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TQXtWidget Class Reference

The TQXtWidget class allows mixing of Xt/Motif and TQt widgets. This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. More...

This class is part of the TQt Motif Extension.

#include <qxtwidget.h>

Inherits TQWidget.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

This class is defined in the TQt Motif Extension, which can be found in the qt/extensions directory. It is not included in the main TQt API.

The TQXtWidget class allows mixing of Xt/Motif and TQt widgets. This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

TQXtWidget acts as a bridge between Xt and TQt. For utilizing old Xt widgets, it can be a TQWidget based on a Xt widget class. For including TQt widgets in an existing Xt/Motif application, it can be a special Xt widget class that is a TQWidget. See the constructors for the different behaviors.

Known TQXtWidget Problems

This class is unsupported and has many known problems and limitations. It is provided only to keep existing source working; it should not be used in new code. Note: These problems will not be fixed in future releases.

Below is an imcomplete list of know issues:

  1. Keyboard focus navigation is impossible when using TQXtWidget. The mouse must be used to focus widgets in both TQt and Xt/Motif widgets. For example, when embedding a TQXtWidget into an Xt/Motif widget, key events will go to the TQXtWidget (and its children) while the mouse is over the TQXtWidget, regardless of where Xt/Motif has placed the focus.

  2. Reparenting does not work. You cannot use TQWidget::reparent(). This includes the functions TQWidget::showFullScreen() and TQWidget::showNormal(), which use TQWidget::reparent().

Member Function Documentation

TQXtWidget::TQXtWidget ( const char * name, Widget parent, bool managed = FALSE )

Constructs a TQXtWidget of the special Xt widget class known as "TQWidget" to the resource manager.

Use this constructor to utilize TQt widgets in an Xt/Motif application. The TQXtWidget is a TQWidget, so you can create subwidgets, layouts, etc. using TQt functionality.

The name is the object name passed to the TQWidget constructor. The widget's parent is parent.

If the managed parameter is TRUE and parent in not null, XtManageChild it used to manage the child.

TQXtWidget::TQXtWidget ( const char * name, WidgetClass widget_class, TQWidget * parent = 0, ArgList args = 0, Cardinal num_args = 0, bool managed = FALSE )

Constructs a TQXtWidget of the given widget_class called name.

Use this constructor to utilize Xt or Motif widgets in a TQt application. The TQXtWidget looks and behaves like the Xt class, but can be used like any TQWidget.

Note that Xt retquires that the most top level Xt widget is a shell. This means, if parent is a TQXtWidget, the widget_class can be of any kind. If there isn't a parent or the parent is just a normal TQWidget, widget_class should be something like topLevelShellWidgetClass.

The arguments, args, num_args are passed on to XtCreateWidget.

If the managed parameter is TRUE and parent in not null, XtManageChild it used to manage the child.

TQXtWidget::~TQXtWidget ()

Destructs the TQXtWidget.

bool TQXtWidget::isActiveWindow () const

Different from TQWidget::isActiveWindow()

void TQXtWidget::setActiveWindow () [virtual]

Implement a degree of focus handling for Xt widgets.

Reimplemented from TQWidget.

bool TQXtWidget::x11Event ( XEvent * e ) [virtual protected]

Reimplemented to produce the Xt effect of getting focus when the mouse enters the widget. The event is passed in e.

Reimplemented from TQWidget.

Widget TQXtWidget::xtWidget () const

Returns the Xt widget equivalent for the TQt widget.

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TQt 3.3.8