Trinity Desktop Environment Packaging – Slackware slackbuilds
You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Ray-V 25f8dd9c8e added option to build R14.0.5
option for minimal tqt3 build, for run-time support only
patch for konqueror ViewMode
patches for builds with poppler 0.64+ and 0.65+
work-around for tdenetwork build error on current
updated README
patch to enable tdecmshell to find TDE .desktop file
7 years ago
Apps added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
Core added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
Deps added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
Libs Added option to set TDE system configuration directory 7 years ago
Misc added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
src merged gitbuild branch into master 7 years ago added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
CHANGELOG added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago
README added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago Updated inkscape.SlackBuild - v0.92.2 with patch for poppler-0.58 7 years ago added option to build R14.0.5 7 years ago


Build TDE [Trinity Desktop Environment] for Slackware 14.2 or current on i586+, x86_64, or Raspberry Pi3 [see].

Run ./ - a dialog based script with a series of screens for user input. Build the release versions R14.0.4/5 from tar archives or the development version from trinitydesktop cgit.


Any package, or set of packages, can be built by running and selecting them from the 'TDE Packages Selection' screen.
The TDE mandatory packages can be pre-selected.
Some packages also require other packages to be pre-installed - see notes at the bottom of the dialog screen.

The directory structure for the SlackBuild scripts is in line with the Trinity source repositories:
Deps [dependencies/]
Core []
Libs [libraries/]
Apps [applications/]

Other directories are:
Misc - for non-Trinity package builds
src - to hold all the source tarballs, either pre-downloaded or downloaded during the build.

Other scripts: - a chunk of common code for the SBs - used for getting the source archive, setting FLAGS, creating build directories.

There is an override in the Misc SlackBuilds for non-trinity source archive URLs. Non-trinity builds have been included where a TDE package requires a dependency that is not in Slackware. Or, where it might be an alternative to a TDE package.

Required packages for a basic working TDE are:

i18n support [locale and html/help docs] in the packages is restricted to whatever is selected in and, of that, to whatever is available in the package source.

TDM may need some manual setting up - see Core/tdebase/README, which can also be viewed while running if tdebase is selected.

See for more information

Building the development version from git sources

The individual TDE apps can be cloned from Trinity git, so the build is set up to do that - except for individual language packs of tde-i18n. The whole tde-i18n download is ~1x10^6 bytes, so to reduce that, wget is used to download individual tde-i18n-$lang packs as they are not git repositories.

Once any git repository has been cloned, further downloads are updates only[1].

This gives the best options - only fetching what is needed, and incremental updates.

The git repositories are cloned to 'src/cgit'

[1] The i18n downloads with wget can't be updated because cgit produces 'current time' timestamps. The consequence is that if tde-i18n-$lang is a part of the build after its initial download, it will be downloaded again. As the latest update was a year ago, once built, there will probably be no need to do so again and so tde-i18n for a particular language will probably only be run once. On that basis I don't see this being a significant issue.

[2] If Slackware's KDE is installed as well as TDE, there might be an issue with TDE launching the KDE4 Konsole and attempting to use it's ark. To fix, adjust the PATH so that the TDE directories come before /usr/share/bin.

[3] The Misc directory contains SlackBuilds for software that might already be installed from other sources. Please check because any misc builds selected here could overwrite them.