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'\" t
.TH TQComboBox 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*-
.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the
.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license
.\" statement.
.ad l
TQComboBox \- Combined button and popup list
\fC#include <tqcombobox.h>\fR
Inherits TQWidget.
.SS "Public Members"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.BI "\fBTQComboBox\fR ( TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "\fBTQComboBox\fR ( bool rw, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "\fB~TQComboBox\fR ()"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBcount\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertStringList\fR ( const TQStringList & list, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertStrList\fR ( const TQStrList & list, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertStrList\fR ( const TQStrList * list, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertStrList\fR ( const char ** strings, int numStrings = -1, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertItem\fR ( const TQString & t, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertItem\fR ( const TQPixmap & pixmap, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBinsertItem\fR ( const TQPixmap & pixmap, const TQString & text, int index = -1 )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBremoveItem\fR ( int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBcurrentItem\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetCurrentItem\fR ( int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "TQString \fBcurrentText\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetCurrentText\fR ( const TQString & )"
.ti -1c
.BI "TQString \fBtext\fR ( int index ) const"
.ti -1c
.BI "const TQPixmap * \fBpixmap\fR ( int index ) const"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBchangeItem\fR ( const TQString & t, int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBchangeItem\fR ( const TQPixmap & im, int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBchangeItem\fR ( const TQPixmap & im, const TQString & t, int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool autoResize () const \fI(obsolete)\fR"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void setAutoResize ( bool ) \fI(obsolete)\fR"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetPalette\fR ( const TQPalette & palette )"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetFont\fR ( const TQFont & font )"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetSizeLimit\fR ( int )"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBsizeLimit\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetMaxCount\fR ( int )"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBmaxCount\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "enum \fBPolicy\fR { NoInsertion, AtTop, AtCurrent, AtBottom, AfterCurrent, BeforeCurrent }"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetInsertionPolicy\fR ( Policy policy )"
.ti -1c
.BI "Policy \fBinsertionPolicy\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetValidator\fR ( const TQValidator * v )"
.ti -1c
.BI "const TQValidator * \fBvalidator\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetListBox\fR ( TQListBox * newListBox )"
.ti -1c
.BI "TQListBox * \fBlistBox\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetLineEdit\fR ( TQLineEdit * edit )"
.ti -1c
.BI "TQLineEdit * \fBlineEdit\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetAutoCompletion\fR ( bool )"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBautoCompletion\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBsetDuplicatesEnabled\fR ( bool enable )"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBduplicatesEnabled\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBeditable\fR () const"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBsetEditable\fR ( bool )"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBpopup\fR ()"
.in -1c
.SS "Public Slots"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBclear\fR ()"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBclearValidator\fR ()"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBclearEdit\fR ()"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBsetEditText\fR ( const TQString & newText )"
.in -1c
.SS "Signals"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBactivated\fR ( int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBhighlighted\fR ( int index )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBactivated\fR ( const TQString & string )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBhighlighted\fR ( const TQString & string )"
.ti -1c
.BI "void \fBtextChanged\fR ( const TQString & string )"
.in -1c
.SS "Properties"
.in +1c
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBautoCompletion\fR - whether auto-completion is enabled"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBautoMask\fR - whether the combobox is automatically masked \fI(read " "only" ")\fR"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool autoResize - whether auto resize is enabled \fI(obsolete)\fR"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBcount\fR - the number of items in the combobox \fI(read " "only" ")\fR"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBcurrentItem\fR - the index of the current item in the combobox"
.ti -1c
.BI "TQString \fBcurrentText\fR - the text of the combobox's current item"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBduplicatesEnabled\fR - whether duplicates are allowed"
.ti -1c
.BI "bool \fBeditable\fR - whether the combobox is editable"
.ti -1c
.BI "Policy \fBinsertionPolicy\fR - the position of the items inserted by the user"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBmaxCount\fR - the maximum number of items allowed in the combobox"
.ti -1c
.BI "int \fBsizeLimit\fR - the maximum on-screen size of the combobox"
.in -1c
The TQComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list.
A combobox is a selection widget which displays the current item and can pop up a list of items. A combobox may be editable in which case the user can enter arbitrary strings.
Comboboxes provide a means of showing the user's current choice out of a list of options in a way that takes up the minimum amount of screen space.
TQComboBox supports three different display styles: Aqua/Motif 1.x, Motif 2.0 and Windows. In Motif 1.x, a combobox was called XmOptionMenu. In Motif 2.0, OSF introduced an improved combobox and named that XmComboBox. TQComboBox provides both.
TQComboBox provides two different constructors. The simplest constructor creates an "old-style" combobox in Motif (or Aqua) style:
TQComboBox *c = new TQComboBox( this, "read-only combobox" );
The other constructor creates a new-style combobox in Motif style, and can create both read-only and editable comboboxes:
TQComboBox *c1 = new TQComboBox( FALSE, this, "read-only combobox" );
TQComboBox *c2 = new TQComboBox( TRUE, this, "editable combobox" );
New-style comboboxes use a list box in both Motif and Windows styles, and both the content size and the on-screen size of the list box can be limited with sizeLimit() and setMaxCount() respectively. Old-style comboboxes use a popup in Aqua and Motif style, and that popup will happily grow larger than the desktop if you put enough data into it.
The two constructors create identical-looking comboboxes in Windows style.
Comboboxes can contain pixmaps as well as strings; the insertItem() and changeItem() functions are suitably overloaded. For editable comboboxes, the function clearEdit() is provided, to clear the displayed string without changing the combobox's contents.
A combobox emits two signals, activated() and highlighted(), when a new item has been activated (selected) or highlighted (made current). Both signals exist in two versions, one with a TQString argument and one with an \fCint\fR argument. If the user highlights or activates a pixmap, only the \fCint\fR signals are emitted. Whenever the text of an editable combobox is changed the textChanged() signal is emitted.
When the user enters a new string in an editable combobox, the widget may or may not insert it, and it can insert it in several locations. The default policy is is AtBottom but you can change this using setInsertionPolicy().
It is possible to constrain the input to an editable combobox using TQValidator; see setValidator(). By default, any input is accepted.
If the combobox is not editable then it has a default focusPolicy() of TabFocus, i.e. it will not grab focus if clicked. This differs from both Windows and Motif. If the combobox is editable then it has a default focusPolicy() of StrongFocus, i.e. it will grab focus if clicked.
A combobox can be populated using the insert functions, insertStringList() and insertItem() for example. Items can be changed with changeItem(). An item can be removed with removeItem() and all items can be removed with clear(). The text of the current item is returned by currentText(), and the text of a numbered item is returned with text(). The current item can be set with setCurrentItem() or setCurrentText(). The number of items in the combobox is returned by count(); the maximum number of items can be set with setMaxCount(). You can allow editing using setEditable(). For editable comboboxes you can set auto-completion using setAutoCompletion() and whether or not the user can add duplicates is set with setDuplicatesEnabled().
.ce 1
.B "[Image Omitted]"
(Motif 1, read-only)
.ce 1
.B "[Image Omitted]"
(Motif 2, editable)
.ce 1
.B "[Image Omitted]"
(Motif 2, read-only)
.ce 1
.B "[Image Omitted]"
(Windows style)
Depending on the style, TQComboBox will use a TQListBox or a TQPopupMenu to display the list of items. See setListBox() for more information.
See also TQLineEdit, TQListBox, TQSpinBox, TQRadioButton, TQButtonGroup, GUI Design Handbook: Combo Box, GUI Design Handbook: Drop-Down List Box, and Basic Widgets.
.SS "Member Type Documentation"
.SH "TQComboBox::Policy"
This enum specifies what the TQComboBox should do when a new string is entered by the user.
\fCTQComboBox::NoInsertion\fR - the string will not be inserted into the combobox.
\fCTQComboBox::AtTop\fR - insert the string as the first item in the combobox.
\fCTQComboBox::AtCurrent\fR - replace the previously selected item with the string the user has entered.
\fCTQComboBox::AtBottom\fR - insert the string as the last item in the combobox.
\fCTQComboBox::AfterCurrent\fR - insert the string after the previously selected item.
\fCTQComboBox::BeforeCurrent\fR - insert the string before the previously selected item.
activated() is always emitted when the string is entered.
If inserting the new string would cause the combobox to breach its content size limit, the item at the other end of the list is deleted. The definition of "other end" is implementation-dependent.
.SH "TQComboBox::TQComboBox ( TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )"
Constructs a combobox widget with parent \fIparent\fR called \fIname\fR.
This constructor creates a popup list if the program uses Motif (or Aqua) look and feel; this is compatible with Motif 1.x and Aqua.
Note: If you use this constructor to create your TQComboBox, then the pixmap() function will always return 0. To workaround this, use the other constructor.
.SH "TQComboBox::TQComboBox ( bool rw, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )"
Constructs a combobox with a maximum size and either Motif 2.0 or Windows look and feel.
The input field can be edited if \fIrw\fR is TRUE, otherwise the user may only choose one of the items in the combobox.
The \fIparent\fR and \fIname\fR arguments are passed on to the TQWidget constructor.
.SH "TQComboBox::~TQComboBox ()"
Destroys the combobox.
.SH "void TQComboBox::activated ( int index )\fC [signal]\fR"
This signal is emitted when a new item has been activated (selected). The \fIindex\fR is the position of the item in the combobox.
This signal is not emitted if the item is changed programmatically, e.g. using setCurrentItem().
.)l fileiconview/mainwindow.cpp, helpviewer/helpwindow.cpp, lineedits/lineedits.cpp, listboxcombo/listboxcombo.cpp, and qmag/qmag.cpp.
.SH "void TQComboBox::activated ( const TQString & string )\fC [signal]\fR"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
This signal is emitted when a new item has been activated (selected). \fIstring\fR is the selected string.
You can also use the activated(int) signal, but be aware that its argument is meaningful only for selected strings, not for user entered strings.
.SH "bool TQComboBox::autoCompletion () const"
Returns TRUE if auto-completion is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "autoCompletion" property for details.
.SH "bool TQComboBox::autoResize () const"
Returns TRUE if auto resize is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "autoResize" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::changeItem ( const TQString & t, int index )"
Replaces the item at position \fIindex\fR with the text \fIt\fR.
.SH "void TQComboBox::changeItem ( const TQPixmap & im, int index )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Replaces the item at position \fIindex\fR with the pixmap \fIim\fR, unless the combobox is editable.
See also insertItem().
.SH "void TQComboBox::changeItem ( const TQPixmap & im, const TQString & t, int index )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Replaces the item at position \fIindex\fR with the pixmap \fIim\fR and the text \fIt\fR.
See also insertItem().
.SH "void TQComboBox::clear ()\fC [slot]\fR"
Removes all combobox items.
.SH "void TQComboBox::clearEdit ()\fC [slot]\fR"
Clears the line edit without changing the combobox's contents. Does nothing if the combobox isn't editable.
This is particularly useful when using a combobox as a line edit with history. For example you can connect the combobox's activated() signal to clearEdit() in order to present the user with a new, empty line as soon as Enter is pressed.
See also setEditText().
.SH "void TQComboBox::clearValidator ()\fC [slot]\fR"
This slot is equivalent to setValidator( 0 ).
.SH "int TQComboBox::count () const"
Returns the number of items in the combobox. See the "count" property for details.
.SH "int TQComboBox::currentItem () const"
Returns the index of the current item in the combobox. See the "currentItem" property for details.
.SH "TQString TQComboBox::currentText () const"
Returns the text of the combobox's current item. See the "currentText" property for details.
.SH "bool TQComboBox::duplicatesEnabled () const"
Returns TRUE if duplicates are allowed; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "duplicatesEnabled" property for details.
.SH "bool TQComboBox::editable () const"
Returns TRUE if the combobox is editable; otherwise returns FALSE. See the "editable" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::highlighted ( int index )\fC [signal]\fR"
This signal is emitted when a new item has been set to be the current item. The \fIindex\fR is the position of the item in the combobox.
This signal is not emitted if the item is changed programmatically, e.g. using setCurrentItem().
.SH "void TQComboBox::highlighted ( const TQString & string )\fC [signal]\fR"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
This signal is emitted when a new item has been set to be the current item. \fIstring\fR is the item's text.
You can also use the highlighted(int) signal.
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertItem ( const TQString & t, int index = -1 )"
Inserts a text item with text \fIt\fR, at position \fIindex\fR. The item will be appended if \fIindex\fR is negative.
.)l chart/optionsform.cpp, fileiconview/mainwindow.cpp, helpviewer/helpwindow.cpp, lineedits/lineedits.cpp, listboxcombo/listboxcombo.cpp, regexptester/regexptester.cpp, and tictac/tictac.cpp.
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertItem ( const TQPixmap & pixmap, int index = -1 )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Inserts a \fIpixmap\fR item at position \fIindex\fR. The item will be appended if \fIindex\fR is negative.
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertItem ( const TQPixmap & pixmap, const TQString & text, int index = -1 )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Inserts a \fIpixmap\fR item with additional text \fItext\fR at position \fIindex\fR. The item will be appended if \fIindex\fR is negative.
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertStrList ( const char ** strings, int numStrings = -1, int index = -1 )"
Inserts the array of char * \fIstrings\fR at position \fIindex\fR in the combobox.
The \fInumStrings\fR argument is the number of strings. If \fInumStrings\fR is -1 (default), the \fIstrings\fR array must be terminated with 0.
static const char* items[] = { "red", "green", "blue", 0 };
combo->insertStrList( items );
See also insertStringList().
Example: qmag/qmag.cpp.
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertStrList ( const TQStrList & list, int index = -1 )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Inserts the \fIlist\fR of strings at position \fIindex\fR in the combobox.
This is only for compatibility since it does not support Unicode strings. See insertStringList().
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertStrList ( const TQStrList * list, int index = -1 )"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Inserts the \fIlist\fR of strings at position \fIindex\fR in the combobox.
This is only for compatibility since it does not support Unicode strings. See insertStringList().
.SH "void TQComboBox::insertStringList ( const TQStringList & list, int index = -1 )"
Inserts the \fIlist\fR of strings at position \fIindex\fR in the combobox.
.SH "Policy TQComboBox::insertionPolicy () const"
Returns the position of the items inserted by the user. See the "insertionPolicy" property for details.
.SH "TQLineEdit * TQComboBox::lineEdit () const"
Returns the line edit, or 0 if there is no line edit.
Only editable listboxes have a line editor.
.SH "TQListBox * TQComboBox::listBox () const"
Returns the current list box, or 0 if there is no list box. (TQComboBox can use TQPopupMenu instead of TQListBox.) Provided to match setListBox().
See also setListBox().
Example: listboxcombo/listboxcombo.cpp.
.SH "int TQComboBox::maxCount () const"
Returns the maximum number of items allowed in the combobox. See the "maxCount" property for details.
.SH "const TQPixmap * TQComboBox::pixmap ( int index ) const"
Returns the pixmap item at position \fIindex\fR, or 0 if the item is not a pixmap.
.SH "void TQComboBox::popup ()\fC [virtual]\fR"
Pops up the combobox popup list.
If the list is empty, no items appear.
.SH "void TQComboBox::removeItem ( int index )"
Removes the item at position \fIindex\fR.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setAutoCompletion ( bool )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets whether auto-completion is enabled. See the "autoCompletion" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setAutoResize ( bool )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets whether auto resize is enabled. See the "autoResize" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setCurrentItem ( int index )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the index of the current item in the combobox to \fIindex\fR. See the "currentItem" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setCurrentText ( const TQString & )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the text of the combobox's current item. See the "currentText" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setDuplicatesEnabled ( bool enable )"
Sets whether duplicates are allowed to \fIenable\fR. See the "duplicatesEnabled" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setEditText ( const TQString & newText )\fC [virtual slot]\fR"
Sets the text in the line edit to \fInewText\fR without changing the combobox's contents. Does nothing if the combobox isn't editable.
This is useful e.g. for providing a good starting point for the user's editing and entering the change in the combobox only when the user presses Enter.
See also clearEdit() and insertItem().
.SH "void TQComboBox::setEditable ( bool )"
Sets whether the combobox is editable. See the "editable" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setFont ( const TQFont & font )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the font for both the combobox button and the combobox popup list to \fIfont\fR.
Reimplemented from TQWidget.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setInsertionPolicy ( Policy policy )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the position of the items inserted by the user to \fIpolicy\fR. See the "insertionPolicy" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setLineEdit ( TQLineEdit * edit )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the line edit to use \fIedit\fR instead of the current line edit.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setListBox ( TQListBox * newListBox )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the combobox to use \fInewListBox\fR instead of the current list box or popup. As a side effect, it clears the combobox of its current contents.
\fBWarning:\fR TQComboBox assumes that newListBox->text(n) returns non-null for 0 <= n < newListbox->count(). This assumption is necessary because of the line edit in TQComboBox.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setMaxCount ( int )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the maximum number of items allowed in the combobox. See the "maxCount" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setPalette ( const TQPalette & palette )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the palette for both the combobox button and the combobox popup list to \fIpalette\fR.
Reimplemented from TQWidget.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setSizeLimit ( int )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Sets the maximum on-screen size of the combobox. See the "sizeLimit" property for details.
.SH "void TQComboBox::setValidator ( const TQValidator * v )\fC [virtual]\fR"
Applies the validator \fIv\fR to the combobox so that only text which is valid according to \fIv\fR is accepted.
This function does nothing if the combobox is not editable.
See also validator(), clearValidator(), and TQValidator.
.SH "int TQComboBox::sizeLimit () const"
Returns the maximum on-screen size of the combobox. See the "sizeLimit" property for details.
.SH "TQString TQComboBox::text ( int index ) const"
Returns the text item at position \fIindex\fR, or TQString::null if the item is not a string.
See also currentText.
.)l fileiconview/mainwindow.cpp and helpviewer/helpwindow.cpp.
.SH "void TQComboBox::textChanged ( const TQString & string )\fC [signal]\fR"
This signal is used for editable comboboxes. It is emitted whenever the contents of the text entry field changes. \fIstring\fR contains the new text.
.SH "const TQValidator * TQComboBox::validator () const"
Returns the validator which constrains editing for this combobox if there is one; otherwise returns 0.
See also setValidator(), clearValidator(), and TQValidator.
.SS "Property Documentation"
.SH "bool autoCompletion"
This property holds whether auto-completion is enabled.
This property can only be set for editable comboboxes, for non-editable comboboxes it has no effect. It is FALSE by default.
Set this property's value with setAutoCompletion() and get this property's value with autoCompletion().
.SH "bool autoMask"
This property holds whether the combobox is automatically masked.
See also TQWidget::autoMask.
.SH "bool autoResize"
This property holds whether auto resize is enabled.
\fBThis property is obsolete.\fR It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
If this property is set to TRUE then the combobox will resize itself whenever its contents change. The default is FALSE.
Set this property's value with setAutoResize() and get this property's value with autoResize().
.SH "int count"
This property holds the number of items in the combobox.
Get this property's value with count().
.SH "int currentItem"
This property holds the index of the current item in the combobox.
Note that the activated() and highlighted() signals are only emitted when the user changes the current item, not when it is changed programmatically.
Set this property's value with setCurrentItem() and get this property's value with currentItem().
.SH "TQString currentText"
This property holds the text of the combobox's current item.
Set this property's value with setCurrentText() and get this property's value with currentText().
.SH "bool duplicatesEnabled"
This property holds whether duplicates are allowed.
If the combobox is editable and the user enters some text in the combobox's lineedit and presses Enter (and the insertionPolicy() is not NoInsertion), then what happens is this:
If the text is not already in the list, the text is inserted.
If the text is in the list and this property is TRUE (the default), the text is inserted.
If the text is in the list and this property is FALSE, the text is \fInot\fR inserted; instead the item which has matching text becomes the current item.
This property only affects user-interaction. You can use insertItem() to insert duplicates if you wish regardless of this setting.
Set this property's value with setDuplicatesEnabled() and get this property's value with duplicatesEnabled().
.SH "bool editable"
This property holds whether the combobox is editable.
This property's default is FALSE. Note that the combobox will be cleared if this property is set to TRUE for a 1.x Motif style combobox. To avoid this, use setEditable() before inserting any items. Also note that the 1.x version of Motif didn't have any editable comboboxes, so the combobox will change it's appearance to a 2.0 style Motif combobox is it is set to be editable.
Set this property's value with setEditable() and get this property's value with editable().
.SH "Policy insertionPolicy"
This property holds the position of the items inserted by the user.
The default insertion policy is AtBottom. See Policy.
Set this property's value with setInsertionPolicy() and get this property's value with insertionPolicy().
.SH "int maxCount"
This property holds the maximum number of items allowed in the combobox.
Set this property's value with setMaxCount() and get this property's value with maxCount().
.SH "int sizeLimit"
This property holds the maximum on-screen size of the combobox.
This property is ignored for both Motif 1.x style and non-editable comboboxes in Mac style. The default limit is ten lines. If the number of items in the combobox is or grows larger than lines, a scrollbar is added.
Set this property's value with setSizeLimit() and get this property's value with sizeLimit().
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If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to
.BR .
Please include the name of the manual page (tqcombobox.3qt) and the Qt
version (3.3.8).