15 Commits (2570a9a3cde4aa498ff61eed64e1d527f213fd01)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ray-V 2570a9a3cd Removals, revisions and patches ..
Set a number of installation directories in tqt3.SlackBuild to install tqt3/tqtinterface to TDE installation directory to create what I feel is a more compact and logical tree:
├── bin
├── include
│   └── tqt
│       └── private
├── lib64
│   ├── pkgconfig
│   ├── tde
│   │   └── plugins
│   │       ├── designer
│   │       └── styles
│   └── tqt
│       ├── mkspecs
│       └── plugins
│           ├── crypto
│           ├── designer
│           ├── inputmethods
│           ├── integration
│           └── styles
└── share
    └── tqt
        └── translations
Revised doinst.sh and pkgconfig.sh setup in tqt3.SlackBuild
Removed PREPEND which probably never worked anyway
Removed TQT_INCLUDE_PATH C*FLAGS - patched admin/acinclude.m4.in
Removed SLKLDFLAGS - not used
Removed ld error workaround patches
Fixed build not stopping when set to Stop
Fixed retaining tde-i18n build data when set to Keep ALL
Revised cmake options
Set TDE binaries directory to head of PATH
Patch in tdelibs.SlackBuild to find avahi-tqt headers
Patches in {tdevelop,tdeedu,tdemultimedia}.SlackBuild to find libtqt-mt
Patch in tdewebdev.SlackBuild for 'undefined reference' error
Added RPATH to all SlackBuilds
5 years ago
Ray-V f0ae940b29 Added option to download sources pre-build
Moved content of additional files for tqt3, tdebase, into the SlackBuild
Standardized location of man pages, and gzip them
Removed unused sysconfdir and mandir references
Modified layout and content of BUILD-TDE.sh screens
Changed tde prefix for ktorrent, k3b-i18n, k3b, gwenview-i18n, gwenview, filelight, amarok, libkipi, libkexiv2, libkdcraw, to optional
Removed lib prefix to mp4v2 package
Changed tidy-html5 source from zip to tar.gz
5 years ago
Ray-V 4cec16280b Updates
Removed redundant patches - digikam, dolphin, k9copy, kaffeine, koffice, soundkonverter, tdmtheme, tdeaddons, tdebase, tdegraphics, tdenetwork, tdepim, tdeutils, inkscape
Converted to cmake - tde-style-lipstik
Added locale selection in SlackBuilds - abakus, kdbg, piklab, rosegarden, tdeio-locate
Updated locale selection in SlackBuilds - amarok, dolphin, filelight, gwenview-i18n, gtk-qt-engine, k3b-i18n, kbookreader, knetstats, krusader, libkipi
Patched tdeedu for Kig python scripting support
Patched tdegraphics for cgit build
Updated some Misc build source URLs
Added some error checking to tidy-html5 for source archive
Moved database update routine from SlackBuilds to a get-source.sh function
General SlackBuild standardisation and tidying
5 years ago
Ray-V ee37f09793 Added R14.0.6 build
Removed old version builds
Updated get-source.sh for default TDE archive type tar.xz
 .. and added ARCHIVE_TYPE for misc builds which were tar.bz2
Updated xmedcon version [issue 14]
Corrected cd for koffice-i18n [issue 15]
Added cmake for libart-lgpl development version [issue 16]
5 years ago
Ray-V 25f8dd9c8e added option to build R14.0.5
option for minimal tqt3 build, for run-time support only
patch for konqueror ViewMode
patches for builds with poppler 0.64+ and 0.65+
work-around for tdenetwork build error on current
updated README
patch to enable tdecmshell to find TDE .desktop file
7 years ago
Ray-V 4a08326eb9 Final revisions for a complete build using git sources 7 years ago
Ray-V aea999128a Some Misc builds version updates
Fixed tidy-html5 localization
7 years ago
Ray-V 5491a8bd04 Updates from olevenets2 patches 2-23 for clang builds and tdm
Updated sources for libpng14 and graphviz
Re-arranged BUILD-TDE.sh packages list
Removed some READMEs and added comments in SBs
Moved patch files into SBs
Added runlevel option and README for tdebase build
7 years ago
Ray-V 684d58d099 Updated inkscape.SlackBuild - v0.92.2 with patch for poppler-0.58
Removed TAG from package name
Added arm hf/sf suffix for package name
Added LIBDIRSUFFIX to YAUAP test for tdeamarok.SlackBuild
7 years ago
Ray-V 8f1b5e4ceb Added option for building on Raspberry Pi3
Added patches for building with gcc 7
8 years ago
Thorn Inurcide a41e0d34ab Updates possibly related to undiagnosed OCD 8 years ago
Ray-V 11d781840e Set up functions script
- modified get-source.sh and replaced common code in SBs with a function call
Added xmedcon to Misc build list
Added -no-exceptions option to tqt3 build
Added dbus-tqt slack-desc to dbus-tqt.SlackBuild
Added selected language support to some SlackBuilds
Moved some Misc optional packages in BUILD-TDE.sh next to the package that needs them
8 years ago
Thorn Inurcide 9f65c03c21 updates,fixes, and cleanups 8 years ago
Thorn Inurcide ad45d3dd1f update to license year 8 years ago
Thorn Inurcde e3cf204444 overhail 9 years ago