actionconfigdialog . cpp
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
copyright : ( C ) 2003 by Andras Mantia < amantia @ kde . org >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; version 2 of the License . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//qt includes
# include <tqbuttongroup.h>
# include <tqcheckbox.h>
# include <tqdom.h>
# include <tqfileinfo.h>
# include <tqlineedit.h>
# include <tqlistbox.h>
# include <tqmultilineedit.h>
# include <tqradiobutton.h>
# include <tqtabwidget.h>
# include <tqregexp.h>
//kde includes
# include <kapplication.h>
# include <tdeconfig.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kicondialog.h>
# include <kiconloader.h>
# include <kkeybutton.h>
# include <klistview.h>
# include <klocale.h>
# include <kmainwindow.h>
# include <kmessagebox.h>
# include <kpopupmenu.h>
# include <kpushbutton.h>
# include <kstandarddirs.h>
# include <tdeversion.h>
# include <kinputdialog.h>
# include <ktoolbar.h>
//app includes
# include "resource.h"
# include "filecombo.h"
# include "actionconfigdialog.h"
# include "tagaction.h"
# include "toolbartabwidget.h"
ActionConfigDialog : : ActionConfigDialog ( const TQDict < ToolbarEntry > & toolbarList , KMainWindow * parent , const char * name , bool modal , WFlags fl , const TQString & defaultAction )
: ActionConfigDialogS ( parent , name , modal , fl )
m_mainWindow = parent ;
m_toolbarList = toolbarList ;
buttonOk - > setIconSet ( SmallIconSet ( " button_ok " ) ) ;
buttonCancel - > setIconSet ( SmallIconSet ( " button_cancel " ) ) ;
buttonApply - > setIconSet ( SmallIconSet ( " apply " ) ) ;
currentAction = 0L ;
m_toolbarItem = 0L ;
connect ( actionTreeView , TQT_SIGNAL ( contextMenu ( KListView * , TQListViewItem * , const TQPoint & ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotContextMenu ( KListView * , TQListViewItem * , const TQPoint & ) ) ) ;
connect ( actionTreeView , TQT_SIGNAL ( selectionChanged ( TQListViewItem * ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotSelectionChanged ( TQListViewItem * ) ) ) ;
connect ( shortcutKeyButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( capturedShortcut ( const KShortcut & ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotShortcutCaptured ( const KShortcut & ) ) ) ;
connect ( scriptPath , TQT_SIGNAL ( activated ( const TQString & ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotTextChanged ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( addToolbar ( ) ) , m_mainWindow , TQT_SLOT ( slotAddToolbar ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( removeToolbar ( const TQString & ) ) , m_mainWindow , TQT_SLOT ( slotRemoveToolbar ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( deleteUserAction ( KAction * ) ) , m_mainWindow , TQT_SLOT ( slotDeleteAction ( KAction * ) ) ) ;
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( configureToolbars ( const TQString & ) ) , m_mainWindow , TQT_SLOT ( slotConfigureToolbars ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
//fill up the tree view with the toolbars and actions
actionTreeView - > setSorting ( - 1 ) ;
allActionsItem = new KListViewItem ( actionTreeView , i18n ( " All " ) ) ;
actionTreeView - > insertItem ( allActionsItem ) ;
TQListViewItem * item , * oldItem = allActionsItem ;
KAction * action ;
TQString toolbarName ;
TQString toolbarId ;
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
TQRegExp r ( " \\ &(?! \\ &) " ) ;
KActionCollection * ac = m_mainWindow - > actionCollection ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
toolbarName = tb - > label ( i ) ;
toolbarName . replace ( r , " " ) ;
item = new KListViewItem ( actionTreeView , oldItem , i18n ( toolbarName . utf8 ( ) ) ) ;
actionTreeView - > insertItem ( item ) ;
toolbarId = tb - > id ( i ) ;
TQListViewItem * oldActionItem = 0L ;
ToolbarEntry * p_toolbar = m_toolbarList [ toolbarId ] ;
if ( p_toolbar )
TQDomNode node = p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) ;
while ( ! node . isNull ( ) )
if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " Action " )
action = ac - > action ( node . toElement ( ) . attribute ( " name " ) . ascii ( ) ) ;
if ( action )
oldActionItem = new KListViewItem ( item , oldActionItem , action - > text ( ) . replace ( r , " " ) , action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) , action - > name ( ) ) ;
oldActionItem - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( action - > icon ( ) ) ) ;
node = node . nextSibling ( ) ;
if ( tb - > label ( tb - > currentPageIndex ( ) ) . replace ( r , " " ) = = toolbarName )
item - > setOpen ( true ) ;
if ( item - > firstChild ( ) )
if ( defaultAction . isEmpty ( ) )
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( item - > firstChild ( ) ) ;
} else
TQListViewItem * actionItem = item - > firstChild ( ) ;
while ( actionItem & & actionItem - > depth ( ) > 0 )
if ( actionItem - > text ( 0 ) = = defaultAction | | actionItem - > text ( 0 ) = = defaultAction + " ... " )
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( actionItem ) ;
break ;
actionItem = actionItem - > nextSibling ( ) ;
oldItem = item ;
uint acCount = ac - > count ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < acCount ; i + + )
action = ac - > action ( i ) ;
item = new KListViewItem ( allActionsItem , action - > text ( ) . replace ( r , " " ) , action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) , action - > name ( ) ) ;
item - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( action - > icon ( ) ) ) ;
allActionsItem - > sortChildItems ( 0 , true ) ;
treeMenu = new KPopupMenu ( actionTreeView ) ;
treeMenu - > insertItem ( i18n ( " &Add New Toolbar " ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotAddToolbar ( ) ) ) ;
treeMenu - > insertItem ( i18n ( " &Remove Toolbar " ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRemoveToolbar ( ) ) ) ;
treeMenu - > insertItem ( i18n ( " &Edit Toolbar " ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotEditToolbar ( ) ) ) ;
globalShortcuts = TDEGlobal : : config ( ) - > entryMap ( " Global Shortcuts " ) ;
ActionConfigDialog : : ~ ActionConfigDialog ( )
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotAddToolbar ( )
emit addToolbar ( ) ;
TQString toolbarName ;
TQListViewItem * item ;
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
toolbarName = tb - > label ( i ) ;
if ( ! actionTreeView - > findItem ( toolbarName , 0 ) )
item = actionTreeView - > lastItem ( ) ;
if ( item - > parent ( ) )
item = item - > parent ( ) ;
new KListViewItem ( actionTreeView , item , i18n ( toolbarName . utf8 ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotRemoveToolbar ( )
TQListViewItem * item = actionTreeView - > currentItem ( ) ;
TQString s = item - > text ( 0 ) ;
if ( item - > parent ( ) )
item = item - > parent ( ) ;
s = item - > text ( 0 ) ;
if ( s ! = i18n ( " All " ) )
if ( KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel ( this , i18n ( " Do you really want to remove the \" %1 \" toolbar? " ) . arg ( s ) , TQString ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : del ( ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Continue )
m_toolbarItem = item ;
connect ( m_mainWindow , TQT_SIGNAL ( toolbarRemoved ( const TQString & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotToolbarRemoved ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
emit removeToolbar ( s . lower ( ) ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotToolbarRemoved ( const TQString & /*name*/ )
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( allActionsItem ) ;
delete m_toolbarItem ;
m_toolbarItem = 0L ;
disconnect ( m_mainWindow , TQT_SIGNAL ( toolbarRemoved ( const TQString & ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotToolbarRemoved ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotEditToolbar ( )
TQString toolbarName ;
TQString toolbarId ;
TQListViewItem * oldItem ;
TQListViewItem * item = actionTreeView - > currentItem ( ) ;
if ( item - > parent ( ) )
item = item - > parent ( ) ;
toolbarName = item - > text ( 0 ) ;
if ( toolbarName ! = i18n ( " All " ) )
emit configureToolbars ( toolbarName + " <quanta> " ) ;
//update the tree view
KAction * action ;
KActionCollection * ac = m_mainWindow - > actionCollection ( ) ;
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
toolbarName = tb - > label ( i ) ;
toolbarId = tb - > id ( i ) ;
ToolbarEntry * p_toolbar = m_toolbarList [ toolbarId ] ;
if ( p_toolbar )
oldItem = actionTreeView - > findItem ( toolbarName , 0 ) ;
item = new KListViewItem ( actionTreeView , oldItem , toolbarName ) ;
item - > setOpen ( oldItem - > isOpen ( ) ) ;
delete oldItem ;
TQDomNode node = p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) ;
while ( ! node . isNull ( ) )
if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " Action " )
action = ac - > action ( node . toElement ( ) . attribute ( " name " ) . ascii ( ) ) ;
if ( action )
oldItem = new KListViewItem ( item , oldItem , action - > text ( ) . replace ( TQRegExp ( " \\ &(?! \\ &) " ) , " " ) , action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) , action - > name ( ) ) ;
oldItem - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( action - > icon ( ) ) ) ;
node = node . nextSibling ( ) ;
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( allActionsItem ) ;
actionTreeView - > setSelected ( allActionsItem , true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotContextMenu ( KListView * , TQListViewItem * , const TQPoint & point )
treeMenu - > popup ( point ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotSelectionChanged ( TQListViewItem * item )
if ( currentAction & & currentAction - > inherits ( " TagAction " ) )
if ( buttonApply - > isEnabled ( ) & &
KMessageBox : : questionYesNo ( this , i18n ( " Do you want to save the changes made to this action? " ) , TQString ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : save ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : discard ( ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Yes )
saveCurrentAction ( ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
currentAction = 0L ;
if ( item & & item - > depth ( ) > 0 )
TagAction * action = 0L ;
KActionCollection * ac = m_mainWindow - > actionCollection ( ) ;
uint acCount = ac - > count ( ) ;
//find the corresponding action
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < acCount ; i + + )
KAction * a = ac - > action ( i ) ;
TQString actionName = a - > name ( ) ;
if ( a & & actionName = = item - > text ( 2 ) & & a - > inherits ( " TagAction " ) )
action = static_cast < TagAction * > ( a ) ;
actionProperties - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
deleteAction - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
break ;
} else
actionProperties - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
deleteAction - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
//if we found the action, load the action details
if ( action )
currentAction = action ;
TQDomElement el = action - > data ( ) ;
if ( el . hasAttribute ( " icon " ) )
TQString s = el . attribute ( " icon " ) ;
if ( ! TQFileInfo ( s ) . exists ( ) )
s = TQFileInfo ( s ) . fileName ( ) ;
actionIcon - > setIcon ( s ) ;
TQString actionText = el . attribute ( " text " ) ;
actionText . replace ( TQRegExp ( " \\ &(?! \\ &) " ) , " " ) ;
lineText - > setText ( actionText ) ;
lineToolTip - > setText ( el . attribute ( " tooltip " ) ) ;
selectedShortcut = action - > shortcut ( ) ;
TQString shortcutText = action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( shortcutText . isEmpty ( ) )
noShortcut - > setChecked ( true ) ;
shortcutKeyButton - > setText ( i18n ( " None " ) ) ;
} else
customShortcut - > setChecked ( true ) ;
shortcutKeyButton - > setShortcut ( action - > shortcut ( ) , false ) ;
shortcutKeyButton - > setText ( shortcutText ) ;
//find the container toolbars of this action and add them to the container listbox
toolbarListBox - > clear ( ) ;
int current = 0 ;
int count = 0 ;
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
TQString toolbarName = tb - > label ( i ) ;
TQString toolbarId = tb - > id ( i ) ;
ToolbarEntry * p_toolbar = m_toolbarList [ toolbarId ] ;
if ( p_toolbar )
TQDomNode node = p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) ;
while ( ! node . isNull ( ) )
if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " Action " & &
node . toElement ( ) . attribute ( " name " ) = = el . attribute ( " name " ) )
toolbarListBox - > insertItem ( toolbarName ) ;
if ( item - > parent ( ) - > text ( 0 ) = = toolbarName )
current = count ;
count + + ;
node = node . nextSibling ( ) ;
toolbarListBox - > setCurrentItem ( current ) ;
toolbarListBox - > setSelected ( current , true ) ;
toolbarListBox - > sort ( ) ;
//set the detailed settings pages to their defaults
lineTag - > clear ( ) ;
lineClosingTag - > clear ( ) ;
useClosingTag - > setChecked ( false ) ;
useActionDialog - > setChecked ( false ) ;
scriptPath - > setText ( " " ) ;
inputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 5 ) ;
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 5 ) ;
textEdit - > clear ( ) ;
//set the detailed settings according to the type of the action
TQString type = el . attribute ( " type " , " tag " ) ;
if ( type = = " tag " )
TQDomElement eltag = el . namedItem ( " tag " ) . toElement ( ) ;
lineTag - > setText ( eltag . text ( ) ) ;
useActionDialog - > setChecked ( eltag . attribute ( " useDialog " , " false " ) = = " true " ) ;
eltag = el . namedItem ( " xtag " ) . toElement ( ) ;
lineClosingTag - > setText ( eltag . text ( ) ) ;
useClosingTag - > setChecked ( eltag . attribute ( " use " , " false " ) = = " true " ) ;
typeCombo - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
else if ( type = = " script " )
TQDomElement elScript = el . namedItem ( " script " ) . toElement ( ) ;
scriptPath - > setText ( elScript . text ( ) ) ;
TQString s ;
s = elScript . attribute ( " input " , " none " ) ;
if ( s = = " current " )
inputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " selected " )
inputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 2 ) ;
} else
inputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
s = elScript . attribute ( " output " , " none " ) ;
if ( s = = " cursor " )
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " selection " )
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 2 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " replace " )
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 3 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " new " )
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 4 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " message " )
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 5 ) ;
} else
outputBox - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
s = elScript . attribute ( " error " , " none " ) ;
if ( s = = " cursor " )
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " selection " )
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 2 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " replace " )
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 3 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " new " )
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 4 ) ;
} else
if ( s = = " message " )
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 5 ) ;
} else
errorBox - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
typeCombo - > setCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
else if ( type = = " text " )
textEdit - > setText ( el . namedItem ( " text " ) . toElement ( ) . text ( ) ) ;
typeCombo - > setCurrentItem ( 2 ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
} else
actionProperties - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
deleteAction - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : saveCurrentAction ( )
static_cast < TagAction * > ( currentAction ) - > setModified ( true ) ;
TQString s ;
TQDomElement el = static_cast < TagAction * > ( currentAction ) - > data ( ) ;
s = actionIcon - > icon ( ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " icon " , s ) ;
currentAction - > setIcon ( s ) ;
TQString oldText = el . attribute ( " text " ) ;
s = lineText - > text ( ) ;
s . replace ( ' & ' , " && " ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " text " , s ) ;
currentAction - > setText ( s ) ;
s = lineToolTip - > text ( ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " tooltip " , s ) ;
currentAction - > setToolTip ( s ) ;
s = " " ;
if ( customShortcut - > isChecked ( ) )
s = selectedShortcut . toString ( ) ;
currentAction - > setShortcut ( selectedShortcut ) ;
} else
currentAction - > setShortcut ( KShortcut ( ) ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " shortcut " , s ) ;
//update the tree view
TQListViewItem * listItem ;
TQListViewItemIterator it ( actionTreeView ) ;
while ( it . current ( ) )
listItem = it . current ( ) ;
if ( listItem - > depth ( ) > 0 & & listItem - > text ( 2 ) = = currentAction - > name ( ) )
listItem - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( actionIcon - > icon ( ) ) ) ;
listItem - > setText ( 0 , lineText - > text ( ) ) ;
listItem - > setText ( 1 , currentAction - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
+ + it ;
//remove all the detailed settings
TQDomElement item = el . namedItem ( " tag " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! item . isNull ( ) )
el . removeChild ( item ) ;
item = el . namedItem ( " tag " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! item . isNull ( ) )
el . removeChild ( item ) ;
item = el . namedItem ( " xtag " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! item . isNull ( ) )
el . removeChild ( item ) ;
item = el . namedItem ( " script " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! item . isNull ( ) )
el . removeChild ( item ) ;
item = el . namedItem ( " text " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! item . isNull ( ) )
el . removeChild ( item ) ;
//add the new detailed settings
TQDomDocument document = TQDomDocument ( ) ;
int type = typeCombo - > currentItem ( ) ;
switch ( type )
case 1 : {
el . setAttribute ( " type " , " script " ) ;
item = document . createElement ( " script " ) ;
switch ( inputBox - > currentItem ( ) )
case 1 : { item . setAttribute ( " input " , " current " ) ;
break ;
case 2 : { item . setAttribute ( " input " , " selected " ) ;
break ;
default : { item . setAttribute ( " input " , " none " ) ;
break ;
switch ( outputBox - > currentItem ( ) )
case 1 : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " cursor " ) ;
break ;
case 2 : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " selection " ) ;
break ;
case 3 : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " replace " ) ;
break ;
case 4 : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " new " ) ;
break ;
case 5 : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " message " ) ;
break ;
default : { item . setAttribute ( " output " , " none " ) ;
break ;
switch ( errorBox - > currentItem ( ) )
case 1 : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " cursor " ) ;
break ;
case 2 : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " selection " ) ;
break ;
case 3 : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " replace " ) ;
break ;
case 4 : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " new " ) ;
break ;
case 5 : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " message " ) ;
break ;
default : { item . setAttribute ( " error " , " none " ) ;
break ;
el . appendChild ( item ) ;
item . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( scriptPath - > text ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 : {
el . setAttribute ( " type " , " text " ) ;
item = document . createElement ( " text " ) ;
el . appendChild ( item ) ;
item . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( textEdit - > text ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
default : {
el . setAttribute ( " type " , " tag " ) ;
item = document . createElement ( " tag " ) ;
item . setAttribute ( " useDialog " , useActionDialog - > isChecked ( ) ? " true " : " false " ) ;
el . appendChild ( item ) ;
item . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( lineTag - > text ( ) ) ) ;
item = document . createElement ( " xtag " ) ;
item . setAttribute ( " use " , useClosingTag - > isChecked ( ) ? " true " : " false " ) ;
el . appendChild ( item ) ;
item . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( lineClosingTag - > text ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
TQString toolbarName = tb - > label ( i ) ;
TQString toolbarId = tb - > id ( i ) ;
ToolbarEntry * p_toolbar = m_toolbarList [ toolbarId ] ;
bool isOnToolbar = false ;
if ( p_toolbar )
TQDomNode node = p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) ;
bool placeOnToolbar = toolbarListBox - > findItem ( toolbarName , TQt : : ExactMatch ) ;
while ( ! node . isNull ( ) )
if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " Action " & &
node . toElement ( ) . attribute ( " name " ) = = el . attribute ( " name " ) )
//if it's present in the toolbar, but not in the container list,
//remove it also from the toolbar
if ( ! placeOnToolbar )
currentAction - > unplug ( tb - > page ( i ) ) ;
currentAction - > unplug ( p_toolbar - > menu ) ;
node . parentNode ( ) . removeChild ( node ) ;
TQListViewItemIterator iter ( actionTreeView ) ;
while ( iter . current ( ) )
listItem = iter . current ( ) ;
if ( listItem - > depth ( ) > 0 & & listItem - > parent ( ) - > text ( 0 ) = = toolbarName
& & listItem - > text ( 2 ) = = el . attribute ( " name " ) )
delete listItem ;
break ;
+ + iter ;
isOnToolbar = true ;
break ;
node = node . nextSibling ( ) ;
//it's not on the toolbar, but it should be
if ( ! isOnToolbar & & placeOnToolbar )
currentAction - > plug ( tb - > page ( i ) ) ;
currentAction - > plug ( p_toolbar - > menu ) ;
item = p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . createElement ( " Action " ) ;
item . setAttribute ( " name " , el . attribute ( " name " ) ) ;
p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) . firstChild ( ) . firstChild ( ) . appendChild ( item ) ;
//put it also in the treeview
listItem = actionTreeView - > findItem ( toolbarName , 0 ) ;
if ( listItem )
TQListViewItem * after = listItem - > firstChild ( ) ;
while ( after & & ( ! after - > nextSibling ( ) | | ( after - > nextSibling ( ) & & after - > nextSibling ( ) - > depth ( ) ! = 0 ) ) )
if ( after - > text ( 2 ) = = currentAction - > name ( ) )
placeOnToolbar = false ;
break ;
after = after - > nextSibling ( ) ;
if ( placeOnToolbar )
listItem = new KListViewItem ( listItem , after , lineText - > text ( ) , currentAction - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) , currentAction - > name ( ) ) ;
listItem - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( actionIcon - > icon ( ) ) ) ;
KXMLGUIFactory : : saveConfigFile ( p_toolbar - > guiClient - > domDocument ( ) ,
p_toolbar - > guiClient - > xmlFile ( ) , p_toolbar - > guiClient - > instance ( ) ) ;
TQWidget * toolBar = tb - > page ( i ) ;
if ( toolBar - > minimumSizeHint ( ) . height ( ) > 20 )
toolBar - > adjustSize ( ) ;
toolBar - > setGeometry ( 0 , 0 , tb - > width ( ) , toolBar - > height ( ) ) ;
} else
toolBar - > setGeometry ( 0 , 0 , tb - > width ( ) , tb - > height ( ) - tb - > tabHeight ( ) ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotShortcutCaptured ( const KShortcut & shortcut )
TQString shortcutText = shortcut . toString ( ) ;
TQString shortcutText2 ;
int pos = shortcutText . find ( ' ; ' ) ;
if ( pos ! = - 1 )
shortcutText2 = shortcutText . mid ( pos + 1 ) ;
shortcutText = shortcutText . left ( pos ) ;
TQString s = shortcutText ;
s . replace ( ' + ' , " \\ + " ) ;
TQRegExp shortcutRx ( " \\ ( " + s + " \\ ) | " + s + " $ | " + s + " ; " );
s = shortcutText2 ;
s . replace ( ' + ' , " \\ + " ) ;
TQRegExp shortcutRx2 ( " \\ ( " + s + " \\ ) | " + s + " $ | " + s + " ; " );
TQString global ;
//check for conflicting global shortcuts
TQMap < TQString , TQString > : : Iterator it ;
for ( it = globalShortcuts . begin ( ) ; it ! = globalShortcuts . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . data ( ) . contains ( shortcutRx ) )
global = it . key ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! shortcutText2 . isEmpty ( ) & & it . data ( ) . contains ( shortcutRx2 ) )
shortcutText = shortcutText2 ;
global = it . key ( ) ;
break ;
if ( global . isEmpty ( ) )
TQPtrList < KXMLGUIClient > clients = m_mainWindow - > guiFactory ( ) - > clients ( ) ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KXMLGUIClient > it ( clients ) ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
KActionCollection * ac = ( * it ) - > actionCollection ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < ac - > count ( ) ; i + + )
KAction * action = ac - > action ( i ) ;
if ( action ! = currentAction & & action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) . contains ( shortcutRx ) )
global = action - > text ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! shortcutText2 . isEmpty ( ) & & action ! = currentAction & & action - > shortcut ( ) . toString ( ) . contains ( shortcutRx ) )
shortcutText = shortcutText2 ;
global = action - > text ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! global . isEmpty ( ) )
break ;
if ( global . isEmpty ( ) )
shortcutKeyButton - > setText ( shortcutText ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
selectedShortcut = shortcut ;
} else
global . replace ( ' & ' , " " ) ;
TQString s = i18n ( " The '%1' key combination has already been allocated "
" to the \" %2 \" action. \n "
" Please choose a unique key combination. " ) .
arg ( shortcutText ) . arg ( global ) ;
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , s , i18n ( " Conflicting Shortcuts " ) ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : accept ( )
if ( buttonApply - > isEnabled ( ) )
saveCurrentAction ( ) ;
ActionConfigDialogS : : accept ( ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : reject ( )
if ( buttonApply - > isEnabled ( ) & & KMessageBox : : questionYesNo ( this , i18n ( " Do you want to save the changes made to this action? " ) , TQString ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : save ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : discard ( ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Yes )
saveCurrentAction ( ) ;
ActionConfigDialogS : : reject ( ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotNewAction ( )
TQDomDocument doc ;
TQDomElement el = doc . createElement ( " action " ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " name " , " user_ " + TDEApplication : : randomString ( 10 ) ) ;
el . setAttribute ( " icon " , " ball " ) ;
currentAction = new TagAction ( & el , m_mainWindow ) ;
//add the actions to every toolbar xmlguiclient
TQDictIterator < ToolbarEntry > it ( m_toolbarList ) ;
while ( it . current ( ) )
it . current ( ) - > guiClient - > actionCollection ( ) - > insert ( currentAction ) ;
+ + it ;
selectedShortcut = KShortcut ( ) ;
static_cast < TagAction * > ( currentAction ) - > setModified ( true ) ;
TQListViewItem * currentItem = actionTreeView - > currentItem ( ) ;
TQListViewItem * item = new KListViewItem ( allActionsItem ) ;
TQString actionText = TQString ( " Action_%1 " ) . arg ( m_mainWindow - > actionCollection ( ) - > count ( ) ) ;
currentAction - > setText ( actionText ) ;
item - > setText ( 2 , currentAction - > name ( ) ) ;
item - > setText ( 0 , actionText ) ;
item - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( " ball " ) ) ;
allActionsItem - > sortChildItems ( 0 , true ) ;
if ( currentItem - > parent ( ) & & currentItem - > parent ( ) = = allActionsItem )
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( item ) ;
} else
TQListViewItem * parentItem = currentItem - > parent ( ) ;
if ( ! parentItem )
parentItem = currentItem ;
item = new KListViewItem ( parentItem , currentItem ) ;
item - > setText ( 0 , actionText ) ;
item - > setText ( 2 , currentAction - > name ( ) ) ;
item - > setPixmap ( 0 , SmallIcon ( " ball " ) ) ;
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( item ) ;
if ( parentItem ! = allActionsItem )
toolbarListBox - > insertItem ( parentItem - > text ( 0 ) ) ;
toolbarListBox - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
toolbarListBox - > setSelected ( 0 , true ) ;
actionTreeView - > ensureItemVisible ( item ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotDeleteAction ( )
if ( KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel ( this , i18n ( " <qt>Removing the action removes all the references to it. \n Are you sure you want to remove the <b>%1</b> action?</qt> " ) . arg ( currentAction - > text ( ) ) , TQString ( ) , KStdGuiItem : : del ( ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Continue )
TQString actionName = currentAction - > name ( ) ;
emit deleteUserAction ( currentAction ) ;
currentAction = 0L ;
//update the tree view
TQListViewItem * listItem ;
TQListViewItemIterator it ( actionTreeView ) ;
while ( it . current ( ) )
listItem = it . current ( ) ;
if ( listItem - > depth ( ) > 0 & & listItem - > text ( 2 ) = = actionName )
+ + it ;
delete listItem ;
} else
+ + it ;
slotSelectionChanged ( actionTreeView - > currentItem ( ) ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotApply ( )
saveCurrentAction ( ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotAddContainerToolbar ( )
ToolbarTabWidget * tb = ToolbarTabWidget : : ref ( ) ;
int i ;
TQStringList lst ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tb - > count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( ! toolbarListBox - > findItem ( tb - > label ( i ) , TQt : : ExactMatch ) )
lst < < tb - > label ( i ) ;
if ( lst . count ( ) > 0 )
bool ok = false ;
TQString res = KInputDialog : : getItem (
i18n ( " Add Action to Toolbar " ) ,
i18n ( " Please select a toolbar: " ) , lst , 0 , false , & ok , this ) ;
if ( ok )
toolbarListBox - > insertItem ( res ) ;
toolbarListBox - > sort ( ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotRemoveContainerToolbar ( )
int item = toolbarListBox - > currentItem ( ) ;
toolbarListBox - > removeItem ( item ) ;
item = ( item > 0 ) ? item - 1 : 0 ;
toolbarListBox - > setCurrentItem ( item ) ;
toolbarListBox - > setSelected ( item , true ) ;
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotToggled ( bool )
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotTextChanged ( )
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : slotTextChanged ( const TQString & )
buttonApply - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
void ActionConfigDialog : : createScriptAction ( const TQString & a_name , const TQString & a_script )
actionTreeView - > setCurrentItem ( allActionsItem ) ;
slotNewAction ( ) ;
typeCombo - > setCurrentItem ( 1 ) ;
scriptPath - > setText ( a_script ) ;
lineText - > setText ( a_name ) ;
# include "actionconfigdialog.moc"