions, actionsBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Menubar, menubarBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Toolbars, toolbarsBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Variables, variablesBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Functions, functionsBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Buddies, buddiesBlock ); outputBlock( out, Block_Connections, connectionsBlock ); out << (TQ_UINT8) Block_End; }