This file is based on TQt Designer, Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. <EFBFBD>All rights reserved.
This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
packaging of this file.
See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
Modified for Kommander:
(C) 2002-2003 Marc Britton <consume@optusnet.com.au>
(C) 2004 Michal Rudolf <mrudolf@kdewebdev.org>
#include "command.h"
#include "metadatabase.h"
#include "sizehandle.h"
#include "actiondnd.h"
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqptrdict.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqwidgetlist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
class TQPaintEvent;
class TQMouseEvent;
class TQKeyEvent;
class TQPainter;
class TQLabel;
class MainWindow;
class TQTimer;
class TQFocusEvent;
class TQCloseEvent;
class Resource;
class TQResizeEvent;
class BreakLayoutCommand;
class TQPixmap;
class TQSizeGrip;
class FormFile;
#include "orderindicator.h"
class OrderIndicator;
class FormWindow : public TQWidget
TQ_PROPERTY( TQString fileName READ fileName WRITE setFileName )
FormWindow( FormFile *f, MainWindow *mw, TQWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 );
FormWindow( FormFile *f, TQWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 );
void init();
virtual void setMainWindow( MainWindow *w );
virtual TQString fileName() const;
virtual void setFileName( const TQString &fn );
virtual TQPoint grid() const;
virtual TQPoint gridPoint( const TQPoint &p );
virtual CommandHistory *commandHistory();
virtual void undo();
virtual void redo();
virtual TQString copy();
virtual void paste( const TQString &cb, TQWidget *parent );
virtual void lowerWidgets();
virtual void raiseWidgets();
virtual void checkAccels();
virtual void layoutHorizontal();
virtual void layoutVertical();
virtual void layoutHorizontalSplit();
virtual void layoutVerticalSplit();
virtual void layoutGrid();
virtual void layoutHorizontalContainer( TQWidget *w );
virtual void layoutVerticalContainer( TQWidget *w );
virtual void layoutGridContainer( TQWidget *w );
virtual void breakLayout( TQWidget *w );
virtual void selectWidget( TQObject *w, bool select = TRUE );
virtual void selectAll();
virtual void updateSelection( TQWidget *w );
virtual void raiseSelection( TQWidget *w );
virtual void repaintSelection( TQWidget *w );
virtual void clearSelection( bool changePropertyDisplay = TRUE );
virtual void selectWidgets();
bool isWidgetSelected( TQObject *w );
virtual void updateChildSelections( TQWidget *w );
virtual void raiseChildSelections( TQWidget *w );
virtual void emitUpdateProperties( TQObject *w );
virtual void emitShowProperties( TQObject *w = 0 );
virtual void emitSelectionChanged();
virtual void setPropertyShowingBlocked( bool b );
bool isPropertyShowingBlocked() const;
virtual TQLabel *sizePreview() const;
virtual void checkPreviewGeometry( TQRect &r );
virtual TQPtrDict<TQWidget> *widgets();
virtual TQWidgetList selectedWidgets() const;
virtual TQWidget *designerWidget( TQObject *o ) const;
virtual void handleContextMenu( TQContextMenuEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleMousePress( TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleMouseRelease( TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleMouseDblClick( TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleMouseMove( TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleKeyPress( TQKeyEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void handleKeyRelease( TQKeyEvent *e, TQWidget *w );
virtual void updateUndoInfo();
virtual MainWindow *mainWindow() const { return mainwindow; }
bool checkCustomWidgets();
virtual void insertWidget( TQWidget *w, bool checkName = FALSE );
virtual void removeWidget( TQWidget *w );
virtual void deleteWidgets();
virtual void editAdjustSize();
virtual void editConnections();
virtual int numSelectedWidgets() const;
virtual int numVisibleWidgets() const;
virtual bool hasInsertedChildren( TQWidget *w ) const;
virtual TQWidget *currentWidget() const
{ return propertyWidget && propertyWidget->isWidgetType() ? (TQWidget*)propertyWidget : 0; }
virtual bool unify( TQObject *w, TQString &s, bool changeIt );
virtual bool isCustomWidgetUsed( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w );
virtual bool isDatabaseWidgetUsed() const;
virtual bool isDatabaseAware() const;
virtual TQPoint mapToForm( const TQWidget* w, const TQPoint& ) const;
bool isMainContainer( TQObject *w ) const;
bool isCentralWidget( TQObject *w ) const;
TQWidget *mainContainer() const { return mContainer; }
void setMainContainer( TQWidget *w );
void paintGrid( TQWidget *w, TQPaintEvent *e );
bool savePixmapInline() const;
TQString pixmapLoaderFunction() const;
void setSavePixmapInline( bool b );
void setPixmapLoaderFunction( const TQString &func );
void setToolFixed() { toolFixed = TRUE; }
void setActiveObject( TQObject *o );
TQPtrList<TQAction> &actionList() { return actions; }
TQAction *findAction( const TQString &name );
void killAccels( TQObject *top );
int layoutDefaultSpacing() const;
int layoutDefaultMargin() const;
void setLayoutDefaultSpacing( int s );
void setLayoutDefaultMargin( int s );
void initSlots();
FormFile *formFile() const;
void setFormFile( FormFile *f );
public slots:
virtual void widgetChanged( TQObject *w );
virtual void currentToolChanged();
virtual void visibilityChanged();
virtual void modificationChanged( bool m );
void showProperties( TQObject *w );
void updateProperties( TQObject *w );
void undoRedoChanged( bool undoAvailable, bool redoAvailable, const TQString &undoCmd,
const TQString &redoCmd );
void selectionChanged();
void modificationChanged( bool m, FormWindow *fw );
void modificationChanged( bool m, const TQString &s );
void fileNameChanged( const TQString &s, FormWindow *fw );
virtual void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent *e );
virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent *e );
virtual void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent *e );
virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e );
void mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
{ handleMouseDblClick( e, mainContainer() ); }
enum RectType { Insert, Rubber };
virtual void beginUnclippedPainter( bool doNot );
virtual void endUnclippedPainter();
virtual void drawConnectLine();
virtual void drawSizePreview( const TQPoint &pos, const TQString& text );
virtual void insertWidget();
virtual void moveSelectedWidgets( int dx, int dy );
virtual void startRectDraw( const TQPoint &p, const TQPoint &global, TQWidget *w, RectType t );
virtual void continueRectDraw( const TQPoint &p, const TQPoint &global, TQWidget *w, RectType t );
virtual void endRectDraw();
virtual void checkSelectionsForMove( TQWidget *w );
virtual BreakLayoutCommand *breakLayoutCommand( TQWidget *w );
virtual bool allowMove( TQWidget *w );
virtual void saveBackground();
virtual void restoreConnectionLine();
virtual void restoreRect( const TQRect &rect ) ;
virtual void showOrderIndicators();
virtual void updateOrderIndicators();
virtual void repositionOrderIndicators();
virtual void hideOrderIndicators();
virtual TQWidget *containerAt( const TQPoint &pos, TQWidget *notParentOf );
TQObject *connectableObject( TQObject *w, TQObject *fallback );
private slots:
virtual void invalidCheckedSelections();
virtual void updatePropertiesTimerDone();
virtual void showPropertiesTimerDone();
virtual void selectionChangedTimerDone();
int currTool;
bool oldRectValid, widgetPressed, drawRubber, checkedSelectionsForMove;
TQRect currRect;
TQPoint rectAnchor;
TQPainter *unclippedPainter;
TQPoint sizePreviewPos;
TQPixmap sizePreviewPixmap;
MainWindow *mainwindow;
TQPtrList<WidgetSelection> selections;
TQPtrDict<WidgetSelection> usedSelections;
TQRect widgetGeom, rubber;
TQPoint oldPressPos, origPressPos;
CommandHistory commands;
TQMap<ulong, TQPoint> moving;
TQWidget *insertParent;
TQObject *propertyWidget;
TQLabel *sizePreviewLabel;
TQTimer *checkSelectionsTimer;
TQPtrDict<TQWidget> insertedWidgets;
bool propShowBlocked;
TQTimer* updatePropertiesTimer, *showPropertiesTimer, *selectionChangedTimer;
TQPoint connectStartPos, currentConnectPos;
TQObject *connectSender, *connectReceiver;
TQPixmap *buffer;
TQPtrList<OrderIndicator> orderIndicators;
TQWidgetList orderedWidgets;
TQWidgetList stackedWidgets;
TQWidget *mContainer;
bool pixInline;
TQString pixLoader;
bool toolFixed;
TQPtrList<TQAction> actions;
TQWidget* targetContainer;
TQPalette restorePalette;
bool hadOwnPalette;
int defSpacing, defMargin;
FormFile *ff;