// (c) 2012 Timothy Pearson // (c) 2012 Raptor Engineering // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libraptorsmiface.h" char *server = "localhost"; char *user = "remotelab"; char *password = "rlpass123"; /* set me first */ char *database = "remotelab_sm"; void dprint(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); #if 0 vprintf(fmt, argp); #else char debug[512]; vsprintf(debug, fmt, argp); FILE *fp = fopen("/raptorsmiface.debug", "a"); if (fp != NULL) { fputs(debug, fp); fclose(fp); } #endif va_end(argp); } MYSQL * connect_if_needed() { MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL); if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) { dprint("[ERROR] MySQL connection FAILED [%s]\n\r", mysql_error(conn)); conn = 0; } return conn; } char* get_mysql_escaped_string(MYSQL *sqlcn, char* rawstr) { unsigned int minlen = strlen(rawstr); unsigned int maxlen = ((minlen*2)+1); char* escstr = malloc(maxlen*sizeof(char)); mysql_real_escape_string(sqlcn, escstr, rawstr, minlen); return escstr; } char mutex; int mysql_query_internal(MYSQL *conn, const char * query) { // For some reason this can hang rather badly // It might be related to concurrent access to the same conn object though return mysql_query(conn, query); } char* get_group_for_user(char* username) { struct passwd* pwd; pwd = getpwnam(username); if (!pwd) { return true; } gid_t groupid = pwd->pw_gid; struct group* primarygroup; primarygroup = getgrgid(groupid); if (!primarygroup) { return true; } return strdup(primarygroup->gr_name); } char raptor_sm_deallocate_session(char* username) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *svr_res; MYSQL_ROW svr_row; MYSQL_RES *cnt_res; MYSQL_ROW cnt_row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return 1; } pid_t serverpid = raptor_sm_get_pid_for_username(username); if (serverpid >= 0) { // Verify existence of PID on remote server dprint("Verifying process %d on %s...\n\r", serverpid, row[1]); char* ip = raptor_sm_get_ip_for_hostname(row[1], 0); char* command_string; asprintf(&command_string, "ssh root@%s \'ps -p %d | grep %d\'", ip, serverpid, serverpid); FILE *fp; char output[1024]; // Open the command for reading fp = popen(command_string, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { mysql_close(conn); return -1; } // Read the output a line at a time fgets(output, sizeof(output)-1, fp); // Close output pclose(fp); free(command_string); free(ip); dprint("...result was %s\n\r", output); if (strcmp(output, "") != 0) { mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return 0; } } // Remove the user from the system char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE username='%s'", safe_username); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return 2; } else { free(query); mysql_close(conn); return 0; } } char* raptor_sm_allocate_session(char* username) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_RES *svr_res; MYSQL_ROW svr_row; MYSQL_RES *per_res; MYSQL_ROW per_row; MYSQL_RES *cnt_res; MYSQL_ROW cnt_row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return strdup("ERROR"); } // Verify that this user is not already on the system char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "SELECT servername FROM sessions WHERE username='%s'", safe_username); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) == NULL) { // User is not on a system // Find the least utilized node if (mysql_query_internal(conn, "SELECT name FROM servers WHERE online='1'")) { // Server error mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } else { svr_res = mysql_store_result(conn); // Get group for user char* groupname = get_group_for_user(username); char* safe_groupname = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, groupname); free(groupname); // Get the list of allowed nodes for this group asprintf(&query, "SELECT server FROM allowed_servers WHERE groupname='%s'", safe_groupname); free(safe_groupname); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error mysql_free_result(res); mysql_free_result(svr_res); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } else { per_res = mysql_store_result(conn); char* bestserver = strdup(""); int bestusage = INT_MAX; while ((svr_row = mysql_fetch_row(svr_res)) != NULL) { // Am I allowed to use this server? bool can_use_server = false; while ((per_row = mysql_fetch_row(per_res)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(per_row[0], svr_row[0]) == 0) { can_use_server = true; } } mysql_data_seek(per_res, 0); if (can_use_server) { char* safe_servername = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, svr_row[0]); asprintf(&query, "SELECT username FROM sessions WHERE servername='%s'", safe_servername); free(safe_servername); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); free(bestserver); mysql_free_result(res); mysql_free_result(svr_res); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } else { free(query); cnt_res = mysql_store_result(conn); int usagecount = 0; while ((cnt_row = mysql_fetch_row(cnt_res)) != NULL) { usagecount++; } mysql_free_result(cnt_res); if (usagecount < bestusage) { free(bestserver); bestserver = strdup(svr_row[0]); bestusage = usagecount; } } } } mysql_free_result(res); mysql_free_result(svr_res); mysql_free_result(per_res); if (strcmp(bestserver, "") != 0) { // Insert new information into the sessions database and set status to ALLOCATED char* safe_servername = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, bestserver); char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "INSERT INTO sessions (username, servername, state) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d')", safe_username, safe_servername, SM_STATUS_ALLOCATED); free(safe_servername); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } else { free(query); mysql_close(conn); return strdup(bestserver); } } else { // No usable server found! mysql_close(conn); return strdup("ERROR"); } } } } else { char* ret = strdup(row[0]); mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return ret; } } } char* raptor_sm_get_ip_for_hostname(char* hostname, char* error) { struct addrinfo hints, *res; struct in_addr addr; int err; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; if ((err = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &res)) != 0) { if (error) *error = 1; return strdup(""); } addr.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)(res->ai_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr; char* ret = strdup(inet_ntoa(addr)); freeaddrinfo(res); if (error) *error = 0; return ret; } char* raptor_sm_get_hostname_for_username(char* username, bool create) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return strdup("SQLERR100"); } char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "SELECT servername FROM sessions WHERE username='%s'", safe_username); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return strdup("SQLERR101"); } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { char* ret = strdup(row[0]); mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return ret; } // Nothing in the DB mysql_free_result(res); if (create) { // Try to allocate a new session on a node mysql_close(conn); return raptor_sm_allocate_session(username); } else { mysql_close(conn); return strdup(""); } } } char* raptor_sm_get_ip_for_username(char* username, bool create) { char* hostname = raptor_sm_get_hostname_for_username(username, create); char err; char* ip = raptor_sm_get_ip_for_hostname(hostname, &err); free(hostname); if (err) { raptor_sm_deallocate_session(username); return strdup("ERROR"); } return ip; } bool raptor_sm_sesslimit_reached(char* username) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return true; } // Respect maximum session number for the group for this user int sesslimit = 0; // Default to denying all sessions // Get group for user char* groupname = get_group_for_user(username); char* safe_groupname = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, groupname); free(groupname); asprintf(&query, "SELECT sesslimit FROM groups WHERE groupname='%s'", safe_groupname); free(safe_groupname); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return true; } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); row = mysql_fetch_row(res); if (row[0]) { sesslimit = atoi(row[0]); } mysql_free_result(res); } // Figure out how many users are online from this group int sesscount = 0; asprintf(&query, "SELECT username FROM sessions WHERE state<>'%d'", SM_STATUS_ALLOCATED); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return true; } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { if (row[0]) { char* test_groupname = get_group_for_user(row[0]); if (strcmp(groupname, test_groupname) == 0) { sesscount++; } free(test_groupname); } } mysql_free_result(res); if (sesscount < sesslimit) { mysql_close(conn); return false; } mysql_close(conn); return true; } // We should never end up here! mysql_close(conn); return true; } pid_t raptor_sm_run_remote_server(char* username, char *const argv[]) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return -1; } // Respect maximum session number for the group for this user if (raptor_sm_sesslimit_reached(username)) { mysql_close(conn); return -5; } // Make sure a server is not already running for this user // Return the existing PID if it is char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "SELECT pid,servername FROM sessions WHERE username='%s' AND state<>'%d'", safe_username, SM_STATUS_ALLOCATED); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return -2; } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { if (row[0]) { int ret = atoi(row[0]); if (ret >= 0) { // Verify existence of PID on remote server dprint("Verifying process %d on %s...\n\r", ret, row[1]); char* ip = raptor_sm_get_ip_for_hostname(row[1], 0); char* command_string; asprintf(&command_string, "ssh root@%s \'ps -p %d | grep %d\'", ip, ret, ret); FILE *fp; char output[1024]; // Open the command for reading fp = popen(command_string, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { mysql_close(conn); return -1; } // Read the output a line at a time fgets(output, sizeof(output)-1, fp); // Close output pclose(fp); free(command_string); free(ip); dprint("...result was %s\n\r", output); if (strcmp(output, "") != 0) { mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return ret; } } } } mysql_free_result(res); } int i; int n_commands; n_commands = 0; while (argv[n_commands] != NULL) { n_commands++; } char* ipaddr = raptor_sm_get_ip_for_username(username, true); // This is HORRIBLY inefficient char* command_string = strdup(""); for (i=0; i= 0) { mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return ret; } } } mysql_free_result(res); } mysql_close(conn); return -3; } char* raptor_sm_server_started(char* username, pid_t pid, int display) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; long long timestamp = time(NULL); MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return -1; } // Update new information into the sessions database and set status to ALLOCATED char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "UPDATE sessions SET pid='%d', stamp_start='%lld', state='%d', display='%d', stamp_statechange='%lld' WHERE username='%s' AND state='%d'", pid, timestamp, SM_STATUS_RUNNING, display, timestamp, safe_username, SM_STATUS_ALLOCATED); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return -2; } else { free(query); mysql_close(conn); return 0; } } int raptor_sm_get_display_for_username(char* username) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return -1; } char* safe_username = get_mysql_escaped_string(conn, username); asprintf(&query, "SELECT display FROM sessions WHERE username='%s'", safe_username); free(safe_username); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return -2; } else { free(query); res = mysql_store_result(conn); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) { if (row[0]) { int ret = atoi(row[0]); mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return ret; } else { mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return -3; } } // Nothing in the DB mysql_free_result(res); mysql_close(conn); return -4; } } void raptor_sm_wait_for_pid_exit(char* username, pid_t pid) { char* ipaddr = raptor_sm_get_ip_for_username(username, false); char* command_string; asprintf(&command_string, "ssh root@%s \'while [[ `ps -p %d | grep %d` != \"\" ]]; do sleep 1; done\'", ipaddr, pid, pid); system(command_string); free(command_string); } void raptor_sm_session_terminated(char* username) { raptor_sm_deallocate_session(username); } int raptor_sm_get_new_unique_display(int mindisplay, int maxdisplay) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; char* query; MYSQL *conn = connect_if_needed(); if (!conn) { return -1; } asprintf(&query, "SELECT display FROM sessions"); if (mysql_query_internal(conn, query)) { // Server error free(query); mysql_close(conn); return -2; } else { res = mysql_store_result(conn); int freedisp; bool dispinuse; for (freedisp=mindisplay; freedisp /dev/null\"", ipaddr, username, display, executable); system(command_string); free(command_string); // Terminate remote X server pid_t pid = raptor_sm_get_pid_for_username(username); if (pid > 0) { asprintf(&command_string, "ssh root@%s \'kill -9 %ld\'", ipaddr, pid); system(command_string); free(command_string); } }