/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ------------------- // DeKorator window decoration for KDE // ------------------- // Copyright (C) 2005 moty rahamim // // Based on Example-0.8, some ideas and code have been taken from plastik and KCMicons // // Example window decoration for KDE // Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 David Johnson // // Plastik KWin window decoration // Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Sandro Giessl // // KCMicons for KDE // Copyright (c) 2000 Antonio Larrosa // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef Unsorted #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBART #include #endif #include #include #include #include "themes.h" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IconThemesConfig() // ---------- // IconThemesConfig::IconThemesConfig( QWidget *parent, KListView *themesView /*, QPushButton *removethemeBtn*/ ) { parent_ = parent; themesView_ = themesView; //removeThemeBtn_ = removethemeBtn; loadThemes(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ~IconThemesConfig() // ---------- // IconThemesConfig::~IconThemesConfig() {} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // iconThemeItem() // ---------- // QListViewItem *IconThemesConfig::iconThemeItem( const QString &name ) { QListViewItem * item; for ( item = themesView_->firstChild(); item ; item = item->nextSibling() ) if ( item->text( 0 ) == name ) return item; return 0L; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // loadThemes() // ---------- // void IconThemesConfig::loadThemes() { themesView_->clear(); m_themeNames.clear(); QStringList themelist; QString name; QString place; QStringList::Iterator it, itj; QStringList themesDirs; // if no local deKorator folders if ( ! QDir( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/share/apps/" ).exists( "deKorator" ) ) { qWarning( "no dirs, will make them..." ); KIO::mkdir( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/" ); KIO::mkdir( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/themes/" ); } else { qWarning( "exist" ); } themesDirs = KGlobal::dirs() ->findDirs( "data", "deKorator/themes" ) ; for ( it = themesDirs.begin(); it != themesDirs.end(); ++it ) { QDir dir = QDir( *it ); themelist = dir.entryList( "*-theme" ); for ( itj = themelist.begin(); itj != themelist.end(); ++itj ) { place = *it; name = ( QString ) * itj; themesView_->insertItem( new QListViewItem( themesView_, name ) ); m_themeNames.insert( name, place ); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // installNewTheme() // ---------- // void IconThemesConfig::installNewTheme() { KURL themeURL = KURLRequesterDlg::getURL( QString::null, parent_, i18n( "Drag or Type Theme URL" ) ); kdDebug() << themeURL.prettyURL() << endl; if ( themeURL.url().isEmpty() ) return ; // themeTmpFile contains the name of the downloaded file QString themeTmpFile; if ( !KIO::NetAccess::download( themeURL, themeTmpFile, parent_ ) ) { QString sorryText; if ( themeURL.isLocalFile() ) sorryText = i18n( "Unable to find the deKorator theme archive %1." ); else sorryText = i18n( "Unable to download deKorator theme archive;\n" "please check that address %1 is correct." ); KMessageBox::sorry( parent_, sorryText.arg( themeURL.prettyURL() ) ); return ; } // QStringList themesNames = findThemeDirs( themeTmpFile ); if ( themesNames.isEmpty() ) { QString invalidArch( i18n( "The file is not a valid deKorator theme archive." ) ); KMessageBox::error( parent_, invalidArch ); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( themeTmpFile ); return ; } if ( !installThemes( themesNames, themeTmpFile ) ) { //FIXME: make me able to know what is wrong.... // QStringList instead of bool? QString somethingWrong = i18n( "A problem occurred during the installation process; " "however, most of the themes in the archive have been installed" ); KMessageBox::error( parent_, somethingWrong ); } KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( themeTmpFile ); loadThemes(); QStringList::Iterator cur = themesNames.at( 0 ); QListViewItem *item = iconThemeItem( *cur ); themesView_->setSelected( item, true ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // installThemes() // ---------- // bool IconThemesConfig::installThemes( const QStringList &themes, const QString &archiveName ) { bool everythingOk = true; QString localThemesDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/themes/"; // KProgressDialog progressDiag( parent_, "themeinstallprogress", i18n( "Installing icon themes" ), QString::null, true ); progressDiag.setAutoClose( true ); progressDiag.progressBar() ->setTotalSteps( themes.count() ); progressDiag.show(); KTar archive( archiveName ); archive.open( IO_ReadOnly ); kapp->processEvents(); const KArchiveDirectory* rootDir = archive.directory(); KArchiveDirectory* currentTheme; for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = themes.begin(); it != themes.end(); ++it ) { progressDiag.setLabel( i18n( "Installing %1 theme" ) .arg( *it ) ); kapp->processEvents(); if ( progressDiag.wasCancelled() ) break; currentTheme = dynamic_cast( const_cast( rootDir->entry( *it ) ) ); if ( currentTheme == NULL ) { // we tell back that something went wrong, but try to install as much // as possible everythingOk = false; continue; } currentTheme->copyTo( localThemesDir + *it ); progressDiag.progressBar() ->advance( 1 ); } archive.close(); return everythingOk; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // findThemeDirs() // ---------- // QStringList IconThemesConfig::findThemeDirs( const QString &archiveName ) { QStringList foundThemes; KTar archive( archiveName ); archive.open( IO_ReadOnly ); const KArchiveDirectory* themeDir = archive.directory(); KArchiveEntry* possibleDir = 0L; KArchiveDirectory* subDir = 0L; // iterate all the dirs looking for an index.theme or index.desktop file QStringList entries = themeDir->entries(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it ) { QString name = ( QString ) * it; QRegExp rxp = QRegExp( "*-theme", TRUE, TRUE ); int i = name.contains( rxp ); if ( !i ) { continue; } possibleDir = const_cast( themeDir->entry( *it ) ); if ( possibleDir->isDirectory() ) { subDir = dynamic_cast( possibleDir ); if ( subDir && ( subDir->entry( "deco" ) != NULL && subDir->entry( "buttons" ) != NULL && subDir->entry( "masks" ) != NULL ) ) { foundThemes.append( subDir->name() ); //qWarning( "found" ); } } } archive.close(); return foundThemes; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // removeSelectedTheme() // ---------- // void IconThemesConfig::removeSelectedTheme() { QListViewItem * selected = themesView_->selectedItem(); if ( !selected ) return ; QString question = i18n( "Are you sure you want to remove the " "%1 theme?
" "
" "This will delete the files installed by this theme.
" ). arg( selected->text( 0 ) ); int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( parent_, question, i18n( "Confirmation" ), KStdGuiItem::del() ); if ( r != KMessageBox::Continue ) return ; QString delTheme = selected->text( 0 ); QString deldirStr = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/themes/" + delTheme; QDir dir = QDir( deldirStr ); dir.rename( deldirStr, deldirStr + "del" ); KIO::del( KURL( deldirStr + "del" ) ); loadThemes(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // themeSelected() // ---------- // void IconThemesConfig::themeSelected( QListViewItem *item, QLabel *previewLabel, QPushButton *btn ) { QPixmap previewPix, topLeftCornerBg, leftButtonsBg, leftTitleBg, midTitleBg, rightTitleBg, rightButtonsBg, topRightCornerBg; QPainter painter; int w, h, x; QString dirName( m_themeNames[ item->text( 0 ) ] ); if ( dirName.contains( "home" ) ) { //qWarning("true"); btn->setEnabled( true ); } else { btn->setEnabled( false ); //qWarning("false"); } QString dirNameStr = dirName + item->text( 0 ) + "/deco/" ; topLeftCornerBg.load( dirNameStr + "topLeftCornerBg.png" ); leftButtonsBg.load( dirNameStr + "leftButtonsBg" ); leftTitleBg.load( dirNameStr + "leftTitleBg.png" ); midTitleBg.load( dirNameStr + "midTitleBg.png" ); rightTitleBg.load( dirNameStr + "rightTitleBg.png" ); rightButtonsBg.load( dirNameStr + "rightButtonsBg.png" ); topRightCornerBg.load( dirNameStr + "topRightCornerBg.png" ); w = topLeftCornerBg.width() + leftButtonsBg.width() + leftTitleBg.width() + midTitleBg.width() + rightTitleBg.width() + rightButtonsBg.width() + topRightCornerBg.width() + 8; h = midTitleBg.height() + 8; previewPix.resize( w, h ); //qWarning("%d",w); painter.begin( &previewPix ); // paint outer rect painter.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, QColor( 20, 20, 20 ) ); painter.setPen( QColor( 60, 60, 60 ) ); painter.drawRect( 0, 0, w , h ); painter.setPen( QColor( 80, 80, 80 ) ); painter.drawRect( 1, 1, w - 2 , h - 2 ); painter.setPen( QColor( 180, 180, 180 ) ); painter.drawLine( w - 1, 1, w - 1, h - 1 ); painter.drawLine( 1, h - 1, w - 2, h - 1 ); painter.setPen( QColor( 150, 150, 150 ) ); painter.drawLine( w - 2, 2, w - 2, h - 2 ); painter.drawLine( 2, h - 2, w - 3, h - 2 ); // paint deco tiles x = 4; painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, topLeftCornerBg ); x += topLeftCornerBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, leftButtonsBg ); x += leftButtonsBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x , 4, leftTitleBg ); x += leftTitleBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, midTitleBg ); x += midTitleBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, rightTitleBg ); x += rightTitleBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, rightButtonsBg ); x += rightButtonsBg.width(); painter.drawPixmap( x, 4, topRightCornerBg ); painter.setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ); painter.drawLine( 4, h - 5, w - 4 , h - 5 ); painter.end(); previewLabel->resize( w, h ); previewLabel->setPixmap( previewPix ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // setTheme() // ---------- // void IconThemesConfig::setTheme( KURLRequester *framesPath, KURLRequester *buttonsPath, KURLRequester *masksPath ) { QListViewItem * selected = themesView_->selectedItem(); if ( !selected ) return ; QString dirName( m_themeNames[ selected->text( 0 ) ] ); QString setTheme = selected->text( 0 ); QString setThemeStr = dirName + setTheme; framesPath->setURL( setThemeStr + "/deco" ); buttonsPath->setURL( setThemeStr + "/buttons" ); masksPath->setURL( setThemeStr + "/masks" ); } #include "themes.moc"