UiGUI Screenshot

Ever concerned about how your code looks like?
Ever heard of different indenting styles, for example K&R?
Ever received code from someone else who didn't care about code formatting?
Ever tried to configure a code indenter to convert such code to your coding style?
Ever got bored by that tedious "changing a parameter"-"call the indeter"-"try and error" procedure?

Help is close to you. UniversalIndentGUI offers a live preview for setting the parameters of nearly any indenter. You change the value of a parameter and directly see how your reformatted code will look like. Save your beauty looking code or create an anywhere usable batch/shell script to reformat whole directories or just one file even out of the editor of your choice that supports external tool calls.
Many free available code beautifier, formatter and indenter are currently supported, like GNU Indent, Uncrustify, Artistic Styler, PHP Stylist, Ruby Beautify, HTML Tidy and many other (look at features for complete list). Currently not supported indenters can be easyly added by creating a configuration file for them.
Thus UniversalIndentGUI is open for nearly any new indenter and programming languages. Give it a try. Perhaps you'll also find an indenter for your programming language that you even didn't know that it exists.


Also a Notepad++ plugin version is available. The programming project for that is currently only available as Visual Studio C++ 2005 project file. Also this plugin has some problems with its event handling, because it is running as a DLL inside of Notepad++ event loop. This will be replaced with the upcoming UiGUI server functionality. See future plans for more about that.

Supported and tested platforms

How to install / build UniversalIndentGUI

If you downloaded a complete binary package/archive for your system from SourceForge, you only need to unpack it and can run it out of the box. Also all free available indenters for your platform are included. Doing it that way, UiGUI will run in portable mode.

But if you'd like to build UiGUI from source, follow these steps:

  1. Download, unpack, configure and compile Qt >= 4.4.0. Make your QTDIR and QMAKESPEC settings. Or install Qt via a package manager.
  2. Download, unpack, compile and install QScintilla >= 2.2.
  3. Checkout UiGUI: svn co https://universalindent.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/universalindent/trunk universalindentgui
  4. In the checked out directory run "qmake UniversalIndentGUI.pro".
  5. Run "make release".
  6. Install it
    1. Windows and Mac:
      For testing on Windows/Mac download the indenter binary package from sourceforge and extract it into the directory where you checked out the code (in the upper example that is "universalindentgui"). Then move the file "UniversalIndentGUI.exe" (on Mac the directory "UniversalIndentGUI") from the "release" directory also to that directory. Starting UiGUI from this directory will run it in portable mode.
    2. Linux:
      Run "sudo make install" installs for multi user mode. Install supported indenters via package manager for example. For portable mode just skip "make install" and move the file "universalindentgui" from the "release" directory into the directory where you checked out the code (in the upper example that is "universalindentgui").
Indenter binary packages can be downloaded from the project at SourceForge here.

Beneath the possibility to build UiGUI using qmake, also project files for Visual Studio 2005 and XCode are included.

Used Qt techniques

This list shows some selected functionalities that Qt offers and that I use with UiGUI.

Future plans


Here I'd like to say "thank you" to all those guys, who helped me improving UiGUI. May it be doing some translations, creating packages for Linux, letting me know about bugs or ways to improve or just saying that they found my application helpful and that they like it. So:

Thank you all out there!!


You may use this software on your own risk. I am not responsible for any system damage or loss of data. Respect the GPL! UiGUI is being released under GPL 2. You will also find the license in the included file "LICENSE.GPL".