/* To include this script into an xhtml page without copying and pasting it in add the following tags into your xhtml page. Please note that these comments are only valid within .js (JavaScript files), do not include them if you wish to use this script within an xhtml document. or copy and paste the script into your document head enclosed in tags add the following in place of your usual tag variable names variable descrition yourname first name input yoursurname second name input addy email address */ function validate(){ if (document.form1.yourname.value.length<3){ alert("Please enter your full Forname"); document.form1.yourname.focus(); return false; } if (document.form1.yoursirname.value.length<3){ alert("Please enter your full Sirname."); document.form1.yoursirname.focus(); return false; } if (document.form1.addy.value.length < 5){ alert("Please enter a complete email address in the form: yourname@yourdomain.com") document.form1.addy.focus(); return false; } var addystring = document.form1.addy.value; var ampIndex = addystring.indexOf("@"); var afterAmp = addystring.substring((ampIndex + 1), addystring.length); var dotIndex = afterAmp.indexOf("."); dotIndex = dotIndex + ampIndex + 1; afterAmp = addystring.substring((ampIndex + 1), dotIndex); var afterDot = addystring.substring((dotIndex + 1), addystring.length); var beforeAmp = addystring.substring(0,(ampIndex)); var addy_regex ="^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$"; if ((addystring.indexOf("@") != "-1") && (addystring.length > 5) && (afterAmp.length > 0) && (beforeAmp.length > 1) && (afterDot.length > 1) && (addy_regex.test(addystring)) ) { return true; } else{ alert("Invalid! Please enter a complete email address in the form: yourname@yourdomain.com") document.form1.addy.focus(); return false; } }