@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Non-TDE apps are in the Misc category and don't need the \Zb\Zr\Z4R\Znequired TD
"Apps/kshutdown""Shutdown utility for TDE" off "\Zb\Z6 \Zn"\
"Apps/ksquirrel""An image viewer with OpenGL and KIPI support." off "\Zb\Z6 Requires kipi-plugins tdelibkdcraw tdelibkexiv2 tdelibkipi libksquirrel. \Zn"\
"Apps/kvpnc""TDE frontend for various vpn clients" off "\Zb\Z6 Miscellaneous documentation will be in $(cat $TMPVARS/INSTALL_TDE)/doc/kvpnc-$(cat $TMPVARS/TDEVERSION) \Zn"\
"Apps/ktorrent" "A BitTorrent client for TDE" off "\Zb\Z6 \Zn"\
"Apps/tdektorrent" "A BitTorrent client for TDE" off "\Zb\Z6 \Zn"\
"Apps/kaffeine""Media player for TDE" off "\Zb\Z6 \Zn"\
"Apps/rosegarden""Audio sequencer and musical notation editor" off "\Zb\Z6 Requires jack-audio-connection-kit liblo and dssi for proper funtionality \Zn"\
"Apps/kbfx""Alternate menu for TDE" off "\Zb\Z6 \Zn"\