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Using menus

This example demonstrates a menu bar with pull-down menus, sub-menus and custom menu items. It also demonstrates a pop-up context menu.

Header file:

** $Id: qt/menu.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#ifndef MENU_H
#define MENU_H

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqmenubar.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>

class MenuExample : public TQWidget
    MenuExample( TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );

public slots:
    void open();
    void news();
    void save();
    void closeDoc();
    void undo();
    void redo();
    void normal();
    void bold();
    void underline();
    void about();
    void aboutTQt();
    void printer();
    void file();
    void fax();
    void printerSetup();

    void    resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * );

    void    explain( const TQString& );

    void contextMenuEvent ( TQContextMenuEvent * );

    TQMenuBar *menu;
    TQLabel   *label;
    bool isBold;
    bool isUnderline;
    int boldID, underlineID;

#endif // MENU_H


** $Id: qt/menu.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "menu.h"
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <ntqapplication.h>
#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>

/* XPM */
static const char * p1_xpm[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
"       c None",
".      c #000000000000",
"X      c #FFFFFFFF0000",
"                ",
"                ",
"         ....   ",
"        .XXXX.  ",
" .............. ",
" .............. ",
"                "};

/* XPM */
static const char * p2_xpm[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
"       c None",
".      c #000000000000",
"                ",
"   ......       ",
"   .XXX.X.      ",
"   .XXX.XX.     ",
"   .XXX.XXX.    ",
"   .XXX.....    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .XXXXXXX.    ",
"   .........    ",
"                ",
"                "};

/* XPM */
static const char * p3_xpm[] = {
"16 16 3 1",
"       c None",
".      c #000000000000",
"                ",
"                ",
"   .........    ",
"  ...........   ",
"  ........ ..   ",
"  ...........   ",
"  ...........   ",
"  ...........   ",
"  ...........   ",
"  ...XXXXX...   ",
"  ...XXXXX...   ",
"  ...XXXXX...   ",
"  ...XXXXX...   ",
"   .........    ",
"                ",
"                "};

  Auxiliary class to provide fancy menu items with different
  fonts. Used for the "bold" and "underline" menu items in the options
class MyMenuItem : public TQCustomMenuItem
    MyMenuItem( const TQString& s, const TQFont& f )
        : string( s ), font( f ){};

    void paint( TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& /*cg*/, bool /*act*/, bool /*enabled*/, int x, int y, int w, int h )
        p->setFont ( font );
        p->drawText( x, y, w, h, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | DontClip | ShowPrefix, string );

    TQSize sizeHint()
        return TQFontMetrics( font ).size( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip,  string );
    TQString string;
    TQFont font;

MenuExample::MenuExample( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name )
    TQPixmap p1( p1_xpm );
    TQPixmap p2( p2_xpm );
    TQPixmap p3( p3_xpm );
    TQPopupMenu *print = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( print );
    print->insertItem( "&Print to printer", this, TQ_SLOT(printer()) );
    print->insertItem( "Print to &file", this, TQ_SLOT(file()) );
    print->insertItem( "Print to fa&x", this, TQ_SLOT(fax()) );
    print->insertItem( "Printer &Setup", this, TQ_SLOT(printerSetup()) );

    TQPopupMenu *file = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( file );
    file->insertItem( p1, "&Open",  this, TQ_SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
    file->insertItem( p2, "&New", this, TQ_SLOT(news()), CTRL+Key_N );
    file->insertItem( p3, "&Save", this, TQ_SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    file->insertItem( "&Close", this, TQ_SLOT(closeDoc()), CTRL+Key_W );
    file->insertItem( "&Print", print, CTRL+Key_P );
    file->insertItem( "E&xit",  tqApp, TQ_SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q );

    TQPopupMenu *edit = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( edit );
    int undoID = edit->insertItem( "&Undo", this, TQ_SLOT(undo()) );
    int redoID = edit->insertItem( "&Redo", this, TQ_SLOT(redo()) );
    edit->setItemEnabled( undoID, FALSE );
    edit->setItemEnabled( redoID, FALSE );

    TQPopupMenu* options = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( options );
    options->insertItem( "&Normal Font", this, TQ_SLOT(normal()) );

    options->polish(); // adjust system settings
    TQFont f = options->font();
    f.setBold( TRUE );
    boldID = options->insertItem( new MyMenuItem( "Bold", f ) );
    options->setAccel( CTRL+Key_B, boldID );
    options->connectItem( boldID, this, TQ_SLOT(bold()) );
    f = font();
    f.setUnderline( TRUE );
    underlineID = options->insertItem( new MyMenuItem( "Underline", f ) );
    options->setAccel( CTRL+Key_U, underlineID );
    options->connectItem( underlineID, this, TQ_SLOT(underline()) );

    isBold = FALSE;
    isUnderline = FALSE;
    options->setCheckable( TRUE );

    TQPopupMenu *help = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( help );
    help->insertItem( "&About", this, TQ_SLOT(about()), CTRL+Key_H );
    help->insertItem( "About &TQt", this, TQ_SLOT(aboutTQt()) );

    // If we used a TQMainWindow we could use its built-in menuBar().
    menu = new TQMenuBar( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( menu );
    menu->insertItem( "&File", file );
    menu->insertItem( "&Edit", edit );
    menu->insertItem( "&Options", options );
    menu->insertItem( "&Help", help );
    menu->setSeparator( TQMenuBar::InWindowsStyle );

    TQLabel *msg = new TQLabel( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( msg );
    msg->setText( "A context menu is available.\n"
                  "Invoke it by right-clicking or by"
                  " pressing the 'context' button." );
    msg->setGeometry( 0, height() - 60, width(), 60 );
    msg->setAlignment( AlignCenter );

    label = new TQLabel( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( label );
    label->setGeometry( 20, rect().center().y()-20, width()-40, 40 );
    label->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Raised );
    label->setLineWidth( 1 );
    label->setAlignment( AlignCenter );

    connect( this,  TQ_SIGNAL(explain(const TQString&)),
             label, TQ_SLOT(setText(const TQString&)) );

    setMinimumSize( 100, 80 );
    setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::ClickFocus );

void MenuExample::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent * )
    TQPopupMenu* contextMenu = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( contextMenu );
    TQLabel *caption = new TQLabel( "<font color=darkblue><u><b>"
        "Context Menu</b></u></font>", this );
    caption->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
    contextMenu->insertItem( caption );
    contextMenu->insertItem( "&New",  this, TQ_SLOT(news()), CTRL+Key_N );
    contextMenu->insertItem( "&Open...", this, TQ_SLOT(open()), CTRL+Key_O );
    contextMenu->insertItem( "&Save", this, TQ_SLOT(save()), CTRL+Key_S );
    TQPopupMenu *submenu = new TQPopupMenu( this );
    TQ_CHECK_PTR( submenu );
    submenu->insertItem( "&Print to printer", this, TQ_SLOT(printer()) );
    submenu->insertItem( "Print to &file", this, TQ_SLOT(file()) );
    submenu->insertItem( "Print to fa&x", this, TQ_SLOT(fax()) );
    contextMenu->insertItem( "&Print", submenu );
    contextMenu->exec( TQCursor::pos() );
    delete contextMenu;

void MenuExample::open()
    emit explain( "File/Open selected" );

void MenuExample::news()
    emit explain( "File/New selected" );

void MenuExample::save()
    emit explain( "File/Save selected" );

void MenuExample::closeDoc()
    emit explain( "File/Close selected" );

void MenuExample::undo()
    emit explain( "Edit/Undo selected" );

void MenuExample::redo()
    emit explain( "Edit/Redo selected" );

void MenuExample::normal()
    isBold = FALSE;
    isUnderline = FALSE;
    TQFont font;
    label->setFont( font );
    menu->setItemChecked( boldID, isBold );
    menu->setItemChecked( underlineID, isUnderline );
    emit explain( "Options/Normal selected" );

void MenuExample::bold()
    isBold = !isBold;
    TQFont font;
    font.setBold( isBold );
    font.setUnderline( isUnderline );
    label->setFont( font );
    menu->setItemChecked( boldID, isBold );
    emit explain( "Options/Bold selected" );

void MenuExample::underline()
    isUnderline = !isUnderline;
    TQFont font;
    font.setBold( isBold );
    font.setUnderline( isUnderline );
    label->setFont( font );
    menu->setItemChecked( underlineID, isUnderline );
    emit explain( "Options/Underline selected" );

void MenuExample::about()
    TQMessageBox::about( this, "TQt Menu Example",
                        "This example demonstrates simple use of TQt menus.\n"
                        "You can cut and paste lines from it to your own\n"
                        "programs." );

void MenuExample::aboutTQt()
    TQMessageBox::aboutTQt( this, "TQt Menu Example" );

void MenuExample::printer()
    emit explain( "File/Printer/Print selected" );

void MenuExample::file()
    emit explain( "File/Printer/Print To File selected" );

void MenuExample::fax()
    emit explain( "File/Printer/Print To Fax selected" );

void MenuExample::printerSetup()
    emit explain( "File/Printer/Printer Setup selected" );

void MenuExample::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * )
    label->setGeometry( 20, rect().center().y()-20, width()-40, 40 );

int main( int argc, char ** argv )
    TQApplication a( argc, argv );
    MenuExample m;
    m.setCaption("TQt Examples - Menus");
    a.setMainWidget( &m );
    return a.exec();

See also Examples.

Copyright © 2007 TrolltechTrademarks
TQt 3.3.8