/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2002-2006 by Robby Stephenson email : robby@periapsis.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "entryiconview.h" #include "collection.h" #include "collectionfactory.h" #include "imagefactory.h" #include "controller.h" #include "entry.h" #include "field.h" #include "tellico_utils.h" #include "tellico_debug.h" #include "listviewcomparison.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static const int MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE = 32; static const int MAX_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE = 128; static const int ENTRY_ICON_SIZE_PAD = 6; static const int ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_RIGHT = 1; static const int ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_BOTTOM = 1; } using Tellico::EntryIconView; using Tellico::EntryIconViewItem; EntryIconView::EntryIconView(TQWidget* parent_, const char* name_/*=0*/) : KIconView(parent_, name_), m_coll(0), m_maxAllowedIconWidth(MAX_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE), m_maxIconWidth(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE), m_maxIconHeight(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE), m_comparison(0) { setAutoArrange(true); setSorting(true); setItemsMovable(false); setSelectionMode(TQIconView::Extended); setResizeMode(TQIconView::Adjust); setMode(KIconView::Select); setSpacing(4); // setWordWrapIconText(false); m_defaultPixmaps.setAutoDelete(true); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQIconViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(TQIconViewItem*))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&)), TQT_SLOT(slotShowContextMenu(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&))); } EntryIconView::~EntryIconView() { delete m_comparison; m_comparison = 0; } EntryIconViewItem* EntryIconView::firstItem() const { return static_cast(KIconView::firstItem()); } void EntryIconView::findImageField() { m_imageField.truncate(0); if(!m_coll) { return; } const Data::FieldVec& fields = m_coll->imageFields(); if(!fields.isEmpty()) { m_imageField = fields[0]->name(); } // myDebug() << "EntryIconView::findImageField() - image field = " << m_imageField << endl; } const TQString& EntryIconView::imageField() { return m_imageField; } const TQString& EntryIconView::sortField() { return m_comparison ? m_comparison->fieldName() : TQString(); } const TQPixmap& EntryIconView::defaultPixmap() { TQPixmap* pix = m_defaultPixmaps[m_coll->type()]; if(pix) { return *pix; } KIconLoader* loader = TDEGlobal::instance()->iconLoader(); TQPixmap tmp = loader->loadIcon(TQString::fromLatin1("nocover_") + CollectionFactory::typeName(m_coll->type()), KIcon::User, 0, KIcon::DefaultState, 0, true /*canReturnNull */); if(tmp.isNull()) { myLog() << "EntryIconView::defaultPixmap() - null nocover image, loading tellico.png" << endl; tmp = UserIcon(TQString::fromLatin1("tellico")); } if(TQMAX(tmp.width(), tmp.height()) > static_cast(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE)) { tmp.convertFromImage(tmp.convertToImage().smoothScale(m_maxIconWidth, m_maxIconHeight, TQ_ScaleMin)); } pix = new TQPixmap(tmp); m_defaultPixmaps.insert(m_coll->type(), pix); return *pix; } void EntryIconView::setMaxAllowedIconWidth(int width_) { m_maxAllowedIconWidth = TQMAX(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE, TQMIN(MAX_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE, width_)); setMaxItemWidth(m_maxAllowedIconWidth + 2*ENTRY_ICON_SIZE_PAD); m_defaultPixmaps.clear(); refresh(); } void EntryIconView::fillView() { setSorting(false); setGridX(m_maxAllowedIconWidth + 2*ENTRY_ICON_SIZE_PAD); // set default spacing initially GUI::CursorSaver cs(TQt::waitCursor); bool allDefaultImages = true; m_maxIconWidth = TQMAX(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE, m_maxIconWidth); m_maxIconHeight = TQMAX(MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE, m_maxIconHeight); EntryIconViewItem* item; for(Data::EntryVecIt it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it) { item = new EntryIconViewItem(this, it); m_maxIconWidth = TQMAX(m_maxIconWidth, item->width()); m_maxIconHeight = TQMAX(m_maxIconHeight, item->pixmapRect().height()); if(item->usesImage()) { allDefaultImages = false; } } if(allDefaultImages) { m_maxIconWidth = m_maxAllowedIconWidth; m_maxIconHeight = m_maxAllowedIconWidth; } // if both width and height are min, then that means there are no images m_defaultPixmaps.clear(); // now reset size of all default pixmaps for(item = firstItem(); item; item = item->nextItem()) { if(!item->usesImage()) { item->updatePixmap(); } } setGridX(m_maxIconWidth + 2*ENTRY_ICON_SIZE_PAD); // the pad is so the text can be wider than the icon setGridY(m_maxIconHeight + fontMetrics().height()); sort(); setSorting(true); } void EntryIconView::refresh() { if(!m_coll) { return; } showEntries(m_entries); } void EntryIconView::clear() { KIconView::clear(); m_coll = 0; m_entries.clear(); m_imageField.truncate(0); } void EntryIconView::showEntries(const Data::EntryVec& entries_) { setUpdatesEnabled(false); KIconView::clear(); // don't call EntryIconView::clear() since that clears the entries_ ref if(entries_.isEmpty()) { return; } m_coll = entries_[0]->collection(); m_entries = entries_; findImageField(); fillView(); setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void EntryIconView::addEntries(Data::EntryVec entries_) { if(entries_.isEmpty()) { return; } if(!m_coll) { m_coll = entries_[0]->collection(); } // since the view probably doesn't show all the current entries // only add the new ones if the count is the total if(m_entries.count() + entries_.count() < m_coll->entryCount()) { return; } int w = MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE; int h = MIN_ENTRY_ICON_SIZE; for(Data::EntryVecIt entry = entries_.begin(); entry != entries_.end(); ++entry) { m_entries.append(entry); EntryIconViewItem* item = new EntryIconViewItem(this, entry); w = TQMAX(w, item->width()); h = TQMAX(h, item->pixmapRect().height()); } if(w > m_maxIconWidth || h > m_maxIconHeight) { refresh(); } } void EntryIconView::modifyEntries(Data::EntryVec entries_) { for(Data::EntryVecIt entry = entries_.begin(); entry != entries_.end(); ++entry) { EntryIconViewItem* item = 0; for(EntryIconViewItem* it = firstItem(); it; it = it->nextItem()) { if(it->entry() == entry) { item = it; break; } } if(!item) { continue; } item->update(); } } void EntryIconView::removeEntries(Data::EntryVec entries_) { for(Data::EntryVecIt entry = entries_.begin(); entry != entries_.end(); ++entry) { m_entries.remove(entry); } bool found = false; EntryIconViewItem* item = firstItem(); while(item) { if(entries_.contains(item->entry())) { EntryIconViewItem* prev = item; item = item->nextItem(); delete prev; found = true; } else { item = item->nextItem(); } } if(found) { arrangeItemsInGrid(); } } void EntryIconView::slotSelectionChanged() { Data::EntryVec entries; const TQPtrList& items = selectedItems(); for(TQPtrListIterator it(items); it.current(); ++it) { entries.append(it.current()->entry()); } Controller::self()->slotUpdateSelection(this, entries); } void EntryIconView::slotDoubleClicked(TQIconViewItem* item_) { EntryIconViewItem* i = static_cast(item_); if(i) { Controller::self()->editEntry(i->entry()); } } void EntryIconView::updateSelected(EntryIconViewItem* item_, bool s_) const { if(s_) { m_selectedItems.append(item_); } else { m_selectedItems.removeRef(item_); } } void EntryIconView::slotShowContextMenu(TQIconViewItem* item_, const TQPoint& point_) { KPopupMenu menu(this); // only insert entry items if one is selected if(item_) { Controller::self()->plugEntryActions(&menu); menu.insertSeparator(); } KPopupMenu sortMenu(&menu); const TQStringList titles = m_coll->fieldTitles(); for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = titles.begin(); it != titles.end(); ++it) { sortMenu.insertItem(*it); } connect(&sortMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSortMenuActivated(int))); menu.insertItem(i18n("&Sort By"), &sortMenu); menu.exec(point_); } void EntryIconView::slotSortMenuActivated(int id_) { const KPopupMenu* menu = ::tqqt_cast(sender()); if(menu) { TQString title = menu->text(id_); Data::FieldPtr f = m_coll->fieldByTitle(title); if(f) { delete m_comparison; m_comparison = ListViewComparison::create(f); sort(); } } } int EntryIconView::compare(const EntryIconViewItem* item1, EntryIconViewItem* item2) { if(m_comparison) { return m_comparison->compare(item1, item2); } return 0; } /* *********************************************************** */ EntryIconViewItem::EntryIconViewItem(EntryIconView* parent_, Data::EntryPtr entry_) : KIconViewItem(parent_, entry_->title()), m_entry(entry_), m_usesImage(false) { setDragEnabled(false); const TQString& imageField = parent_->imageField(); if(!imageField.isEmpty()) { TQPixmap p = ImageFactory::pixmap(m_entry->field(imageField), parent_->maxAllowedIconWidth(), parent_->maxAllowedIconWidth()); if(!p.isNull()) { setPixmap(p); m_usesImage = true; } } } EntryIconViewItem::~EntryIconViewItem() { // be sure to remove from selected list when it's deleted EntryIconView* view = iconView(); if(view) { view->updateSelected(this, false); } } void EntryIconViewItem::setSelected(bool s_) { setSelected(s_, false); } void EntryIconViewItem::setSelected(bool s_, bool cb_) { EntryIconView* view = iconView(); if(!view) { return; } if(s_ != isSelected()) { view->updateSelected(this, s_); KIconViewItem::setSelected(s_, cb_); } } void EntryIconViewItem::updatePixmap() { EntryIconView* view = iconView(); const TQString& imageField = view->imageField(); m_usesImage = false; if(imageField.isEmpty()) { setPixmap(view->defaultPixmap()); } else { TQPixmap p = ImageFactory::pixmap(m_entry->field(imageField), view->maxAllowedIconWidth(), view->maxAllowedIconWidth()); if(p.isNull()) { setPixmap(view->defaultPixmap()); } else { setPixmap(p); m_usesImage = true; calcRect(); } } } void EntryIconViewItem::update() { setText(m_entry->title()); updatePixmap(); iconView()->arrangeItemsInGrid(); } void EntryIconViewItem::calcRect(const TQString& text_) { KIconViewItem::calcRect(text_); TQRect r = pixmapRect(); r.rRight() += ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_RIGHT; r.rBottom() += ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_BOTTOM; setPixmapRect(r); } void EntryIconViewItem::paintItem(TQPainter* p_, const TQColorGroup &cg_) { p_->save(); paintPixmap(p_, cg_); paintText(p_, cg_); p_->restore(); } void EntryIconViewItem::paintFocus(TQPainter*, const TQColorGroup&) { // don't draw anything } void EntryIconViewItem::paintPixmap(TQPainter* p_, const TQColorGroup& cg_) { // only draw the shadow if there's an image // oh, and don't draw it if it's a file catalog, it doesn't look right if(m_usesImage && !isSelected() && m_entry->collection()->type() != Data::Collection::File) { // pixmapRect() already includes shadow size, so shift the rect by that amount TQRect r = pixmapRect(false); r.setLeft(r.left() + ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_RIGHT); r.setTop(r.top() + ENTRY_ICON_SHADOW_BOTTOM); TQColor c = Tellico::blendColors(iconView()->backgroundColor(), TQt::black, 10); p_->fillRect(r, c); } KIconViewItem::paintPixmap(p_, cg_); } void EntryIconViewItem::paintText(TQPainter* p_, const TQColorGroup &cg_) { TQRect tr = textRect(false); int textX = tr.x() + 2; int textY = tr.y(); if(isSelected()) { p_->setBrush(TQBrush(cg_.highlight())); p_->setPen(TQPen(cg_.highlight())); p_->drawRoundRect(tr, 1000/tr.width(), 1000/tr.height()); p_->setPen(TQPen(cg_.highlightedText())); } else { if(iconView()->itemTextBackground() != Qt::NoBrush) { p_->fillRect(tr, iconView()->itemTextBackground()); } p_->setPen(cg_.text()); } int align = iconView()->itemTextPos() == TQIconView::Bottom ? AlignHCenter : AlignAuto; wordWrap()->drawText(p_, textX, textY, align | KWordWrap::Truncate); } TQString EntryIconViewItem::key() const { const TQString& sortField = iconView()->sortField(); if(sortField.isEmpty()) { return KIconViewItem::key(); } return m_entry->field(sortField); } int EntryIconViewItem::compare(TQIconViewItem* item_) const { int res = iconView()->compare(this, static_cast(item_)); return res == 0 ? KIconViewItem::compare(item_) : res; } #include "entryiconview.moc"