/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server. Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2012 main program */ #include "xrdp.h" static struct xrdp_listen* g_listen = 0; static long g_threadid = 0; /* main threadid */ static long g_sync_mutex = 0; static long g_sync1_mutex = 0; static tbus g_term_event = 0; static tbus g_sync_event = 0; /* syncronize stuff */ static int g_sync_command = 0; static long g_sync_result = 0; static long g_sync_param1 = 0; static long g_sync_param2 = 0; static long (*g_sync_func)(long param1, long param2); /*****************************************************************************/ long APP_CC g_xrdp_sync(long (*sync_func)(long param1, long param2), long sync_param1, long sync_param2) { long sync_result; int sync_command; if (tc_threadid_equal(tc_get_threadid(), g_threadid)) { /* this is the main thread, call the function directly */ sync_result = sync_func(sync_param1, sync_param2); } else { tc_mutex_lock(g_sync1_mutex); tc_mutex_lock(g_sync_mutex); g_sync_param1 = sync_param1; g_sync_param2 = sync_param2; g_sync_func = sync_func; g_sync_command = 100; tc_mutex_unlock(g_sync_mutex); g_set_wait_obj(g_sync_event); do { g_sleep(100); tc_mutex_lock(g_sync_mutex); sync_command = g_sync_command; sync_result = g_sync_result; tc_mutex_unlock(g_sync_mutex); } while (sync_command != 0); tc_mutex_unlock(g_sync1_mutex); } return sync_result; } /*****************************************************************************/ void DEFAULT_CC xrdp_shutdown(int sig) { tbus threadid; threadid = tc_get_threadid(); g_writeln("shutting down"); g_writeln("signal %d threadid %p", sig, threadid); if (!g_is_wait_obj_set(g_term_event)) { g_set_wait_obj(g_term_event); } } /*****************************************************************************/ int APP_CC g_is_term(void) { return g_is_wait_obj_set(g_term_event); } /*****************************************************************************/ void APP_CC g_set_term(int in_val) { if (in_val) { g_set_wait_obj(g_term_event); } else { g_reset_wait_obj(g_term_event); } } /*****************************************************************************/ tbus APP_CC g_get_term_event(void) { return g_term_event; } /*****************************************************************************/ tbus APP_CC g_get_sync_event(void) { return g_sync_event; } /*****************************************************************************/ void DEFAULT_CC pipe_sig(int sig_num) { /* do nothing */ g_writeln("got SIGPIPE(%d)", sig_num); } /*****************************************************************************/ void APP_CC g_loop(void) { tc_mutex_lock(g_sync_mutex); if (g_sync_command != 0) { if (g_sync_func != 0) { if (g_sync_command == 100) { g_sync_result = g_sync_func(g_sync_param1, g_sync_param2); } } g_sync_command = 0; } tc_mutex_unlock(g_sync_mutex); } /*****************************************************************************/ int APP_CC xrdp_process_params(int argc, char** argv, struct xrdp_startup_params* startup_params) { int index; char option[128]; char value[128]; index = 1; while (index < argc) { g_strncpy(option, argv[index], 127); if (index + 1 < argc) { g_strncpy(value, argv[index + 1], 127); } else { value[0] = 0; } if ((g_strncasecmp(option, "-help", 255)) == 0 || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--help", 255)) == 0 || (g_strncasecmp(option, "-h", 255)) == 0) { startup_params->help = 1; } else if ((g_strncasecmp(option, "-kill", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--kill", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "-k", 255) == 0)) { startup_params->kill = 1; } else if ((g_strncasecmp(option, "-nodaemon", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--nodaemon", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "-nd", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--nd", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "-ns", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--ns", 255) == 0)) { startup_params->no_daemon = 1; } else if ((g_strncasecmp(option, "-v", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--version", 255) == 0)) { startup_params->version = 1; } else if ((g_strncasecmp(option, "-p", 255) == 0) || (g_strncasecmp(option, "--port", 255) == 0)) { index++; g_strncpy(startup_params->port, value, 127); if (g_strlen(startup_params->port) < 1) { g_writeln("error processing params, port [%s]", startup_params->port); return 1; } else { g_writeln("--port parameter found, ini override [%s]", startup_params->port); } } else { return 1; } index++; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int DEFAULT_CC main(int argc, char** argv) { int test; int host_be; struct xrdp_startup_params* startup_params; int pid; int fd; int no_daemon; char text[256]; char pid_file[256]; g_init("xrdp"); ssl_init(); /* check compiled endian with actual endian */ test = 1; host_be = !((int)(*(unsigned char*)(&test))); #if defined(B_ENDIAN) if (!host_be) #endif #if defined(L_ENDIAN) if (host_be) #endif { g_writeln("endian wrong, edit arch.h"); return 0; } /* check long, int and void* sizes */ if (sizeof(int) != 4) { g_writeln("unusable int size, must be 4"); return 0; } if (sizeof(long) != sizeof(void*)) { g_writeln("long size must match void* size"); return 0; } if (sizeof(long) != 4 && sizeof(long) != 8) { g_writeln("unusable long size, must be 4 or 8"); return 0; } if (sizeof(tui64) != 8) { g_writeln("unusable tui64 size, must be 8"); return 0; } startup_params = (struct xrdp_startup_params*) g_malloc(sizeof(struct xrdp_startup_params), 1); if (xrdp_process_params(argc, argv, startup_params) != 0) { g_writeln("Unknown Parameter"); g_writeln("xrdp -h for help"); g_writeln(""); g_exit(0); } g_snprintf(pid_file, 255, "%s/xrdp.pid", XRDP_PID_PATH); no_daemon = 0; if (startup_params->kill) { g_writeln("stopping xrdp"); /* read the xrdp.pid file */ fd = -1; if (g_file_exist(pid_file)) /* xrdp.pid */ { fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* xrdp.pid */ } if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("problem opening to xrdp.pid"); g_writeln("maybe its not running"); } else { g_memset(text, 0, 32); g_file_read(fd, text, 31); pid = g_atoi(text); g_writeln("stopping process id %d", pid); if (pid > 0) { g_sigterm(pid); } g_file_close(fd); } g_exit(0); } if (startup_params->no_daemon) { no_daemon = 1; } if (startup_params->help) { g_writeln(""); g_writeln("xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server."); g_writeln("Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2011"); g_writeln("See http://xrdp.sourceforge.net for more information."); g_writeln(""); g_writeln("Usage: xrdp [options]"); g_writeln(" -h: show help"); g_writeln(" -nodaemon: don't fork into background"); g_writeln(" -kill: shut down xrdp"); g_writeln(""); g_exit(0); } if (startup_params->version) { g_writeln(""); g_writeln("xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server."); g_writeln("Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2011"); g_writeln("See http://xrdp.sourceforge.net for more information."); g_writeln("Version %s",PACKAGE_VERSION); g_writeln(""); g_exit(0); } if (g_file_exist(pid_file)) /* xrdp.pid */ { g_writeln("It looks like xrdp is allready running,"); g_writeln("if not delete the xrdp.pid file and try again"); g_exit(0); } if (!no_daemon) { /* make sure we can write to pid file */ fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* xrdp.pid */ if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("running in daemon mode with no access to pid files, quitting"); g_exit(0); } if (g_file_write(fd, "0", 1) == -1) { g_writeln("running in daemon mode with no access to pid files, quitting"); g_exit(0); } g_file_close(fd); g_file_delete(pid_file); } if (!no_daemon) { /* start of daemonizing code */ pid = g_fork(); if (pid == -1) { g_writeln("problem forking"); g_exit(1); } if (0 != pid) { g_writeln("process %d started ok", pid); /* exit, this is the main process */ g_exit(0); } g_sleep(1000); g_file_close(0); g_file_close(1); g_file_close(2); g_file_open("/dev/null"); g_file_open("/dev/null"); g_file_open("/dev/null"); /* end of daemonizing code */ } if (!no_daemon) { /* write the pid to file */ pid = g_getpid(); fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* xrdp.pid */ if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("trying to write process id to xrdp.pid"); g_writeln("problem opening xrdp.pid"); g_writeln("maybe no rights"); } else { g_sprintf(text, "%d", pid); g_file_write(fd, text, g_strlen(text)); g_file_close(fd); } } g_threadid = tc_get_threadid(); g_listen = xrdp_listen_create(); g_signal_user_interrupt(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGINT */ g_signal_kill(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGKILL */ g_signal_pipe(pipe_sig); /* SIGPIPE */ g_signal_terminate(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGTERM */ g_sync_mutex = tc_mutex_create(); g_sync1_mutex = tc_mutex_create(); pid = g_getpid(); g_snprintf(text, 255, "xrdp_%8.8x_main_term", pid); g_term_event = g_create_wait_obj(text); g_snprintf(text, 255, "xrdp_%8.8x_main_sync", pid); g_sync_event = g_create_wait_obj(text); if (g_term_event == 0) { g_writeln("error creating g_term_event"); } xrdp_listen_main_loop(g_listen, startup_params); xrdp_listen_delete(g_listen); tc_mutex_delete(g_sync_mutex); tc_mutex_delete(g_sync1_mutex); g_delete_wait_obj(g_term_event); g_delete_wait_obj(g_sync_event); /* delete the xrdp.pid file */ g_file_delete(pid_file); g_free(startup_params); g_deinit(); return 0; }