6 Commits (f5f36083468878ed251b65f8db01c2206b757dca)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ray-V f0ae940b29 Added option to download sources pre-build
Moved content of additional files for tqt3, tdebase, into the SlackBuild
Standardized location of man pages, and gzip them
Removed unused sysconfdir and mandir references
Modified layout and content of BUILD-TDE.sh screens
Changed tde prefix for ktorrent, k3b-i18n, k3b, gwenview-i18n, gwenview, filelight, amarok, libkipi, libkexiv2, libkdcraw, to optional
Removed lib prefix to mp4v2 package
Changed tidy-html5 source from zip to tar.gz
5 years ago
Ray-V 4cec16280b Updates
Removed redundant patches - digikam, dolphin, k9copy, kaffeine, koffice, soundkonverter, tdmtheme, tdeaddons, tdebase, tdegraphics, tdenetwork, tdepim, tdeutils, inkscape
Converted to cmake - tde-style-lipstik
Added locale selection in SlackBuilds - abakus, kdbg, piklab, rosegarden, tdeio-locate
Updated locale selection in SlackBuilds - amarok, dolphin, filelight, gwenview-i18n, gtk-qt-engine, k3b-i18n, kbookreader, knetstats, krusader, libkipi
Patched tdeedu for Kig python scripting support
Patched tdegraphics for cgit build
Updated some Misc build source URLs
Added some error checking to tidy-html5 for source archive
Moved database update routine from SlackBuilds to a get-source.sh function
General SlackBuild standardisation and tidying
5 years ago
Ray-V c18d07c7f0 Updated for release 14.0.7
modified:   Apps/kbookreader/kbookreader.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/kdbusnotification/kdbusnotification.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/kile/kile.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/knemo/knemo.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/tdeamarok/tdeamarok.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/tdektorrent/tdektorrent.SlackBuild
modified:   Apps/yakuake/yakuake.SlackBuild
modified:   BUILD-TDE.sh
modified:   Core/tdeadmin/tdeadmin.SlackBuild
new file:   Core/tdeedu/README
modified:   Core/tdeedu/tdeedu.SlackBuild
modified:   Core/tdelibs/tdelibs.SlackBuild
new file:   Core/tdemultimedia/README
modified:   Core/tdemultimedia/tdemultimedia.SlackBuild
modified:   Core/tdenetwork/tdenetwork.SlackBuild
new file:   Deps/akode/README
new file:   Deps/akode/akode.SlackBuild
modified:   Deps/avahi-tqt/avahi-tqt.SlackBuild
modified:   Deps/dbus-tqt/dbus-tqt.SlackBuild
modified:   Deps/libart-lgpl/libart-lgpl.SlackBuild
modified:   Deps/tqca-tls/tqca-tls.SlackBuild
modified:   Libs/tdelibkexiv2/tdelibkexiv2.SlackBuild
modified:   Libs/tdelibkipi/tdelibkipi.SlackBuild
modified:   README.md
modified:   get-source.sh
5 years ago
Ray-V 6e096d4059 Added option to set TDE system configuration directory
.. changes mainly in tdebase.Slackbuild and its supplementary files
7 years ago
Thorn Inurcide a41e0d34ab Updates possibly related to undiagnosed OCD 8 years ago
Thorn Inurcide 2a1d852e21 add kdbg tdmtheme and tdeadmin 8 years ago