/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Bernd Gehrmann and the KDevelop Team * * bernd@tdevelop.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "grepdlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "grepviewpart.h" const char *template_desc[] = { "verbatim", "assignment", "->MEMBER(", "class::MEMBER(", "OBJECT->member(", 0 }; const char *template_str[] = { "%s", "\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*=[^=]", "\\->[\\t ]*\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*\\(", "[a-z0-9_$]+[\\t ]*::[\\t ]*\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*\\(", "\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*\\->[\\t ]*[a-z0-9_$]+[\\t ]*\\(", 0 }; const char *filepatterns[] = { "*.h,*.hxx,*.hpp,*.hh,*.h++,*.H,*.tlh,*.cpp,*.cc,*.C,*.c++,*.cxx,*.ocl,*.inl,*.idl,*.c,*.m,*.mm,*.M", "*.cpp,*.cc,*.C,*.c++,*.cxx,*.ocl,*.inl,*.c,*.m,*.mm,*.M", "*.h,*.hxx,*.hpp,*.hh,*.h++,*.H,*.tlh,*.idl", "*.adb", "*.cs", "*.f", "*.html,*.htm", "*.hs", "*.java", "*.js", "*.php,*.php3,*.php4", "*.pl", "*.pp,*.pas", "*.py", "*.js,*.css,*.yml,*.rb,*.rhtml,*.html.erb,*.rjs,*.js.rjs,*.rxml,*.xml.builder", "CMakeLists.txt,*.cmake", "*", 0 }; GrepDialog::GrepDialog( GrepViewPart * part, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQDialog(parent, name, false), m_part( part ) { setCaption(i18n("Find in Files")); config = GrepViewFactory::instance()->config(); config->setGroup("GrepDialog"); TQGridLayout *tqlayout = new TQGridLayout(this, 9, 2, 10, 4); tqlayout->setColStretch(0, 0); tqlayout->setColStretch(1, 20); TQLabel *pattern_label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Pattern:"), this); tqlayout->addWidget(pattern_label, 0, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); pattern_combo = new KHistoryCombo(true, this); pattern_label->setBuddy(pattern_combo); pattern_combo->setFocus(); pattern_combo->setHistoryItems(config->readListEntry("LastSearchItems"), true); pattern_combo->setInsertionPolicy(TQComboBox::NoInsertion); tqlayout->addWidget(pattern_combo, 0, 1); TQLabel *template_label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Template:"), this); tqlayout->addWidget(template_label, 1, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); TQBoxLayout *template_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(4); tqlayout->addLayout(template_layout, 1, 1); template_edit = new KLineEdit(this); template_label->setBuddy(template_edit); template_edit->setText(template_str[0]); template_layout->addWidget(template_edit, 1); KComboBox *template_combo = new KComboBox(false, this); template_combo->insertStrList(template_desc); template_layout->addWidget(template_combo, 0); TQBoxLayout *search_opts_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(15); tqlayout->addLayout(search_opts_layout, 2, 1); regexp_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Regular Expression"), this); regexp_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("regexp", false )); search_opts_layout->addWidget(regexp_box); case_sens_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("C&ase sensitive"), this); case_sens_box->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed); case_sens_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("case_sens", true)); search_opts_layout->addWidget(case_sens_box); TQLabel *dir_label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Directory:"), this); tqlayout->addWidget(dir_label, 3, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); TQBoxLayout *dir_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(4); tqlayout->addLayout(dir_layout, 3, 1); dir_combo = new KComboBox( true, this ); dir_combo->insertStringList(config->readPathListEntry("LastSearchPaths")); dir_combo->setInsertionPolicy(TQComboBox::NoInsertion); dir_combo->setEditText(TQDir::homeDirPath()); url_requester = new KURLRequester( dir_combo, this ); url_requester->completionObject()->setMode(KURLCompletion::DirCompletion); url_requester->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly ); dir_label->setBuddy( url_requester ); dir_combo->setMinimumWidth(dir_combo->fontMetrics().maxWidth()*25); dir_layout->addWidget( url_requester, 10 ); synch_button = new KPushButton( this ); TQIconSet set = SmallIconSet( "dirsynch" ); TQPixmap pix = set.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ); synch_button->setFixedSize( pix.width()+8, pix.height()+8 ); synch_button->setIconSet( set ); synch_button->setAccel( TQKeySequence( "Alt+y") ); TQToolTip::add( synch_button, i18n("Set directory to that of the current file (Alt+Y)") ); dir_layout->addWidget( synch_button ); TQBoxLayout *dir_opts_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(15); tqlayout->addLayout(dir_opts_layout, 4, 1); recursive_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Rec&ursive"), this); recursive_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("recursive", true)); dir_opts_layout->addWidget(recursive_box); use_project_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Limit search to &project files"), this); use_project_box->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed); use_project_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("search_project_files", true)); dir_opts_layout->addWidget(use_project_box); TQLabel *files_label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Files:"), this); tqlayout->addWidget(files_label, 5, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); files_combo = new KComboBox(true, this); files_label->setBuddy(TQT_TQWIDGET(files_combo->focusProxy())); files_combo->insertStrList(filepatterns); tqlayout->addWidget(files_combo, 5, 1); TQLabel *exclude_label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Exclude:"), this); tqlayout->addWidget(exclude_label, 6, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); TQStringList exclude_list = config->readListEntry("exclude_patterns"); exclude_combo = new KComboBox(true, this); exclude_label->setBuddy(TQT_TQWIDGET(files_combo->focusProxy())); if (exclude_list.count()) { exclude_combo->insertStringList(exclude_list); } else { exclude_combo->insertItem("/CVS/,/SCCS/,/\\.svn/,/_darcs/"); exclude_combo->insertItem(""); } tqlayout->addWidget(exclude_combo, 6, 1); TQBoxLayout *other_opts_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(15); tqlayout->addLayout(other_opts_layout, 7, 1); keep_output_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("New view"), this); keep_output_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("new_view", true)); other_opts_layout->addWidget(keep_output_box); no_find_err_box = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Suppress find errors"), this); no_find_err_box->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed); no_find_err_box->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("no_find_errs", true)); other_opts_layout->addWidget(no_find_err_box); TQBoxLayout *button_layout = new TQHBoxLayout(4); tqlayout->addLayout(button_layout, 8, 1); search_button = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("Sea&rch"),"grep"), this); search_button->setDefault(true); KPushButton *done_button = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this); button_layout->addStretch(); button_layout->addWidget(search_button); button_layout->addWidget(done_button); resize(sizeHint()); TQWhatsThis::add(pattern_combo, i18n("Enter the regular expression you want to search for here.

" "Possible meta characters are:" "

    " "
  • . - Matches any character" "
  • ^ - Matches the beginning of a line" "
  • $ - Matches the end of a line" "
  • \\< - Matches the beginning of a word" "
  • \\> - Matches the end of a word" "
" "The following repetition operators exist:" "
    " "
  • ? - The preceding item is matched at most once" "
  • * - The preceding item is matched zero or more times" "
  • + - The preceding item is matched one or more times" "
  • {n} - The preceding item is matched exactly n times" "
  • {n,} - The preceding item is matched n or more times" "
  • {,n} - The preceding item is matched at most n times" "
  • {n,m} - The preceding item is matched at least n, " "but at most m times." "
" "Furthermore, backreferences to bracketed subexpressions are " "available via the notation \\n.
" )); TQWhatsThis::add(files_combo, i18n("Enter the file name pattern of the files to search here. " "You may give several patterns separated by commas")); TQWhatsThis::add(template_edit, i18n("You can choose a template for the pattern from the combo box " "and edit it here. The string %s in the template is replaced " "by the pattern input field, resulting in the regular expression " "to search for.")); connect( template_combo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(templateActivated(int)) ); connect( search_button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSearchClicked()) ); connect( done_button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(hide()) ); connect( pattern_combo->lineEdit(), TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged ( const TQString & ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotPatternChanged( const TQString & ) ) ); connect( synch_button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSynchDirectory()) ); slotPatternChanged( pattern_combo->currentText() ); } // Returns the contents of a TQComboBox as a TQStringList static TQStringList qCombo2StringList( TQComboBox* combo ) { TQStringList list; if (!combo) return list; for (int i = 0; i < combo->count(); ++i ) { list << combo->text(i); } return list; } GrepDialog::~GrepDialog() { config->setGroup("GrepDialog"); // memorize the last patterns and paths config->writeEntry("LastSearchItems", qCombo2StringList(pattern_combo)); config->writePathEntry("LastSearchPaths", qCombo2StringList(dir_combo)); config->writeEntry("regexp", regexp_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("recursive", recursive_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("search_project_files", use_project_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("case_sens", case_sens_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("new_view", keep_output_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("no_find_errs", no_find_err_box->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("exclude_patterns", qCombo2StringList(exclude_combo)); } void GrepDialog::slotPatternChanged( const TQString & _text ) { search_button->setEnabled( !_text.isEmpty() ); } void GrepDialog::templateActivated(int index) { template_edit->setText(template_str[index]); } // Find out whether the string s is already contained in combo static bool qComboContains( const TQString& s, TQComboBox* combo ) { if (!combo) return false; for (int i = 0; i < combo->count(); ++i ) { if (combo->text(i) == s) { return true; } } return false; } void GrepDialog::slotSearchClicked() { if (pattern_combo->currentText().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Please enter a search pattern")); pattern_combo->setFocus(); return; } // add the last patterns and paths to the combo if (!qComboContains(pattern_combo->currentText(), pattern_combo)) { pattern_combo->addToHistory(pattern_combo->currentText()); } if (pattern_combo->count() > 15) { pattern_combo->removeFromHistory(pattern_combo->text(15)); } if (!qComboContains(exclude_combo->currentText(), exclude_combo)) { exclude_combo->insertItem(exclude_combo->currentText(), 0); } if (exclude_combo->count() > 15) { exclude_combo->removeItem(15); } if (!qComboContains(dir_combo->currentText(), dir_combo)) { dir_combo->insertItem(dir_combo->currentText(), 0); } if (dir_combo->count() > 15) { dir_combo->removeItem(15); } emit searchClicked(); hide(); } void GrepDialog::show() { // not beautiful, but works with all window // managers and TQt versions if (isVisible()) hide(); // TQDialog::hide(); TQDialog::show(); pattern_combo->setFocus(); } void GrepDialog::hide() { pattern_combo->setFocus(); TQDialog::hide(); } void GrepDialog::slotSynchDirectory( ) { KParts::ReadOnlyPart * part = dynamic_cast( m_part->partController()->activePart() ); if ( part ) { KURL url = part->url(); if ( url.isLocalFile() ) { dir_combo->setEditText( url.upURL().path( +1 ) ); } } } void GrepDialog::setEnableProjectBox(bool enable) { use_project_box->setEnabled(enable); if (!enable) use_project_box->setChecked(false); } #include "grepdlg.moc"