TQt3 toolkit
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Slávek Banko f5bf794e23
Update translations binary files
bin Replace various Q_* and QT_* defines with TQ_* and TQT_* 8ヶ月前
config.tests Fix to detect XRandR on multi-prefix package platforms 4年前
doc Remove original Q_WS_* defines 2ヶ月前
examples Update translations binary files 2日前
extensions Replace Q_WS_* defines with TQ_WS_* equivalents 2ヶ月前
include Remove dangled symlinks for droped compat headers. 9ヶ月前
lib Automated update from Qt3 9年前
mkspecs Avoid setting CONFIG=thread in qmake.conf 1ヶ月前
pics Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8年前
plugins/src inputmethods/xim: fix incorrect fontset ref counting 4週間前
qmake Replace Q_WS_* defines with TQ_WS_* equivalents 2ヶ月前
src Prevent creation of text codecs when the application is shutting down. This resolves issue #142 2週間前
tools avoid translating the /qt/XIMInputStyle options when saving into config 2ヶ月前
translations Update translations binary files 2日前
tutorial Fix compilation with -no-thread 1ヶ月前
.gitignore gitignore: add a couple more tests 1ヶ月前
ChangeLog.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. 5年前
FAQ Automated update from Qt3 9年前
INSTALL qt -> tqt conversion: 6年前
LICENSE.GPL2 Automated update from Qt3 9年前
LICENSE.GPL3 Automated update from Qt3 9年前
LICENSE.QPL Sync with latest script 13年前
MANIFEST Automated update from Qt3 9年前
Makefile Automated update from Qt3 9年前
PLATFORMS Automated update from Qt3 9年前
README.Qt3 Update README 4ヶ月前
README.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. 5年前
README.md Update README 4ヶ月前
changes-3.3.8 Automated update from Qt3 9年前
changes-3.3.8b Automated update from Qt3 9年前
changes-3.3.8c Automated update from Qt3 9年前
changes-3.3.8d Automated update from Qt3 9年前
changes-3.4 Automated update from Qt3 12年前
changes-3.5 Automated update from Qt3 11年前
changes.immodule Renamed QT_IM_* to TQT_IM_*. This relates to bug 3020. 5年前
configure ./configure: turn thread support on by default 1ヶ月前
make-symlinks.sh Added symlink include/qsql_sqlite3.h. 4年前


This is TQt version 3.5.0.

TQt is a multiplatform C++ GUI application framework based on the last open source release of Qt 3.x branch which is maintained by the Trinity Desktop project.


TQt strives to be a lightweight toolkit for developing graphical desktop applications based on the Window-Icon-Menu-Pointer model.

Compared to Qt, which has become a framework with lots of features not necessarily related to desktop computing, resulting in unnecessary bloat, TQt strives for a different approach by avoiding feature creep and unnecessary complexity.


If you are interested in contributing, please contact us. You can find a list of issues and wish list features to work on here.

If you wish to contribute to TQt3, you might do so:

Translations status


Translations status

TQt3 Assistant

Translations status

TQt3 Designer

Translations status

TQt3 Linguist

Translations status

The TQt toolkit is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL.

Qt is a trademark of The Qt Company Ltd.