v1.7 4th November 2006 - Merged Scintilla v1.71. - Added support for triple clicking. - Ctrl-D now duplicates the selection rather than the current line. - The setSelectionBackgroundColor(), setMarkerBackgroundColor() and setCaretLineBackgroundColor() methods of QextScintilla now respect the alpha component of the background colour. - Added defaultColor(), setDefaultColor(), defaultPaper() and setDefaultPaper() to QextScintillaLexer. - Added color(), paper(), setColor() and setPaper() to QextScintilla. - Added cancelList(), isListActive(), showUserList() and userListActivated() to QextScintilla. - Added setWrapVisualFlags(), WrapMode::WrapCharacter and WrapVisualFlag to QextScintilla. - Added isCallTipActive(), firstVisibleLine(), lexer() and textHeight() to QextScintilla. - QextScintilla::foldAll() can now optionally fold all child fold points. - Auto-completion lists can now be generated from the current document and API files at the same time. Added autoCompletionFillupsEnabled(), autoCompleteFromAll(), setAutoCompletionFillupsEnabled() and setAutoCompletionStartCharacters() to QextScintilla. - The QextScintillaLexerPython class now handles decorators. - The QextScintillaLexerRuby class has significant and incompatible changes to its configurable styles. v1.6 30th August 2005 - Merged Scintilla v1.65. - Added the QextScintillaLexerCSS, QextScintillaLexerDiff, QextScintillaLexerMakefile, QextScintillaLexerPOV, QextScintillaLexerProperties and QextScintillaLexerBatch classes. - QextScintilla::findFirst() will now optionally not make the found text visible. - Added Brazilian Portuguese translations. v1.5.1 6th March 2005 - Updated the German translations. v1.5 19th February 2005 - Merged Scintilla v1.62. - Added the QextScintillaLexerLua and QextScintillaLexerRuby classes. - Added viewport() and startDrag() to QextScintillaBase. v1.4 16th September 2004 - Merged Scintilla v1.61. - Added the QextScintillaLexerBash class. - Added insert(), edgeColor(), setEdgeColor(), edgeColumn(), setEdgeColumn(), edgeMode(), setEdgeMode(), wrapMode(), setWrapMode(), resetSelectionBackgroundColor() and resetSelectionForegroundColor() to QextScintilla. - Added clearKeys() and clearAlternateKeys() to QextScintillaCommandSet. - Added French and Russian translations. - Added the plugin for Qt Designer. v1.3 9th May 2004 - Merged Scintilla v1.60. - Added the QextScintillaDocument and QextScintillaLexerPerl classes. - Added pool() to QextScintillaBase. - Added document(), setDocument(), recolor(), setCaretForegroundColor(), setCaretWidth(), setCaretLineVisible(), setCaretLineBackgroundColor(), setSelectionForegroundColor() and setSelectionBackgroundColor() to QextScintilla. v1.2 16th August 2003 - Merged Scintilla v1.54. v1.1 23rd May 2003 - Merged Scintilla v1.53. - Added the QextScintillaLexerHTML and QextScintillaLexerSQL classes. - By default the C++ lexer now folds preprocessor blocks (to match the default SciTE properties file rather than the code). - Added GlobalClass as a style of the C++ lexer (using keyword set 4). - The WhiteSpace style in all existing lexers is now deprecated and Default should be used instead. - Added foldAtElse() and setFoldAtElse() to QextScintillaLexerCPP. - Added modificationAttempted() to QextScintilla. - Added SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO() to QextScintillaBase. v1.0 26th April 2003 - Merged Scintilla v1.52. - Added the QextScintillaAPIs, QextScintillaCommand, QextScintillaCommandSet, QextScintillaMacro and QextScintillaPrinter classes. - Added autoCompleteFromAPIs(), autoCompleteFromDocument(), autoCompletionSource(), autoCompletionThreshold(), setAutoCompletionAPIs(), setAutoCompletionFillups(), setAutoCompletionSource(), setAutoCompletionThreshold(), callTip(), callTipsVisible(), clearRegisteredImages(), registerImage(), setCallTipsAPIs(), setCallTipsBackgroundColor(), setCallTipsVisible(), ensureCursorVisible(), lineAt(), resetFoldMarginColors(), setFoldMarginColors(), standardCommands() to QextScintilla. - Added setDefaultFont() to QextScintillaLexer. - QextScintilla::markerDefine() now takes a QPixmap rather than a string encoded XPM image. - Added QSCINTILLA_VERSION, QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR and QSCINTILLA_BUILD. v0.3 11th December 2002 - Merged Scintilla v1.49. - Added drag'n'drop support. - Added the QextScintilla::markerDefine() overload that handles XPM pixmaps. - Added support for different folding styles, brace matching, automatic indentation, end-of-line characters and whitespace visibility to QextScintilla. - Completed the Unicode support. - Added full i18n support and German translations. v0.2 24th October 2002 - The beginnings of the documentation. - It will now build under Windows. - Added support for code folding, search & replace, zooming, undo/redo, cut/copy/paste, indentation guides, margins, markers and the Python and C++ lexers to QextScintilla. - Added support for wheel mice. v0.1 18th September 2002 - The first release of the Qt port of Scintilla.