/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* Copyright (C) 2007 Eike Hein */ #include "skin_list_item.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SkinListItem::SkinListItem(KListView* parent, const TQString& fancy_name, const TQString& author, const TQPixmap& icon, const TQString& name, const TQString& dir) : KListViewItem(parent, fancy_name) { setName(name); setAuthor(author); setDir(dir); TQString fancy_author = i18n("by %1").arg(author); TQString text = TQString("%1
").arg(fancy_name).arg(fancy_author); item_text = new TQSimpleRichText(text, listView()->font()); item_text->adjustSize(); setPixmap(0, icon); } SkinListItem::~SkinListItem() { } void SkinListItem::setName(const TQString& name) { skin_name = name; } TQString SkinListItem::name() { return skin_name; } void SkinListItem::setAuthor(const TQString& author) { skin_author = author; } TQString SkinListItem::author() { return skin_author; } void SkinListItem::setDir(const TQString& dir) { skin_dir = dir; } TQString SkinListItem::dir() { return skin_dir; } void SkinListItem::setup() { widthChanged(); item_text->setDefaultFont(listView()->font()); item_text->setWidth(listView()->columnWidth(0)); int text_height = item_text->height()+(MARGIN*2); if (text_height < 32) setHeight(32+(MARGIN*2)); else setHeight(text_height); } void SkinListItem::paintCell(TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& /* cg */, int /* column */, int width, int /* align */) { if (width <= 0) return; TQColor textColor = isSelected() ? KGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor() : KGlobalSettings::textColor(); TQColor background = isSelected() ? KGlobalSettings::highlightColor() : listView()->paletteBackgroundColor(); TQColorGroup colors; colors.setColor(TQColorGroup::Foreground, textColor); colors.setColor(TQColorGroup::Text, textColor); colors.setColor(TQColorGroup::Background, background); colors.setColor(TQColorGroup::Base, background); p->fillRect(0, 0, width, height(), background); if (pixmap(0)) { int y = (height() - 32) / 2; p->drawPixmap(MARGIN, y, *pixmap(0)); } item_text->setWidth(width); item_text->draw(p, MARGIN+32+MARGIN+MARGIN, MARGIN, TQRect(0, 0, width-MARGIN-32-MARGIN, height()), colors); }