You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
3.2 KiB

copyright : (C) 2006 by David Nolden
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "completiondebug.h"
#include "codeinformationrepository.h"
namespace StringHelpers {
void clearStr( TQString& str, int start, int end );
///Fills all comments with whitespaces
TQString clearComments( TQString str );
TQString cutTemplateParams( TQString str );
TQPair<TQString, TQString> splitTemplateParams( TQString str );
bool parenFits( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 );
bool isParen( TQChar c1 );
bool isTypeParen( TQChar c1 );
bool isTypeOpenParen( TQChar c1 );
bool isTypeCloseParen( TQChar c1 );
bool isLeftParen( TQChar c1 );
/*only from left to right
searches a fitting closing sign ( a ')' for a '(', ']' for '['
ignores quoted text
comments are currently not allowed */
int findClose( const TQString& str , int pos ); //todo: make this respect strings
TQString tagType( const Tag& tag );
int findCommaOrEnd( const TQString& str , int pos, TQChar validEnd = ' ' );
int countExtract( TQChar c, const TQString& str );
TQString templateParamFromString( int num, TQString str );
TQStringList splitType( TQString str ) ;
class ParamIterator {
ParamIterator( TQString parens, TQString source ) : m_source( source ), m_parens( parens ), m_cur( 0 ), m_curEnd ( 0 ) {
int begin = m_source.find( m_parens[ 0 ] );
int end = m_source.findRev( m_parens[ 1 ] );
m_prefix = m_source.left( begin );
if ( begin == -1 || end == -1 && end - begin > 1 )
m_cur = m_source.length();
else {
m_source = source.mid( begin + 1, end - begin );
m_curEnd = next();
ParamIterator& operator ++() {
m_cur = m_curEnd + 1;
if ( m_cur < ( int ) m_source.length() ) {
m_curEnd = next();
return *this;
TQString operator *() {
return m_source.mid( m_cur, m_curEnd - m_cur ).stripWhiteSpace();
operator bool() const {
return m_cur < ( int ) m_source.length();
TQString prefix() const {
return m_prefix;
TQString m_prefix;
TQString m_source;
TQString m_parens;
int m_cur;
int m_curEnd;
int next() {
return findCommaOrEnd( m_source, m_cur, m_parens[ 1 ] );
bool isValidIdentifierSign( const TQChar& c );
TQString stringMult( int count, TQString str );
// kate: tab-width 2;