You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

229 lines
6.7 KiB

begin : 2004-10-10
copyright : (C) 2004 Linus McCabe
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "pathmapper.h"
#include "pathmapperdialog.h"
#include "quantacommon.h"
#include "project.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <qextfileinfo.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
PathMapper::PathMapper(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name)
: TQObject(tqparent, name)
TQString PathMapper::translate(const TQString & path, const TQString & from, const TQString &to)
TQString translated = path;
// Check if this dir is matched by the maps
if(path.tqstartsWith(from, false))
translated.remove(0, from.length());
translated = to + translated;
return translated;
TQString PathMapper::mapLocalPathToServer(const TQString &localpath)
return localpath;
if(m_localBasedir == "/" && m_serverBasedir == "/")
return localpath;
TQString newpath = translate(localpath, m_localBasedir, m_serverBasedir);
// If no translation occurred, check and see if some of the other translations does
if(newpath == localpath)
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count(); cnt++ )
// If the entire filename matches, count it as a match even if there is no difference
if(m_locallist[cnt] == localpath)
return localpath;
// If both are slashes, count it as a local project
if(m_locallist[cnt] == "/" && m_serverlist[cnt] == "/")
return localpath;
// Check if it translates into something
newpath = translate(localpath, m_locallist[cnt], m_serverlist[cnt]);
if(newpath != localpath)
addHistory(localpath, newpath, true);
return newpath;
// No translation found -> show dialog
PathMapperDialog pmdlg(localpath, PathMapperDialog::LocalToServer);
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count(); cnt++ )
pmdlg.addHistory(m_serverlist[cnt], m_locallist[cnt]);
if(pmdlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
newpath = translate(localpath, pmdlg.localPath(), pmdlg.serverPath());
addHistory(pmdlg.localPath(), pmdlg.serverPath(), newpath != localpath);
return newpath;
return localpath;
return newpath;
TQString PathMapper::mapServerPathToLocal(const TQString &serverpath)
TQString newpath;
return serverpath;
newpath = translate(serverpath, m_serverBasedir, m_localBasedir);
// Check if this dir is matched by the basedirs
if(QExtFileInfo::exists(newpath, true, 0L))
return newpath;
// Check if any previous mappings fit...
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count(); cnt++ )
newpath = translate(serverpath, m_serverlist[cnt], m_locallist[cnt]);
if(QExtFileInfo::exists(newpath, true, 0L))
return newpath;
// If the basedirs didnt match, check if the file exists,
// otherwise scan through the mapping history or show the
// mapping dialog
if(!QExtFileInfo::exists(serverpath, true, 0L))
PathMapperDialog pmdlg(serverpath, PathMapperDialog::ServerToLocal);
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count(); cnt++ )
pmdlg.addHistory(m_serverlist[cnt], m_locallist[cnt]);
if(pmdlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
addHistory(pmdlg.localPath(), pmdlg.serverPath(), true);
newpath = translate(serverpath, pmdlg.localPath(), pmdlg.serverPath());
return newpath;
return serverpath;
void PathMapper::setLocalBasedir(const TQString &localpath)
m_localBasedir = localpath;
void PathMapper::setServerBasedir(const TQString &serverpath)
m_serverBasedir = serverpath;
TQDomNode PathMapper::pathMapperNode()
TQDomNode nodeThisDbg;
TQDomDocument *dom = Project::ref()->sessionDom();
TQDomNode projectNode = dom->firstChild().firstChild();
TQDomNode nodeDbg = projectNode.namedItem("debuggers");
nodeDbg = dom->createElement("debuggers");
// Find the pathmapper section
nodeThisDbg = nodeDbg.namedItem("pathmapper");
nodeThisDbg = dom->createElement("pathmapper");
return nodeThisDbg;
void PathMapper::addHistory(const TQString &localpath, const TQString &serverpath, bool saveinproject)
bool exists = false;
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < m_serverlist.count() && !exists; cnt++ )
if(m_serverlist[cnt] == serverpath && m_locallist[cnt] == localpath)
exists = true;
TQDomNode node = pathMapperNode();
TQDomNode newnode = Project::ref()->dom()->createElement("mapping");
TQDomAttr serverattr = Project::ref()->dom()->createAttribute("serverpath");
TQDomAttr localattr = Project::ref()->dom()->createAttribute("localpath");
node = node.namedItem("mappings");
node.insertAfter(newnode, node.lastChild());
void PathMapper::readConfig()
TQDomNode node = pathMapperNode();
// Server
TQDomNode valuenode = node.namedItem("mappings");
TQDomNode child = valuenode.firstChild();
TQString serverpath, localpath;
serverpath = child.attributes().namedItem("serverpath").nodeValue();
localpath = child.attributes().namedItem("localpath").nodeValue();
kdDebug(24002) << "PathMapper::readConfig " << serverpath << ", " << localpath << endl;
child = child.nextSibling();
#include "pathmapper.moc"