/* * File : snippet_widget.cpp * * Author: Robert Gruber * * Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "snippetdlg.h" #include "snippetitem.h" #include "snippet_part.h" #include "snippet_widget.h" SnippetWidget::SnippetWidget(SnippetPart *part) : TDEListView(0, "snippet widget"), TQToolTip( viewport() ), m_part( part ) { // init the TQPtrList _list.setAutoDelete(TRUE); // init the TDEListView setSorting( -1 ); addColumn( "" ); setFullWidth(true); header()->hide(); setAcceptDrops(true); setDragEnabled(false); setDropVisualizer(false); setRootIsDecorated(true); //connect the signals connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested ( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint & , int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( showPopupMenu(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint & , int ) ) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( executed (TQListViewItem *) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotExecuted( TQListViewItem *) ) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( returnPressed (TQListViewItem *) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotExecuted( TQListViewItem *) ) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( dropped(TQDropEvent *, TQListViewItem *) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDropped(TQDropEvent *, TQListViewItem *) ) ); _cfg = 0; TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQ_SLOT(initConfig())); } SnippetWidget::~SnippetWidget() { writeConfig(); delete _cfg; /* We need to delete the child items before the parent items otherwise KDevelop would crash on exiting */ SnippetItem * item; while (_list.count() > 0) { for (item=_list.first(); item; item=_list.next()) { if (item->childCount() == 0) _list.remove(item); } } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::slotAdd() Opens the didalog to add a snippet */ void SnippetWidget::slotAdd() { kdDebug(9035) << "Ender slotAdd()" << endl; SnippetDlg dlg(this, "SnippetDlg", true); /*check if the user clicked a SnippetGroup If not, we set the group variable to the SnippetGroup which the selected item is a child of*/ SnippetGroup * group = dynamic_cast(selectedItem()); if (!group) group = dynamic_cast(selectedItem()->parent()); /*fill the combobox with the names of all SnippetGroup entries*/ for (SnippetItem *it=_list.first(); it; it=_list.next()) { if (dynamic_cast(it)) { dlg.cbGroup->insertItem(it->getName()); } } dlg.cbGroup->setCurrentText(group->getName()); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { group = dynamic_cast(SnippetItem::findItemByName(dlg.cbGroup->currentText(), _list)); _list.append( new SnippetItem(group, dlg.snippetName->text(), dlg.snippetText->text()) ); } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::slotAddGroup() Opens the didalog to add a snippet */ void SnippetWidget::slotAddGroup() { kdDebug(9035) << "Ender slotAddGroup()" << endl; SnippetDlg dlg(this, "SnippetDlg", true); dlg.snippetText->setEnabled(false); dlg.snippetText->setText("GROUP"); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Add Group")); dlg.cbGroup->insertItem(i18n("All")); dlg.cbGroup->insertStringList(m_part->getAllLanguages()); dlg.cbGroup->setCurrentText(i18n("All")); dlg.textLabelGroup->setText(i18n("Language:")); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { _list.append( new SnippetGroup(this, dlg.snippetName->text(), SnippetGroup::getMaxId(), dlg.cbGroup->currentText()) ); } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::slotRemove() Removes the selected snippet */ void SnippetWidget::slotRemove() { //get current data TQListViewItem * item = currentItem(); SnippetItem *snip = dynamic_cast( item ); SnippetGroup *group = dynamic_cast( item ); if (!snip) return; if (group) { if (group->childCount() > 0 && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you really want to remove this group and all its snippets?"),TQString(),KStdGuiItem::del()) == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; for (SnippetItem *it=_list.first(); it; it=_list.next()) { if (it->getParent() == group->getId()) { kdDebug(9035) << "remove " << it->getName() << endl; _list.remove(it); } } } kdDebug(9035) << "remove " << snip->getName() << endl; _list.remove(snip); } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::slotEdit() Opens the dialog of editing the selected snippet */ void SnippetWidget::slotEdit() { //get current data TQListViewItem * item = currentItem(); SnippetGroup *pGroup = dynamic_cast(item); SnippetItem *pSnippet = dynamic_cast( item ); if (!pSnippet || pGroup) /*selected item must be a SnippetItem but MUST not be a SnippetGroup*/ return; //init the dialog SnippetDlg dlg(this, "SnippetDlg", true); dlg.snippetName->setText(pSnippet->getName()); dlg.snippetText->setText(pSnippet->getText()); dlg.btnAdd->setText(i18n("&Apply")); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Edit Snippet")); /*fill the combobox with the names of all SnippetGroup entries*/ for (SnippetItem *it=_list.first(); it; it=_list.next()) { if (dynamic_cast(it)) { dlg.cbGroup->insertItem(it->getName()); } } dlg.cbGroup->setCurrentText(SnippetItem::findGroupById(pSnippet->getParent(), _list)->getName()); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { //update the TDEListView and the SnippetItem item->setText( 0, dlg.snippetName->text() ); pSnippet->setName( dlg.snippetName->text() ); pSnippet->setText( dlg.snippetText->text() ); /* if the user changed the parent we need to move the snippet */ if ( SnippetItem::findGroupById(pSnippet->getParent(), _list)->getName() != dlg.cbGroup->currentText() ) { SnippetGroup * newGroup = dynamic_cast(SnippetItem::findItemByName(dlg.cbGroup->currentText(), _list)); pSnippet->parent()->takeItem(pSnippet); newGroup->insertItem(pSnippet); pSnippet->resetParent(); } setSelected(item, TRUE); } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::slotEditGroup() Opens the dialog of editing the selected snippet-group */ void SnippetWidget::slotEditGroup() { //get current data TQListViewItem * item = currentItem(); SnippetGroup *pGroup = dynamic_cast( item ); if (!pGroup) /*selected item MUST be a SnippetGroup*/ return; //init the dialog SnippetDlg dlg(this, "SnippetDlg", true); dlg.snippetName->setText(pGroup->getName()); dlg.snippetText->setText(pGroup->getText()); dlg.btnAdd->setText(i18n("&Apply")); dlg.snippetText->setEnabled(FALSE); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Edit Group")); dlg.cbGroup->insertItem(i18n("All")); dlg.cbGroup->insertStringList(m_part->getAllLanguages()); dlg.cbGroup->setCurrentText(pGroup->getLanguage()); dlg.textLabelGroup->setText(i18n("Language:")); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { //update the TDEListView and the SnippetGroup item->setText( 0, dlg.snippetName->text() ); pGroup->setName( dlg.snippetName->text() ); pGroup->setLanguage(dlg.cbGroup->currentText()); setSelected(item, TRUE); } } void SnippetWidget::slotExecuted(TQListViewItem * item) { SnippetItem *pSnippet = dynamic_cast( item ); if (!pSnippet || dynamic_cast(item)) return; //process variables if any, then insert into the active view insertIntoActiveView( parseText(pSnippet->getText(), _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter()) ); } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::insertIntoActiveView(TQString text) Inserts the parameter text into the activ view */ void SnippetWidget::insertIntoActiveView(TQString text) { //get the interfaces for the KTexteditor parts KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *cursorIface = dynamic_cast(m_part->partController()->activeWidget()); if (!cursorIface) return; KTextEditor::EditInterface* editIface = dynamic_cast( m_part->partController()->activePart() ); if (!editIface) return; uint line, col; cursorIface->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col); editIface->insertText( line, col , text ); } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::writeConfig() Write the cofig file */ void SnippetWidget::writeConfig() { if( !_cfg ) return; _cfg->deleteGroup("SnippetPart"); //this is neccessary otherwise delete entries will stay in list until //they get overwritten by a more recent entry _cfg->setGroup("SnippetPart"); SnippetItem *item; TQString strKeyName=""; TQString strKeyText=""; TQString strKeyId=""; int iSnipCount = 0; int iGroupCount = 0; for ( item = _list.first(); item; item = _list.next() ) { //write the snippet-list kdDebug(9035) << "SnippetWidget::writeConfig() " << item->getName() << endl; SnippetGroup * group = dynamic_cast(item); if (group) { kdDebug(9035) << "-->GROUP " << item->getName() << group->getId() << " " << iGroupCount<< endl; strKeyName=TQString("snippetGroupName_%1").arg(iGroupCount); strKeyId=TQString("snippetGroupId_%1").arg(iGroupCount); strKeyText=TQString("snippetGroupLang_%1").arg(iGroupCount); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyName, group->getName()); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyId, group->getId()); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyText, group->getLanguage()); iGroupCount++; } else if (dynamic_cast(item)) { kdDebug(9035) << "-->ITEM " << item->getName() << item->getParent() << " " << iSnipCount << endl; strKeyName=TQString("snippetName_%1").arg(iSnipCount); strKeyText=TQString("snippetText_%1").arg(iSnipCount); strKeyId=TQString("snippetParent_%1").arg(iSnipCount); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyName, item->getName()); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyText, item->getText()); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyId, item->getParent()); iSnipCount++; } else { kdDebug(9035) << "-->ERROR " << item->getName() << endl; } } _cfg->writeEntry("snippetCount", iSnipCount); _cfg->writeEntry("snippetGroupCount", iGroupCount); int iCount = 1; TQMap::Iterator it; for ( it = _mapSaved.begin(); it != _mapSaved.end(); ++it ) { //write the saved variable values if (it.data().length()<=0) continue; //is the saved value has no length -> no need to save it strKeyName=TQString("snippetSavedName_%1").arg(iCount); strKeyText=TQString("snippetSavedVal_%1").arg(iCount); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyName, it.key()); _cfg->writeEntry(strKeyText, it.data()); iCount++; } _cfg->writeEntry("snippetSavedCount", iCount-1); _cfg->writeEntry( "snippetDelimiter", _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter() ); _cfg->writeEntry( "snippetVarInput", _SnippetConfig.getInputMethod() ); _cfg->writeEntry( "snippetToolTips", _SnippetConfig.useToolTips() ); _cfg->writeEntry( "snippetGroupAutoOpen", _SnippetConfig.getAutoOpenGroups() ); _cfg->writeEntry("snippetSingleRect", _SnippetConfig.getSingleRect() ); _cfg->writeEntry("snippetMultiRect", _SnippetConfig.getMultiRect() ); _cfg->sync(); } /*! This function was introduced together with the grouping-feature. As far as some guys might have some snippets stored in the "old" way we need to create a "DEFAULT" group into which we can import all snippets */ void SnippetWidget::initConfigOldVersion(TDEConfig *cfg) { SnippetGroup * group = new SnippetGroup(this, "DEFAULT", 1); _list.append(group); int iCount = cfg->readNumEntry("snippetCount", 0); TQString strKeyName=""; TQString strKeyText=""; for ( int i=0; ireadEntry(strKeyName, ""); strTextVal = cfg->readEntry(strKeyText, ""); if (strNameVal != "" && strTextVal != "") { SnippetItem * item = new SnippetItem(group, strNameVal, strTextVal); _list.append(item); } } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::initConfig() Initial read the cofig file */ void SnippetWidget::initConfig() { if (_cfg == NULL) _cfg = new TDEConfig("kdevsnippetrc", false, false); _cfg->setGroup("SnippetPart"); TQString strKeyName=""; TQString strKeyText=""; TQString strKeyId=""; SnippetItem *item; SnippetGroup *group; kdDebug(9035) << "SnippetWidget::initConfig() " << endl; //if entry doesn't get found, this will return -1 which we will need a bit later int iCount = _cfg->readNumEntry("snippetGroupCount", -1); for ( int i=0; ireadEntry(strKeyName, ""); iIdVal = _cfg->readNumEntry(strKeyId, -1); strLangVal = _cfg->readEntry(strKeyText, i18n("All")); kdDebug(9035) << "Read group " << strNameVal << " " << iIdVal << endl; if (strNameVal != "" && iIdVal != -1 && strLangVal != "") { group = new SnippetGroup(this, strNameVal, iIdVal, strLangVal); kdDebug(9035) << "Created group " << group->getName() << " " << group->getId() << endl; _list.append(group); if (group->getLanguage() == i18n("All")) group->setOpen(TRUE); else group->setOpen(FALSE); //groups assigned to certain languages get handled later } } /* Check if the snippetGroupCount property has been found if iCount is -1 this means, that the user has his snippets stored without groups. Therefore we will call the initConfigOldVersion() function below */ if (iCount != -1) { iCount = _cfg->readNumEntry("snippetCount", 0); for ( int i=0; ireadEntry(strKeyName, ""); strTextVal = _cfg->readEntry(strKeyText, ""); iParentVal = _cfg->readNumEntry(strKeyId, -1); kdDebug(9035) << "Read item " << strNameVal << " " << iParentVal << endl; if (strNameVal != "" && strTextVal != "" && iParentVal != -1) { item = new SnippetItem(SnippetItem::findGroupById(iParentVal, _list), strNameVal, strTextVal); kdDebug(9035) << "Created item " << item->getName() << " " << item->getParent() << endl; _list.append(item); } } } else { kdDebug(9035) << "found old version of snippet-configfile" << endl; initConfigOldVersion(_cfg); } iCount = _cfg->readNumEntry("snippetSavedCount", 0); for ( int i=1; i<=iCount; i++) { //read the saved-values and store in TQMap strKeyName=TQString("snippetSavedName_%1").arg(i); strKeyText=TQString("snippetSavedVal_%1").arg(i); TQString strNameVal=""; TQString strTextVal=""; strNameVal = _cfg->readEntry(strKeyName, ""); strTextVal = _cfg->readEntry(strKeyText, ""); if (strNameVal != "" && strTextVal != "") { _mapSaved[strNameVal] = strTextVal; } } _SnippetConfig.setDelimiter( _cfg->readEntry("snippetDelimiter", "$") ); _SnippetConfig.setInputMethod( _cfg->readNumEntry("snippetVarInput", 0) ); _SnippetConfig.setToolTips( _cfg->readBoolEntry("snippetToolTips", true) ); _SnippetConfig.setAutoOpenGroups( _cfg->readNumEntry("snippetGroupAutoOpen", 1) ); _SnippetConfig.setSingleRect( _cfg->readRectEntry("snippetSingleRect", 0L) ); _SnippetConfig.setMultiRect( _cfg->readRectEntry("snippetMultiRect", 0L) ); } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::maybeTip( const TQPoint & p ) Shows the Snippet-Text as ToolTip */ void SnippetWidget::maybeTip( const TQPoint & p ) { SnippetItem * item = dynamic_cast( itemAt( p ) ); if (!item) return; TQRect r = itemRect( item ); if (r.isValid() && _SnippetConfig.useToolTips() ) { if (dynamic_cast(item)) { tip( r, i18n("Language:")+((SnippetGroup*)item)->getLanguage() ); //show the group's language } else { tip( r, item->getText() ); //show the snippet's text } } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::showPopupMenu( TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint & p, int ) Shows the Popup-Menu depending item is a valid pointer */ void SnippetWidget::showPopupMenu( TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint & p, int ) { TDEPopupMenu popup; SnippetItem * selectedItem = static_cast(item); if ( item ) { popup.insertTitle( selectedItem->getName() ); popup.insertItem( i18n("Add Item..."), this, TQ_SLOT( slotAdd() ) ); popup.insertItem( i18n("Add Group..."), this, TQ_SLOT( slotAddGroup() ) ); if (dynamic_cast(item)) { popup.insertItem( i18n("Edit..."), this, TQ_SLOT( slotEditGroup() ) ); } else { popup.insertItem( i18n("Edit..."), this, TQ_SLOT( slotEdit() ) ); } popup.insertItem( i18n("Remove"), this, TQ_SLOT( slotRemove() ) ); } else { popup.insertTitle(i18n("Code Snippets")); popup.insertItem( i18n("Add Group..."), this, TQ_SLOT( slotAddGroup() ) ); } popup.exec(p); } // fn SnippetWidget::parseText(TQString text, TQString del) /*! This function is used to parse the given TQString for variables. If found the user will be prompted for a replacement value. It returns the string text with all replacements made */ TQString SnippetWidget::parseText(TQString text, TQString del) { TQString str = text; TQString strName = ""; TQString strNew = ""; TQString strMsg=""; int iFound = -1; int iEnd = -1; TQMap mapVar; int iInMeth = _SnippetConfig.getInputMethod(); TQRect rSingle = _SnippetConfig.getSingleRect(); TQRect rMulti = _SnippetConfig.getMultiRect(); do { iFound = text.find(TQRegExp("\\"+del+"[A-Za-z-_0-9\\s]*\\"+del), iEnd+1); //find the next variable by this TQRegExp if (iFound >= 0) { iEnd = text.find(del, iFound+1)+1; strName = text.mid(iFound, iEnd-iFound); if ( strName != del+del ) { //if not doubel-delimiter if (iInMeth == 0) { //if input-method "single" is selected if ( mapVar[strName].length() <= 0 ) { // and not already in map strMsg=i18n("Please enter the value for %1:").arg(strName); strNew = showSingleVarDialog( strName, &_mapSaved, rSingle ); if (strNew=="") return ""; //user clicked Cancle } else { continue; //we have already handled this variable } } else { strNew = ""; //for inputmode "multi" just reset new valaue } } else { strNew = del; //if double-delimiter -> replace by single character } if (iInMeth == 0) { //if input-method "single" is selected str.replace(strName, strNew); } mapVar[strName] = strNew; } } while (iFound != -1); if (iInMeth == 1) { //check config, if input-method "multi" is selected int w, bh, oh; w = rMulti.width(); bh = rMulti.height(); oh = rMulti.top(); if (showMultiVarDialog( &mapVar, &_mapSaved, w, bh, oh )) { //generate and show the dialog TQMap::Iterator it; for ( it = mapVar.begin(); it != mapVar.end(); ++it ) { //walk through the map and do the replacement str.replace(it.key(), it.data()); } } else { return ""; } rMulti.setWidth(w); //this is a hack to save the dialog's dimensions in only one TQRect rMulti.setHeight(bh); rMulti.setTop(oh); rMulti.setLeft(0); _SnippetConfig.setMultiRect(rMulti); } _SnippetConfig.setSingleRect(rSingle); return str; } // fn SnippetWidget::showMultiVarDialog() /*! This function constructs a dialog which contains a label and a linedit for every variable that is stored in the given map except the double-delimiter entry It return true if everything was ok and false if the user hit cancel */ bool SnippetWidget::showMultiVarDialog(TQMap * map, TQMap * mapSave, int & iWidth, int & iBasicHeight, int & iOneHeight) { //if no var -> no need to show if (map->count() == 0) return true; //if only var is the double-delimiter -> no need to show TQMap::Iterator it = map->begin(); if ( map->count() == 1 && it.data()==_SnippetConfig.getDelimiter()+_SnippetConfig.getDelimiter() ) return true; TQMap mapVar2Te; //this map will help keeping track which TEXTEDIT goes with which variable TQMap mapVar2Cb; //this map will help keeping track which CHECKBOX goes with which variable // --BEGIN-- building a dynamic dialog TQDialog dlg(this); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Enter Values for Variables")); TQGridLayout * layout = new TQGridLayout( &dlg, 1, 1, 11, 6, "layout"); TQGridLayout * layoutTop = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "layoutTop"); TQGridLayout * layoutVar = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "layoutVar"); TQGridLayout * layoutBtn = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "layoutBtn"); KTextEdit *te = NULL; TQLabel * labTop = NULL; TQCheckBox * cb = NULL; labTop = new TQLabel( &dlg, "label" ); labTop->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, labTop->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); labTop->setText(i18n("Enter the replacement values for these variables:")); layoutTop->addWidget(labTop, 0, 0); layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutTop, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); int i = 0; //walk through the variable map and add for ( it = map->begin(); it != map->end(); ++it ) { //a checkbox, a lable and a lineedit to the main layout if (it.key() == _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter() + _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter()) continue; cb = new TQCheckBox( &dlg, "cbVar" ); cb->setChecked( FALSE ); cb->setText(it.key()); layoutVar->addWidget( cb, i ,0, TQt::AlignTop ); te = new KTextEdit( &dlg, "teVar" ); layoutVar->addWidget( te, i, 1, TQt::AlignTop ); if ((*mapSave)[it.key()].length() > 0) { cb->setChecked( TRUE ); te->setText((*mapSave)[it.key()]); } mapVar2Te[it.key()] = te; mapVar2Cb[it.key()] = cb; TQToolTip::add( cb, i18n("Enable this to save the value entered to the right as the default value for this variable") ); TQWhatsThis::add( cb, i18n("If you enable this option, the value entered to the right will be saved. " "If you use the same variable later, even in another snippet, the value entered to the right " "will be the default value for that variable.") ); i++; } layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutVar, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); KPushButton * btn1 = new KPushButton( &dlg, "pushButton1" ); btn1->setText(i18n("&Cancel")); btn1->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, btn1->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); layoutBtn->addWidget( btn1, 0, 0 ); KPushButton * btn2 = new KPushButton( &dlg, "pushButton2" ); btn2->setText(i18n("&Apply")); btn2->setDefault( TRUE ); btn2->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)1, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, btn2->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); layoutBtn->addWidget( btn2, 0, 1 ); layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutBtn, 2, 2, 0, 1 ); // --END-- building a dynamic dialog //connect the buttons to the TQDialog default slots connect(btn1, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, TQ_SLOT(reject()) ); connect(btn2, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, TQ_SLOT(accept()) ); //prepare to execute the dialog bool bReturn = false; //resize the textedits if (iWidth > 1) { TQRect r = dlg.geometry(); r.setHeight(iBasicHeight + iOneHeight*mapVar2Te.count()); r.setWidth(iWidth); dlg.setGeometry(r); } if ( i > 0 && // only if there are any variables dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { TQMap::Iterator it2; for ( it2 = mapVar2Te.begin(); it2 != mapVar2Te.end(); ++it2 ) { if (it2.key() == _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter() + _SnippetConfig.getDelimiter()) continue; (*map)[it2.key()] = it2.data()->text(); //copy the entered values back to the given map if (mapVar2Cb[it2.key()]->isChecked()) //if the checkbox is on; save the values for later (*mapSave)[it2.key()] = it2.data()->text(); else (*mapSave).erase(it2.key()); } bReturn = true; iBasicHeight = dlg.geometry().height() - layoutVar->geometry().height(); iOneHeight = layoutVar->geometry().height() / mapVar2Te.count(); iWidth = dlg.geometry().width(); } //do some cleanup TQMap::Iterator it1; for (it1 = mapVar2Te.begin(); it1 != mapVar2Te.end(); ++it1) delete it1.data(); mapVar2Te.clear(); TQMap::Iterator it2; for (it2 = mapVar2Cb.begin(); it2 != mapVar2Cb.end(); ++it2) delete it2.data(); mapVar2Cb.clear(); delete layoutTop; delete layoutVar; delete layoutBtn; delete layout; if (i==0) //if nothing happened this means, that there are no variables to translate return true; //.. so just return OK return bReturn; } // fn SnippetWidget::showSingleVarDialog(TQString var, TQMap * mapSave) /*! This function constructs a dialog which contains a label and a linedit for the given variable It return either the entered value or an empty string if the user hit cancel */ TQString SnippetWidget::showSingleVarDialog(TQString var, TQMap * mapSave, TQRect & dlgSize) { // --BEGIN-- building a dynamic dialog TQDialog dlg(this); dlg.setCaption(i18n("Enter Values for Variables")); TQGridLayout * layout = new TQGridLayout( &dlg, 1, 1, 11, 6, "layout"); TQGridLayout * layoutTop = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "layoutTop"); TQGridLayout * layoutVar = new TQGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "layoutVar"); TQGridLayout * layoutBtn = new TQGridLayout( 0, 2, 1, 0, 6, "layoutBtn"); KTextEdit *te = NULL; TQLabel * labTop = NULL; TQCheckBox * cb = NULL; labTop = new TQLabel( &dlg, "label" ); layoutTop->addWidget(labTop, 0, 0); labTop->setText(i18n("Enter the replacement values for %1:").arg( var )); layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutTop, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); cb = new TQCheckBox( &dlg, "cbVar" ); cb->setChecked( FALSE ); cb->setText(i18n( "Make value &default" )); te = new KTextEdit( &dlg, "teVar" ); layoutVar->addWidget( te, 0, 1, TQt::AlignTop); layoutVar->addWidget( cb, 1, 1, TQt::AlignTop); if ((*mapSave)[var].length() > 0) { cb->setChecked( TRUE ); te->setText((*mapSave)[var]); } TQToolTip::add( cb, i18n("Enable this to save the value entered to the right as the default value for this variable") ); TQWhatsThis::add( cb, i18n("If you enable this option, the value entered to the right will be saved. " "If you use the same variable later, even in another snippet, the value entered to the right " "will be the default value for that variable.") ); layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutVar, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); KPushButton * btn1 = new KPushButton( &dlg, "pushButton1" ); btn1->setText(i18n("&Cancel")); layoutBtn->addWidget( btn1, 0, 0 ); KPushButton * btn2 = new KPushButton( &dlg, "pushButton2" ); btn2->setText(i18n("&Apply")); btn2->setDefault( TRUE ); layoutBtn->addWidget( btn2, 0, 1 ); layout->addMultiCellLayout( layoutBtn, 2, 2, 0, 1 ); te->setFocus(); // --END-- building a dynamic dialog //connect the buttons to the TQDialog default slots connect(btn1, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, TQ_SLOT(reject()) ); connect(btn2, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, TQ_SLOT(accept()) ); //execute the dialog TQString strReturn = ""; if (dlgSize.isValid()) dlg.setGeometry(dlgSize); if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { if (cb->isChecked()) //if the checkbox is on; save the values for later (*mapSave)[var] = te->text(); else (*mapSave).erase(var); strReturn = te->text(); //copy the entered values back the the given map dlgSize = dlg.geometry(); } //do some cleanup delete cb; delete te; delete labTop; delete btn1; delete btn2; delete layoutTop; delete layoutVar; delete layoutBtn; delete layout; return strReturn; } // fn SnippetWidget::acceptDrag (TQDropEvent *event) const /*! Reimplementation from TDEListView. Check here if the data the user is about to drop fits our restrictions. We only accept dropps of plaintext, because from the dropped text we will create a snippet. */ bool SnippetWidget::acceptDrag (TQDropEvent *event) const { kdDebug(9035) << "Format: " << event->format() << "" << event->pos() << endl; TQListViewItem * item = itemAt(event->pos()); if (item && TQString(event->format()).startsWith("text/plain") && static_cast(event->source()) != this) { kdDebug(9035) << "returning TRUE " << endl; return TRUE; } else { kdDebug(9035) << "returning FALSE" << endl; event->acceptAction(FALSE); return FALSE; } } // fn SnippetWidget::slotDropped(TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *after) /*! This slot is connected to the dropped signal. If it is emitted, we need to construct a new snippet entry with the data given */ void SnippetWidget::slotDropped(TQDropEvent *e, TQListViewItem *) { TQListViewItem * item2 = itemAt(e->pos()); SnippetGroup *group = dynamic_cast(item2); if (!group) group = dynamic_cast(item2->parent()); TQCString dropped; TQByteArray data = e->encodedData("text/plain"); if ( e->provides("text/plain") && data.size()>0 ) { //get the data from the event... TQString encData(data.data()); kdDebug(9035) << "encData: " << encData << endl; //... then fill the dialog with the given data SnippetDlg dlg(this, "SnippetDlg", true); dlg.snippetName->clear(); dlg.snippetText->setText(encData); /*fill the combobox with the names of all SnippetGroup entries*/ for (SnippetItem *it=_list.first(); it; it=_list.next()) { if (dynamic_cast(it)) { dlg.cbGroup->insertItem(it->getName()); } } dlg.cbGroup->setCurrentText(group->getName()); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { /* get the group that the user selected with the combobox */ group = dynamic_cast(SnippetItem::findItemByName(dlg.cbGroup->currentText(), _list)); _list.append( new SnippetItem(group, dlg.snippetName->text(), dlg.snippetText->text()) ); } } } /*! \fn SnippetWidget::languageChanged() */ void SnippetWidget::languageChanged() { TQStringList langs = m_part->getProjectLanguages(); for (SnippetItem *it=_list.first(); it; it=_list.next()) { SnippetGroup * group = dynamic_cast(it); if (group) { if (group->getLanguage() == i18n("All") || langs.contains(group->getLanguage())) { group->setOpen(TRUE); } else { group->setOpen(FALSE); } } } } #include "snippet_widget.moc"