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< td align = "right" valign = "center" > < img src = "logo32.png" align = "right" width = "64" height = "32" border = "0" > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < h1 align = center > Widget Appearance and Style< / h1 >
< p > These classes are used to customize an application's appearance and
< p >
< p > < table width = "100%" >
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqboxlayout.html" > TQBoxLayout< / a > < / b > < td > Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqbuttongroup.html" > TQButtonGroup< / a > < / b > < td > Organizes TQButton widgets in a group
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqcdestyle.html" > TQCDEStyle< / a > < / b > < td > CDE look and feel
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqcolor.html" > TQColor< / a > < / b > < td > Colors based on RGB or HSV values
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqcolorgroup.html" > TQColorGroup< / a > < / b > < td > Group of widget colors
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqcommonstyle.html" > TQCommonStyle< / a > < / b > < td > Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "ntqcursor.html" > TQCursor< / a > < / b > < td > Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqfont.html" > TQFont< / a > < / b > < td > Font used for drawing text
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqglayoutiterator.html" > TQGLayoutIterator< / a > < / b > < td > Abstract base class of internal layout iterators
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqgrid.html" > TQGrid< / a > < / b > < td > Simple geometry management of its children
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqgridlayout.html" > TQGridLayout< / a > < / b > < td > Lays out widgets in a grid
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqgroupbox.html" > TQGroupBox< / a > < / b > < td > Group box frame with a title
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhbox.html" > TQHBox< / a > < / b > < td > Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhboxlayout.html" > TQHBoxLayout< / a > < / b > < td > Lines up widgets horizontally
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhbuttongroup.html" > TQHButtonGroup< / a > < / b > < td > Organizes TQButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqhgroupbox.html" > TQHGroupBox< / a > < / b > < td > Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqlayout.html" > TQLayout< / a > < / b > < td > The base class of geometry managers
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqlayoutitem.html" > TQLayoutItem< / a > < / b > < td > Abstract item that a TQLayout manipulates
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqlayoutiterator.html" > TQLayoutIterator< / a > < / b > < td > Iterators over TQLayoutItem
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "qmacstyle.html" > TQMacStyle< / a > < / b > < td > Implements an Appearance Manager style
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmotifplusstyle.html" > TQMotifPlusStyle< / a > < / b > < td > More sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqmotifstyle.html" > TQMotifStyle< / a > < / b > < td > Motif look and feel
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqpalette.html" > TQPalette< / a > < / b > < td > Color groups for each widget state
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqplatinumstyle.html" > TQPlatinumStyle< / a > < / b > < td > Mac/Platinum look and feel
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsgistyle.html" > TQSGIStyle< / a > < / b > < td > SGI/Irix look and feel
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsizegrip.html" > TQSizeGrip< / a > < / b > < td > Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqsizepolicy.html" > TQSizePolicy< / a > < / b > < td > Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqspaceritem.html" > TQSpacerItem< / a > < / b > < td > Blank space in a layout
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqstyle.html" > TQStyle< / a > < / b > < td > The look and feel of a GUI
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqstyleoption.html" > TQStyleOption< / a > < / b > < td > Optional parameters for TQStyle functions
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqvbox.html" > TQVBox< / a > < / b > < td > Vertical geometry management of its child widgets
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqvboxlayout.html" > TQVBoxLayout< / a > < / b > < td > Lines up widgets vertically
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqvbuttongroup.html" > TQVButtonGroup< / a > < / b > < td > Organizes TQButton widgets in a vertical column
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqvgroupbox.html" > TQVGroupBox< / a > < / b > < td > Organizes a group of widgets in a vertical column
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqwidgetitem.html" > TQWidgetItem< / a > < / b > < td > Layout item that represents a widget
< tr bgcolor = #f0f0f0 > < td > < b > < a href = "tqwindowsstyle.html" > TQWindowsStyle< / a > < / b > < td > Microsoft Windows-like look and feel
< / table >
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