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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > Advanced Widgets< / h1 >
< p > These classes provide more complex user interface controls (widgets).
< p >
< p > < table width = "100%" >
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qchecklistitem.html" > TQCheckListItem< / a > < / b > < td > Checkable list view items
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qchecktableitem.html" > TQCheckTableItem< / a > < / b > < td > Checkboxes in TQTables
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qcombotableitem.html" > TQComboTableItem< / a > < / b > < td > Means of using comboboxes in TQTables
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqdateedit.html" > TQDateEdit< / a > < / b > < td > Date editor
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqdatetimeedit.html" > TQDateTimeEdit< / a > < / b > < td > Combines a TQDateEdit and TQTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqdesktopwidget.html" > TQDesktopWidget< / a > < / b > < td > Access to screen information on multi-head systems
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqheader.html" > TQHeader< / a > < / b > < td > Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqiconfactory.html" > TQIconFactory< / a > < / b > < td > Used to create pixmaps for a TQIconSet
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqiconview.html" > TQIconView< / a > < / b > < td > Area with movable labelled icons
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqiconviewitem.html" > TQIconViewItem< / a > < / b > < td > Single item in a TQIconView
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqlistbox.html" > TQListBox< / a > < / b > < td > List of selectable, read-only items
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qlistboxpixmap.html" > TQListBoxPixmap< / a > < / b > < td > List box items with a pixmap and optional text
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qlistboxtext.html" > TQListBoxText< / a > < / b > < td > List box items that display text
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqlistview.html" > TQListView< / a > < / b > < td > Implements a list/tree view
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qlistviewitem.html" > TQListViewItem< / a > < / b > < td > Implements a list view item
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qlistviewitemiterator.html" > TQListViewItemIterator< / a > < / b > < td > Iterator for collections of TQListViewItems
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqmultilineedit.html" > TQMultiLineEdit< / a > < / b > < td > Simple editor for inputting text
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqprogressbar.html" > TQProgressBar< / a > < / b > < td > Horizontal progress bar
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qtab.html" > TQTab< / a > < / b > < td > The structures in a TQTabBar
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqtabbar.html" > TQTabBar< / a > < / b > < td > Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqtable.html" > TQTable< / a > < / b > < td > Flexible editable table widget
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qtableitem.html" > TQTableItem< / a > < / b > < td > The cell content for TQTable cells
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qtableselection.html" > TQTableSelection< / a > < / b > < td > Access to a selected area in a TQTable
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqtabwidget.html" > TQTabWidget< / a > < / b > < td > Stack of tabbed widgets
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtextbrowser.html" > TQTextBrowser< / a > < / b > < td > Rich text browser with hypertext navigation
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtimeedit.html" > TQTimeEdit< / a > < / b > < td > Time editor
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqtoolbox.html" > TQToolBox< / a > < / b > < td > Column of tabbed widget items
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