sed -ri "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g"$TMP/${package}-build-log ||${EXIT_FAIL:-"true"}
# tde-i18n package installation is handled in tde-i18n.SlackBuild because if more than one i18n package is being built, only the last one will be installed by upgradepkg
# Note to self: this alteration appears to fix the problem (Erroing and refusing to compile) BUT makes the script recomnpile it if you run the
# script with re-use even though it is installed. Yeah and it gets really annoying when testing new things lol
# tde-i18n package installation is handled in tde-i18n.SlackBuild because if more than one i18n package is being built, only the last one will be installed by upgradepkg