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< pre > #include "canvasview.h"
#include "chartform.h"
#include < < a href = "tqfile-h.html" > tqfile.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqfiledialog-h.html" > tqfiledialog.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqpainter-h.html" > tqpainter.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqprinter-h.html" > tqprinter.h< / a > >
#include < < a href = "tqstatusbar-h.html" > tqstatusbar.h< / a > >
void < a name = "f172" > < / a > ChartForm::load( const < a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > & filename )
< a href = "tqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > file( filename );
if ( !file.< a href = "tqfile.html#open" > open< / a > ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Failed to load \'%1\'" ).
arg( filename ), 2000 );
init(); // Make sure we have colours
m_filename = filename;
< a href = "tqtextstream.html" > TQTextStream< / a > ts( & file );
Element element;
int errors = 0;
int i = 0;
while ( !ts.< a href = "tqtextstream.html#eof" > eof< / a > () ) {
ts > > element;
if ( element.isValid() )
m_elements[i++] = element;
if ( i == MAX_ELEMENTS ) {
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message(
TQString( "Read maximum number of elements (%1)"
" discarding others" ).arg( i ), 2000 );
file.< a href = "tqfile.html#close" > close< / a > ();
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > bad = "";
if ( errors ) {
bad = TQString( "; skipped " ) + TQString::number( errors ) + " bad record";
if ( errors > 1 )
bad += "s";
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Read %1 values from \'%2\'%3" ).
arg( i ).arg( filename ).arg( bad ), 3000 );
< a href = "tqwidget.html#setCaption" > setCaption< / a > ( TQString( "Chart -- %1" ).arg( filename ) );
updateRecentFiles( filename );
m_changed = FALSE;
void < a name = "f173" > < / a > ChartForm::fileSave()
if ( m_filename.isEmpty() ) {
< a href = "tqfile.html" > TQFile< / a > file( m_filename );
if ( !file.< a href = "tqfile.html#open" > open< / a > ( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Failed to save \'%1\'" ).
arg( m_filename ), 2000 );
< a href = "tqtextstream.html" > TQTextStream< / a > ts( & file );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; ++i )
if ( m_elements[i].isValid() )
ts < < m_elements[i];
file.< a href = "tqfile.html#close" > close< / a > ();
< a href = "tqwidget.html#setCaption" > setCaption< / a > ( TQString( "Chart -- %1" ).arg( m_filename ) );
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Saved \'%1\'" ).arg( m_filename ), 2000 );
m_changed = FALSE;
void < a name = "f174" > < / a > ChartForm::fileSaveAsPixmap()
< a href = "tqstring.html" > TQString< / a > filename = TQFileDialog::< a href = "tqfiledialog.html#getSaveFileName" > getSaveFileName< / a > (
TQString::null, "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)",
this, "file save as bitmap",
"Chart -- File Save As Bitmap" );
if ( TQPixmap::< a href = "tqpixmap.html#grabWidget" > grabWidget< / a > ( m_canvasView ).
save( filename,
filename.< a href = "tqstring.html#mid" > mid< / a > ( filename.< a href = "tqstring.html#findRev" > findRev< / a > ( '.' ) + 1 ).upper() ) )
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Wrote \'%1\'" ).arg( filename ), 2000 );
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Failed to write \'%1\'" ).
arg( filename ), 2000 );
void < a name = "f175" > < / a > ChartForm::filePrint()
if ( !m_printer )
m_printer = new < a href = "tqprinter.html" > TQPrinter< / a > ;
if ( m_printer-> < a href = "tqprinter.html#setup" > setup< / a > () ) {
< a href = "tqpainter.html" > TQPainter< / a > painter( m_printer );
m_canvas-> drawArea( TQRect( 0, 0, m_canvas-> width(), m_canvas-> height() ),
& painter, FALSE );
if ( !m_printer-> < a href = "tqprinter.html#outputFileName" > outputFileName< / a > ().isEmpty() )
< a href = "tqmainwindow.html#statusBar" > statusBar< / a > ()-> message( TQString( "Printed \'%1\'" ).
arg( m_printer-> < a href = "tqprinter.html#outputFileName" > outputFileName< / a > () ), 2000 );
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