#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" /* * TODO * o should we use tick marks in QSlider? */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { /* connect to remote client */ interface = new OurInterface(); if (interface->oneTimeInit()) { oneTimeInitSuccess = false; /* connection to remote client failed; error msg has */ /* already been displayed so it's ok to close app now */ QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); } else { oneTimeInitSuccess = true; } remoteClientInited = false; ui->setupUi(this); acceptSliderMove = false; setupUI(); vcrFlag = 0; connect(this, SIGNAL(onGeometryChanged(int,int,int,int)), interface, SLOT(onGeometryChanged(int,int,int,int))); connect(interface, SIGNAL(onMediaDurationInSeconds(int)), this, SLOT(onMediaDurationInSeconds(int))); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (!oneTimeInitSuccess) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Closing application", "This is not an xrdp session with xrdpvr"); } event->accept(); } void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QRect rect; getVdoGeometry(&rect); interface->sendGeometry(rect); } void MainWindow::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *) { QRect rect; getVdoGeometry(&rect); interface->sendGeometry(rect); } void MainWindow::setupUI() { /* setup area to display video */ lblVideo = new QLabel(); lblVideo->setMinimumWidth(320); lblVideo->setMinimumHeight(200); QPalette palette = lblVideo->palette(); palette.setColor(lblVideo->backgroundRole(), Qt::black); palette.setColor(lblVideo->foregroundRole(), Qt::black); lblVideo->setAutoFillBackground(true); lblVideo->setPalette(palette); hboxLayoutTop = new QHBoxLayout; hboxLayoutTop->addWidget(lblVideo); /* setup label to display current pos in media */ lblCurrentPos = new QLabel("00:00:00"); lblCurrentPos->setMinimumHeight(20); lblCurrentPos->setMaximumHeight(20); /* setup slider to seek into media */ slider = new QSlider(); slider->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); slider->setMinimumHeight(20); slider->setMaximumHeight(20); connect(slider, SIGNAL(actionTriggered(int)), this, SLOT(onSliderActionTriggered(int))); connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSliderValueChanged(int))); /* setup label to display media duration */ lblDuration = new QLabel("00:00:00"); lblDuration->setMinimumHeight(20); lblDuration->setMaximumHeight(20); /* add above three widgets to mid layout */ hboxLayoutMiddle = new QHBoxLayout; hboxLayoutMiddle->addWidget(lblCurrentPos); hboxLayoutMiddle->addWidget(slider); hboxLayoutMiddle->addWidget(lblDuration); /* setup play button */ btnPlay = new QPushButton("Play"); btnPlay->setMinimumHeight(40); btnPlay->setMaximumHeight(40); btnPlay->setMinimumWidth(40); btnPlay->setMaximumWidth(40); btnPlay->setCheckable(true); connect(btnPlay, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onBtnPlayClicked(bool))); /* setup stop button */ btnStop = new QPushButton("Stop"); btnStop->setMinimumHeight(40); btnStop->setMaximumHeight(40); btnStop->setMinimumWidth(40); btnStop->setMaximumWidth(40); connect(btnStop, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onBtnStopClicked(bool))); /* setup rewind button */ btnRewind = new QPushButton("R"); btnRewind->setMinimumHeight(40); btnRewind->setMaximumHeight(40); btnRewind->setMinimumWidth(40); btnRewind->setMaximumWidth(40); connect(btnRewind, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onBtnRewindClicked(bool))); /* add buttons to bottom panel */ hboxLayoutBottom = new QHBoxLayout; hboxLayoutBottom->addWidget(btnPlay); hboxLayoutBottom->addWidget(btnStop); //hboxLayoutBottom->addWidget(btnRewind); hboxLayoutBottom->addStretch(); /* add all three layouts to one vertical layout */ vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; vboxLayout->addLayout(hboxLayoutTop); vboxLayout->addLayout(hboxLayoutMiddle); vboxLayout->addLayout(hboxLayoutBottom); /* add all of them to central widget */ window = new QWidget; window->setLayout(vboxLayout); this->setCentralWidget(window); } void MainWindow::openMediaFile() { /* TODO take last stored value from QSettings */ if (filename.length() == 0) { /* no previous selection - open user's home folder TODO */ // TODO filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select Media File", "/"); filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select Media File", QDir::currentPath()); } else { /* show last selected file */ filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select Media File", filename); } interface->setFilename(filename); } void MainWindow::getVdoGeometry(QRect *rect) { int x = geometry().x() + lblVideo->geometry().x(); int y = pos().y() + lblVideo->geometry().y() + ui->mainToolBar->geometry().height() * 4 + 10; rect->setX(x); rect->setY(y); rect->setWidth(lblVideo->geometry().width()); rect->setHeight(lblVideo->geometry().height()); } void MainWindow::clearDisplay() { QPixmap pixmap(100,100); pixmap.fill(QColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); QPainter painter(&pixmap); painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); lblVideo->setPixmap(pixmap); } /******************************************************************************* * actions and slots go here * ******************************************************************************/ void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_Media_File_triggered() { if (vcrFlag != 0) onBtnStopClicked(false); openMediaFile(); if (filename.length() == 0) { /* cancel btn was clicked */ return; } if (remoteClientInited) { remoteClientInited = false; interface->deInitRemoteClient(); interface->initRemoteClient(); } else { interface->initRemoteClient(); } playVideo = interface->getPlayVideoInstance(); if (playVideo) { connect(playVideo, SIGNAL(onElapsedtime(int)), this, SLOT(onElapsedTime(int))); } remoteClientInited = true; interface->playMedia(); if (vcrFlag != 0) { interface->setVcrOp(VCR_PLAY); btnPlay->setText("Pause"); vcrFlag = VCR_PLAY; } } void MainWindow::on_actionExit_triggered() { clearDisplay(); this->close(); } void MainWindow::onBtnPlayClicked(bool) { if (vcrFlag == 0) { /* first time play button has been clicked */ on_actionOpen_Media_File_triggered(); btnPlay->setText("Pause"); vcrFlag = VCR_PLAY; } else if (vcrFlag == VCR_PLAY) { /* btn clicked while in play mode - enter pause mode */ btnPlay->setText("Play"); interface->setVcrOp(VCR_PAUSE); vcrFlag = VCR_PAUSE; } else if (vcrFlag == VCR_PAUSE) { /* btn clicked while in pause mode - enter play mode */ btnPlay->setText("Pause"); interface->setVcrOp(VCR_PLAY); vcrFlag = VCR_PLAY; } else if (vcrFlag == VCR_STOP) { /* btn clicked while stopped - enter play mode */ btnPlay->setText("Play"); interface->setVcrOp(VCR_PLAY); vcrFlag = VCR_PLAY; } } void MainWindow::onBtnRewindClicked(bool) { if (playVideo) playVideo->onMediaSeek(0); } void MainWindow::onBtnStopClicked(bool) { vcrFlag = VCR_STOP; btnPlay->setText("Play"); interface->setVcrOp(VCR_STOP); /* reset slider */ slider->setSliderPosition(0); lblCurrentPos->setText("00:00:00"); /* clear screen by filling it with black */ clearDisplay(); } void MainWindow::onMediaDurationInSeconds(int duration) { int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; int secs = 0; char buf[20]; /* setup progress bar */ slider->setMinimum(0); slider->setMaximum(duration * 100); /* in hundredth of a sec */ slider->setValue(0); slider->setSliderPosition(0); lblCurrentPos->setText("00:00:00"); qDebug() << "media_duration=" << duration << " in hundredth of a sec:" << duration * 100; /* convert from seconds to hours:minutes:seconds */ hours = duration / 3600; if (hours) duration -= (hours * 3600); minutes = duration / 60; if (minutes) duration -= minutes * 60; secs = duration; sprintf(buf, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hours, minutes, secs); lblDuration->setText(QString(buf)); } /** * time elapsed in 1/100th sec units since play started ******************************************************************************/ void MainWindow::onElapsedTime(int val) { int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; int secs = 0; int duration = val / 100; char buf[20]; if (vcrFlag == VCR_STOP) { qDebug() << "onElapsedTime: not updating slider coz of VCR_STOP"; return; } /* if slider bar is down, do not update */ if (slider->isSliderDown()) { qDebug() << "onElapsedTime: not updating slider coz slider is down"; return; } /* update progress bar */ slider->setSliderPosition(val); /* convert from seconds to hours:minutes:seconds */ hours = duration / 3600; if (hours) duration -= (hours * 3600); minutes = duration / 60; if (minutes) duration -= minutes * 60; secs = duration; /* update current position in progress bar */ sprintf(buf, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hours, minutes, secs); lblCurrentPos->setText(QString(buf)); } void MainWindow::onSliderValueChanged(int value) { if (acceptSliderMove) { acceptSliderMove = false; if (playVideo) playVideo->onMediaSeek(value / 100); } } void MainWindow::onSliderActionTriggered(int action) { switch (action) { case QAbstractSlider::SliderPageStepAdd: acceptSliderMove = true; break; case QAbstractSlider::SliderPageStepSub: acceptSliderMove = true; break; case QAbstractSlider::SliderMove: if (slider->isSliderDown()) acceptSliderMove = true; break; } } #if 1 // LK_TODO delete this void MainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) { //qDebug() << "mouseMoveEvent: x=" << e->globalX() << "y=" << e->globalY(); } #endif